Time spent shows 249,311 in my Flurry Analytics dashboard. I have no clue what unit this is in, maybe minutes?
Within the metrics section of Flurry time spent is reported in seconds:
Within Explorer the time spent is reported in milliseconds:
Can you post a screenshot showing where you are seeing the 249,311 value?
Am a manual tester and newbie in automation. I need to test the response time of 100 different reports from the azure server to Clint's end. If I go manually It almost takes a day. Suggest a solution How I can get results in a short time with automation testing?
You can use application insights
refer this document for more information https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/tutorial-performance
I've inherited an ASP.NET MVC app that takes between twenty seconds and a minute to display every single page. The vast majority of that time is spent in ActiveDirectoryClient. It looks like the original author may have read this Q&A about how to check group membership.
Calling ActiveDirectoryClient.Users.Where(...).ExecuteAsync() takes 3-10 seconds on a good day. Calling IUserFetcher.MemberOf.ExecuteAsync() takes another 5-7 seconds. Basically, every use of ActiveDirectoryClient takes several seconds, and there are many of them.
I tried using ActiveDirectoryClient.IsMemberOfAsync(...), but this just consumes 1.5 GB of RAM and never returns. (By "never" I mean I waited five minutes before stopping the debugger.)
I suspect that the problem is not with these bits of code, but some overall misconfiguration of Azure or the graph client. So maybe this question isn't even on the right site. Where do I begin troubleshooting this?
When I accessed Flurry Analytics on April 28th, it said there was "NO DATA", and I was unable to check the log.
I tried using several different accounts but the situation was the same.
After that I tried again using the same method on April 30th and was able to check the log as usual.
I would like you to advise why I was unable to see any data on April 28th, and if there is going to be any periodical maintenance etc. in the future.
Thank you in advance.
This was the result of an outage due to code released the previous day causing the event logs to be inaccessible for approximately 18 hours. We do not expect any reoccurrence of this issue.
Is there a page explaining how this actually works? We're developing an API-only webservice and it's getting hit reasonably hard every day, but fairly consistently around mid-afternoon it starts spitting back "403 - Site Disabled". I'm assuming it's because we've exceeded the "4 CPU Hours per Day" quota you get for the shared pricing tier, but there's nothing unambiguously showing that this is the problem, and I'm struggling to understand what is the expected behaviour once you've exceeded this quota - obviously it doesn't shut itself down for 20 hours until your next 24 hour period starts, but at what point do you get full service availability? And surely there's some sort of chart or report I can get to confirm this is what's happening? Not even what's in the billing usage data makes much sense (it says 21-24 "shared app service hours" for most days).
I maintain an azure cloud service. It is set to auto-scale based on load. To monitor the health of this service I have another service which pings this service every 2 minutes. The usual response time from this service is around 100ms.
Once or twice a week I see that the service does not respond. It is not really a worry for me - because it happens quite infrequently. I still am trying to figure out what could be causing the service to not respond. I do not think the problem is with the pinging service - I don't see any of the other services (not on azure, but on other servers) that it pings having any issues.
What could be causing these occasional delays. Any other azure service owners seeing such delays ?
Having quite similar problems. But I use Applications Inside, so I have some statistics. For example that reponse time increases together with SQL azure access time and CPU usage. My average response time according to Applications Inside is about 600ms and average RPS is about 0,6. During these problems RPS usually higher than avarage - up to 1.5, but average response time grows up to 1min! (During the day my RPS can grow up to 3 or even higher without any reponse time growth). As I have 1min sql connection timeout and I have drammatical growth of total SQL azure access time during this periods I can assume that problem happens bacause of SQL Azure. This also happens once a day or two, for about 10-15 minutes max and my ping service also always reports that service doesn't respond.
So my advice here - install Application Insights to analyze what happens dusring these response delays. It would be great if you share your results here.
P.S. I also use autoscale based on load. Though it doesn't really help in these concrete situations.