install gigablast. make file not working - linux

I am trying to install gigablast on a server. I have not been able to get past the make file part. I have used it to create other programs but I also don't have a degree in server or computer programming, and thats why I need help.
I am running ubunto 14.04 and have updated everything. I unzipped the file in the root folder. Was I supposed to move it the the var folder? I have not found a install file or a make file for initill construction and have done make -f and make -i
I get that it is a directory but can't find the file to point it to.
This is the list of files on github
THis has the install guide.
Thank you for helping me out

Try this
$ mkdir gigablast
$ cd gigablast
$ wget --no-check-certificate ""
$ unzip
$ cd open-source-search-engine-master/
$ make


Linux Newb ./config: No Such file or directory

I'm new to Linux and I'm trying to install a program called OpenSSL. I'm following a guide and it says to download the tar file, so i created a directory called Website_Related with the path
and downloaded the tar file from that directory with the command
This went fine. Then the guide says to execute the following command
$ ./config \
--prefix=/opt/openssl \
--openssldir=/opt/openssl \
I tried executing this command from the same directory where I downloaded the file to and I get an error "No such file or directory". I also tried executing the command from my home directory and got the same error. The guide gives an explanation for the "enable-ec_nist_64_gcc_128" but not the rest of the command.
What is going on here? I did some research and saw . is often a directory having to do with configuration in your home directory, and I can see it in my home directory with
ls -a
command, but if i try to go into it with
cd .
that fails. Could someone please explain to me what this ./config command is attempting to do, and why it is failing?
Thank you.
You need to unpack it first:
tar vxf openssl-1.0.2o.tar.gz

Running a script during Debian Packaging

I have some source files and one bash script to run during installation in Ubuntu machines.
What is an easy guide to Debian packaging and create packages for own use?
My practice includes:
I made a sample which copies the files in to /usr/bin/ folder using pbuilder environment, but got struck with running a file which contains:
set -x
cd /usr/local/
mkdir libexec
cd $cpath
cp askpin /usr/local/libexec/
cp badpin /usr/local/libexec/
cp msg /usr/local/libexec/
Any help is appreciated.
Traditionally these scripts go into the debian/DEBIAN directory along with the control file and are called preinst, postinst, prerm and postrm.
They are run when it is appropriate by the installation/removal process.
Include a shebang at the top of these files.
Just chased down pbuilder and realised that the above answer probably means nothing to you.
I didn't know pbuilder existed, if I had maybe I would have used it, instead of scratching my debian builds into the bare metal, where the above answer makes sense.

How to install rabbitmq and erlang on centOS without root user?

Can anyone help me with installation?
I have install virtualEnv and trying to install both of these. but not sure it is correct or not.
I know this is an old version, but it worked for me on a different Linux build (Mate OS). Follow the steps in this blog post which I have simplified below.
Download the below
ERLANG from OTP R16B03-1 Source File
RabbitMQ from RabbitMQ Server.tar.gz
Installing Erlang
Extract the ERLANG file
cd to source folder
run $ configure
run $ make
Open Makefile and change /Users/deepkrish/Application/erlang to a suitable directory
The line you are looking for is the below:
# prefix from configure, default is /usr/local (must be an absolute path) prefix = /Users/deepkrish/Application/erlang
Run $ make install
Once Erlang is installed non root user add the erlang/bin to PATH in .bash_profile like below:
export ERLANG=”/Users/deepkrish/Application/erlang/bin”
export PATH=${ERLANG}:${PATH}
Now execute the profile by running `$ source .bash_profile” or log off and login again.
Check $ erl -version This should give you the below:
Erlang (SMP,ASYNC_THREADS,HIPE) (BEAM) emulator version 5.10.4
Installing RabbitMQ
Untar the RabbitMQ.tar file and $ cd to the extracted folder
run $ make
2. This should create a scripts folder. Now change into that. $ cd scripts
Now change the below in the rabbitmq-defaults file. This will change where we run and log rabbitMQ. You can change it to the folder you want to run RabbitMQ from as below
### next line potentially updated in package install steps SYS_PREFIX=~/Application/RabbitMQ
Save and close the file
Now create a directory mkdir -p ../etc/rabbitmq Note that if you don't have access to the /etc directory you can also change it to somewhere else.
./rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
Start rabbitmq server $ ./rabbitmq-server &
I use the below script file to start RabbitMQ server whenever I log on.
cd /home/myusername/myproject/RabbitMQ/rabbitmq-server-3.2.3/scripts
export ERLANG="/home/myusername/myproject/RabbitMQ/erlang/bin"
export PATH=${ERLANG}:${PATH}
./rabbitmq-server &

How to create a "configure" file?

Recently I downloaded a file using the following link
git clone git://
Inside the downloaded mapcache folder I can not find a configure file to do "./configure". But the installation help file tell:
Unix compilation instructions
If you are using a git clone rather than a tarball distribution, you
must first run autoconf in the root directory, to create the configure
file from
$ autoconf
For unix users, the compilation process should resume to:
$ ./configure
$ make
(as root)
make install-module
The installation script takes care of putting the built module in the
apache module directory.
To do ./configure there should be a configure file isn't it? Please show me how to make one to get rid of this problem.
maintainer speaking ...
mapcache and mapserver are switching to cmake for the next release and the docs for the master branch need updating. You can either use the branch-1-0 branch to continue using autoconf builds, or use cmake with master:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install
The help file tells you exactly what you need to do
If you are using a git clone rather than a tarball distribution, you must first run autoconf in the root directory, to create the configure file from
If you don't already have autoconf installed you'll need to install it in the normal way for your distribution.
The repository seems out of sync with the documentation
there is no as mentioned in the INSTALL file (nowhere not only in the root directory)
there is just a file for MSVC++
You should contact the maintainer

How to build git with static linking?

I downloaded git source from as a zip file.
I extracted it into /home/Desktop/denis/git (using Ubuntu).
Now the tutorial here says that I should run
./configure --prefix=/home/denis/git-static CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -static"
from the above mentioned folder as a step for building git.
But the git source does not appear to have a configure file in it's root folder which I can run (only, which I suspect is not what I'm looking for).
What am I missing here? How to build git manually?
I'm doing this because I'm trying to get git working on a shared hosting server where I'm not able to install git.
The other answers did not work for me. Perhaps they will for others. What did work for me was:
Get the source code
Make a target directory
Enter the source directory
Use the following commands:
git clone
mkdir git-static
cd git
./configure prefix=/path/to/git-static/ CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -static"
make install
This will leave you with a few folders in the git-static directory, but the executable is statically linked. It is also substantially bigger than usual (maybe 1.5 MB bigger).
Read the INSTALL file in the root folder of the unzipped file, it seems there is some useful instruction in it, what I suspect:
Alternatively you can use autoconf generated ./configure script to
set up install paths (via config.mak.autogen), so you can write instead
$ make configure ;# as yourself
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr ;# as yourself
$ make all doc ;# as yourself
# make install install-doc install-html;# as root
or just simply:
$ make prefix=/usr all doc info ;# as yourself
# make prefix=/usr install install-doc install-html install-info ;# as root
