Crontab doesn't execute R script - linux

I'm trying to setup a Cron job on my system by adding the following line
17 12 * * * Rscript ~/path/to/file/script.R > ~/output_`date +\%d\%m\%y`.txt 2>&1
yet, I cannot see the file the output is being written to. I've consulted the following answers, but to no avail:
Why did my crontab not trigger
CronJob not running
When I run the following command on the terminal:
Rscript ~/path/to/file/script.R > ~/output_`date +\%d\%m\%y`.txt 2>&1
I get the output file as expected. I also added the following line to crontab:
* * * * * echo hi > ~/output.txt 2>&1
and it works just fine. I'm not sure what is wrong with the first command. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Try Below trick, Create one script like below -
Rscript ~/path/to/file/script.R > ~/output_$(date +\%d\%m\%y).txt 2>&1
And then create below entry in crontab.
17 12 * * * /bin/bash /path/to/

I fixed this by replacing Rscript in my crontab with /usr/local/bin/Rscript (or wherever your Rscript is located - do which Rscript to find out).


crontab suggested error :/bin/sh no such file or directory

I use the command crontab -e to execute a shell script at regular intervals.
But something wrong with it.
The shell script is located in /opt/oneinstack/oneinstack,so my crontab is :
0 1 * * * cd /opt/oneinstack/oneinstack;./ >> /data/back.log
2>&1 &
The permission for the file is 755.
The user using the crontab -e command is root
Message in /data/back.log is /bin/sh no such file or directory .Just like the title.
Manual execution the is no problem.
What's wrong with it? And how can I fixed it?
Expect someone to help me.Thanks a lot!!
Try setting the following before the crontab list. For example, if this line is at the top:
0 1 * * * cd /opt/oneinstack/oneinstack;./ >> /data/back.log 2>&1 &
then it looks like this:
0 1 * * * cd /opt/oneinstack/oneinstack;./ >> /data/back.log 2>&1 &
In addition:
Like #Ugur mentioned, it is unnecessary to cd, if you take care of the paths correctly in the . For example:
rsync $FileToBackup $TARGETPATH/

AWS Linux crontab job isnt executing script

First of all I've tried multiple solutions I know there are several posts with similar problems none of those were a solution for me.
I have a Clojure application which is started using:
lein run -m tsdb-delete.core
The plan is to execute this every day at midnight I want to avoid using Clojure based cron libraries and this is a very light weight application.
I created the following script (
/usr/bin/lein run -m tsdb-delete.core
which calls this script at run time (
echo "Deleting:" $1
OUTPUT="$(sudo /opt/opentsdb/build/tsdb scan --delete 30d-ago 7d-ago sum $1)"
echo "${OUTPUT}"
If I call './' manually it all works as expected and I see console output. is located at /home/ec2-user/tsdb-delete/ and is located at /home/ec2-user/tsdb-delete/
I have added the following to me crontab using crontab -e
*/5 * * * * /home/ec2-user/tsdb-delete/ > /var/tmp/tsdb-delete.out
* * * * * env > /tmp/env.output
* * * * * env > /tmp/env.output is used for debugging purposes, the contents of env.output are as follows:
and if I run env in the terminal myself I get the following:
LESSOPEN=||/usr/bin/ %s
The key environment attributes seem to match, and in var/cron/log I see the following:
Oct 28 11:45:01 ip-xx-xx-xx-xx CROND[23591]: (ec2-user) CMD (/home/ec2-user/tsdb-delete/ > /var/tmp/tsdb-delete.out)
Oct 28 11:45:01 ip-xx-xx-xx-xx CROND[23592]: (ec2-user) CMD (env > /tmp/env.output)
and in /var/spool/mail/ I don't see any error messages being thrown and the file /var/tmp/tsdb-delete.out is not created.
Any ideas?
sudo requires a tty, which doesn't exist while running a cron. (1,2)
Here's a better solution; place this in /etc/cron.d/tsdb-delete:
*/5 * * * * root /home/ec2-user/tsdb-delete/ > /var/tmp/tsdb-delete.out
This requires having the execute bit set on Also note the /etc/cron entries take a sixth argument which is the user.
It's also bad form to use something like sudo in a cron, and generally using a user cron (crontab -e) is not terribly friendly for configuration management. The above fixes these problems. Still, I'd recommend moving the script to a safer location (since it's running via root), and since it's root you can easily send output to /var/log/ (and append it):
*/5 * * * * root /opt/tsdb-delete/ >> /var/log/tsdb-delete.out

How to reboot via cron on scheduled basis. Ubuntu 14.04

I have a very simple script that works from the command line.
When I put a call to execute the script into root users crontab -e using the following format it does not run. It does run the first two commands, just that last one is giving me grief. I have no MTA installed as I do not need it.
*/10 * * * * service jwtpay restart
0 3 * * * bash /root/backup/ kickass /root/backup >/dev/null 2>&1
0 */3 * * * bash /root/ >/dev/null 2>&1
What am I missing?
Maybe the script is not executable... Since you use root's crontab why call the binary via a script and not the binary itself? Use the full path to the binary. It may vary on your system. Find out where it is with which reboot.
0 */3 * * * /sbin/reboot
Don't forget to restart the cron daemon, after changeing the crontab.

Run a script with arguments using crontab

I know this may have been answered earlier in various posts, but I've not been able to make this run myself.
I have a bash script ( that I would like to run every minute. It needs an argument to be passed (start in this case).
Using another script ( I am scheduling the cron expression for the above script:
echo "* * * * * /opt/ start" > /opt/cronForSecops
crontab /opt/cronForSecops
I can see by using crontab -l that this is being set correctly as:
* * * * * /opt/ start
However, the does not run, and I see no logs/files being created (which the file is supposed to do, when I run it normally).
Can anybody please guide me on where I am going wrong?
I was having this same issue where I using the following crontab:
0 23 * * * sudo -u myname /home/myname/bin/ -f >> /home/myname/log.txt
And inside the bash script I was using this to get the -f option:
while getopts ":f" opt; do
case $opt in
echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2
So I noticed that the option wasn't being honored when I ran this through cron for some reason. Well, adding /bin/bash to the cronjob fixed it right up. The new crontab is:
0 23 * * * sudo -u myname /bin/bash /home/myname/bin/ -f >> /home/myname/log.txt
Hope it helps!
Try creating a simple wrapper script called /opt/ with this content:
/opt/ start
and make sure it's executable then use
* * * * * /opt/
as the crontab entry

Crontab without crontab -e

I would like to add a crontab schedule by doing this in my server:
echo "30 * * * * /home/my/var/dir/to/script /var/etc/etc/etc/" > crontab -e
Is there a way to do this without going doing crontab -e and then typing in the command?
Could try
1)nano /etc/crontab (or any other editor, e.g. emacs)
2)echo "30 * * * * /home/my/var/dir/to/script /var/etc/etc/etc/" > /etc/crontab
3)or put the contents of this into a file, then do "file > /etc/crontab"
like root:
echo "30 * * * * /home/my/var/dir/to/script /var/etc/etc/etc/" > /var/spool/cron/crontabs/username
We have the following setup in production on RHEL:
- a custom software starting sh in init.d , which
- handles cron start , stop , reload
- writes cron tasks into separate tmp file and loads this file with crontab -e
I have been only maintaining it for several months but it works like a charm ...
The proper fix is probably to use a file as specified in, but it is possible to use tee to append a line to the crontab by doing e.g.:
echo "* * * * * ls" | EDITOR="tee -a" crontab -e
tee -a will append stdin to the file it gets specfied, the EDITOR variable tells crontab to use tee -a as editor.
If you have the whole crontab in a text file, you can upload a whole crontab to replace the old crontab by doing:
cat <crontab_text_file> | crontab -
This will wipe out your old crontab. Using '-' allows you to use standard input into the crontab.
