Calling functions with variables multiple times - python-3.x

I'm making a program for a school project and I'm having an issue.
I have defined a function called DidThisWork like so:
def DidThisWork():
global DidThisWork
DidThisWork = input('\n\nDid this solution work? - ').lower()
Throughout my code, I want to call this function multiple times, however, I'm not able to. Is there a way, to call it multiple times, and like reset the DidThisWork variable inside the function after I used it in if statements?

You define a function def DidThisWork(): then within that very function you overwrite the newly created DidThisWork variable (which points to the function) to the result of your input(..) call.
So at the first call to DidThisWork(), the DidThisWork variable no longer points to the function, rather to the string returned by input(...).
If you rename either the function or the variable storing the string returned by input() it should work.
By the way, there are some naming conventions in Python you may want to look into Typically you'd use snake_case instead of camelCase and not only start a class with an upper case letter
worked = None
def did_this_work():
global worked
worked = input('\n\nDid this solution work? - ').lower()


PyQT QPushButton Connection Problem - Wrong function being called [duplicate]

Im trying to build a calculator with PyQt4 and connecting the 'clicked()' signals from the buttons doesn't work as expected.
Im creating my buttons for the numbers inside a for loop where i try to connect them afterwards.
def __init__(self):
for i in range(0,10):
self._numberButtons += [QPushButton(str(i), self)]
self.connect(self._numberButtons[i], SIGNAL('clicked()'), lambda : self._number(i))
def _number(self, x):
When I click on the buttons all of them print out '9'.
Why is that so and how can i fix this?
This is just, how scoping, name lookup and closures are defined in Python.
Python only introduces new bindings in namespace through assignment and through parameter lists of functions. i is therefore not actually defined in the namespace of the lambda, but in the namespace of __init__(). The name lookup for i in the lambda consequently ends up in the namespace of __init__(), where i is eventually bound to 9. This is called "closure".
You can work around these admittedly not really intuitive (but well-defined) semantics by passing i as a keyword argument with default value. As said, names in parameter lists introduce new bindings in the local namespace, so i inside the lambda then becomes independent from i in .__init__():
self._numberButtons[i].clicked.connect(lambda checked, i=i: self._number(i))
UPDATE: clicked has a default checked argument that would override the value of i, so it must be added to the argument list before the keyword value.
A more readable, less magic alternative is functools.partial:
self._numberButtons[i].clicked.connect(partial(self._number, i))
I'm using new-style signal and slot syntax here simply for convenience, old style syntax works just the same.
You are creating closures. Closures really capture a variable, not the value of a variable. At the end of __init__, i is the last element of range(0, 10), i.e. 9. All the lambdas you created in this scope refer to this i and only when they are invoked, they get the value of i at the time they are at invoked (however, seperate invocations of __init__ create lambdas referring to seperate variables!).
There are two popular ways to avoid this:
Using a default parameter: lambda i=i: self._number(i). This work because default parameters bind a value at function definition time.
Defining a helper function helper = lambda i: (lambda: self._number(i)) and use helper(i) in the loop. This works because the "outer" i is evaluated at the time i is bound, and - as mentioned before - the next closure created in the next invokation of helper will refer to a different variable.
Use the Qt way, use QSignalMapper instead.

How to initilise a list that contains custom functions without python running those functions during initialisation?

Short version:
How do you store functions in a list and only have them be executed when they are called using their index position in the list?
Long Version:
So I am writing a program that rolls a user-chosen number of six-sided dice, stores the results in a list and then organizes the results/ data in a dictionary.
After the data is gathered the program gives the user options from 0-2 to choose from and asks the user to type a number corresponding to the option they want.
After this input by the user, a variable, lets say TT, is assigned to it. I want the program to use TT to identify which function to run that is contained within a list called "Executable_options" by using TT as the index posistion of this function within the list.
The problem I am having is that I have to have the list that contains the functions on a line after the functions have been defined and when I initialize the list it goes through and executes all functions within it in order when I don't want it to. I just want them to be in the list for calling at a later date.
I tried to initialise the list without any functions in and then append the functions individually, but every time a function is appened to the list it is also executed.
def results():
def Rolling_thunder():
def roll_again():
The functions contains things, but is unnecessary to show for the question at hand
Executable_options = []
options = len(Executable_options)
I am relatively new to Python so I am still getting my head around it. I have tried searching for the answer to this on existing posts, but couldn't find anything so I assume I am just using the wrong key words in my search.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and for the answers provided.
Edit: Code now works
The () on the end of the function name calls it - i.e. results() is the call to the results method.
Simply append to the list without the call - i.e:
You can then call it by doing e.g.:
as per your given data the code will look like this:
def results():
def Rolling_thunder():
def roll_again():
Executable_options = []
for i in range(0,len(Executable_options)):
this will work for you.

Call nested Python 3 nested function from parent function

For Python 3. I want to call a nested function from a top-level function. NOT access a variable in a nested function but call a nested function (what I'd normally refer to as a subroutine) from a "parent" function.
Answers on SO and elsewhere describe how to use the global and nonlocal keywords to enable variables in nested functions to be accessed by "parent" functions. But I haven't been able to translate that technique to Python 3 nested functions.
What I'm hoping to achieve, largely for outer-to-inner readability, is:
def topLevelFunction(listOfStrings):
# Top-level function's code here.
desiredValue = nestedFunction(dataToModify)
# This nested function's source code is visibly contained within its parent.
def nestedFunction(oneListEntry):
# Modify data passed to function.
This structure of course produces UnboundLocalError: local variable 'nestedFunction' referenced before assignment.
I've circumvented that with:
def topLevelFunction(listofStrings):
def nestedFunction(oneListEntry):
# nestedFunction's code goes here.
# topLevelFunction's code goes here.
# Only in this "upside down" structure can top-level function call nestedFunction?
Part of the problem seems to be that the nonlocal / global keywords that enable me to reference variables outside of nested functions' scope haven't enabled me to do the same thing for nested functions themselves(?) Or if they do, the syntax is unique? If that's the case, thanks for a pointer to that specific syntax.
I've also made nestedFunction a stand-alone function at the same level / scope as topLevelFunction. But at least from a readability perspective both circumventions (I won't call them fixes) seem to require me to write "upside down" code where things that are used later in the program flow must be "higher" in the source code?
Perhaps I'm too accustomed to compiled languages that don't require this? Or must I instead create a Python 3 class?

How to modify immutable objects passed as **arguments in functions with Python3 the elegant way?

I am not sure what the problem is here, so I don't really know how I should call the subject for that question. Please offer a better subject if you know.
The code below is a extrem simplified example of the original one. But it reproduce the problem very nice. After the call of test() foo should be sieben.
I think I didn't know some special things about scopes of variables in Python. This might be a very good problem to learn more about that. But I don't know on which Python topic I should focus here to find a solution for my own.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
def test(handlerFunction, **handlerArgs):
def myhandler(dat):
dat = 'sieben'
foo = 'foo'
test(myhandler, dat=foo)
Of course I could make foo a global variable. But that is not the goal. The goal is to carry this variable inside and through sub-functions of different levels and bring the result back. In the original code I use some more complexe data structures with **handlerArgs.
A solution could be to use a list() as an mutable object holding the immutable one. But is this really elegant or pythonic?
#!/usr/bin/env python3
def test(handlerFunction, **handlerArgs):
def myhandler(dat):
dat[0] = 'sieben'
foo = ['foo']
test(myhandler, dat=foo)
The ** syntax has nothing to do with this. dat is local to myhandler, and assigning it doesn't change the global variable with the same name. If you want to change the module variable from inside the function, declare the variable as global at the beginning of the function body:
def myhandler(): # you don't need to pass dat as argument
global dat
dat = 'sieben'
Here's a relevant portion from the docs:
If a name binding operation occurs anywhere within a code block, all uses of the name within the block are treated as references to the current block. This can lead to errors when a name is used within a block before it is bound. This rule is subtle. Python lacks declarations and allows name binding operations to occur anywhere within a code block. The local variables of a code block can be determined by scanning the entire text of the block for name binding operations.
If the global statement occurs within a block, all uses of the name specified in the statement refer to the binding of that name in the top-level namespace. Names are resolved in the top-level namespace by searching the global namespace, i.e. the namespace of the module containing the code block, and the builtins namespace, the namespace of the module builtins. The global namespace is searched first. If the name is not found there, the builtins namespace is searched. The global statement must precede all uses of the name.
After your edit the question reads as: "how do I mutate an immutable object?"
Well, I think you've guessed it: you don't. Using a mutable object in this manner seems reasonable to me.

Turn ALL current workspace variables into global variables

I have an aged code from different authors who use global variables over many years and the following challenge: I imported several (>200) variables from an excel file. They are not inside a function and they are not designated as global. For the function to work, they have to be because there is one function1 which calls a function 2. Function 1 is called once only while function 2 is called >10000 times, so I wish anything global to be inside function 1. How can I easily turn all of them into global variables and pass them to function 2?
example (scheme)
% function1
% global *other variables exist here already*
% this function calls function2 at a certain point further below
save L % some variables a b c ... are parameters in function2
% function2
% global *other variables exist here already*
load L % i dont want to load my workspace everytime, I rather wish to just access global variables a b c...
% the problem is that my variables sometimes change name and I want to have
% them all global in an automatic way. Or live with a workaround.
Thank you for your patience and I am ready to take questions!
I managed a workaround with which im not entirely happy because it involves manual manipulation in the code. So it is a temporary solution at best.
% lets say you have some workspace variables and you save them under this name, and then load them:
load workspacevars.mat;
L=who % gives you those variable's names as string column
L=L' % and in a form that makes you able to use it as global (as row)
% unfortunately using global L doesnt work for me. any ideas?
% I had to go to L in the workspace, and click and drag the resulting long string into a text editor.
% there, I removed the braces {} and the '' because this is how global likes to have their variables: pure.
% finally it looks like this: global var1 var2 var3 ....
The answer is, use structure files instead of globals.
once the struct is created, (c.constant1, c.constant2...), you just give the function in question c. I used to work with workspace a lot, which explains why I save my workspace and load it once (not many times since constants dont change) so this is how it looks for me:
save c.mat
[Time,Results] = ode15s(#(x, c) f1(x, c),[0 c.length],x0,options)
function [OUTPUT] = f1(t, x, c)
load c.mat
inputs are x and c and they can be freely shared between both the main and the subfunction. If constants should change due to some events in the function, they may be saved with an if conditions inside the subfunction and are reloaded in the next iteration of the code (but this is another issue adressed here: Change a constant in ODE calculations under particular conditions with a flag)
