$unwind nested document and $match - node.js

I have a nested document which looks like:
var User = new Schema({
id: String,
position: [{
title: String,
candidate_id: String,
name: String
What I am looking to do is return all of the 'applied' subdocuments which match a certain 'candidate_id'
What I have so far:
app.get('/applied', function(req, res){
var position = "58dc2bd4e7208a3ea143959e";
{$unwind : "$position"},
{$unwind : "$position.applied"},
{$match:{'position.applied.candidate_id': position}}).exec(function (err, result) {
res.render('applied', { title: 'applied',layout:'candidate'});
I have another function which returns all the positions that match, and that code works:
app.post('/search', function (req, res) {
var position = new RegExp(req.body.position, 'i');
var location = new RegExp(req.body.location, 'i');
{$unwind : "$position"},
{$match:{'position.title': position,'position.location':location}}).exec(function (err, result) {
res.send({ results: result });
So basically I am struggling with getting a sub-sub-document. Any idea where I'm going wrong?
Sample data:
"_id" : ObjectId("58c2871414cd3d209abf5fc9"),
"position" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("58d6b7e11e793c9a506ffe8f"),
"title" : "Software Engineer",
"applied" : [
"candidate_id" : "58d153e97e3317291gd80087",
"name" : "Sample user"
"candidate_id" : "58d153e97e3317291fd99001",
"name" : "Sample User2"
"_id" : ObjectId("58c2871414cd3d209abf5fc0"),
"title" : "Software Engineer",
What is going on above is there 2 positions, one of which (first entry) has 2 applied candidates, What I need to do is return the nested object if it matches the mongoose query.

Your code seems fine to me I have implemented same and it works for me only possible issue can be that your position="58dc2bd4e7208a3ea143959e" it might be talking it as a string just convert it to objectId by using the following code and check it should work for you.
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var position = mongoose.Types.ObjectId("58dc2bd4e7208a3ea143959e");
{$unwind : "$position"},
{$unwind : "$position.applied"},
{$match:{'position.applied.candidate_id': position}}).exec(function (err, result) {
res.render('applied', { title: 'applied',layout:'candidate'});


find nested (embedded) object in the collection

while i was going through my problem on StackOverflow,i noticed same question was asked before aswell,but none of them had got a good response,or an actual answer.
Mongoose Find One on Nested Object
How can I find nested objects in a document?
well back to my question: i wanted to find the object that is nested in the schema. trying findMany gives all the objects,and findOne give just the first one,but i want particular objects whose id i pass through req.body.checkbox.
my JS code goes like..
app.post("/data", uploads, function (req, res) {
User.findById(req.user.id, function (err, foundUser) {
if (err) {
} else {
if (foundUser) {
var checkedBox = req.body.checkbox;
User.findMany({_id:foundUser._id},{comments:{$elemMatch:{_id:checkedBox}}} ,function(err,checkedobj){
if (Array.isArray(checkedobj.comments)) {
res.render("checkout",{SIMG: checkedobj.comments});
} else {
res.render("checkout",{SIMG: [checkedobj.comments]});
here is my schema,for reference
const commentSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
comment: String,
imagename: String,
const Comment = new mongoose.model("Comment", commentSchema);
const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
firstname: String,
lastname: String,
email: String,
password: String,
comments: [commentSchema],
const User = new mongoose.model("User", userSchema);
"_id" : ObjectId("5ec3f54adfaa1560c0f97cbf"),
"firstname" : "q",
"lastname" : "q",
"username" : "q#q.com",
"salt" : "***",
"hash" : "***",
"__v" : NumberInt(2),
"comments" : [
"permission" : NumberInt(0),
"_id" : ObjectId("5ec511e54db483837885793f"),
"comment" : "hi",
"imagename" : "image-1589973477170.PNG"
"permission" : NumberInt(1)
also when i check 3 checkboxes, console.log(checkBox) logs:
but console.log(checkedobj.comments) gives only one object.
permission: 0,
_id: 5ec543d351e2db83481e878e,
comment: 'q',
imagename: 'image-1589986259358.jpeg'
When you want multiple matching elements from an array you should use $filter aggregation operator
And as a precaution, first check req.body.checkbox is an array or not and convert it into an array of ObjectIds
app.post("/data", uploads, function (req, res) {
var ObjectId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
User.findById(req.user.id, function (err, foundUser) {
if (err) {
} else {
if (foundUser) {
var checkedBox = req.body.checkbox;
if (!Array.isArray(checkedBox)) {
checkedBox = [checkedBox]
var checkedBoxArray = checkedBox.map(id => ObjectId(id))
{$match: {_id: foundUser._id}},
$project: {
comments: {
$filter: {
input: "$comments",
as: "comment",
cond: { $in: [ "$$comment._id", checkedBoxArray ] }
if (Array.isArray(checkedobj[0].comments)) {
res.render("checkout",{SIMG: checkedobj[0].comments});
} else {
res.render("checkout",{SIMG: [checkedobj[0].comments]});
Working example - https://mongoplayground.net/p/HnfrB6e4E3C
Above example will return only 2 comments matching the ids
You can make use of findById() method, more documentation about it is provided here
You can use something like this to search by object id:-
var id = "123";
userSchema.findById(id, function (err, user) { ... } );
Hope this helps!

How do i retrieve just the child-object in Azure Cosmos using mongoose and Node.js?

I am using Azure cosmos db with the Mongodb API. Also i am using mongoose to create schemas and create new documents in the database. I am also using Node.js.
At this point I am considering using a One-to-Many relationship with embedded documents.
The data structure is like this :
"_id" : "locality1",
"_type" : "Locality",
"name" : "Wallmart",
"subsectionList" : [
"_id" : "subsection1",
"_type" : "SubSection",
"name" : "First floor",
"sensorList" : [
"_id" : "sensor1",
"_type" : "Sensor",
"placement" : "In the hallway"
"_id" : "sensor2",
"_type" : "Sensor",
"placement" : "In the ceiling"
"_id" : "subsection2",
"_type" : "SubSection",
"name" : "Second floor",
"sensorList" : [ ],
I want to retrieve ONLY the "sensor1"-object, not anything from the parent.
Using querying i am only able to retrieve the entire "locality1"-object, with all its underlying subsections and sensors. On a larger scale that is an unnecessary large amount of data.
Here is my query so far.
Locality.find().where('subsectionList.sensorList._id').equals("sensor1").then(doc => {
I appreciate any tips! :)
Based on my test, i can't get rid of the _id property anyway even though i followed the parameters which is mentioned here.
Locality.find({},'subsectionList', function (err, locas)
The above query still return the results including _id property.(It seems a default item)
I get a workaround from this blog that you could loop the array to filter your desired columns.
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var COSMOSDB_CONNSTR= "mongodb://***.documents.azure.com:10255/db";
var COSMODDB_USER= "***";
mongoose.connect(COSMOSDB_CONNSTR+"?ssl=true&replicaSet=globaldb", {
auth: {
}).then(() => console.log('Connection to CosmosDB successful'))
.catch((err) => console.error(err));
const Locality = mongoose.model('Locality', new mongoose.Schema({
_id: String,
subsectionList: [{
sensorList: [{
_id: String,
_type: String,
placement: String
Locality.find({},'subsectionList', function (err, locas) {
if (err) return handleError(err);
var returnArray = [];
for(var i = 0; i<locas.length;i++){
for(var j = 0; j<locas[i].subsectionList.length;j++){
for(var k = 0; k<locas[i].subsectionList[j].sensorList.length;k++){
if(locas[i].subsectionList[j].sensorList[k]._id == 'sensor1')

Finding max field value in mongodb using node

I am new in mongodb and node. I am trying to find the max value for a field (userId). But it returns nothing.
My code is
var That = this;
var max_usr_Id = '';
function(callback) {
That.find({"userId" : {"$ne" : ""}, "$and" : [{"userId" : {"$exists" : 1}}]}).sort({"_id" : -1}).limit(1).select("userId").exec(function(err, doc)
console.log('User ID ERROR-');
callback({error:err,message:"Error getting max User ID"});
}else {
console.log('User ID-');
max_usr_Id = doc.userId;
For some reason the control doesn't go inside the find function. When I try the following query in mongodb shell it works.
"userId" : {
"$ne" : ""
"$and" : [
"userId" : {
"$exists" : true
"_id" : -1.0
Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The $and is not used in the proper way, try with:
That.find({ $and: [
{ "userId": { $ne: "" } },
{ "userId": { $exists: true } }
] }).sort( ...
Take a look at the $and documentation.
After seen the comments, the problem must be in the way the logging is made. You need to call toArray to get a collection, and then iterate over it (with forEach for instance):
...find( ... ).toArray(function(err, docs) {
// Print each document returned
docs.forEach(function(doc) {

Mongoose/Mongo faster to have separate collections?

Currently I have a schema USERS with a sub doc VIEWED
As a 'user' views other users, their ID gets logged in the viewers sub doc
So when viewing, technically this gets all the users, then filters that through all the viewed users [for any given user]. So you get a list of unique/fresh users.
My method is currently fetching the list of users - Query 1
Then its fetching the list of viewed users (for a given user) - Query 2
Then using array.filter function to get a list of new users.
(using async parallel for those queries)
Question is, would it be faster to just have a separate document/collection that stores a list of viewed users for any given user. e.g:
userID: 1002,
viewedID: 9112
userID: 1002,
viewedID: 9222
userID: 1002,
viewedID: 9332
Is it possible for me to some how do a query that gets me a fresh list of users, so i don't have to do the computation myself. i.e let mongo do all the work.
edit, adding code to make it more clear
var ViewedSchema = new Schema({
coupleId: {type: Number, required: true}
var UserSchema = new Schema({
name : { type: String, trim: true, required: true}
, partnerId : { type: Number}
, viewed : [ViewedSchema]
code to view partners/users that have not been viewed before
function(callback) {
//gets all the users/partners
User.find({}, function(err, users) {
var allPartners = [];
if(allPartners.indexOf(user.partnerId) == -1) {
callback(null, allPartners);
function(callback) {
//gets all the users/partners i have already viewed
var votedPartners = [];
User.findById(id, function(err, user) {
callback(null, votedPartners);
function(err, result) {
//gets the differences between the 2 arrays
function exists(element) {
return (result[1].indexOf(element) == -1);
var showPartners = result[0].filter(exists);
User.find({partnerId: showPartners[0]}, function(err, user){
var json = {objects: user};
res.render('index', json);
I'm not sure what you mean by fresh or new users, exactly, but have you loked at the distinct() command? You can use it to get all the unique viewed user IDs for all the users in the collection, which is what it sounds like you want to do. See
From the documentation:
Return an array of the distinct values of the field sku in the subdocument item from all documents in the orders collection:
db.orders.distinct( 'item.sku' )
If you give an example of your current document schema, I could try to write the exact query for you.
Edit: You can use $nin to find the userIds that are not in a given list. Here is an example I set up in my local Mongo:
> db.dating.insert({"userId":100,"viewedId":["200","201"]})
> db.dating.findOne()
"_id" : ObjectId("5398d81799b228e88aef2441"),
"userId" : 100,
"viewedId" : [
> db.dating.insert({"userId":200,"viewedId":[""]})
> db.dating.insert({"userId":201,"viewedId":[""]})
> db.dating.insert({"userId":202,"viewedId":[""]})
> db.dating.insert({"userId":203,"viewedId":[""]})
> db.dating.insert({"userId":204,"viewedId":[""]})
> db.dating.insert({"userId":205,"viewedId":[""]})
> db.dating.find({"userId":{$nin: [200,201]}})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5398d81799b228e88aef2441"), "userId" : 100, "viewedId" : [ "
200", "201" ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5398d84099b228e88aef2444"), "userId" : 202, "viewedId" : [ "
" ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5398d84799b228e88aef2445"), "userId" : 203, "viewedId" : [ "
" ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5398d85699b228e88aef2446"), "userId" : 204, "viewedId" : [ "
" ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5398d85c99b228e88aef2447"), "userId" : 205, "viewedId" : [ "
" ] }

render view in SailsJS after mongodb forEach loop query

I have 2 collections name "Keywords" and "Company", I use MongoDB aggregate framework to retrieve related object._id from "Keywords" collection base on keywords user key in.
After i got the object._id from keywords collection, i want to query and compile a final complete docs from Company collection using the object._id.
I stuck on the part where res.view() run first before the result[] collect all the docs from Company collection.
I need to help to turn my code to Synchronous approach. Please help me. Below are what i did.
Sample of doc from "Keywords" Collection
"_id": ObjectID("52ac7130bd40d00a7beb7a29"),
"keyword": "Sunshine",
"object": [
"_id": ObjectID("528443ce751fc9b805d640ad"),
"type": "companyName"
Sample of doc from "Company" Collection
"_id": ObjectID("528443ce751fc9b805d640ad"),
"name": "Sunshine Plaza",
SearchController in SailsJS
var keyWords = req.query.q,
searchKeywords = keyWords.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w\s]/gi, ' ').split(' '), //For example user key in "Sunshine Plaza"
results = [];
$project : {
'_id' : 0,
'keyword' : 1,
'object' : 1
}, {
$match : {
'keyword' : {
'$in' : searchKeywords
} , {
$unwind : '$object'
} , {
$group : {
_id : '$object._id',
count : {
$sum : 1
} , {
$sort : {
count: -1
} , {
$skip : 0
} , {
$limit : 10
], function (err, docs){
docs.forEach(function (doc, i){
'_id' : doc._id
key : keyWords,
results : results,
layout: "layouts/search"
What you're missing is that this isn't blocking code.
So the following
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
Bob would happen first. Then hi. This is because it doesn't stop.
So you should rewrite this part of your code:
function (err, docs){
docs.forEach(function (doc, i){
'_id' : doc._id
key : keyWords,
results : results,
layout: "layouts/search"
To something like the following:
function (err, docs){
docs.forEach(function (doc, i){
'_id' : doc._id
}, myFunction());
function myFunction() {
res.view({key : keywords, results : results, layout: "layouts/search" });
