Object could not be found using RealtimeSignalProcessor - django-haystack

I setup all of my projects with the haystack RealtimeSignalProcessor;
HAYSTACK_SIGNAL_PROCESSOR = 'haystack.signals.RealtimeSignalProcessor'
However I frequently see errors coming from searches when objects have been removed from the database;
Object could not be found in database for SearchResult '<SearchResult: djangocms_text_ckeditor.text (pk=u'357')>'.
Does this signal processor not run a remove on the index to get rid of old objects?

Somewhere in your code, plugins are being registered with the search.
Aldryn Search itself does not register plugins with the search, instead it registers the page translations and from there it renders the plugins and stores that as the page translation content but plugins alone are never indexed.
Because plugins are registered directly, you'll hit a lot of issues with realtime indexing because plugins are added and removed under different operations.
ie. When you publish a page, all plugins on the public version of the page are deleted and then recreated from those on the draft version.


Overiding existing tag in storefront via AddOn doesn't work

I'm trying to make some changes in search and navigation product pages at storefront. For my modifications, I modified productListerGridItem.tag and productListerItem.tag, but nothing happens at storefront, I cant see my modifications.
The structure of my storefront tag folder after sync with addon:
(addon has been previously installed following basic instructions)
The tag must be used by searchresults gridcomponent.jsp cms component. I guess there is no need to explicitly modify the path to product taglib, shouldn't it work automatically? Maybe I'm missing something?

SharePoint unfamiliar error on kw search: SubstrateSearchException: Remote executors failed

We run a classic JavaScript app on multiple tenants on SharePoint online. The app uses the Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Search.Query.KeywordQuery to search for documents within the site collection where the app is installed. On one of the systems we get the error:
Remote executors failed, local failback not allowed.
Despite the specific words in the error message, I was not able to find any documentation about its meaning. When I copy the search string used in the SP search field the search works. Any clues what could be the cause?
Any developments on this? We just started seeing this same error in one dev environment but not another, despite running the same code.
I have the exact same problem, but if I include "-contentclass:STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary" in the keyword query it works, but since i need items from document libraries this wont help me.
We have only seen this issue one one environment, I am not sure how to fix it. It looks like it is having issues with document libraries specifically, unless i include a some text it also should search for (besides the keywords). If i didn't know any better i would almost say it was some kind of overflow, but that just seems far fetched, and we do have limits on the query anyway.
Subsequently if I wrote a keyword for a specific library like ListId:73C91192-89CD-4C06-A322-388CEAE456ED instead, it also works
we just recently started to see this same issue.
In our case we were using a Classic SharePoint Online site, with the search web parts on it. The search results web part had a number of different Hit-highlighted managed properties that it was trying to bring back. One of these properties was "Topic". I checked the search schema and for some reason, this managed property had disappeared. Removing this property from the search results web part fixed the page and search results web part.
No one had touched our search schema in a long time so this property had simply disappeared. Definitely seems like search schema updates are causing issues.
Hit-highlighted properties
Does anybody have some usefull information or pointers on this issue? We just came across this issue on one tenant for one specific user. We have a multi-tenant app that executes a search query looking for document libraries with 3 conditions:
We do use the ContentClass:STS_List_DocumentLibrary condition as we are looking for document libraries
External content specifier: "-isexternalcontent:1"
Generic search term: just a single word
As mentioned we get this error on one tenant when one specific user executes it. I can't reproduce it with other user accounts. Since we are providing a multi-tenant SaaS we are afraid this will start popping up for our customers..

Content Staging - missing document references

I'm working with Kentico EMS 12's content staging feature. I have a number of pages I've attempted to sync to a new environment. It seems everything goes well except in circumstances where I have a page type that has a reference to another document (e.g. I might have a page with a web part containing a reference to a particular form that shows in a modal popup). It seems those references are blank in the destination environment, and I'm forced to re-select them across the board. Is there any particular approach to using the staging feature that would prevent this from happening?
Welcome to SO Mike!
FYI, no need to cross post questions on SO AND the DevNet. As long as you tag your SO posts with kentico they will automatically be brought into DevNet.
You need to have the objects (page types, transformations, templates, widgets, page templates, etc.) in the new environment first before you can successfully sync pages over. Pages have far too many dependencies on objects. The sync mechanism does not automatically sync those objects over based on a page so many reasons. So make sure any objects associated/related with that page are actually created/synced to the new environment FIRST. Once they exist in that new environment, then you should be set. If you make updates to those objects, no worries simply because the IDs already exist and that's what the page is looking for.

How do I safely add an attribute to an Opportunity?

I am building a plugin that utilizes the new Business Process Flow in Dynamics 2013, and in order to take full advantage of the easy to use check-list style menu I have added two new attributes to the default Opportunity entity in Dynamics CRM.
I have done this in the plugin's customizations.xml file by adding the attributes to the Opportunity Entity under the EntityInfo->Entity->Attributes section of the Entity xml.
The addition of this field to the Opportunity works just as expected, though I am running into issues when uninstalling the plugin.
Since this plugin will be widely available, I can't expect users to keep it on their systems forever.
On uninstallation of the plugin, however, Opportunities can no longer be viewed in the CRM 2013 Online. When I try to view one I get the following:
Query Builder Error
The specified field does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Is there something I can do within the customizations.xml file to ensure that once the plugin solution has been uninstalled, Dynamics CRM will no longer reference these fields?
note: This issue occurs on a brand new instance of Dynamics CRM 2013 (trial) with the plugin simply installed / uninstalled, so no other customizations are linking to changes from the plugin and causing the crash
If you were to make this change via the UI, it would block you from deleting these fields until all dependencies have been removed as well. Because you chose to do this without the assistance of the UI, it is breaking on you. If you go back and make this change via the UI, the customizations.xml file should be properly updated and you should be good to go (or it will error and say where there is still a dependency - making it easy to go and fix it).

Snapshot views of services disabled when Razor plugin is added to ServiceStack.Net in v3.9.45

The snapshot of service data is good to use in development as I first write the service and see if it's returning data and then write the view. However after I upgraded to ServiceStack v3.9.45 it looks like the Razor2 plugin prevents snapshot information being generated. Probably the request never gets that far if there is no view for it.
Is it possible to have the best of both worlds and return snapshot data if there is no defined view? :)
