gitolite3 v3.5.2-g2515992 mirroring issue - gitolite

Hi I was trying to setup mirroring in gitolite3 version 3.5.2.
I had followed steps as specified in this link
but when ran this command on the master server
gitolite mirror push LIP-SLAVE gitolite-admin
I am getting this below msg
I had set HOSTNAME in .gitolite.rc file in gitolite admin home dir. but gitolite is not picking it up
Does any one know how to set HOSTNAME is gitolite v3.5.2
Thanks in advance


ssh: Could not resolve hostname Temporary failure in name resolution

The repo was cloned using SSH at the start. I had no issues pushing to Github until today. I've been trying to solve this error for a whole day but i still cannot solve this error.. It would be great if anyone can shed some light on this! Thank you :)
2dsnakegame git:(main) git push origin main
ssh: Could not resolve hostname Temporary failure in name resolution
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
➜ 2dsnakegame git:(main) git remote
➜ 2dsnakegame git:(main) git remote --v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
I had the same situation working on Windows with WSL2. It looks like there was a trouble on the connection to the DNS server, so I basically reset my TCP/IP with the following commands and then git pull/git push worked again.
From University of Wisconsin: Windows 10 TCP/IP Reset: Open the cmd prompt on Windows as an administrator and run the following commands in this order in order to fix your connection problem:
netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
Finally, restart your computer.

Gitlab pushing first project failed due to could not read from remote repository

I was new to Gitlab was trying to push my project from local machine to Gitlab.
Have done the SSH key and followed the instructions at Gitlab. Done the Git global setup. Was trying to add an existing folder , so i followed the instructions listed
cd existing_folder
git init
git remote add origin
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master
but failed at the last step at the git push. The error message was
Tried adding the remote origin, but it was told it already exists. So not sure where it went wrong. Please help, much appreciated :)
Have done the SSH key
The problem is that you have defined your origin as HTTPS, not SSH.
git remote set-url origin
That will override origin URL.
Independently, make sure your SSH key does work and allows GitLab to authenticate you as your GitLab account with:
ssh -T
Check out your credentials, if they are invalid, it wont give u to upload changes.
For Windows check this:
For Linux check this: (if you do not know how to change credentials via terminal)

Cannot create a working Git server

I have installed Git on my machine and finished the setup of every thing. Git is working fine locally, but when i try to access it globally always return the following
fatal: '/Gittest/project.git' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository
I can access the server where the repository is identified through ssh connection. and access the files in the Git directory, though i can't set the directory as my remote origin
what should i do?
I have used the following command to set remote repository
git remote add origin svn#
and I have checked the connectivity from the client by using the following command
scp svn# temp
where clientm is in the same location as project.git
It seems that I have entered a wrong public key instead of the user I was working on, the problem is solved by changing the public key in the server file

git clone using ssh failed in Windows due to permission issue

I have created a new GIT repository in my server at /home/myuser/.git/project.git.
I found ssh key for git from C:\Users\Toshiba\.ssh\ & appended with server's authorized_keys file.
when i try to do git clone using ssh it fails as below.
$ git clone ssh://
Cloning into 'project'...
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Could you please help me in resolving this issue.
If your public/private key doesn't have the standard name C:\Users\Toshiba\.ssh\id_rsa(.pub), but C:\Users\Toshiba\.ssh\, then you need an ssh config file
Host mysite
User myuser
Port 2888
IdentityFile C:\Users\Toshiba\.ssh\
That would allow you to do
git clone mysite:/home/myuser/.git/project.git
Test it first wih ssh -Tvvv mysite, and then ssh mysite ls.
Make sure the environment variable %HOME% is defined to C:\Users\Toshiba
You have another example in "SSH error on push to an existing project Permission denied (publickey)"

Cannot find my project files on the server gitolite is running

I cannot find my project files on the server gitolite is running.
Basically, I built a git server using gitolite on a CentOS 6.2, and I created a new repository,I can successfully clone, pull, commit and push files to this new project, but when I logged in this server, trying to find my project files on it, I could not find them. the repository is in /home/mygituser/repositories/myproject.git/ , but none of my pushed files can be found any in there.
Is gitolite keeping the actual project contents somewhere else or is there a way to config and seperate project contents and its repository?
This is driving me crazy, any help will be highly appreciated.
Gitolite operates with bare repositories.
A bare repo has no working tree, meaning no files.
That is why, by the way, your repo root directory ends with .git: it is a naming convention to reference bare repos.
See "Git push only for bare repositories?" for more.
Your repos are managed by default on:
Generally, you don't need to look to the content of a repo while being on the server: you simply clone it on a client and look it there. (the clone won't be a bare repo by default)
You could clone it on the server, if you have a proper ~git/.ssh/id_rsa(.pub) key declared as a user in the gitolite.conf file.
It is what I do, as a test, after installing/updating gitolite on my server.
That works because of my local ssh config file:
Host gitolitesrv
Hostname localhost
IdentityFile #H#/.ssh/gitoliteadm
So I have a ~git/.ssh/gitolite(.pub) private and public key dedicated to gitolite admin, which I can use locally on the server to clone gitolite repo if I want.
That is because I use that same key to setup gitolite:
GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME= gitolite setup -pk "${H}/.ssh/"
If you have a similar setup, you can then clone any repo on the server:
git clone gitolitesrv:gitolite-admin "${gtl}/ga"
