Go how can i efficient split string into parts - string

i am fighting with a string splitting. I want to split string by wildcards into a slice, but this slice should contain this wildcards as well.
For example: /applications/{name}/tokens/{name} should be split into [/applications/ {name} /tokens/ {name}] etc.
Here is a sample code i wrote, but it is not working correctly, and i don't feel good about it either.
There are some example routes to be tested. Method splitPath split path into parts and display both: before and after.

Here is a solution:
var validPathRe = regexp.MustCompile("^(/{[[:alpha:]]+}|/[-_.[:alnum:]]+)+$")
var splitPathRe = regexp.MustCompile("({[[:alpha:]]+}|[-_.[:alnum:]]+)")
func splitPath(path string) parts{
var retPaths parts
if !validPathRe.MatchString(path) {
return retPaths
retPaths = splitPathRe.FindAllString(path, -1)
return retPaths
I made this by creating two regular expressions, one to check if the path was valid or not, the other to extract the various parts of the path and return them. If the path is not valid it will return an empty list. The return of this will look like this:
["path" "{to}" "your" "file.txt"]
This doesn't include the '/' character because you already know that all strings in the return but the last string is a directory and the last string is the file name. Because of the validity check you can assume this.


How to remove all punctuation from a string in Godot?

I'm building a command parser and I've successfully managed to split strings into separate words and get it all working, but the one thing I'm a bit stumped at is how to remove all punctuation from the string. Users will input characters like , . ! ? often, but with those characters there, it doesn't recognize the word, so any punctuation will need to be removed.
So far I've tested this:
func process_command(_input: String) -> String:
var words:Array = _input.replace("?", "").to_lower().split(" ", false)
It works fine and successfully removes question marks, but I want it to remove all punctuation. Hoping this will be a simple thing to solve! I'm new to Godot so still learning how a lot of the stuff works in it.
You could remove an unwantes character by putting them in an array and then do what you already are doing:
var str_result = input
var unwanted_chars = [".",",",":","?" ] #and so on
for c in unwanted_chars:
str_result = str_result.replace(c,"")
I am not sure what you want to achieve in the long run, but parsing strings can be easier with the use of regular expressions. So if you want to search strings for apecific patterns you should look into this:
Given some input, which I'll just write here as example:
var input := "Hello, It's me!!"
We want to get a modified version where we have filtered the characters:
var output := ""
We need to know what we will filter. For example:
var deny_list := [",", "!"]
We could have a list of things we accept instead, you would just flip a conditional later on.
And then we can iterate over the string, for each character decide if we want to keep it, and if so add it to the output:
for position in input.length():
var current_character := input[position]
if not deny_list.has(current_character):
output += current_character

How to replace value of a string which is on right side after a space

I am wondering is there any way to replace this type of value in string
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4796/39790122335_bdc207b259_o.jpg https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4776/39790122225_c8e96339fa.jpg
What i want is that replace the right side of URL and just show the left side there is little space between them.
You can do that in many different ways, using many different languages.
For example, this is how you can do it with JavaScript
var str = 'https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4796/39790122335_bdc207b259_o.jpg https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4776/39790122225_c8e96339fa.jpg'
str = str.split(' ')
str = str[0]
it can be easily done using the split function.
First assign the url to a Variable
theurl = 'https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4796/39790122335_bdc207b259_o.jpg https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4776/39790122225_c8e96339fa.jpg'
each_url = theurl.split()
now your new variable each url is a list of objects containing all the URLS
i.e each_url = ['https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4796/39790122335_bdc207b259_o.jpg ', 'https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4776/39790122225_c8e96339fa.jpg']
the Split function works in pretty different Programming Languages
though in some like Javascript you might have to specify split as split(' ')
showing you are splitting by spaces

MATLAB: Only pick filenames coinciding with some input string

Say I have a directory full of filenames such as:
and I have an input text file listing unique IDs on each newline coinciding with numbers within these filenames (e.g. '23424' for the second filename above).
I'd like to construct a struct of filenames only containing those filenames in that directory that coincide with some ID in the input text file:
fid = fopen('input.txt');
input = textscan(fid, '%s', 'Delimiter', '\n');
filenames = dir(fullfile('/somedir/', '*.wav'));
for i = 1:length(filenames)
for j = 1:length(input)
if (strfind(input{1}(j), filenames(i).name)) ~= [])
% create new struct with chosen filenames
However, I get the error "undefined function 'ne' for input arguments of type 'cell'". I've tried loads of options to no avail. Also, the input evaluates to a 38x1 cell, but which has length 1, so the inner loop will only go once... Any ideas?
Regular expressions are definitely the most flexible and powerful solution. But, if your needs are simpler...you can get away with something simpler, like using wildcards in your dir command. Try something like this:
%get your file IDs from the input file
fid = fopen('input.txt');
input = textscan(fid, '%s', 'Delimiter', '\n');
IDs = input{1};
%loop over each string
myfilenames = {};
for idx = 1:length(IDs)
%get all files build off the given ID
fnames = dir(['somedir/*' IDs{idx} '*.wav']); %wildcards!
%gather the new filenames that match
for Ifname=1:length(fnames)
I would use regular expressions to search for occurrences of the ID in your cell array. Regular expressions are designed to search for patterns in a particular string for you. Because you want to search for specific numbers in a set of strings, I would certainly recommend you use it. Specifically, use the regexp function, and the pattern you want to search for is the ID that you want are searching for.
How regexp works is that you can provide a cell array of strings, and the output will be another cell array where each element is a numeric array that determines the starting index of where the particular pattern you're looking for starts for a particular string in the cell array. Should the array be empty, this means that we didn't find any pattern that matched what you're looking for. If it isn't empty, then it will contain the starting index of where the ID is located in the string. This doesn't really matter - you want to determine whether the ID exists in a particular string, and so checking to see whether each array is empty is what will be useful.
As such, given your filenames that you read through dir, we can create a cell array that stores just the file names themselves, run regexp, then filter out those file names that don't contain the ID you want. Something like this:
f = dir(fullfile('/somedir/', '*.wav'));
filenames = {f.name};
ID = 23424;
check = regexp(filenames, num2str(ID));
filtered_ind = cellfun(#isempty, check);
final_files = f(~filtered_ind);
The first line of code reads the files from your desired directory. The second line of code extracts the names from each name field of the structure as a cell array. The third line is the ID you want to check for. The fourth line does a regexp call on the file names and searches for those file names that contain your desired number. Note that we need to convert the number to a string, as the pattern is expected to be a string. The next line after that finds those filenames that do not have the ID you are looking for, and the last line simply finds those files that do have the ID you're looking for.
You can then go ahead and start your processing. Specifically, you can loop over this cell array and go ahead and create your structures per element in this cell:
for i = 1:length(final_files)
s = final_files(i); %// Get the dir structure for a file that passed the ID check
%// Create your structure now...
%// ...
However, you have a series of IDs that you want to check. We can simply take the code above and apply a loop to it. In other words, you'd do something like:
fid = fopen('input.txt');
input = textscan(fid, '%s', 'Delimiter', '\n');
IDs = input{1};
f = dir(fullfile('/somedir/', '*.wav'));
filenames = {f.name};
for idx = 1 : length(IDs)
%// Get an ID
ID = IDs{idx};
%// Do our checking and filter out those files that don't contain our ID
check = regexp(filenames,ID);
filtered_ind = cellfun(#isempty, check);
final_files = f(~filtered_ind);
%// Do your final processing
for i = 1:length(final_files)
s = final_files(i); %// Get the dir structure for a file that passed the ID check
%// Create your structure now...
%// ...
With the above code, we open the text file, then parse each string that's in the text file and place it into a cell array called IDs. Note here that the IDs are now all strings, so there's no need to do any conversions. After, for each ID we have, we search our filenames to see which files have this ID we're looking for. We filter out those filenames that don't have this ID, then we loop over each one of these files and create our structures. We do this for each ID that we have.
Just to demonstrate that this regexp stuff is working, as a small example, let's use the three filenames you have provided with your post. I've placed these names in a cell array, then I'll run lines 3 to 5 in the code I wrote, then I will filter out those filenames that don't contain the ID we're looking for:
filenames = {'1242349_blabla.wav'; 'fdp23424_asdf.wav'; 'o2349_0.wav'};
ID = 23424;
check = regexp(filenames, num2str(ID));
filtered_ind = cellfun(#isempty, check);
final_filenames = filenames(~filtered_ind);
final_filenames is a cell array our filenames that have our ID. We thus get:
final_filenames =
Good luck!

Splitting a string with delimiter

OK, So I'm having a string and want to split it and return its parts in a string array.
This is my code :
// import std.algorithm;
string include = "one,two,three";
string[] paths = splitter(include,",");
This throws an error : Error: cannot cast from Result to string[]
Even if I try adding a cast(string[]) in front of the function call.
Any ideas?
splitter returns a range which splits lazily.
To split eagerly, use split from std.array.
Alternatively, you can save the range to an array by using std.array.array, like this:
string[] paths = include.splitter(",").array();
Using split() from std.array might be more conventional in this case since it already deals with arrays and you wouldn't need to convert the type or anything, compared to splitter.
import std.array;
auto paths = split(include, ",");

Is there any way to retrieve a appended int value to a String in javaScript?

I am currently working on a project that dynamically displays DB content into table.
To edit the table contents i am want to use the dynamically created "string"+id value.
Is there any way to retrieve the appended int value from the whole string in javaScript?
Any suggestions would be appreciative...
If you know that the string part is only going to consist of letters or non-numeric characters, you could use a regular expression:
var str = "something123"
var id = str.replace(/^[^\d]+/i, "");
If it can consist of numbers as well, then things get complicated unless you can ensure that string always ends with a non-numeric character. In which case, you can do something like this:
var str = "something123"
var id = str.match(/\d+$/) ? str.match(/\d+$/)[0] : "";
(''+string.match(/\d+/) || '')
Explanation: match all digits in the variable string, and make a string from it (''+).
If there is no match, it would return null, but thanks to || '', it will always be a string.
You might try using the regex:
to retrieve the appended number
