Search files for a string but exclude another string - linux

I want to search files for \xc2 but exclude \xc2\xbb
I have grep -rnwl '/home/rascalofthenorth/development/html/' -e "xc2"

You can also do it using -v option of grep like this:
grep -rnwl '/home/rascalofthenorth/development/html/' -e "xc2" | grep -v "xbb"
The -v option shows only results not containing xbb.
Or for more specific cases in which you want, say, xc2 to appear and xbb not to appear, then awk comes in handy:
awk '/xc2/ && !/xbb/' <yourfile>


Loop to filter out lines from apache log files

I have several apache access files that I would like to clean up a bit before I analyze them. I am trying to use grep in the following way:
grep -v term_to_grep apache_access_log
I have several terms that I want to grep, so I am piping every grep action as follow:
grep -v term_to_grep_1 apache_access_log | grep -v term_to_grep_2 | grep -v term_to_grep_3 | grep -v term_to_grep_n > apache_access_log_cleaned
Until here my rudimentary script works as expected! But I have many apache access logs, and I don't want to do that for every file. I have started to write a bash script but so far I couldn't make it work. This is my try:
for logs in ./access_logs/*;
cat $logs | grep -v term_to_grep | grep -v term_to_grep_2 | grep -v term_to_grep_3 | grep -v term_to_grep_n > $logs_clean
Could anyone point me out what I am doing wrong?
If you have a variable and you append _clean to its name, that's a new variable, and not the value of the old one with _clean appended. To fix that, use curly braces:
$ var=file.log
$ echo "<$var>"
$ echo "<$var_clean>"
$ echo "<${var}_clean>"
Without it, your pipeline tries to redirect to the empty string, which results in an error. Note that "$file"_clean would also work.
As for your pipeline, you could combine that into a single grep command:
grep -Ev 'term_to_grep|term_to_grep_2|term_to_grep_3|term_to_grep_n' "$logs" > "${logs}_clean"
No cat needed, only a single invocation of grep.
Or you could stick all your terms into a file:
$ cat excludes
and then use the -f option:
grep -vf excludes "$logs" > "${logs}_clean"
If your terms are strings and not regular expressions, you might be able to speed this up by using -F ("fixed strings"):
grep -vFf excludes "$logs" > "${logs}_clean"
I think GNU grep checks that for you on its own, though.
You are looping over several files, but in your loop you constantly overwrite your result file, so it will only contain the last result from the last file.
You don't need a loop, use this instead:
egrep -v 'term_to_grep|term_to_grep_2|term_to_grep_3' ./access_logs/* > "$logs_clean"
Note, it is always helpful to start a Bash script with set -eEuCo pipefail. This catches most common errors -- it would have stopped with an error when you tried to clobber the $logs_clean file.

How to grep while excluding some words?

I wanted to grep the word "force" but most of the output listed is from the command -force.
When I did grep -v "-force" filename , it says grep : orce most probably because of the -f command.
I just want to find a force signal from files using grep. How?
use grep -v -- "-force" - the double - signals that there are no more options being expected.
If you want to grep specific word from file then we can use cat command
# cat filename.txt | grep force
For other basic Commands
this line maybe simpler:
grep '[^-]force' tmp
it says: grep "force", but only if it does not has a prefix - by using [^]. See some simple regular expression examples here.
Use [-] to remove the special significance. Check this out:
> cat rand_file.txt
1. list items of random text
2. -force
3. look similar as the first batch
4. force
5. some random text
> grep -v "-force" rand_file.txt
grep: orce: No such file or directory
> grep -v "[-]force" rand_file.txt | grep force
4. force

Why grep gives error for search pattern i.e. grep: <some pattern>: No such file or directory

I want to print the selected lines using grep pattern matching. I am using following command -
cat MyTest.txt | grep -v -E B1 "EEB|SET|PET"
grep: EEB|SET|PET: No such file or directory
I am always getting above grep error.
I want to print the line which matches pattern or patterns I have mentioned i.e EEB or SET or PET or All of these and
A single line prior to matching line. hence option -B1
You can use this command without useless cat:
grep -v -E -B1 "EEB|SET|PET" MyTest.txt
Note - before B1.
However from your description it appears you may not need -v (inverse results) and want this:
grep -E -B1 "EEB|SET|PET" MyTest.txt
Grep has the following syntax:
grep options pattern input_file_names
where options are optional, but not pattern. So B1 without "-" is used as pattern and "EEB|SET|PET" as file_names.
You should change "B1" to "-B1".
As recommendation
cat MyTest.txt | grep -v -E -B1 "EEB|SET|PET"
grep -v -E -B1 "EEB|SET|PET" MyTest.txt

Linux grep command

Can I use grep command to look for all the lines in a file that have"abc" in them, but exclude the lines that end in say "xyz"?
Eg grep 'abc' fileName (some way to exclude all lines ending in "xyz")
Try this:
hzhang#dell-work ~ $ cat sample.csv
abc, xyz
hzhang#dell-work ~ $ grep abc sample.csv |grep -v "xyz$"
The explanation of -v:
-v, --invert-match
Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines. (-v is specified by POSIX.)
If you can use awk, just check the patterns:
hzhang#dell-work ~ $ awk '/abc/ && !/xyz$/' sample.csv
awk fit's pretty good for such cases:
awk '/abc/ && !/xyz$/' input
use awk! :)
Use two grep commands piped together. The first matches abc, the second removes the ones that end with xyz.
grep abc filename | grep -v 'xyz$'

grep exclude multiple strings

I am trying to see a log file using tail -f and want to exclude all lines containing the following strings:
Nopaging the limit is and keyword to remove is
I am able to exclude one string like this:
tail -f admin.log|grep -v "Nopaging the limit is"
But how do I exclude lines containing either of string1 or string2?
Filtering out multiple lines with grep:
Put these lines in filename.txt to test:
grep command using -E flag with a pipe between tokens in a string:
grep -Ev 'def|jkl' filename.txt
egrep using -v flag with pipe between tokens surrounded by parens:
egrep -v '(def|jkl)' filename.txt
Or if stacking -e flags through grep parameters is okay (credit -> #Frizlab):
grep -Fv -e def -e jkl filename.txt
grep -Fv -e 'Nopaging the limit is' -e 'keyword to remove is'
-F matches by literal strings (instead of regex)
-v inverts the match
-e allows for multiple search patterns (all literal and inverted)
Another option is to create a exclude list, this is particulary usefull when you have a long list of things to exclude.
vi /root/scripts/exclude_list.txt
Now add what you would like to exclude
Nopaging the limit is
keyword to remove is
Now use grep to remove lines from your file log file and view information not excluded.
grep -v -f /root/scripts/exclude_list.txt /var/log/admin.log
egrep -v "Nopaging the limit is|keyword to remove is"
tail -f admin.log|grep -v -E '(Nopaging the limit is|keyword to remove is)'
You can use regular grep like this:
tail -f admin.log | grep -v "Nopaging the limit is\|keyword to remove is"
The greps can be chained. For example:
tail -f admin.log | grep -v "Nopaging the limit is" | grep -v "keyword to remove is"
If you want to use regex:
grep -Ev -e "^1" -e '^lt' -e 'John'
