How do I configure default application font in CentOS live CD? - linux

I have an application which runs on top of CentOS 7.3 live CD. I want to configure font while building the liveCD so that my application should pick that font as default font.
PS: the live cd is being made by someone else and I have to just configure the font in it.


how to change display in ubuntu server

i have this problem to read what i'm typing on my linux server because everything is so small is there by any chance you can customize your display settings on linux server my screen resolution is 3200x1800 [problem][1]
[1]: text
you have to install vmware tools and then you are able to maximize or go to full screen
check this

change color of window in win 7

I'm using cygwin/X-Sever to ssh into several other machines and then open the same control pannels on each machine. Is it possible to color the Top window bar differently for each one? Either using X11 or windows?
Clientside: Win7 - Cygwin
Serverside: Unix & Linux
If you were using Linux as a client, this could be done clientside using a nice window manager like i3 by just applying a different window decoration style based on namespace.
Now because you're using Windows 7 with cygwin, my best guess is that you're using XWin for Xserver. I am not aware of built-in functionality to XWin that would allow you do to this easily client-side. You said you're opening remote "control panels" on each machine, but not if they are GUI or CLI applications.
For CLI applications, you can set the background and foreground colour on a remote xterm session when connecting with startxwin as the Examples section of the man page shows.
For GUI applications, the simplest solution may be to follow what I described in the first paragraph but server-side. Using ssh this would be easy to script, just set a custom window manager theme on the remote host for the application at runtime. Your remote host window manager's documentation should explain how to configure there.

openjdk shows proper application icon only when started from terminal

I'm using openJDK on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and I have strange problem with starting GUI applications that are packed in jar archive. When I start application from terminal with "java -jar archivename.jar" it shows proper application icon in side panel. But when I start it from nautilus by double clicking archive icon it shows standard Duke icon.
It also shows icon when I start application by double-clicking shell script from nautilus.
Script content is simple:
java -jar archievename.jar
Is this some bug, or what is the problem? How can I make it show application icon when started from nautilus too, but without script?
It's not big problem to be honest, because I think that using script to start application is often way to do it in linux, even for native applications, written in C++.
I'm just curious.
Thank you.
You can probably make a desktop entry and set the icon properly. See this question about running a jar file.

Creating Ubuntu 12.04 DEB-package for program with system tray icon

I have wrote a program in Lazarus (Free Pascal) for Ubuntu 12.04. This program has an icon in system tray bar, but by default icon is not visible there. How can I compose a *.deb package in order to Unity desktop environment allows the system tray icon for my program?
Please, do not advise me to use Dconf-editor for this purpose because it's a user way, but I need to know a standard way (approved by Canonical) for deploying such *.deb-packages.

Display classic view in Ubuntu 11.10

I have installed Ubuntu 11.10 OS.By default it displays its stylish display.I want to configure it to display classic view which will display the task bar and the menu, to display all programs.
can anybody can tell, the steps to configure, for displaying classic view in Ubuntu 11.10.
sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback
Once this is done, reboot and before login in, at the bottom, select Classic view and it should work.
If for some reason the result isn't as good as your old Classic view, I recommend switching back to 11.04 (that's what i'm running on) since Classic view is already a part of that version.
