Can I introspect a variable to directly discover what subset it was declared with? - introspection

Is there a way to introspect a variable to directly find out what subset it was declared with? Here I create a subset, but introspection points me to its base type:
> subset Prime of Int where .is-prime
> my Prime $x = 23
> $x.WHICH
I know it has to store the information somewhere, because if I try to reassign a value that doesn't match the subset, it fails:
> $x = 24
Type check failed in assignment to $x; expected Prime but got Int (24)
in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
I tried searching through the code, but I quickly get down into files like container.c and perl6_ops.c where the C code makes my eyes glaze over. I thought that X::TypeCheck::Assignment might help (see core/, but it's not clear to me where the expected value comes from. (see also this commit)
I feel like I'm missing something obvious.
I can check that something matches a subset, but that doesn't tell me if it were declared with a particular subset:
> my Int $y = 43;
> $y ~~ Prime;
I'm using Rakudo Star 2017.01
Inspired by a Zoffix's use of subsets in a recent post.

The value that you stored in $x is an Int. It is acceptable to the container (which you typed to Prime) because Prime is a subtype of Int.
So what you're interested in, is not the value in the container, but the type of the container. To get at the container, Perl 6 has the .VAR method. And that has an .of method to get at the type:
$ 6 'subset Prime of Int where .is-prime; my Prime $x; dd $x.VAR.of'


How can i specify parameter dependent on index value?

I'm trying to port code from DML 1.2 to DML 1.4. Here is part of code that i ported:
group rx_queue [i < NQUEUES] {
param desctype = i < 64 #? regs.SRRCTL12[i].DESCTYPE.val #: regs.SRRCTL2[i - 64].DESCTYPE.val; // error occurs here
Error says:
error: non-constant expression: cast(i, int64 ) < 64
How can i specify parameter dependent on index value?
I tried to use if...else instead ternary operator, but it says that conditional parameters are not allowed in DML.
Index parameters in DML are a slightly magical expressions; when used from within parameters, they can evaluate to either a constant or a variable depending on where the parameter is used from. Consider the following example:
group g[i < 5] {
param x = i * 4;
method m() {
log info: "%d", x;
log info: "%d", g[4 - i].x;
log info: "%d", g[2].x;
i becomes an implicit local variable within the m method, and in params, indices are a bit like implicit macro parameters. When the compiler encounters x in the first log statement, the param will expand to i * 4 right away. In the second log statement, the x param is taken from an object indexed with the expression 4 - i, so param expansion will instead insert (5 - i) * 4. In the third log statement, the x param is taken from a constant indexed object, so it expands to 2 * 4 which collapses into the constant 8.
Most uses of desctype will likely happen from contexts where indices are variable, and the #? expression requires a constant boolean as condition, so this will likely give an error as soon as anyone tries to use it.
I would normally advise you to switch from #? to ? in the definition of the desctype param, but that fails in this particular case: DMLC will report error: array index out of bounds on the i - 64 expression. This error is much more confusing, and happens because DMLC automatically evaluates every parameter once with all zero indices, to smoke out misspelled identifiers; this will include evaluation of SRRCTL2[i-64] which collapses into SRRCTL2[-64] which annoys DMLC.
This is arguably a compiler bug; DMLC should probably be more tolerant in this corner. (Note that even if we would remove the zero-indexed validation step from the compiler, your parameter would still give the same error message if it ever would be explicitly referenced with a constant index, like log info: "%d", rx_queue[0].desctype).
The reason why you didn't get an error in DML 1.2 is that DML 1.2 had a single ternary operator ? that unified 1.4's ? and #?; when evaluated with a constant condition the dead branch would be disregarded without checking for errors. This had some strange effects in other situations, but made your particular use case work.
My concrete advise would be to replace the param with a method; this makes all index variables unconditionally non-constant which avoids the problem:
method desctype() -> (uint64) {
return i < 64 ? regs.SRRCTL12[i].DESCTYPE.val : regs.SRRCTL2[i - 64].DESCTYPE.val;

“P6opaque, Str” vs simple “Str” types in Perl 6

This is a follow-up to my previous question.
I am finally able to reproduce the error here:
my #recentList = prompt("Get recentList: e.g. 1 2 3: ").words || (2,4,6);
say "the list is: ", #recentList;
for #recentList -> $x {
say "one element is: ", $x;
say "element type is: ", $x.WHAT;
say "test (1,2,3).tail(\"2\") : ", (1,2,3).tail("2");
say ( (10.rand.Int xx 10) xx 15 ).map: { #($_.tail($x)); };
And the results are ok as long as I use the default list by just hitting return at the prompt and not entering anything. But if I enter a number, it gives this error:
Get recentList: e.g. 1 2 3: 2
the list is: [2]
one element is: 2
element type is: (Str)
test (1,2,3).tail("2") : (2 3)
This type cannot unbox to a native integer: P6opaque, Str
in block at intType.p6 line 9
in block <unit> at intType.p6 line 5
If tail("2") works, why does tail($x) fail? Also, in my original code, tail($x.Int) wouldn't correct the problem, but it did here.
This is at best a nanswer. It is a thus-far failed attempt to figure out this problem. I may have just wandered off into the weeds. But I'll publish what I have. If nothing else, maybe it can serve as a reminder that the first three steps below are sensible ones; thereafter I'm gambling on my ability to work my way forward by spelunking source code when I would probably make much faster and more reliable progress by directly debugging the compiler as discussed in the third step.
OK, the first step was an MRE. What you've provided was an E that was fully R and sufficiently M. :)
Step #2 was increasing the M (golfing). I got it down to:
Any.tail('0'); # OK
Any.tail('1'); # BOOM
Note that it can be actual values:
1.tail('1'); # BOOM
(1..2).tail('1'); # BOOM
But some values work:
(1,2).tail('1'); # OK
Step #3 probably should be to follow the instructions in Playing with the code of Rakudo Perl 6 to track the compiler's execution, eg by sticking says in its source code and recompiling it.
You may also want to try out App::MoarVM::Debug. (I haven't.)
Using these approaches you'll have the power to track with absolute precision what the compiler does for any code you throw at it. I recommend you do this even though I didn't. Maybe you can figure out where I've gone wrong.
In the following I trace this problem by just directly spelunking the Rakudo compiler's source code.
A search for "method tail" in the Rakudo sources yielded 4 matches. For my golf the matching method is a match in core/AnyIterableMethods.pm6.
The tail parameter $n clearly isn't a Callable so the pertinent line that continues our spelunking is Rakudo::Iterator.LastNValues(self.iterator,$n,'tail').
A search for this leads to this method in core/Iterator.pm6.
This in turn calls this .new routine.
These three lines:
n <= 0, # must be HLL comparison
Rakudo::Iterator.Empty, # negative is just nothing
explain why '0' works. The <= operator coerces its operands to numeric before doing the numeric comparison. So '0' coerces to 0, the condition is True, the result is Rakudo::Iterator.Empty, and the Any.tail('0') yields () and doesn't complain.
The code that immediately follows the above three lines is the else branch of the nqp::if. It closes with nqp::create(self)!SET-SELF(iterator,n,f).
That in turn calls the !SET-SELF routine, which has the line:
($!lastn := nqp::setelems(nqp::list, $!size = size)),
Which attempts to assign size, which in our BOOM case is '1', to $!size. But $!size is declared as:
has int $!size;
Or is it? I don't know if I really have correctly tracked the problem down. I'm only spelunking the code in the github repo, not actually running an instrumented version of the compiler and tracing its execution, as discussed as the sensible step #3 for trying to figure out the problem you've encountered.
Worse, when I'm running a compiler it's an old one whereas the code I'm spelunking is the master...
Why does this work?
(*,*).tail('1') # OK
The code path for this will presumably be this method. The parameter $n isn't a Callable so the code path will run thru the path that uses the $n in the lines:
nqp::istype($n,Whatever) || $n == Inf,
$iterator.skip-at-least(nqp::elems($!reified) - $n.Int)
The $n == Inf shouldn't be a problem. The == will coerce its operands to numerics and that should take care of $n being '1'.
The nqp::elems($!reified) - $n.Int shouldn't be a problem either.
The nqp ops doc shows that nqp::elems always returns an int. So this boils down to an int - Int which should work.
A blame of these lines shows that the .Int in the last line was only added 3 months ago.
So, clutching at straws, what happens if one tries:
(my int $foo = 1) - '1' # OK
Nope, that's not the problem.
It seems the trail has grown cold or rather I've wandered off the actual execution path.
I'll publish what I've got. Maybe someone else can pick it up from here or I'll have another go in a day or three...

Thrust custom binary predicate parallelization

I am implementing a custom binary predicate used by the thrust::max_element search algorithm. It also keeps track of a value of interest which the algorithm alone cannot yield. It looks something like this:
struct cmp_class{
cmp_class(int *val1){
this->val1 = val1;
bool operator()(int i, int j){
if (j < *val1) { *val1 = j; }
return i < j;
int *val1;
int val1 = ARRAY[0];
std::max_element(ARRAY, ARRAY+length, cmp(&val1));
.... use val1
My actual binary predicate is quite a bit more complex, but the example above captures the gist of it: I am passing a pointer to an integer to the binary predicate cmp, which then writes to that integer to keep track of some value (here the running minimum). Since max_element first calls cmp()(ARRAY[0],ARRAY[1]) and then cmp()(running maximum,ARRAY[i]), I only look at value j inside cmp and therefore initialize val1 = ARRAY[0] to ensure ARRAY[0] is taken into account.
If I do the above on the host, using std::max_element for example, this works fine. The values of val1 is what I expect given known data. However, using Thrust to execute this on the GPU, its value is off. I suspect this is due to the parallelization of thrust::max_element, which is recursively applied on sub arrays, the results of which form another array which thrust::max_element is run on, etc. Does this hold water?
In general, the binary predicates used for thrust reductions are expected to be commutative. I'm using "commutative" here to mean that the predicate result should be valid regardless of the order in which the arguments are presented.
At the initial stage of a thrust parallel reduction, the arguments are likely to be presented in an order you might expect (i.e. in the order of the vectors passed to the reduce function, or in the order that the values occur in a single vector.) However, later on in the parallel reduction process, the origin of the arguments may get mixed up, during the parallel-sweeping. Any binary comparison functor that assumes an ordering to the arguments is probably broken, for thrust parallel reductions.
In your case, the boolean result of your comparison functor should be valid regardless of the order of arguments presented, and in that respect it appears to be properly commutative.
However, regarding the custom storage functionality you have built-in around val1, it seems pretty clear that the results in val1 could be different depending on the order in which arguments are passed to the functor. Consider this simple max-finding sequence amongst a set values passed to the functor as (i,j) (assume val1 starts out at a large value):
values: 10 5 3 7 12
comparison pairs: (10,5) (10,3) (10,7) (10,12)
comparison result: 10 10 10 12
val1 storage: 5 3 3 3
Now suppose that we simply reverse the order that arguments are presented to the functor:
values: 10 5 3 7 12
comparison pairs: (5,10) (3,10) (7,10) (12,10)
comparison result: 10 10 10 12
val1 storage: 10 10 10 10
Another issue is that you have no atomic protection on val1 that I can see:
if (j < *val1) { *val1 = j; }
The above line of code may be OK in a serial realization. In a parallel multi-threaded algorithm, you have the possibility for multiple threads to be accessing (reading and writing) *val1 simultaneously, which will have undefined results.

Behavior of `=` in alloy fact

I was experimenting with alloy and wrote this code.
one sig s1{
vals: some Int
#vals = 4
one sig s2{
vals: some Int
#vals = 4
fact {
all a : s1.vals | a > 2
all i : s2.vals | i < 15
s1.vals = s2.vals
pred p{}
run p
It seems to me that {3,4,5,6} at least is a solution however Alloy says no instance found. When I comment s1.vals = s2.vals or change i < 15 to i > 2, it finds instances.
Can anyone please explain me why? Thanks.
Alloy's relationship with integers is sometimes mildly strained; it's not designed for heavily numeric applications, and many uses of integers in conventional programming are better handled in Alloy by other signatures.
The default bit width for integers is 4 bits, and Alloy uses twos-complement integers, so your run p is asking for a world in which integers range in value from -8 to 7. In that world, the constraint i < 15 is subject to integer overflow, and turns out to mean, in effect, i < -1. (To see this, comment out both of your constraints so that you get some instances. Then (a) leaf through the instances produced by the Analylzer and look at the integers that appear in them; you'll see their range is as I describe. Also, (b) open the Evaluator and type the numeral "15"; you'll see that its value in this universe is -1.)
If you change your run command to provide an appropriate bit width for integers (e.g. run p for 5 int), you'll get instances which are probably more like what you were expecting.
An alternative change, however, which leads to a more idiomatic Alloy model, is to abstract away from the specific kind of value by defining a sig for values:
sig value {}
Then change the declaration for vals in s1 and s2 from some Int to some value, and comment out the numeric constraints on them (or substitute some other interesting constraints for them). And then run p in a suitable scope (e.g. run p for 8 value).

autocasting and type conversion in specman e

Consider the following example in e:
var a : int = -3
var b : int = 3
var c : uint = min(a,b); print c
c = 3
var d : int = min(a,b); print d
d = -3
The arguments inside min() are autocasted to the type of the result expression.
My questions are:
Are there other programming languages that use type autocasting, how do they treat functions like min() and max()?
Is this behavior logical? I mean this definition is not consistent with the following possible definition of min:
a < b ? a : b
There are many languages that do type autocasting and many that will not. I should say upfront that I don't think it's a very good idea, and I prefer a more principled behavior in my language but some people prefer the convenience and lack of verbosity of autocasting.
Perl is an example of a language that does type autocasting and here's a really fun example that shows when this can be quite confusing.
print "bob" eq "bob";
print "nancy" eq "nancy";
print "bob" == "bob";
print "nancy" == "nancy";
The above program prints 1 (for true) three times, not four. Why not the forth? Well, "nancy" is not == "nancy". Why not? Because == is the numerical equality operator. eq is for string equality. The strings are being compared as you might thing in eq but in == they are being converted to number automatically. What number is "bob" equally to? Zero of course. Any string that doesn't have a number as its prefix is interpreted as zero. For this reason "bob" == "chris" is true. Why isn't "nancy" == "nancy"? Why isn't "nancy" zero? Because that is read as "nan" for "not a number". NaN is not equal to another NaN. I, personally, find this confusing.
Javascript is another example of a language that will do type autocasting.
'5' - 3
What's the result of that expression? 2! Very good.
'5' + 3
What's the result of that one? 8? Wrong! It's '53'.
Confused? Good. Wow Javascript, Such Good Conventions, Much Sense. It's a series of really funny Javascript evaluations based on automatic casting of types.
Why would anyone do this!?
After seeing some carefully selected horror stories you might be asking yourself why people who are intelligent enough to invent two of the most popular programming languages in the entire world would do something so silly. I don't like type autocasting but to be fair, there is an argument for it. It's not purely a bug. Consider the following Haskell expression:
length [1,2,3,4] / 2
What does this equal? 2? 2.0? Nope! It doesn't compile due to a type error. length returns an Int and you can't divide that. You must explicitly cast the length to a fraction by calling fromIntegral in order for this to work.
fromIntegral (length [1,2,3,4]) / 2
That can definitely get quite annoying if you're doing a lot of math with integers and floats moving about in your program. But I would greatly prefer that to having to understand why nancy isn't equal to nancy but chris is, in fact, equal to bob.
Happy medium?
Scheme only have one number type. It automatically converts floats and fractions and ints happy and treats them just as you'd expect. It will allow you to divide the length of a list without explicit casting because it knows what you mean. But no, it will never secretly convert a string to a number. Strings aren't numbers. That's just silly. ;)
Your example
As for your example, it's hard to say it is or is not logical. Confusing, yes. I mean you're here on stack overflow aren't you? The reason you're getting 3 I think is either -3 is being interpreted, like Ross said, as a unit in 2's compliment and is a much higher number or because the result of the min is -3 and then it's getting turned into an unsigned int by dropping the negative. The problem is that you asked it for asked it to put the result into an unsigned int but the result is negative. So I would say that what it did is logical in the context of type autocasting, but that type autocasting is confusing. Presumably, you're being saved from having to do explicit type casting all over the place and paying for it with weird behavior like this on occasion.
