Documents restrictions within a package - docusignapi

I have looked through the DocuSign documentation, StackOverflow and Google but without success.
When creating a package, is it possible to restrict signers to be able to view certain pages of the document ?
Let's say my borrower Lisa Smith should not be allowed to see the pages 5 to 10 while a second borrower can only be allowed to see pages 1 to 5, is that possible to do within the Rest API ?

You can use the DocuSign document visibility feature.
If you send a document containing multiple files and you want to control which files each recipient sees, you can use document visibility to accomplish this. A common scenario is you want recipients to see only those files which they need to sign. With document visibility, you can create one document with files intended for individual recipients, rather than having to create a separate document for each recipient.
Using Document Visibility you can set access at document level. However setting access at page level is not supported.
See this answer on how to set documentVisibility using the rest api.
For more context, look for the excludedDocuments property on this page.


DocuSign Documents That Don't Need to be Signed

I am trying to include documents in my envelopes created via API that do not require signatures, but do require that only certain people see them.
I'm looking for a way to include these documents, keep them restricted to required parties. Any ideas? I'm still new to DocuSign API, so please let me know what other details I can share to help determine best course of action here.
Also, we are using C# for our APIs
Attempted to do this by having the people I need to see these documents as signers, but without the tags for where to sign and date. I am getting this error because we have the setting for "document visibility" set for this account, which is a requirement for this process.
"Error calling CreateEnvelope: {"errorCode":"ONESIGNALLSIGN_NOT_SATISFIED","message":"Freeform signing is not allowed for your account because it conflicts with other settings, please place signing tabs for each signer."}"*
For document visibility, each document needs at least on field (tab) placed on it. Whichever recipient the field belongs to will be able to see the document.
Plus, each signer recipient needs at least one tab or you're asking for free form signing, and that's not allowed with doc visibility.
The trick is that the field does not need to be a Sign here field. You could add a read-only (locked) text field. -- With no contents, so it would not be visible at all.
But at least one field per recipient is needed. If a doc has no fields then it is visible to all recipients.
Also, you can use confirmed cc recipients for people who won't sign but you want confirmation that they opened the envelope
See the docs
If you have more questions, ask a new stack overflow question

get tabs from all documents in templates DocuSign

Docusign Provides a way to get tabs data for a single document in a template by specifying documentId. I could not find a way to get tabs data for all documents included in a template.
There's no data in templates, templates are not sent, or acted upon.
Only envelopes have data, and you mentioned you can get data from envelopes.
Now, maybe you meant how can I aggregate ALL the DATA from ALL envelopes created from a template.
If that's what you meant, then you may have to first find all these envelopes.
To do this, include some meta-data in your envelopes using custom fields. These will be used to later find them first, so that then you can get all the data from them using the search envelope endpoint (that can also return data).
If you're looking to see which tabs are placed on a template, you can do so by making a Templates::Get call with ?include=recipients,tabs.
As Inbar states, this won't get you any tab values (except one that are pre-populated by the template creator), as the template itself isn't what a signer interacts with - an envelope is sent that references the template. So if you're trying to collect data from your signers, you would need to be pulling tab data from an envelope instead.

Embedding customize sender view

We want to open sender view of draft/created envelope in our application using REST API and allow sender/user to add signature fields/tags in documents. This sender view currently shows and allow all the options where sender can add new recipient or modify, can change the document and etc. But we want to restrict sender to only can add/edit signature fields/tags, we do not want to allow user to modify any other envelope information or even can send from there.
In short words: Want to open sender view of envelope only for edit signatory fields/tags using REST API.
Could anyone help how we can achieve this.
You can start the view on the tagging page by adding send=1 to the API call. Eg:{account_id}/envelopes/{envelope_id}/views/sender?send=1
However the user can still go back to the recipients page if they want to by using the "Other Actions" menu item.
An alternative is for you to figure out what your users need to do on the tagging page and do it for them programmatically. That way you're both providing a better user experience for them and you don't have to worry about them changing the recipients or documents.
What are they doing on the tagging pages? It is not hard for you to programmatically place the tags by using anchor field locating. See the recipe.

scoping out docusign for a client

I just wanted to understand certain terms such as
1) what is a template in context of docusign
2) What is an envelope an when do we use it ?
3) What is embedding signature ?
Basically my client wants to populate a pdf contract form with certain data got from a form. Would liek to send the pdf form to get it signed by the client...
Although the form maybe same the data fields in it may change ..
so what approach should be taken
a) template or b) embedded ?
assuming a blank form needs ot be sent for signing how does that work ? does the form goto the client phsycially ? or do they come on your site to sign it ...
i am sorry if i am all over i just wanted to understand the process frolm a developers stand point.
I suggest you read up on the DocuSign Developer Center. In particular the Explore -> Features section has pages dedicated to Templates and Embedding (among other topics) that have much of this info.
what is a template in context of docusign
Templates help streamline the sending process by allowing you to - at design-time - save document(s), recipients (or placeholder roles for recipients), tab locations and types for those recipients, routing and workflow, and more. Then at real-time when you want to request a signature you simply match a recipient to a role on your template and they automatically inherit all that previously configured workflow. The data they enter into their fields will still be specific to them, but things like the location of the signature tabs you've placed for them will always be the same, any conditional or dynamic workflows will be the same, etc. Templates are very flexible and have many features and options so I suggest you read up on them both through the Features -> Templates page but also through the API docs.
An alternative to requesting a signature from a Template is to request a signature on a Document. This is a similar call except that you need to define the tab locations, recipients, routing, etc every time before sending. With a template you just define all of that stuff once, at design time.
What is an envelope an when do we use it?
Definition from Explore page overview: "An envelope is basically a "container" used to send documents to recipients. The envelope carries information about the sender and timestamps to indicate the progress of the delivery procedure. It can contain collections of Documents, Tabs and Recipients and is analogous to a physical envelope you would send through the mail".
An envelope can have as many documents as you want in it (I think there's a total size limitation but that it's set high) and can be addressed to 1 or more recipients (actually up to 1,000 if using Bulk Send feature). And once the last person is done signing the docs in the envelope a Certificate of Completion (CoC) PDF doc is automatically generated and placed inside the envelope as part of an audit trail for your review.
What is embedding signature ?
Embedding allows you Embed the signing workflow directly into your website or app or whatever you are building. The signing still takes place through a DocuSign endpoint but you can generate the unique signing URLs yourself and open in an iFrame or Webview. You can control the branding around the signing experience and you also have control over where the user is re-directed to after they sign. See the Features -> Embedding page.
Regarding your questions about form fields, yes DocuSign also supports that- you want to use Data Fields (called textFields in the API), see the Features -> Stick-eTabs page.
Lastly, in terms of what approach should be taken (Template or Embedded) - hopefully my first answer cleared this up but those are not mutually exclusive. You can create an envelope from a Template or from a Local Document(s), and you can either Embed the signing experience or have it remote (i.e. recipient receives an email to start signing). To make a recipient an Embedded one, you have to set their clientUserId property. See the links I've referenced.
DocuSign also has sample code in 6 different languages for 9 common API scenarios, including Embedding, Requesting a signature from a Template, on a Document, and more. See the API Walkthroughs:
DocuSign has free code samples in 6 different languages

Set field via URL

Is it possible to have a field in the current item be changed by clicking a URL? The field would be a choice field with predefined choices.
Such as if the item field is currently:
Status: 2
If a user clicks the link, the field would now be:
Status: 3
If not, is there any other way for a user to easily change a field in the current item without actually haveing to visit the item?
Not Out Of The Box (OOTB) - but you've a few options.
Write an ASPX page to do what you want
Use something like SPServices and javascript to update the list item via the web services.
Use the Client Object Model (2010 only)
By the way - changing stuff on a 'get' can be dangerous as you can do malicious things - for example imagine you have a page that deletes the users account without any prompting (exact example doesn't matter) - what if someone clicks on that link by mistake or even worse what about an email sent with an image with that page as source URL - simply viewing the email could delete the users account.
It's not possible by using a GET request, but SharePoint 2010 is offering a RESTful API to manage ListItems from any client
The REST API is located within the virtual WebServices folgder under each SharePoint Site.
To perform an update on SharePoint ListItems you have to create a PUT Request. For more information on SharePoints REST API you should have a look at this MSDN site, there are also a lot of samples linked from this article.
