Use gensim Random Projection in sklearn SVM - scikit-learn

Is it possible to use a gensim Random Projection to train a SVM in sklearn?
I need to use gensim's tfidf implementation because it's better at dealing with large inputs and then want to put that into a random projection on which I will train my SVM. I'd also be happy to just pass the tfidf model generated by gensim to sklearn and use their random projection, if that makes things easier.
But so far I haven't found a way to get either model out of gensim into sklearn.
I have tried using gensim.matutils.corpus2cscbut of course that doesn't work: neither TfidfModel nor RpModel are corpi, so now I'm clueless at what to try next.

This is now very easy thanks to an awesome gensim contribution from Chinmaya Pancholi (see post here).
Simply import the sklearn wrapper from `gensim:
from gensim.sklearn_api import RpTransformer
Then, you can use the model to do analysis as you would any other sklearn classifier:
model = RpTransformer(num_topics=2)
clf = svm.SVC()
pipe = Pipeline([('features', model,), ('classifier', clf)]), y_train)
One thing to be aware of, when using the gensim models, is that you still need to perform the dictionary and corpus steps. So instead of fitting your model on X_train, you'll have to do something along the following lines:
dictionary = Dictionary(X_train)
corpus_train = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in X_train]
corpus_test = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in X_test]
Then fit/predict your model on corpus_train or corpus_test.


Fitting a Gensim Fasttext pretrained model to my text

I have a pretrained fast text model, I have loaded it into my notebook and want to fit it to my free form text to train a ML classifier.
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from gensim.models import FastText
import pickle
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm
from gensim.utils import tokenize
model_2 = FastText.load(model_path + 'itsm_fasttext_embeddings_100_dim.model')
tokens = list()
def get_column_vector(model, list_corpus):
for i in list_corpus:
svec = np.zeros(100)
tok_sent = list(tokenize(i))
count = 0
for word in tok_sent:
vec = model.wv[word]
norm_vec = norm(vec)
if (norm_vec > 0):
vec = np.multiply(vec, (1/norm_vec))
svec = np.add(svec, vec)
count += 1
if (count > 0):
averaged_vec = np.multiply(svec, (1/count))
return tokens
list_corpus = df["freeformtext_col"].tolist()
# lst = array of vectors for each row of free form text
lst = get_column_vector(model, list_corpus)
x_text_train, x_text_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(lst, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42), y_train, validation_split=0.1, shuffle=True)
I get the error of
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [59], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1, y_train, validation_split=0.1,
AttributeError: 'FastText' object has no attribute 'fit'
Other documentation showing the initial training of fasttext have the fit function.
I am having trouble finding documentation of others who have taken a pre-tained fasttext gensim model and fit it to their text data to ultimately use a classifier
The Gensim FastText implementation offers no .fit() method. (I also don't see any such method in Facebook's Python wrapper of its original C++ FastText implementation. Even in its supervised-classification mode, it has its own train_supervised() method rather than a scikit-learn-style fit() method.)
If you saw some online example using such a method, it must have been using a different FastText implementation - so you should consult the full details of that other example to see which library they were using.
I don't know of any good online examples showing how to 'fine-tune' a pretrained FastText model to a smaller set of new texts, much less any demonstrating benefits, gotchas, & rules-of-thumb for performing such an operation.
If you did see an online example suggesting such an approach, & demonstrating some benefits over other less-complicated approaches, then that source-of-inspiration would also be the model to follow - or to mention/link when trying to debug their approach. Without someone's full working examples as a guide/template, you're in improvised-innovation mode.
Note you don't have to start with someone else's pre-trained model. You can train your own FastText models with your own training texts – and for many domains, & tasks, this could work better than a generic model trained from public sources like Wikipedia texts or large web crawls.
And when you do, you have the option of simply using FastText in its base unsupervised mode – as a way to featurize text – then pass those FastText-modeled features to some other explicit classifier option (such as the many calssifiers in scikit-learn with .fit() methods).
FastText's own -supervised mode builds a different kind of model that combines the word-training with the classification-training. A general FastText language model you find online is unlikely to be a specific -supervised mode model, unless it is explicitly declared to be one. If it's a standard unsupervised model, there's no straightforward way to adapt it into a -supervised model. And if it is already a -supervised model, it will have already been trained for someone else's fixed set of known-labels.

is it possible to set the splitting strategy for GridSearchCv?

I'm optimizing model's hyperparameters by GridSearchCv. And because the data I'm working with is very imbalanced, I need to "choose" the manner that the algortihm splits the train/test sets in order to ensure that the underrepresented points are in both sets.
By reading scikit-learn's documentation, I have the idea that it's possible to set the splitting strategy for GridSearch but I'm not sure how or if this is the case.
I would be very grateful if someone could help me with this.
Yes, pass in the GridSearchCV as cv a StratifiedKFold object.
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
from sklearn import svm, datasets
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
iris = datasets.load_iris()
parameters = {'kernel':('linear', 'rbf'), 'C':[1, 10]}
svc = svm.SVC()
skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5)
clf = GridSearchCV(svc, parameters, cv = skf),
By default, if you are training a classification model with GridSearchCV, the default method for splitting the dataset is StratifiedKFold, that takes care of balancing the dataset according to the target variable.
If your dataset is imbalanced for some other reason (not the target variable), you can choose another criteria to perform the split. Carefully read the documentation of GridSearchCV, and select an appropriate CV splitter.
In the scikit-learn documentation of model selection, there are many Splitter Classes that you could use. Or you can define your own splitter class according to your criteria, but it would be more difficult.

Looking for an effective NLP Phrase Embedding model

The goal I want to achieve is to find a good word_and_phrase embedding model that can do:
(1) For the words and phrases that I am interested in, they have embeddings.
(2) I can use embeddings to compare similarity between two things(could be word or phrase)
So far I have tried two paths:
1: Some Gensim-loaded pre-trained models, for instance:
from gensim.models.word2vec import Word2Vec
import gensim.downloader as api
# download the model and return as object ready for use
model_glove_twitter = api.load("fasttext-wiki-news-subwords-300")
model_glove_twitter.similarity('computer-science', 'machine-learning')
The problem with this path is that I do not know if a phrase has embedding. For this example, I got this error:
KeyError: "word 'computer-science' not in vocabulary"
I will have to try different pre-trained models, such as word2vec-google-news-300, glove-wiki-gigaword-300, glove-twitter-200, etc. Results are similar, there are always phrases of interests not having embeddings.
Then I tried to use some BERT-based sentence embedding method:
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
model = SentenceTransformer('distilbert-base-nli-mean-tokens')
from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine
def cosine_similarity(embedding_1, embedding_2):
# Calculate the cosine similarity of the two embeddings.
sim = 1 - cosine(embedding_1, embedding_2)
print('Cosine similarity: {:.2}'.format(sim))
phrase_1 = 'baby girl'
phrase_2 = 'annual report'
embedding_1 = model.encode(phrase_1)
embedding_2 = model.encode(phrase_2)
cosine_similarity(embedding_1[0], embedding_2[0])
Using this method I was able to get embeddings for my phrases, but the similarity score was 0.93, which did not seem to be reasonable.
So what can I try else to achieve the two goals mentioned above?
The problem with the first path is that you are loading fastText embeddings like word2vec embeddings and word2vec can't cope with Out Of Vocabulary words.
The good thing is that fastText can manage OOV words.
You can use Facebook original implementation (pip install fasttext) or Gensim implementation.
For example, using Facebook implementation, you can do:
import fasttext
import fasttext.util
# download an english model
fasttext.util.download_model('en', if_exists='ignore') # English
model = fasttext.load_model('cc.en.300.bin')
# get word embeddings
# (if instead you want sentence embeddings, use get_sentence_vector method)
# compare the embeddings
cosine_similarity(embedding_1, embedding_2)

sklearn.linear_model.SGDClassifier manual inference for multiclass classification

I have trained a model for 3-class classification using sklearn.linear_model.SGDClassifier. Now I'm looking for a way for manual inference of the model. The problem here is that the model contains three pairs of [coef_, intercept_] so I don't understand how can I do a prediction in C++.
The code for training looks like in the sklearn example:
clf = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), SGDClassifier(max_iter=1000, tol=1e-3)), train_labels)
I tried to calculate values coef_ * sample + intercept_ for each of the classes but didn't understand how to determine the class using that numbers.

Accessing the vocabulary used by the vectorizer of the best estimator in GridSearch

Didn't know to put it best in the title.
This is what I am trying to do: I am using GridSearch with a pipeline to train classifiers. I would like to see the vocabulary_.items() of the CountVectorizer used by the best estimator.
Right now, I am doing this, after running GridSearch:
classifier = gs_clf.best_estimator_
vect = classifier.named_steps["vec"]
data = vect.fit_transform(x_train)
vocab = = vect.vocabulary_.items()
Is there any way to get the vocabulary items directly, without using fit_transform again on the CountVectorizer?
