Using Sessions in Cassandra - cassandra

When using cassandra datastax java driver, When can I use multiple sessions under same cluster? I am not able to find any good usecase for having a cluster and multiple sessions.
My application have multiple components/modules that accesses Cassandra. Based on the answer I may decide Should I be having one session per component/module or just one session shared across all the components of my application.
Update: Everywhere on the internet they recommend to use one session. I get it, but my question is "in what scenario do you create multiple sessions for one cluster?". If there is no such scenario, why the library allows to create multiple sessions, instead the library can just have a method to return a singleton session object.

Use Just One Session across all your component.
Because In Cassandra Session is a heavy object. Thread-safe. It maintain multiple connection, cached prepared statement etc.
Here is the JavaDoc :
A session holds connections to a Cassandra cluster, allowing it to be queried. Each session maintains multiple connections to the cluster nodes, provides policies to choose which node to use for each query (round-robin on all nodes of the cluster by default), and handles retries for failed query (when it makes sense), etc...
Session instances are thread-safe and usually a single instance is enough per application. As a given session can only be "logged" into one keyspace at a time (where the "logged" keyspace is the one used by query if the query doesn't explicitely use a fully qualified table name), it can make sense to create one session per keyspace used. This is however not necessary to query multiple keyspaces since it is always possible to use a single session with fully qualified table name in queries.
Source :


How is the coordinator node in cassandra determined by a client driver? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
how Cassandra chooses the coordinator node and the replication nodes?
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I don't understand the load balancing algorithm in cassandra.
It seems that the TokenAwarePolicy can be used to route my request to the coordinator node holding the data. In particular, the documentation states ( that it works when the driver is able to automatically calculate a routing-key. If it can, I am routed to the coordinator node holding the data, if not, I am routed to another node. I can still specify the routing-key myself if I really want to reach the data without any extra hop.
What does not make sense to me:
If the driver cannot calculate the routing-key automatically, then why can the coordinator do this? Does it have more information than the client driver? Or does the coordinator node then ask every other node in the cluster on my behalf? This would then not scale, right?
I thought that the gossip protocol is used to share the topology of the ring among all nodes (AND the client driver). The client driver than has the complete 'ring' structure and should be equal to any 'hop' node.
Load balancing makes sense to me when the client driver determines the N replicas holding the data, and then prioritizes them (host-distance, etc), but it doesn't make sense to me when I reach a random node that is unlikey to have my data.
Token aware load balancing happens only for that statements that are able to hold routing information. For example, for prepared queries, driver receives information from cluster about fields in query, and has information about partition key(s), so it's able to calculate token for data, and select the node. You can also specify the routing key youself, and driver will send request to corresponding node.
It's all explained in the documentation:
For simple statements, routing information can never be computed automatically
For built statements, the keyspace is available if it was provided while building the query; the routing key is available only if the statement was built using the table metadata, and all components of the partition key appear in the query
For bound statements, the keyspace is always available; the routing key is only available if all components of the partition key are bound as variables
For batch statements, the routing information of each child statement is inspected; the first non-null keyspace is used as the keyspace of the batch, and the first non-null routing key as its routing key
When statement doesn't have routing information, the request is sent to node selected by nested load balancing policy, and the node-coordinator, performs parsing of the statement, extract necessary information and calculates the token, and forwards request to correct node.

Caching posts using redis

I have a forum which contains groups, new groups are created all the time by users, currently I'm using node-cache with ttl to cache groups and it's content (posts, likes and comments).
The server worked great at the begging but the performance decreased when more people start using the app, so I decided to use the node.js Cluster module as the next step to improve performance.
The node-cache will cause a consistency problem, the same group could be cached in two workers, so if one of them changed, the other will not know (unless you do).
The first solution that came to my mind is using redis to store the whole group and it's content with the help of redis datatypes (sets and hash objects), but I don't know how efficient this could be.
The other solution is using redis to map requests to the correct worker, in this case the cached data is distributed randomly in workers, so when a worker receives a request that related to some group, he checks the group owner(the worker that holds this group instance in-memory) in redis and ask him to get the wanted data using node-ipc and then return it to the user.
Is there any problem with the first solution?
The second solution does not provides a fairness (if all the popular groups landed in the same worker), is there a solution for this?
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance

Cassandra Failed to create a selector. Multithreading multiple concurrent cassandra connections

I am running an ExecutorService of more than 50 threads concurrently. Each thread is opening a connection to Cassandra and performing inserts using The problem is when I open more than 50 connections at a time, I get the following error.
Caused by: Failed to create a selector.
at com.datastax.driver.core.Connection$Factory.<init>(
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster$Manager.<init>(
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster$Manager.<init>(
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.<init>(
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.<init>(
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.buildFrom(
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster$
If I open exactly 50 threads (or less), it works fine. Is there a way to configure this so I can allow more? In my cassandra.yaml file, rpc_max_threads according to the comments by default "The default is unlimited"
My guess is you are overwhelming your OS by creating too many connections. You should only create 1 Cluster instance per Cassandra cluster. Clusters create Sessions, which manage their own connection pools. Both Cluster and Session are thread safe, so you can share them between threads.
Four simple rules for coding with the driver distills these concepts well:
When writing code that uses the driver, there are four simple rules that you should follow that will also make your code efficient:
Use one cluster instance per (physical) cluster (per application lifetime)
Use at most one session instance per keyspace, or use a single Session and explicitly specify the keyspace in your queries
A Cluster instance allows to configure different important aspects of the way connections and queries will be handled. At this level you can configure everything from contact points (address of the nodes to be contacted initially before the driver performs node discovery), the request routing policy, retry and reconnection policies, and so forth. Generally such settings are set once at the application level.
While the session instance is centered around query execution, the Session it also manages the per-node connection pools. The session instance is a long-lived object, and it should not be used in a request-response, short-lived fashion. The code should share the same cluster and session instances across your application.

Preventing duplicate entries in Multi Instance Application Environment

I am writing an application to serve facebook APIs; share, like etc.. I am keeping all those shared objects from my appliction in a database and I do not want to share the same object if it already been shared.
Considering I will deploy application on different servers there could be a case where both instance tries to insert the same object to table.
How can I manage this concurrency problem with blocking the applications fully ? I mean two threads will try to insert same object and they must sync but they should not block a 3rd thread where it is inserting totally different object.
If there's a way to derive primary key of data entry from data itself, database will resolve such concurrency issue by itself -- 2nd insert will fail with 'Primary Key constraint violation'. Perhaps, data supplied by Facebook API already have some unique ID?
Or, you can consider some distributed lock solution, for example, based on Hazelcast or on similar data grid. This would allow to have record state shared by different JVMs, so it will be possible to avoid unneeded INSERTS.

How Datastax PreparedStatements work

When we create a PreparedStatement object is it cached on the server side? How it is different comparing to PreparedStatement in Oracle driver? If prepared statement is reused, what data is sent to Cassandra server, param values only?
From what I understand, one Session object in java driver holds multiple connections to multiple nodes in cluster. If we reuse the same prepared statement in our application in multiple threads, will make us using only one connection to one Cassandra? I guess preparing statement is done on one connection only... What happens when routing key is updated by each execute call?
What are benefits of using prepared statements?
Thank you
Yes, only the statement ID and parameters need to be sent after preparing the statement.
The driver tracks statement IDs for each server in its connection pool; it's transparent to your application.
The benefit is improved performance from not having to re-compile the statement for each query.
