Cannot read property 'vgN' of null in wiris editor - text-editor

Cannot read property 'vgN' of null in wiriseditor.js at 7:21327
we are getting many issues which are recorded in TRACK.JS tool but we don't know whether users impacted or not?
please let us what's the root cause or solution.


Ignoring an Admin with specific command

I have created a anti-abuse command where I want to ignore Administrators of the server and I have used this like
const permission = [PermissionFlagsBits.Administrator];
if (message.member.permissions.has(permission)) return;
And it gives this error.
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null ( reading "permissions)
It would be great if someone helps me!
I was expecting that it would ignore Administrators and take action though the members..

Strapi debug: Error on attribute departure in model

today when I try to run my Strapi with some exercises, there was an error showing that inversedBy attribute flight not found target api::airport.airport. However, the command shows Admin UI was built successfully. but I cannot access the Admin panel and do anything with it. It seems that the error is belonging to one of the content, but the entire API is not working. What should I do? Does anyone know how to fix this bug?
enter image description here
Thank you.
Firstly, I tried to run the start command(npm run develop) for several time, it keep reporting same error.
Secondly, I tried to access the administration panel directly, it is apparently that I failed.
Hopes someone can help me to figure out, how can I solve this bug/error.
I had a similar error.
The issue for me related to a problem where the 'key'(i.e. attribute key in JSON) didn't match that was referenced by the model in the mappedBy & inversedBy.
e.g. mappedBy:"f_light" should point to
"f_light":{type:"relation",...) --
At least that was the problem for me
Strapi Docs on how the schema is supposed to look
My issue: Error on attribute a_token in model a-request(api::a-request.a-request): inversedBy attribute a-requests not found target api::a-token.a-token
This occurred because I inversedBy:'a-token' when the attribute key was 'a_token'. Changing them so they matched solved my issue ('a-token' -> 'a_token').
The naming conventions of mappedBy, inversedBy, and the attribute keys MUST use '_' instead of '-' for spaces, otherwise it will fail the naming convention tests.

Multiple member mdx query returns error (permission to access the specified member)

I want to mention that I'm new to SSAS and MDX.
In the past several days I've been dwelling with an excel generated query that errors out.
The problem is that a query is generated by excel when trying to read data from an online cube data source preventing other reads for that cube. The query is executed against an AZURE cube and I manage to profile it and get the following query:
with set __XLUniqueNames as {[Stores].[Chain].[Chain].&[SuperBrugsen], [Stores].[Chain].[Chain].&[Salling], [Stores].[Chain].[Chain].&[SuperBrugsen] }
set __XLDrilledUp as
{ IIF([Stores].[Chain].currentmember.LEVEL_NUMBER <= 2147483647,
[Stores].[Chain].currentmember.LEVEL_NUMBER - 2147483647)) } )
member [Measures].__XLPath as
select { [Measures].__XLPath } on 0,
__XLDrilledUp on 1
from [SomeCube]
cell properties value
Each time query contains more than one member (an existing member from that dimension) it errors out with this message:
"Either you do not have permission to access the specified member or the specified member does not exist.".
What I have tried:
First, I tried to identify a pattern of member combinations that errors out, with no luck. It seems that for some certain members I get the error and for some, It doesn't. For single member, duplicate members and combination of members that don't exist in the cube it doesn't error.
Second, I did try the query on a different cube (on-premise SSAS) and I didn't get the error.
Third, by modifying the connection string I tried to make Excel ignore the missing members in the hope it will work using the "MDXMissingMemberMode" flag set to Ignore. I didn't work.
Forth, I tried to dissect the query to see which clause was giving the error. With my limited knowledge of MDX I suspect that "currentmember" with its "LEVEL_NUMBER" property is at fault. My guess is that it fails to get the current member for the next member in the set.
Fifth, the last thing and the longest, by accident I discovered that in SSMS you can execute a query in an mdx session (Right-click on cube -> New query) or you can open the cube in browse mode (Right-click on cube -> Browse) which results in a UI similar to the mdx query like.
No here comes the surprise, in this browse "mode" my query executes successfully each time. Intrigued by this I started to profile the request and see what was different. The difference was some additional xml structure like a list with properties. Seeing this I figured I could manipulate my connection string from excel to send some of the properties to make it work, but in the end, I didn't work.
Additional proprieties that worked:
<PropertyList xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis">
<SspropInitAppName>Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio</SspropInitAppName>
Additional properties that didn't work:
<PropertyList xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis">
<SspropInitAppName>Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - Query</SspropInitAppName>
Excel additional properties:
<PropertyList xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis" xmlns:soap="">
Result of a single member working mxd query:
SuperBrugsen [Stores].[Chain].[Chain].&[SuperBrugsen]__XLPSEP[Stores].[Chain].[All]
This all the info that I could gather for my problem. My next step is to get to Microsoft for help by I don't want to do that just yet due to the costs.
Can someone of you guys please help me out? any ideas or suggestion are most welcomed because I ran out of ideas.
It seems that the problem solved itself. Most likely there was an update that solved this issue. Ref. to azure update logs page:

Not able to log lengthy messages using application insights trackEvent() method in Node.js

We are trying to log some lengthy message using AppInsights trackEvent() message. But it is not logging into AppInsights and not giving any error.
Please help me in logging lengthy string.
Please let us know the max limit for the trackEvent()
if you want to log messages then you should be using the trackTrace methods of the AI SDK, not trackEvent. trackTrace is intended for long messages and has a huge limit: (32k!) See
trackEvent is intended for named "events" like "opened file" or "clicked retry" or "canceled frobulating", where you might want to make charts, and track usage of a thing over time.
you can attach custom properties (string key, string value) and custom metrics (string key, double value) to anything. and if you set the operationId field on things in the sdk, anything with the same operationId can be easily found together via queries or visualized in the Azure Portal or in Visual Studio:
There are indeed limitation regarding the length. For example, the limit of the Name property of an event is 512 characters. See
You can split it on substrings and put in Properties collection, each collection value length is 8 * 1024. I got this as a tip when I asked for it. See Never tried it myself though

Exception of type 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.StorageClientException' was thrown

Exception of type 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.StorageClientException' was thrown.
Sometimes even if we have the fabric running and the role manager is up, we get an exception of this sort.
The code breaks at the line:
public EmailAddressDataContext(CloudStorageAccount account) :
base(account.TableEndpoint.AbsoluteUri, account.Credentials)
this.storageAccount = account;
CloudTableClient emailAddressClient =
new CloudTableClient(storageAccount.TableEndpoint.AbsoluteUri,
I give Windows Azure tables camel-cased names all the time without issues.
I wonder if by chance you already used this table name and recently deleted it? For a time after deletion (when the table is still being deleted asynchronously), you won't be able to recreate it. I believe 409 Conflict is the error code to expect in that case.
I agree with Steve Marx, casing does not seem to affect this issue. In fact Microsoft's Azure diagnostics tables are created with unusual casing eg: WADPerformanceCounters. I get the problem even in the dev environment. So it is something else entirely - my opinion.
Error fixed in my case: The problem was an error with the connection string as defined in (or lack thereof) in the webrole or workerrole project properties.
Right-click on the webrole under "Roles" folder in your cloud application. Select "Properties" from the context menu.
Select the "Settings" tab.
Verify or Add a setting for you connection string that you will use to initialize table storage.
Mine was a simple error - no setting for my connection string.
Easy fix is to change "EmailAddress" to "Emailaddress". For some reasons it would not allow CamelCasing. So please make sure, you just have one capital letter in the name of the table that too at the beginning. Since the table names are case insensitive, you can also name it as 'emailaddress'
