How to add EventSource to a web application - etw

We finally got EventSource and ElasticSearch correctly configured in our service fabric cluster. Now that we have that we want to add EventSources to our web applications that interact with our service fabric applications so that we can view all events (application logs) in one location and filter / query via Kibana.
Our issue seems to be related to the differences between a service fabric app which is an exe and a .NET 4.6 (not .net CORE) web app which is stateless. In service Fabric we place the using statement that instantiates the pipeline in Program.cs and set an infinite sleep.
private static void Main()
using (var diagnosticsPipeline = ServiceFabricDiagnosticPipelineFactory.CreatePipeline("CacheApp-CacheAPI-DiagnosticsPipeline"))
ServiceEventSource.Current.ServiceTypeRegistered(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id, typeof(Endpoint).Name);
// Prevents this host process from terminating so services keeps running.
How do I do this in a web app? This is the pipeline code we are using for a non ServiceFabric implementation of the EventSource. This is what we are using:
using (var pipeline = DiagnosticPipelineFactory.CreatePipeline("eventFlowConfig.json"))
IEnumerable ie = System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.GetSources();
ServiceEventSource.Current.Message("initialize eventsource");
We are able to see the pipeline and send events to ElasticSearch from within the using statement but not outside of it. So the question is:
how/where do we place our pipeline using statement for a web app?
Do we need to instantiate and destroy the pipeline that every time we log or is there a way to reuse that pipeline across the stateless web events? It would seem like that would be very expensive and hurt performance. Maybe we can we cache a pipeline?
That’s the jist, let me know if you need clarification. I see lots of doco out there for client apps but not much for web apps.
DiagnosticPipeline pipeline;
protected void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e)
pipeline = DiagnosticPipelineFactory.CreatePipeline("eventFlowConfig.json");
IEnumerable ie = System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.GetSources();
AppEventSource.Current.Message("initialize eventsource");
protected void Application_End(Object sender, EventArgs e)

Assuming ASP.NET Core the simplest way to initialize EventFlow pipeline would be in the Program.cs Main() method, for example:
public static void Main(string[] args)
using (var pipeline = DiagnosticPipelineFactory.CreatePipeline("eventFlowConfig.json"))
var host = new WebHostBuilder()
This takes advantage of the fact that host.Run() will block until the server is shut down, and so the pipeline will exist during the time when requests are received and served.
Depending on the web framework you use things might vary. E.g. if the one you use offers "setup" and "cleanup" hooks, you could create a diagnostic pipeline during setup phase (and store a reference to it in some member variable), then dispose of it during cleanup phase. For example, in ASP.NET classic you'd put the code in global.asax.cs and leverage Application_OnStart and Application_OnEnd methods. See Application Instances, Application Events, and Application State in ASP.NET for details.
Creating a pipeline instance every time a request is served is quite inefficient, like you said. There is really no good reason to do that.


Finding "Application Stop Events" in Azure Application insights

I have a web application that sometimes undergoes "Platform (Infrastructure Upgrade)" events.
The only way that I can detect these is by going to the Azure portal and drilling down
Diagnose and Solve Problems > Web App Restarted
and looking for errors such as below
My question really, is can I use Application Insights to query Azure to find out when these events happen?
Seems like a simple thing to do, but can't figure it out to do it.
can I use Application Insights to query Azure to find out when these events happen?
No, but your application is maybe able to log an event upon start or close? For example, in a .Net Core app you can listen to stop/start events like this:
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
public static void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, IHostApplicationLifetime hostApplicationLifetime, TelemetryClient telemetryClient)
hostApplicationLifetime.ApplicationStarted.Register(() => { telemetryClient.TrackEvent("App Started"); });
hostApplicationLifetime.ApplicationStopping.Register(() => { telemetryClient.TrackEvent("App Stopping"); });
hostApplicationLifetime.ApplicationStopped.Register(() => {
telemetryClient.TrackEvent("App Stopped");
if (env.IsDevelopment())
It uses the IHostApplicationLifetime interface to get notified of application lifetime events.

Add application insights to stateless service fabric app

I'm trying to follow this documentation for starting to use application insights in a .net core application I deploy to service fabric.
My code is really simple
public FailedAuthorise(StatelessServiceContext context, IConfigManager config)
: base(context)
_worker = new Worker<PaymentFailedAuthorise>(config, FailedAuthoriseHandlerFactory.Create, "FailedAuthorise", "FailedAuthoriseError");
protected override async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await _worker.RunAsync(cancellationToken);
Being the worker just a generic class that reads from some queues and processes the messages
But if I was to follow that document I would need to install some nuget packages (which actually are giving me problems to find and/or install, for instance no access to the using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.ServiceFabric; or will need to change the instrumentation key on a configuration file modification on the pipeline) and start using "hosting" classes that I don't really need in my solution.
Is not a simple way of just adding application insights to what used to be a worker role in the cloud services with no need of the hosting bit?
You can just add this nuget package and create your own custom telemetry like this:
public class MyService
private readonly TelemetryClient telemetryClient;
public MyService()
telemetryClient = new TelemetryClient(configuration);
telemetryClient.Context.InstrumentationKey = "[Your Key Here]";
public FailedAuthorise(StatelessServiceContext context, IConfigManager config)
: base(context)
_worker = new Worker<PaymentFailedAuthorise>(config, FailedAuthoriseHandlerFactory.Create, "FailedAuthorise", "FailedAuthoriseError");
protected override async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
telemetryClient.TrackEvent("Worker started");
await _worker.RunAsync(cancellationToken);
There are several things you can track, like exceptions, traces, events, metrics and requests but if you are not using Asp.Net Core you will have to manually send those events as opposed to having some middleware sending the telemetry to App Insigths.
If your service calls other services you can add this package to automatically track communication to other services.

.NET Core 2.0 HttpClient Singleton throwing 502

I have a web application acting as a gateway to a variety of internal services. These services are consumed by using a single instance of HttpClient, instantiated at startup (i.e. Startup.cs)
After a certain period of time, something is causing our HttpClient to stop hitting our APIs and immediately fail with HTTP 502 errors for every call using that client. (Note that I can still hit our APIs using other means, such as Postman)
Also be aware that this is all deployed to a variety of AppServices in Azure.
Any ideas as to what could corrupt HttpClient in this manner?
This error is usually given when you are behind a proxy server.
If you are using a proxy you will probably have to authenticate the http client again.
Another possibility is to generate the Singleton instance again when it gives an error, for Example Singleton.killInstance(); If your implementation is like this:
public class Singleton
private static Singleton instance;
private Singleton() {}
public static Singleton instance
if (instance == null)
instance = new Singleton();
return instance;
public static void Singleton killInstance()
instance == null
Whatever the error might be, your httpclient request is causing your web server to crash. In order to investigate it, you need to go to to the Event Viewer of your AppService.
Here are the steps to launch the event viewer:
Go to Kudu management site of your website (ie https://{sitename}
Open menu item: Tools => Support
Choose relevant Azure AD Directory of your website
Click on Analyze => Event Viewer.
Check the error messages

Force Application Start on Azure Web Role

I have a web role on azure and I would like to force a Application_Start without waiting for the first request.
I managed to set the "Start Automatically" property to true on my site
AutoStart a WCF on Azure WebRole
But the Application_Start is not called until the first request comes.
I don't know exactly if I am missing something important here. The server is a W2008 R2 and the IIS version is 7.5
I put the solution code here. I hope will help someone. I just added a WebRole.cs and just put that code to perform a ping every 30 seconds. Please netice I'm browsing Service.svc because this is my endpoint, your endpoint could be another one. Notice I'm asking for "Endpoint1". If you have more than one endpoints, you should review that line.
public class WebRole : RoleEntryPoint
public override void Run()
var localuri = new Uri( string.Format( "http://{0}/Service.svc", RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.InstanceEndpoints["Endpoint1"].IPEndpoint ) );
while (true)
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(localuri);
request.Method = "GET";
var response = request.GetResponse();
catch { }
public override bool OnStart()
return base.OnStart();
The IIS will only start when the first request arrives. The workaround is to send an HTTP request to the same VM from within OnStart or your RoleEntryPoint descendant - that's easy using WebRequest or equivalent class.
Jordi, I've recently experienced the same issue.
Based on my test Application_Start() is called ONLY when the 1st request ISS for the WebApp. (if you try to start VS in Debug without it open any page (see options in proj/debug), you will see that Application_Start() won't be called also if you don't run the WebApp in Azure)
I suppose that you need doing somethings when the WebRole start, well put your code in the WebRole.cs ;)
Here you can override OnStart() and OnStop() and put your code that wiil be execuded when the WebRole will start.
I've used this way to run a BakgroundWorker that do some scheduled tasks, independently from IIS.
I hope this help.
1 - if you dont'have a WebRole.cs create it in the root of project and write inside:
public class WebRole : RoleEntryPoint
public override bool OnStart()
...your code...
return base.OnStart();
2 - If you need to debug the code mind that you need to run VS in debug with the Azure project that refer to WebApp as a "Run Project", otherwise the WebRole will not be called
You could try putting some code in your WebRole.cs to request some URLs from your website. I've tried that, and it seems to work somewhat. But it's a pain to debug, so I never got it really nailed down.
Another option would be to use IIS Application Initialization. You can't use it on IIS 7.5, but you can get IIS 8 if you upgrade your roles to Windows 2012 (set osFamily="3" in your .cscfg).

Ninject dependency injection in SharePoint Timer Job

I have successfully implemented an enterprise SharePoint solution using Ninject dependency injection and other infrastructure such as NLog logging etc using an Onion architecture. With a HttpModule as an Composition Root for the injection framework, it works great for normal web requests:
public class SharePointNinjectHttpModule: IHttpModule, IDisposable
private readonly HttpApplication _httpApplication;
public void Init(HttpApplication context)
if (context == null) throw new ArgumentException("context");
Ioc.Container = IocContainerFactory.CreateContainer();
public void Dispose()
if(_httpApplication == null) return;
The CreateContainer method loads the Ninject modules from a separate class library and my ioc container is abstracted.
For normal web application requests I used a shared static class for the injector called Ioc. The UI layer has a MVP pattern implementation. E.g in the aspx page the presenter is constructed as follows:
presenter = Ioc.Container.Get<SPPresenter>(new Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument("view", this));
I'm still reliant on a Ninject reference for the parameters. Is there any way to abstract this, other than mapping a lot of methods in a interface? Can't I just pass in simple types for arguments?
The injection itself works great, however my difficulty comes in when using external processes such as SharePoint Timer Jobs. It would obviously be a terrible idea to reuse the ioc container from here, so it needs to bootstrap the dependencies itself. In addition, it needs to load the configuration from the web application pool, not the admin web application. Else the job would only be able to run on the application server. This way the job can run on any web server, and your SharePoint feature only has to deploy configurations etc. to the web apllication.
Here is the execute method of my timer job, it opens the associated web application configuration and passes it to the logging service (nlog) and reads it's configuration from the external web config service. I have written code that reads a custom section in the configuration file and initializes the NLog logging infrastructure.
public override void Execute(Guid contentDbId)
using (var ioc = IocContainerFactory.CreateContainer())
// open configuration from web application
var configService = ioc.Get<IConfigService>(new ConstructorArgument("webApplicationName", this.WebApplication.Name));
// get logging service and set with web application configuration
var logginService = ioc.Get<ILoggingService>();
// reapply bindings
logginService.Info("Test Job started.");
// use services etc...
var productService = ioc.Get<IProductService>();
var products = productService.GetProducts(5);
logginService.Info("Got products: " + products.Count() + " Config from web application: " + configService.TestConfigSetting);
logginService.Info("Test Job completed.");
catch (Exception exception)
catch (Exception exception)
EventLog.WriteError(exception, "Exception thrown in Test Job.");
This does not make the timer jobs robust enough, and there is a lot of boiler plate code. My question is how do I improve on this design? It's not the most elegant, I'm looking for a way to abstract the timer job operation code and have it's dependencies injected into it for each timer job. I would just like to hear your comments if you think this is a good approach. Or if someone has faced similar problems like this? Thanks
I think I've answered my own question with the presenter construction code above. When using dependency injection in a project, the injection itself is not that important, but the way it changes the way you write code is far more significant. I need to use a similar pattern such as command for my SharePoint timer job operations. I'd just like the bootstrapping to be handled better.
