Why this haskell code cannot be compiled - haskell

I was trying to compile a haskell game code, this code generates three thread, one for infinite loop, one for collecting user's interaction, one for triggering the events. However, the code cannot be compiled and I don't know why.
Here's the code:
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import System.Random
import Text.Printf
data Msg = C Char | Time
data Event = C Char | Time Char
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetEcho stdin False
-- shared resources
chan <- newEmptyMVar
removedDigits <- newEmptyMVar
unmatchedDigits <- newEmptyMVar
numberOfGuesses <- newEmptyMVar
--starting the generating thread and the user thread
forkIO $ generatingThread chan
forkIO $ userThread chan
--the main loop
if mainloop chan == True then "Congratulations! You won!" else "Better luck next time!"
mainloop :: Chan c -> Bool
let mainloop = do
if length unmatchedDigits >= 10
then return False
Event <- readChan c
if Event == "timer"
then unmatchedDigits ++ param
else if testGuessedNumber param unmatchedDigits == True
if length unmatchedDigits == 0
then return True
mainloop c
-- Generating Thread aka event thread generating the random numbers
generatingThread :: Chan msgChan -> IO ()
generatingThread msgChan = forever $ do
publishTimerEvent msgChan 1000000
publishTimerEvent :: Chan msgChan -> Int delay ()
publishTimerEvent msgChan = do
c <- getRandomChar
putMVar msgChan ("timer" c)
threadDelay newDelay
velocity <- 0.9
if delay * velocity < 100
then newDelay <- 100
else newDelay <- delay * velocity
publishTimerEvent msgChan newDelay
getRandomChar :: Char c ()
getRandomChar = do
i <- randomRIO (0,9)
let c = "0123456789" !! i
return c
-- User Thread
userThread :: MVar Msg -> IO ()
userThread chan = forever $ do
c <- getChar
putMVar chan (C c)
showStr(show c)
testGuessedNumber :: Int -> Int -> Bool
testGuessedNumber a b
| a == b = True
| otherwise = False
-- Shows the given string at the left edge of the current terminal line after
-- having blanked out the first 20 characters on that line.
showStr :: String -> IO ()
showStr s = putStr ("\r" ++ replicate 20 ' ' ++ "\r" ++ s)
The error is "test.hs:36:3: error: parse error on input ‘Event’"

Variable names can not begin with uppercase letters, such as Event. Try renaming the variable to something like event.

In Haskell, all if ... then ... else blocks must have all their components; what would the result be otherwise?
The problem is that the compiler was expecting an else, but it actually got Event. That said, you have more problems than a simple parse error. return does not do what you think it does. For example, this code will print hi.
main = do
return ()
putStrLn "hi"
The return function simply lifts a value into a monad, it doesn't stop the computation or anything like that. Here is what your probably want to have:
if length unmatchedDigits >= 10
then return False
else do
Event <- readChan c
if Event == "timer"
then ...
else ...
This way, nothing happens after the if block, so the function just ends there, with the last value as False (if length unmatchedDigits >= 10) or continues on properly (if length unmatchedDigits < 10).
You also almost certainly don't want to use Event (uppercase E), because that would mean it is a data constructor. You probably meant event (lowercase e), which is just an ordinary variable name.
Additionally: This is very, very non-idiomatic Haskell. You definitely don't need MVars in this situation, and certainly not four of them. Chans are not the same thing as MVars, and you don't need either one unless you are doing heavy-duty multi-threading. I highly recommend you completely rewrite this and try to minimize the amount of code that uses IO (it should be maybe 10-15 lines of IO code in this example, probably less).
This is not Java; you don't need to name your variables in your type signature (Chan msgChan -> Int delay ()), nor do you need to write wrapper functions for standard library functions to monomorphize their type. testGuessedNumber is literally the same function as (==).
You will have much more success if you revisit basic, pure function syntax and understand how problems are solved in Haskell than with trying to emulate another language. Read some LYAH or Real World Haskell.


Concurrent Haskell: Acting upon the data within a custom data type

So far in this program I have a custom data type, Msg which is a C Char. In the program, a separate thread is created and a separate function userThread listens for a keystroke and stores the char sent in an MVar that's acting as a simple communication channel between main and userThread
I have gotten to the point, using deriving (Show) where I'm able to print the Msg as to the terminal, like a string. If the user types j the output is:
C 'j'
(Note it also prints C when I only want the char itself)
I have an existing list and my aim is if the char is NOT in that list, then add it. If it IS, then don't add it and remove all instances of that char in the list.
For example, if a user typed c, then
[a,b] becomes [a,b,c]
[f,c,c,h,c] becomes [f,h]
My current code is below:
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import System.Random
import Text.Printf
data Msg = C Char deriving (Show)
main :: IO ()
main = loop
loop = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetEcho stdin False
--already existing list
let x = [1, 's', 'g', 4 ,5]
chan <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ userThread (chan)
r <- takeMVar (chan)
putStrLn $ show x
print r
-- Listens for keystrokes from the user, the passes them to the main thread
userThread :: MVar Msg -> IO ()
userThread chan = do
c <- getChar
putMVar chan (C c)
I'm confused as I'm able to perform actions like Print on my Msg just fine because its actual content is a char. But when I try to ad it to a list using r:x the compile error says:
* Couldn't match type `Char' with `Msg'
Expected type: [Msg]
Actual type: [Char]
How can I make my Msg fit into this list? Thanks very much for your help.
The problem seams to be that your list does not contain C Char but rather Char. This may be fixed by doing let x = [C '1',C 's',C 'g',C '4',C '5'].
Your userThread puts a C Char into chan, so when you unpack it with takeMVar (chan) and bind it to r, r now has type Msg. Because in Haskell lists can only hold values of the same type, you can not prepend an Msg to a [Char], therefor the error. Make all the elements of x of type Msg and all will be good (hopefully...). Alternatively you can implement a
toChar :: Msg -> Char
toChar C c = c
and do something like (toChar r):x if you insist on having Char in your list.
for remvoing elements from x see this. you can then write something of the sort:
if elem r x then newX = remove r x else newX = r:x --if x contains Msg
if elem cr x then newX = remove cr x else newX = cr:x
where cr = toChar r --if you insist on having chars in x...
hope that helps.

How to get input for a game loop in haskell

In this game i need to get step the game forward every half a second or so while occasionally getting input to change direction. These too things seem impossible to do with haskell is there a way to do it? Currently I am having an mv tread stall exception.
Update: Found the hWaitForInput function in System.IO which is essentially the same as waitFor.
Here is some code largely based on this answer.
The main difference I made is that the thread waiting for a key press does not perform the getChar directly. The result communicated in the MVar is an indication of timeout or that a key press has occurred. It is the responsibility of the main thread to actually get the character. This prevents a possible race condition in case the char reading thread is killed between getting the character and putting it into the MVar.
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import System.IO
import Control.Exception
data Event = CharReady | TimedOut
withRawStdin :: IO a -> IO a
withRawStdin = bracket uncook restore . const
uncook = do
oldBuffering <- hGetBuffering stdin
oldEcho <- hGetEcho stdin
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetEcho stdin False
return (oldBuffering, oldEcho)
restore (oldBuffering, oldEcho) = do
hSetBuffering stdin oldBuffering
hSetEcho stdin oldEcho
waitFor :: Int -> IO Event
waitFor delay = do
done <- newEmptyMVar
withRawStdin . bracket (start done) cleanUp $ \_ -> takeMVar done
start done = do
t1 <- forkIO $ hLookAhead stdin >> putMVar done CharReady
t2 <- forkIO $ threadDelay delay >> putMVar done TimedOut
return (t1, t2)
cleanUp (t1, t2) = do
killThread t1
killThread t2
loop state = do
if state <= 0
then putStrLn "Game over."
else do putStrLn $ "Rounds to go: " ++ show state
e <- waitFor 3000000
case e of
TimedOut -> do putStrLn "Too late!"; loop state
CharReady -> do c <- getChar -- should not block
if c == 'x'
then do putStrLn "Good job!"; loop (state-1)
else do putStrLn "Wrong key"; loop state
main = loop 3

Using TChan with Timeout

I have a TChan as input for a thread which should behave like this:
If sombody writes to the TChan within a specific time, the content should be retrieved. If there is nothing written within the specified time, it should unblock and continue with Nothing.
My attempt on this was to use the timeout function from System.Timeout like this:
timeout 1000000 $ atomically $ readTChan pktChannel
This seemed to work but now I discovered, that I am sometimes loosing packets (they are written to the channel, but not read on the other side. In the log I get this:
2014. Pushing Recorded Packet: 2 1439
2014. Run into timeout
2014. Run into timeout
2014. Pushing Recorded Packet: 3 1439
2014. Sending Recorded Packet: 3 1439
Where "Pushing Recorded Packet" is the writing from the one thread and "Sending Recorded Packet" is the reading from the TChan in the sender thread. The line with Sending Recorded Packet 2 1439 is missing, which would indicate a successful read from the TChan.
It seems that if the timeout is received at the wrong point in time, the channel looses the packet. I suspect that the threadKill function used inside timeout and STM don't play well together.
Is this correct? Does somebody have another solution that does not loose the packet?
Use registerDelay, an STM function, to signal a TVar when the timeout is reached. You can then use the orElse function or the Alternative operator <|> to select between the next TChan value or the timeout.
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import System.Random
-- write random values after a random delay
packetWriter :: Int -> TChan Int -> IO ()
packetWriter maxDelay chan = do
let xs = randomRs (10000 :: Int, maxDelay + 50000) (mkStdGen 24036583)
forM_ xs $ \ x -> do
threadDelay x
atomically $ writeTChan chan x
-- block (retry) until the delay TVar is set to True
fini :: TVar Bool -> STM ()
fini = check <=< readTVar
-- Read the next value from a TChan or timeout
readTChanTimeout :: Int -> TChan a -> IO (Maybe a)
readTChanTimeout timeoutAfter pktChannel = do
delay <- registerDelay timeoutAfter
atomically $
Just <$> readTChan pktChannel
<|> Nothing <$ fini delay
-- | Print packets until a timeout is reached
readLoop :: Show a => Int -> TChan a -> IO ()
readLoop timeoutAfter pktChannel = do
res <- readTChanTimeout timeoutAfter pktChannel
case res of
Nothing -> putStrLn "timeout"
Just val -> do
putStrLn $ "packet: " ++ show val
readLoop timeoutAfter pktChannel
main :: IO ()
main = do
let timeoutAfter = 1000000
-- spin up a packet writer simulation
pktChannel <- newTChanIO
tid <- forkIO $ packetWriter timeoutAfter pktChannel
readLoop timeoutAfter pktChannel
killThread tid
The thumb rule of concurrency is: if adding a sleep in some point inside an IO action matters, your program is not safe.
To understand why the code timeout 1000000 $ atomically $ readTChan pktChannel does not work, consider the following alternative implementation of atomically:
atomically' :: STM a -> IO a
atomically' action = do
result <- atomically action
threadDelay someTimeAmount
return result
The above is equal to atomically, but for an extra innocent delay. Now it is easy to see that if timeout kills the thread during the threadDelay, the atomic action has completed (consuming a message from the channel), yet timeout will return Nothing.
A simple fix to timeout n $ atomically ... could be the following
smartTimeout :: Int -> STM a -> IO (Maybe a)
smartTimeout n action = do
v <- atomically $ newEmptyTMvar
_ <- timeout n $ atomically $ do
result <- action
putTMvar v result
atomically $ tryTakeTMvar v
The above uses an extra transactional variable v to do the trick. The result value of the action is stored into v inside the same atomic block in which the action is run. The return value of timeout is not trusted, since it does not tell us if action was run or not. After that, we check the TMVar v, which will be full if and only if action was run.
Instead of TChan a, use TChan (Maybe a) . Your normal producer (of x) now writes Just x. Fork an extra "ticking" process that writes Nothing to the channel (every x seconds). Then have a reader for the channel, and abort if you get two successive Nothing. This way, you avoid exceptions, which may cause data to get lost in your case (but I am not sure).

Using forkFinally with WriterT

I have a timer function that takes a time to wait for and a starting time and returns the current UTCTime when it ends:
runTimer :: NominalDiffTime -> UTCTime -> IO UTCTime
I'd like to run this timer function in a separate thread, because I want to simultaneously be able to capture input from the user. In this main loop I also use a WriterT monad transformer to log events. I also want to log an event when the timer ends normally, so I've tried using forkFinally:
type Log = [Entry]
data Entry = Entry {
_etype :: EntryType
, _etime :: UTCTime
} deriving Show
data EntryType = Start | End | Pause | Quit deriving Show
type Program = WriterT Log IO
loop :: Maybe ThreadId -> Program ()
loop timerId = do
liftIO $ putStr ">"
x <- liftIO $ getChar
now <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
case x of
'q' -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "\n Quitting..."
tell [Entry Quit now]
-- Kill the timer thread if there is one.
maybe (return ()) (liftIO . killThread) timerId
liftIO $ putStrLn "\n Quit."
's' -> case timerId of
Just _ -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Timer already started!"
loop timerId
Nothing -> do
-- Start a timer in a new thread.
tell [Entry Start now]
timerId' <- liftIO $ forkFinally (runTimer 5 now) eHandler
-- Call the main loop with the timer thread id.
loop (Just timerId')
_ -> do
liftIO $ putChar x
loop timerId
eHandler :: (Show a, Exception e) => Either e a -> IO ()
eHandler (Left x) = throw x
eHandler (Right x) = do
putStrLn $ show x
eHandler' :: (Exception t) => Either t UTCTime -> WriterT Log IO ()
eHandler' (Left x) = throw x
eHandler' (Right t) = do
tell [Entry End t]
This code works when using forkFinally with eHandler. But how can I get it to work with eHandler', so that I can log when the timer finishes?
You need to convert a WriterT monad to an IO monad, something like this:
wrapWriterT::WriterT a IO c->IO c
wrapWriterT writer = do
(result, log) <- runWriterT writer
<do something with the log, like send it to a file>
return result
and then use it like this:
timerId' <- liftIO $ forkFinally (runTimer 5 now) (wrapWriterT . eHandler')
What is happening here? Remember, the Writer monad is used to pass an extra string around, that can be appended to, like a log. The IO monad is used for, well.... IO. forkFinally needs type IO(), but the WriterT is for both IO and also returns a log. forkFinally doesn't know what to do with this log, but if you wrap it in a function to extract the log and do something with it, then you are left with simply an IO monad, which forkFinally knows how to handle.
I do want to ask though.... The standard timer functions in Control.Concurrent are nonblocking (you hand it a function of type IO(), and it returns, with the understanding that it will be done later). What are you doing that needs explicit threads?

loop not terminating

The function below wants to either receive and ack or wait until its duetime has come and return.
Now, it works when it receives and ack. It works correctly when no ack is received and waits until duetime.
When the duetime is reached it freezes. It seems that it is not exiting my self constructed loop correctly. I have also tried with if-then-else, but same result. I do not want to use whileM.
How do I correctly exit the loop?
import Network.Socket hiding (send, sendTo, recv, recvFrom)
import Network.Socket.ByteString
waitAck s duetime' = do
print ("in")
(a, _) <- recvFrom s 4711
now' <- getPOSIXTime
unless (B.unpack a == "ack") (when (now' < duetime') (waitAck s duetime'))
print (B.unpack a)
return ()
The correct solution is to race two threads, one that waits for the ack, and one that waits for the time. Kill the one that loses the race. Perhaps this (untested) code will give you a hint about how:
import Control.Concurrency.MVar
withTimeout :: Int -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
withTimeout n io = do
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
timeout <- forkIO (threadDelay n >> putMVar mvar Nothing)
action <- forkIO (io >>= putMVar mvar . Just)
result <- takeMVar mvar
killThread timeout
killThread action
return result
waitAck s timeout = withTimeout timeout go where
go = do
(a, _) <- recvFrom s 4711
if B.unpack a == "ack" then print (B.unpack a) else go
edit: It seems that base provides System.Timeout.timeout for exactly this purpose. Its implementation is more likely to be correct than this one, too.
That's not an iterative loop. You don't place any conditions on the stuff after the recursive call, so when the conditions finally fail, the whole thing will unwind, printing once for every recursive call. I suspect that might be enough to make it appear frozen.
Try something like this:
waitAck s duetime' = do
print ("in")
(a, _) <- recvFrom s 4711
now' <- getPOSIXTime
if B.unpack a == "ack" || now' >= duetime'
then print (B.unpack a)
else waitAck s duetime'
