Azure-search: How to get documents which exactly contain search term - azure

This question/answer dealt with a pretty similar topic, but I couldn't find the solution I was searching for.
How to practially use a keywordanalyzer in azure-search?
Starting situation:
I created a resource with multiple indexes. One of these indexes contains a Collection(Edm.String) field.
From this field i only want to get documents which exactly contain the search term. For example the field contains documents like these: "Hovercraft zero", "Hovercraft one", "Hovercraft two".
If the search term is "Hover" all three documents should be returned. If the search term is "craft zer" only the document "Hovercraft zero" should be returned. The document shouldn't get a higher score, the desired behaviour is that I only get the "Hovercraft zero" document as result.
Further information:
It is not possible to set the searchmode to all (like it was recommended in the question on the top) because I just want to set this behaviour for this specific field and not for all search queries. It also is not possible to let the responsibility on the user to enter the search term with quotes.
What I have tried so far:
Use the keyword analyzer like it was described in the question on
top: no success
Use an indexanalyzer with specific token filters (ngram,
lowercase) and a searchanalyzer as a keyword analyzer: no success
Use Charfilters to manipulate the search term and manually set the
quotes on the first and last position (craft zer -> "craft zer").
Like Yahnoosh explained in the question on top, the query parser
processes the query string before the analyzers are applied. So:
no success
Is there any solution for this issue?
Or is there a other approach to achieve the desired behaviour?
Hopefully someone can help.
Thanks in advance!

Using your example with three documents: "Hovercraft zero", "Hovercraft one", "Hovercraft two"
Issue a prefix query to find all documents that contain terms that start with "Hover"
To match the term "craft zer", you need to use the keyword analyzer (or the keyword tokenizer with the lowercase token filter) at indexing time to make sure elements of your string collection are not tokenized. Then at query time you can issue a regex query (note regex queries are much slower than term or prefix queries)
search=/.craft zer./&queryType=full
Also, please use the Analyze API to test your custom analyzer configurations. It will help you make sure the analyzer produces the terms you expect.

Thanks #Yahnoosh for your answer, I found a solution that worked for me.
Short example:
I have an index including three fields (field1, field2, field3). From field3 I want a result where documents exactly contain the search term. From field1 and field2 I want do get a "standard" result.
I manipulated the searchquery to ->
field1:{searchterm} || field2:{searchterm} || field3:"{searchterm}" &queryType=full
Using this searchquery field1 and field2 are queried in the "standard" way and field3 is queried with the behaviour i was searching for. Of course there are more efficient and elegant ways out there to solve this issue, but it worked for me.
If anybody has a better solution let me know ;)


Returning accented as well as normal result set via azure search filters

Does anyone know how to ensure we can return normal result as well as accented result set via the azure search filter. For e.g the below filter query in Azure search returns a name called unicorn when i check for record with name unicorn.
var result= searchServiceClient.Documents.SearchAsync<myDto>("*",new SearchParameters
SearchFields = new List<string> {"Name"},
Filter = "Name eq 'unicorn'"
This is all good but what i want is i want to write a filter such that it returns record named unicorn as well as record named únicorn (please note the first accented character) provided that both record exist.
This can be achieved when searching for such name via the search query using language or Standard ASCII folding search analyzer as mentioned in this link. What i am struggling to find out is how can we implement the same with azure filters?
Please let me know if anyone has got any solutions around this.
Filters are applied on the non-analyzed representation of the data, so I don’t think there’s any way to do any type of linguistic analysis on filters. One way to work around this is to manually create a field which only do lowercasing + asciifloding (no tokenization) and then search lucene queries that look like this:
"normal search query terms" AND customFilterColumn:"filtérValuèWithÄccents"
Basically the document would both need to match the search terms in any field AND also match the filter term in the “customFilterColumn”. This may not be sufficient for your needs, but at least you understand the art of the possible.
Using filters it won't work unless you specify in advance all the possibilities:
for example:
$filter=name eq 'unicorn' or name eq 'únicorn'
You'd better work with a different analyzer that will change accents to it's root form. As another possibility, you can try fuzzy search:

Can someone help me understand Solr search behaviour in this case?

Query is this :- (Profisee)
Indexed Field has the exact same token as in the above input query. But Solr search is giving zero results.
If Query is this :- (Profisee
Then I am able to find the document in the result.
P.S: I am able to get the document result for (Pro, (Profi, (Profise etc queries also.
Here are the attached images.
Exact Query No Result
Inexact Query Got Result
Here is my schema.xml definition for the fieldtype
First, please include the relevant details in your question next time, as images are hard to search, makes it hard to get the overview of your question and is hard to read for those that doesn't have perfect vision.
For your actual question, the problem is that you have a WhitespaceTokenizer. This will only break words on whitespace, such as . The indexed document contains your term as (foo), which means that only (foo) will match (since the tokenizer only breaks on whitespace, and ( or ) isn't whitespace).
foo (bar) will be indexed as two tokens, foo and (bar). Searching for (bar will match neither.
Use the StandardTokenizer to get the behaviour you want, or use a WordDelimiterGraphFilterFactory to break the word into further tokens.

Solr Search Field Best Practices

I'm using solr for an enterprise application. So far it works well, as I am using a ngram field to search against. It works correctly for partial queries (match against indexed ngrams). But the problem I have is, how to enforce exact query matches?. For an example the query "Test 1" should match exactly the same text as it is when the user enter it with double quotation marks. Currently Since I have used some tokenizers and filters, the double quotation marks get filtered out, there's no difference in the queries "test 1", "tEst 1" or "TEST 1" (that is because of the analyzer chain I use, but it is needed to work with ngrams and partial search).
Currently I'm searching against a ngram query field. In order to enforce exact query match, what should I do? what is the best practice?. currently what I think is to identify the double quotation marks from client side and change the query field to the original field (with out ngrams). But I feel like there should be a better way of doing this, since the problem I have is generic and solr is a complete enterprise level search engine.
You can have another field for it and add string as the fieldType for the same and index it with same.
When you want to perform the exact match you can query on the above field.
And when you want to perform partial search can query to the earlier field which is indexed by ngram.
OR.. Here is another way you can try.
You have defined the current field type using the ngram. In that while indexing you can define the ngram tokenizer and for the query you mention keywordTokenizer and lowercase filter factory only.
While indexing the text will be tokenized and while performing the query it will not.

How to implement faceted search suggestion with number of relevant items in Solr?

I have a very specific need in my company for the system's search engine, and I can't seem to find a solution.
We have a SOLR index of items, all of them have the same fields, with one of the fields being "Type", (And ofcourse, "Title", "Text", and so on).
What I need is: I get an Item Type and a Query String, and I need to return a list of search suggestion with each also saying how meny items of the correct type will that suggested string return.
Something like, if the original string is "goo" I'll get
Goo 10
Google 52
Goolag 2
and so on.
now, How do I do it?
I don't want to re-query SOLR for each different suggestion, but if there is no other way, I just might.
Thanks in advance
you can try edge n-gram tokenization
You can try facets. Take a look at my more detailed description ('Autocompletion').
This was implemented at with Solr ... now using ElasticSearch but the Solr sources are still available and the idea is also the identical
The SpellCheckComponent of Solr (that gives the suggestions) have extended results that can give the frequency of every suggestion in the index -
However, the .Net component SolrNet, does not currently seem to support the extendedResults option: "All of the SpellCheckComponent parameters are supported, except for the extendedResults option" -
This is implemented using a facet field query with a Prefix set. You can test this using the xml handler like this:

Is there any way to search through CouchDB documents for substring

CouchDB gives an opportunity to search values from startkey, for exact key-value pair etc
But is there any way to search for substring in specified field?
The problem is like this. Our news database consists of about 40,000 news documents. Say, they have title, content and url fields. We want to find news documents which have "restaurant" in their title. Is there any way to do it?
View Collation wiki page tells nothing :( And it seems strange to me that there's no tool to handle this problem and all I can to do is just parsing JSON results with Python, PHP or smth else. In MySQL it's simply LOCATE() function..
Use couchdb-lucene.
Be careful here. Lucene is not always the best answer.
If your only searching one limited field and only searching for a word like restaurant then lucene which is really meant to tokenize large texts/documents can be way overkill, you can get the same effect by splitting the title.
var stringarray = doc.title.split(" ");
for(var idx in stringarray)
Also Lucene and Couchdb do not support substring search, where the string is not in the beginning of a word.
