How to do network tracing in Azure Function? - azure

I am having a problem with a third-party library. It worked last week but this week is failing. I wish to turn on the network tracing as I would normally configure in web.config such as is described for an Azure App Services job here:
Is this in any way possible with Azure Functions, or is there an alternative?

Unfortunately this isn't possible with consumption plan as we don't allow you to modify the web.config.
If you can set up an app service plan for testing, you can deploy the functions runtime as a private site extension with your web.config changes, see here:
A related option to help you with diagnostics/analytics is the preview app insights support:


How to link azure application insights to aks

App services have a good integration with application insights. Request can be traced from the caller through the dependencies across service boundaries.
This is not available by default with AKS.
I am trying to use this lab .
Although when I reach the third step which is to execute,it gives me error.
ERROR: After approving csr app-monitoring-webhook.kube-system, the signed certificate did not appear on the resource. Giving up after 10 attempts.
I have modified the
Changed apiVersion: from v1beta1.
Used this link:
Still getting this error.Is there any other way to link app insights with aks?
I am doing this for a .net core project.
[I'm from Application Insights team]
We're actively investing into providing similar experience for AKS as we do for App Services (glad that the latter is working for you!). Unfortunately, above lab is a few years old and based on private preview bits. We'll try to update this lab.
One option which is available today (and many AKS customers use it) is to instrument with Application Insights .NET SDK. Essentially you'll get exactly the same experience as with App Services (all incoming/outgoing requests will be auto-discovered and collected).

Why Application insight is not working after doing slot swapping in azure app service?

I am using application insight for measuring performance and also storing some telemetry data of my web application and it was working fine till last month.
But from last month I am unable to see any traffic in app insight. In last month just I have added one slot in my app service. I have checked instrumentation key, it's same and correct and there is no change in application settings and configuration in app service.
Could you please suggest me if any additional settings I need to take care ?
I suspect this issue is due to adding of slot because in other environment it's working fine.
You could go to Visual Studio configure Application Insights through there and then redeploy the application to slot.
For more information, you could refer to this doc: Application Insights support for Multiple Environments, Stamps and App Versions, , specifically the 'Multi Stamp Support'.
How are you enabling application insights for the App in Azure Web App? Are you using extensions or do you take nuget dependency at build time?
If using extension, please navigate to this url to find the status of application insights enablement:
Have you ensured that that instrumentation key is available in all slots? This is most likely an instrumentation key issue.

Enabling App Insights profiler in Azure functions

Is it possible to use the application insights profiler on azure functions? Either via the portal or a more manual means.
I haven't found a way in the portal and I haven't seen explicit documentation stating either way nor github tickets.
I'd assume probably not, as many of the automagic features of application insights don't seem to be supported yet.
If it's not possible, out of interest is it because of the azure functions sandbox not giving enough permissions for profiling?
If it's not possible, out of interest is it because of the azure functions sandbox not giving enough permissions for profiling?
The application insights profiler is just supported in web app. The Azure function belongs to function app. So you can not use profiler in Azure function.
Profiler currently works for ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core web apps that are running on Web Apps.
If you want to suggest Microsoft to add some new features like app insights profiler in app insights in azure function, you could put your suggestion in Github.
Next steps
Application Insights is now GA’d and ready for production workloads. We’re also listening for any feedback you have. Please file it on our GitHub. We’ll be adding some new features like better sampling controls and automatic dependency tracking soon.

Azure function application insight configuration

I would like to customize the application insight configuration for an azure function by creating telemetry initializer. My current scope of work is to identify a way to correlate messages sent from an HTTP triggered azure function to another HTTP triggered azure function and for that was trying to follow the help at However I do not see an ApplicationInsights.config in my azure function project. I found the GitHub project that includes an app insight configuration file, and hence not sure how that project was created. Any help would be much appreciated.
Functions v2 has the capability to do this, but it isn't directly supported.
Do not add AddApplicationInsightsTelemetry() to the services collection as it registers services that conflict with services provided by the environment.
Do not register your own TelemetryConfiguration or TelemetryClient if you are using the built-in Application Insights functionality.
Closest I've gotten is this comment on a github issue which tries to preserve the existing functionality.
There are a few others I've seen around but many of them break integrations with Azure Portal such as the Quick Pulse (Live metrics feed) and performance metrics.

Do azure-functions support deployment slots?

azure-functions are a special type of App Service on Azure. The other main Azure App Services (web & api) support multiple deployment slots on a sufficient App Service Plan (S1 and up). It seems likely that this is also an option for azure-functions, but I can not find the configuration area. Am I just not finding it or is this functionally not available for azure-functions?
Update 5/13/2017: slots are now supported as a Preview feature.
Original answer:
Deployment slots are not supported at this time in Azure Functions. However, they will be supported going forward. Slots raise some interesting issues, and we want to make sure we tackle them before enabling this.
