How to use OMS for Azure web app - azure

I want to explore OMS (especially Service Map) for Azure webApps, but it shows following error, "In order to on-board a server to Service Map, the Microsoft Dependency Agent needs to be installed on a server being monitored by OMS. Documentation can be found".
Alos, Microsoft claims that 'Monitor service' is used to view the data across multiple subscriptions, resource group etc. But when I view Metrics, it requires 'Resource Name'. Although comments says, 'select or all resources', but It does not give option to select all.

I think it's too late but here it goes, Application insight is what you will need to get the metrics, Have you looked at it as an option?
OMS, is more useful when you are running stuff on Infrastructure as service resources not on Paas/Saas, I guess because the shared responsibility monitoring etc is different in such environment & PaaS/SaaS should already have means to log, monitor & alert.
Though there is workaround to integrate your app for logging that I am aware of, All you need to do integrate the log analytics for your app service, from there you can setup alerting etc.
Installing agent on shared service would never work out, considering there will be other neighbors using the resources however dedicated instances of app will give you greater flexibility.


Looking for possibilities to monitor the Azure resources in business application context and not just the resources in silos. Any suggestions?

I have an Azure application consisting of various resources like Logic Apps, Service Bus & Event Grid. As Azure monitor now supports monitoring only the resources involved, are there any solutions that provides application-level monitoring?
Monitoring serverless resources in Azure has now become way easy as there are several third-party tools to achieve what you're looking for. As this question is just about suggestion, I'll suggest a tool that best matches your context, as I am a part of the development team. You should explore Serverless360. It is widely used all over the globe to solve the main problem that most of the organisations face: Business-level application management and monitoring.
Serverless360 has a dedicated module for this where you can pile up all your Azure resources that constitute your LoB application. Not only monitoring, but also there are several other options that Azure portal doesn't provide, for which you will have to go for different tools like Service Bus Explorer, Storage account explorer, App insights, New Relic to achieve things. Serverless360 is an all-in-one solution where you no longer have to look for a second tool for your management of Azure resources.
Also, you can take a look at the top Azure monitoring tools that best suits your needs.

Azure diagnotics settings (preview)

Im new to Azure. I have an App service that has Application Insight enabled. Im trying now to understand what Diagnotics Settings is and what it can be used for.
It seems like most of what Diagnotics Settings does can be done through Application Insights.
Is this correct or am I misunderstanding the purpose behind Diagnotics Settings?
There are some (major) differences. From the docs:
Platform logs in Azure, including the Azure Activity log and resource logs, provide detailed diagnostic and auditing information for Azure resources and the Azure platform they depend on. Platform metrics are collected by default and typically stored in the Azure Monitor metrics database.
Now, when we are talking about auditing information and activity logs, that is something that Application Insights (AI) cannot do. Also, AI is geared towards applications whereas Diagnostics Settings is used to emit information about azure platform resources. AI allows you to send custom telemetry and also can track a lot more detailed information.
I assume you ask this question in the context of an Azure Web App or Azure Function. I'd recommend to enable both. AI has a lot more to offer than Diagnostics Settings when it comes to detailed information about how your application is behaving.

How to work with Health Endpoint Monitoring Pattern using Azure portal?

Am working on Health Endpoint Monitoring Pattern which is used for monitoring and health check of resources like "Storage, SQL Database etc" in Azure. For this, I followed Link and known that "There were three ways to monitor endpoints in Azure" like:
From these, I went with custom utility with the coding in project and checking the health status in local which is working finely. Now, am trying to do same thing with the Azure Portal. But, I didn't find anyway to "How to monitor Health Status of my applications through Portal". Please suggest me, If there any way to do Health Check for Applications through portal

Monitoring the Azure app services

I was wondering if someone can shed some lights on the application monitoring and alerting solution that's being used to specifically monitor the Azure app service. We have multiple API apps running on App service service and we would like to monitor certain metrics (ex: Availability, response time, number of request received, etc). I enabled the application insight on each of these apps and the result is quite promising, it fulfills all my requirement, but there's one small issue: I need to scroll through each app to see their performance. I can't aggregate them all in one space. I would like to create a centralized dashboard for all aforementioned metrics and have them displayed. I tried using OMS but it seems to be lacking a lot of functionality.
Any pointer would be very appreciated.
I wrote recently about it on our blog: - you will find link to MS documentation also there.
If you are using App Insights already you should be able to pick things from App Insights and put it on the Azure portal dashboard. Other than that probably getting data into Power Bi application insight is your best shot -

Memory metrics missing from Azure dashboard

We've recently started using Azure to host some virtual machines, but I've got problems getting the grips on the available resource monitoring metrics.
When I go to the dashboard for the virtual machine, I have the option to add metrics for several things, but Memory Available is missing:
When reading about how to monitor cloud services, it seems clear that you should have the option to add a metrics for Memory Available. Reading other posts here on Stack Overflow, I see other tools such as MetricsHub mentioned - but I don't think this is what we want, as we don't need any monitoring endpoint, we only want to see memory usage in the Azure dashboard (and apps from the Azure store isn't available to us, since we're on an Enterprise Agreement).
Am I missing something obvious here? What must be done to add memory monitoring to the dashboard?
Cloud Services is not the same as Virtual Machines. When you use cloud services, Azure will provision VMs for you and Azure is able to install monitoring tools that see the amount of available memory. When you create your own VMs Azure can't and shouldn't do that. In other words, with VMs you are on your own. The metrics you do see in the portal are the ones that can be measured from outside the VM.
If you do deploy as a Cloud Service then initially you will only have the same metrics as for the VM. There are several ways you can change this.
The easiest is to go to the configuration for your cloud service in the Management Portal and change the logging level from Minimal to Verbose; That will enable a lot more metrics. Alternatively, you can specify which metrics you want collected in the cloud configuration in your project in Visual Studio. It is also possible to do this in code, though that is not the currently recommended practice, instead use the configuration tool in the cloud project in visual studio.
The key thing to understand about the metrics in Cloud Services is that, whichever way you elect to configure them, they are stored in a standard way in Table Storage and Blob Storage. That means using the Azure Management Portal or the tool in Visual Studio or code, the outcome is the same. This also means that a variety of tools including Cerebrata, Visual Studio and, indeed, the management portal can all read this data.
It is also worth noting that because of the way this works, the configuration can be changed at runtime, usually through the portal but there are other tools and approaches in code.
In my experience, you normally only want to sample your performance metrics every two minutes, but do the log shipping every minute. Also note that you can configure trace logs and IIS logs etc to be available to tools like Visual Studio and Cerebrata. For Cloud Services, it is quite rich functionality but it takes some working with it before you start to "get" it all. Enjoy!
You can monitor memory and other "Guest" level metrics in Azure, here's how:
in Azure, go to your virtual machine, scroll down the settings to Monitoring > Diagnostics Settings
Click to enable Guest level monitoring, it can take a few minutes
Then you can go into Metrics for the VM, or Monitor at the top level:
choose the resource (the VM)
choose Guest in the metric namespace, it will load all the new metrics
choose Memory\Committed bytes or whatever ones you want.
You can then pin to dashboard etc as you would normally
It should be possible to install azure diagnostics on VM using powershell command Set-AzureVMDiagnosticsExtension
or using new management portal
I've tried to configure it using new portal, I can see the the extension IaaSDiagnostics is installed on VM, but no luck yet with getting the data.
