I'm new for Haskell. Recently, I was trying to create a game by Haskell. In that game, I use Concurrent to create multiple threads.
data Msg = C Char | Time
forkIO $ userThread chan
forkIO $ processThread startTimer
userThread :: MVar Msg -> IO ()
userThread chan = forever $ do
c <- getChar
putMVar chan (C c)
showStr(show c)
processThread :: MVar Msg -> IO ()
processThread chan = forever $ do
threadDelay (startTimer)
putMVar chan (Time)
I don't know how to define any other data shared between threads. Can I define a variable like C++ (static double xxx) and be visited by any function?
Usually, such variables are created in main, or another IO action.
main = do
chan <- newEmptyMVar
startTimer <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ userThread chan
forkIO $ processThread startTimer
There are some ways to declare "global variables" (mostly IORefs and MVars), but they involve unsafe functions, and are best to be avoided, especially by beginners. Such globals are mostly unnecessary, and it's often better to pass a few arguments around, even if it requires more typing.
In more advanced code, one might use a ReaderT r IO monad to reduce the verbosity of the code which simply passes the MVars around. But at the beginning, passing variables around is fine.
I have this code:
main = do
_ <- forkIO foo
_ <- forkIO bar
return ()
Functions foo and bar start, but terminate as soon as main terminates. How can I keep main running indefinitely, but not doing much?
The async package nicely wraps this up as concurrently foo bar.
Here's a self-contained stack shebang script.
#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack
--resolver lts-6.12
--package async
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
forever :: String -> Int -> IO ()
forever msg delay = loop
loop = do
putStrLn msg
threadDelay (delay * 1000)
foo = forever "foo" 3000
bar = forever "bar" 5000
main = foo `concurrently` bar
One thing you could do is to use an MVar () as a simple semaphore. Something like
main = do
vFoo <- newEmptyMVar
vBar <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO (foo vFoo)
forkIO (bar vBar)
takeMVar vFoo
takeMVar vBar
foo vFoo = do
putMVar vFoo ()
bar vBar = do
putMVar vBar ()
You could call getChar so your main thread waits for input. This would also give you a convenient way to really exit the program. Or if you don't want that, just recur on the getChar.
Depending on what behavior you want in the case that one of the two threads fails, this could be a good case for the async package.
Functions like race and concurrently might be particularly relevant to what you're doing.
I have
sample :: MVar a -> IO [a]
sample v = do
a <- takeMVar v
pure (a:unsafePerformIO (sample v))
which appears to be a legitimate use of unsafePerformIO to me. But I am very interested to know how to avoid it! Is there a pattern for this use already?
You can implement a similar function using a thread, a Chan and getChanContents:
sample :: MVar a -> IO [a]
sample v = do
c <- newChan
forkIO $ forever $ takeMVar v >>= writeChan c
getChanContents c
The thread/getChanContents approach is slightly better, since at least you can rely on the MVar being continuously taken. Instead, the unsafePerformIO approach will run takeMVar at impredictable points, making the putMVars blocking in a similarly impredictable way. Of course, the getChanContents approach will buffer all the data, possibly requiring more memory.
However, both approaches are essentially similar to lazy IO, which is best to be avoided, in my opinion.
I'm writing some code with reactive-banana and gtk2hs that needs to read from a file handle. I need to have at least two threads (one to read keyboard events with reactive banana and one to read from the file handle), so at the moment I have code that looks something like this:
type EventSource a = (AddHandler a, a -> IO ())
fire :: EventSource a -> a -> IO ()
fire = snd
watch :: EventSource ByteString -> Handle -> IO ()
watch textIn pty = forever $
hGetLine pty >>= fire textIn >> threadWaitRead pty
With the following main function:
mainAxn :: IO ()
mainAxn = do
h <- openFile "foo" ReadMode
win <- windowNew
txt <- textViewNew
containerAdd win txt
widgetShowAll win
(keyPress, textIn) <-
(,) <$> newAddHandler <*> newAddHandler
network <- setupNetwork keyPress textIn
actuate network
_ <- forkIO $ watch textIn h
_ <- win `on` keyPressEvent $
eventKeyVal >>= liftIO . fire keyPress >> return True
and my event network set up as follows:
setupNetwork :: EventSource KeyVal -> EventSource ByteString -> IO EventNetwork
setupNetwork keyPress textIn = compile $ do
ePressed <- fromAddHandler $ addHandler keyPress
eText <- fromAddHandler $ addHandler textIn
reactimate $ print <$> (filterJust $ keyToChar <$> ePressed)
reactimate $ print <$> eText
(except in my actual code, those reactimate calls write to the TextView built in mainAxn). I found that I needed to build with -threaded to make the event network correctly capture both text from textIn and keypresses from keyPress, which caused issues because it's not safe to modify objects from the gtk package concurrently.
At the moment, I have postGUIAsync calls scattered throughout my code, and I've found that using postGUISync causes the whole thing to deadlock --- I'm not sure why. I think it's because I end up calling postGUISync inside of the same thread that ran mainGUI.
It seems like it would be better to run all of the GUI stuff in its own thread and use the postGUI* functions for every access to it. However, when I change the last line of mainAxn to be
forkIO mainGUI
return ()
the program returns immediately when it hits the end of mainAxn. I tried to fix that by using:
forkIO mainGUI
forever $ return ()
but then the gtk GUI never opens at all, and I don't understand why.
What's the right way to do this? What am I missing?
The basic problem here is that, in Haskell, as soon as main exits, the entire program is torn down. The solution is simply to keep the main thread open; e.g.
done <- newEmptyMVar
forkOS (mainGUI >> putMVar done ())
takeMVar done
I've also replaced forkIO with forkOS. GTK uses (OS-)thread-local state on Windows, so as a matter of defensive programming it is best to ensure that mainGUI runs on a bound thread just in case one day you want to support Windows.
Daniel Wagner answered my question as asked, but I got a more informative perspective from the #haskell IRC channel, which I'll post here for future reference.
Rather than jumping through awkward hoops of forking off the GUI thread and putting the main thread to sleep, a better solution is to let the main thread be the GUI thread and deal with the reactive-banana event network in a new thread. I ended up modifying my main function to contain the following:
keyChan <- newChan
_ <- forkIO $ watchKeys keyPress keyChan
_ <- win `on` keyPressEvent $
eventKeyVal >>= liftIO . writeChan keyChan >> return True
where watchKeys is defined as:
watchKeys :: EventSource KeyVal -> Chan KeyVal -> IO ()
watchKeys keyPress chan = forever $
readChan chan >>= fire keyPress
Now I can deal with the postGUI(A)Sync issues in exactly one place, by defining:
reactimateSafe :: Frameworks t => Event t (IO ()) -> Moment t ()
reactimateSafe = reactimate . fmap postGUIAsync
and using reactimateSafe for any IO action that modifies a GTK object
The following is my dining philosophers code and yields a compilation error saying "The last statement in a 'do' construct must be an expression: mVar2 <- newEmptyMVar mVar3"
Can Somebody help me fix this error and get this program working? thank you
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import System.Random
takefork :: Int -> forks -> IO ()
takefork n forks = takeMVar (forks!!n)
releasefork :: Int -> forks -> IO ()
releasefork n forks = putMVar (forks!!n)
philosopher :: [Int]
philosopher = [1,2,3,4,5]
forks :: [MVar] -> [Int]
forks = do
takefork n ( philosopher - 1)
threadDelay delay
let delay = 100000
takefork n philosopher
putStrLn("Philosopher" ++ philosopher ++ "has started eating")
releasefork n philosopher
releasefork n ( philosopher - 1)
ptStrLn ("Philosopher" ++ philosopher ++ "has stopped eating")
main :: IO ()
main = do
mVar1 <- newEmptyMVar
mVar2 <- newEmptyMVar
mVar3 <- newEmptyMVar
mVar4 <- newEmptyMVar
mVar5 <- newEmptyMVar
let mVar = [mVar1, mVar2, mVar3, mVar4, mVar5]
sequence_ [ forkIO forks (mVar philosopher) ]
There are many problems with your code.
The error message you report indicates you are probably mixing spaces and tabs. Get rid of the tabs and use only spaces.
You are presumably writing this program in order to practice writing Haskell programs, not in order to run the program for fun and profit. So we don't want to simply give you a working Dining Philosophers implementation, we want to help you write your implementation.
I cannot tell from your code how you expect it to work.
I'm going to focus on the last line:
sequence_ [ forkIO forks (mVar philosopher) ]
sequence_ :: [IO a] -> IO () --- give sequence_ a list of i/o actions, and it (returns an i/o action that) performs each action in order. From the [...], it looks like you are trying to give it a list, but with only one element. This is probably not what you mean.
forkIO :: IO () -> IO ThreadID --- give forkIO an i/o action, and it (returns an i/o action that) starts that i/o action running in a new thread, giving you the id of that thread.
There are two problems here:
forks is a function, not an i/o action (it's not even a function that returns an i/o action, though you probably mean it to be)
you give forkIO a second argunment ((mVar philosopher)), but it only takes one argument
mVar philosopher itself doesn't make any sense: mVar :: [MVar a] (it's a list of MVars, and I haven't worked out what type the MVars are supposed to contain) but you treat it like a function, passing it philosopher as an argument.
At this point a lightbulb blinks on above my head. You wish to call forks with parameters mVar and philosopher?
sequence_ [ forkIO (forks mVar philosopher) ]
We're still sequencing a single action though. Perhaps you wish to call forks with each element of philosopher in turn?
sequence_ $ map (\n -> forkIO (forks mVar n)) philosopher
We can simplify this to
mapM_ (\n -> forkIO (forks mVar n)) philosopher
This doesn't match up with the type you given forks :: [MVar] -> [Int]. But that's probably wrong, so you'll want to fix that function next.
I'm trying to understand the MVar example in the GHC latest docs -
data SkipChan a = SkipChan (MVar (a, [MVar ()])) (MVar ())
newSkipChan :: IO (SkipChan a)
newSkipChan = do
sem <- newEmptyMVar
main <- newMVar (undefined, [sem])
return (SkipChan main sem)
putSkipChan :: SkipChan a -> a -> IO ()
putSkipChan (SkipChan main _) v = do
(_, sems) <- takeMVar main
putMVar main (v, [])
mapM_ (sem -> putMVar sem ()) sems
getSkipChan :: SkipChan a -> IO a
getSkipChan (SkipChan main sem) = do
takeMVar sem
(v, sems) <- takeMVar main
putMVar main (v, sem:sems)
return v
dupSkipChan :: SkipChan a -> IO (SkipChan a)
dupSkipChan (SkipChan main _) = do
sem <- newEmptyMVar
(v, sems) <- takeMVar main
putMVar main (v, sem:sems)
return (SkipChan main sem)
I understand most of the program but for two questions -
Are operations like putSkipChan atomic? It seems to avoid blocking on putMVar by first doing a takeMVar. But wouldn't that fail if something else calls putMVar after the takeMVar but before the putMVar? In such cases, it seems the program would block forever.
Why does dupSkipChan append sem to the list of semaphores in the SkipChan? Isn't that done by getSkipChan. It seems to me that calling dupSkipChan followed by getSkipChan (which seems to be what you have to do to have multiple readers) would cause a block when putSkipChan tries to wake up the same semaphore twice?
You are correct, another thread could call putMVar main and mess up putSkipChan. But the module creating the above code would not export the SkipChan constructor so such a rogue operation would be impossible.
dupSkipChan makes a new emptyMVar called sem and adds that to the list in main. It does not add the pre-existing one that was created in newSkipChan. Thus there is no block.
To explain more to other readers of this question and comment: The idea is that there may be multiple reader threads. Initially SkipChan main sem1 is the only such reader. dupSkipChan makes a SkipChan main sem2. If there are thousands of readers then you would not want to notify all of them of a new value in putSkipChan, thus the design is that getSkipChan puts its sem into the list in main. Initializing SkipChan as done in newSkipChan and dupSkipChan also includes putting the new empty sem into the list in main.
The above initialization and design means that the first getSkipChan obtains the most recent past value to have been written (or block for the first value to arrive). Future getSkipChan on that SkipChan will always get a newer value than any gotten before, and these will not block if that value is already available.