Compare-And-Swap not working on many Cores - multithreading

When I discovered the "CAS" instruction, I remember that I well understood that it could work for threads running on one single CPU but I was surprised that it could for many CPUs
Yesterday, I had my first opportunity to test it on one of my developments. I implemented it and it really worked fine; all my unit-tests was green. Perfect.
But today, I ran my unit-tests on another machine and they are now failing. Less perfect
The main difference on the two machines is that the first one (the one on which the unit-tests are green) is a quit old laptop, with only one core! The second one is more recent i7, and more powerfull...
Now, on my i7, if I force my unit-tests to run on one single core, they become successful. I do this by running
taskset -c <cpu-id> my-unit-test
Legitimately, my original question comes back: is CAS working on many cores? OK, according to what I read, I would be surprised if it didn't...
So what? I hope it comes from a bug in my code. To give you more information, I have a class with a critical section. I added an attribute
bool m_isBeingModified;
It is initialized to false. Moreover, at the beginning of my critical section, I run the function
inline void waitForClassBeingModified()
while (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&m_isBeingModified, false, true))
{} /// I concider that I can to such a loop as my critical section is very light/short
Finally, at the end of my critical section, I reset my boolean variable
m_isBeingModified = false;
I tried to set my attribute as volatile but it did not change anything: my unit-tests are still failing
Last information:
gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 6.2.0-5ubuntu12) 6.2.0 20161005
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Thank you for your help

Also use __sync_bool_compare_and_swap to unset the variable instead of just m_isBeingModified = false;. Also, don't implement your own mutex...
Both the compiler and the CPU can reorder code in unintended ways. The __sync primitives are marked in such a way to prevent this reordering from happining. Thus, with m_isBeingModified = false; it could very well the case that the compiler would first set the variable to false and only then generate the code for whatever you intended to be inside of the critical region.

Thanks to Uli's precious help, I think that I have now all the elements to answer to my question.
First of all, I may not be clear until there but the function I want to protect against concurrent access is very light. It takes around 80 cpu cycles to complete (TSC). That's why I prefer to implement my own 'light' concurrent mutex based one CAS than using pthread_mutex.
I found this interesting page that explains how to 'temporarily' disable the code-reordering thanks to the following instruction:
__asm__ __volatile__("":::"memory");
Using it, I really boost my concurrency-protection and, of course all my tests are still successful.
To get a summary, the following list reports the impact on performance of different solutions I tried:
Original code (without protection): around 80 TSC
Double CAS (set & unset variable): around 105 TSC
Mutexes based solution: around 120 TSC
Single CAS + disable reordering: around 85 TSC


I-7188ex's weird behaviour

I have quite complex I/O program (written by someone else) for controller ICPDAS i-7188ex and I am writing a library (.lib) for it that does some calculations based on data from that program.
Problem is, if I import function with only one line printf("123") and embed it inside I/O, program crashes at some point. Without imported function I/O works fine, same goes for imported function without I/O.
Maybe it is a memory issue but why should considerable memory be allocated for function which only outputs a string? Or I am completely wrong?
I am using Borland C++ 3.1. And yes, I can't use anything newer since controller takes only 80186 instruction set.
If your code is complex then sometimes your compiler can get stuck and compile it wrongly messing things up with unpredictable behavior. Happen to me many times when the code grows ... In such case usually swapping few lines of code (if you can without breaking functionality) or even adding few empty or rem lines inside code sometimes helps. Problem is to find the place where it do its thing. You can also divide your program into several files compile each separately to obj and then just link them to the final file ...
The error description remembers me of one I did fight with a long time. If you are using class/struct/template try this:
bds 2006 C hidden memory manager conflicts
may be it will help (did not test this for old turbo).
What do you mean by embed into I/O ? are you creating a sys driver file? If that is the case you need to make sure you are not messing with CPU registers. That could cause a lot of problems try to use
void some_function_or_whatever()
asm { pusha };
// here your code
asm { popa };
If you writing ISR handlers then you need to use interrupt keyword so compiler returns from it properly.
Without actual code and or MCVE is hard to point any specifics ...
If you can port this into BDS2006 or newer version (just for debug not really functional) then it will analyse your code more carefully and can detect a lot of hidden errors (was supprised when I ported from BCB series into BDS2006). Also there is CodeGuard option in the compiler which is ideal for finding such errors on runtime (but I fear you will not be able to run your lib without the I/O hw present in emulated DOS)

Netlogo 5.1 (and 5.05) Behavior Space Memory Leak

I have posted on this before, but thought I had tracked it down to the NW extension, however, memory leakage still occurs in the latest version. I found this thread, which discusses a similar issues, but attributes it to Behavior Space:
I have found the same symptoms. My model starts out at around 650mb, but over each run the private working set memory rises, to the point where it hits the 1024 limit. I have sufficient memory to raise this, but in reality it will only delay the onset. I am using the table output, as based on previous discussions this helps, and it does, but it only slows the rate of increase. However, eventually the memory usage rises to a point where the PC starts to struggle. I am clearing all data between runs so there should be no hangover. I noticed in the highlighted thread that they were going to run headless. I will try this, but I wondered if anyone else had noticed the issue? My other option is to break the BehSpc simulation into a few batches so the issues never arises, bit i would be nice to let the model run and walk away as it takes around 2 hours to go through.
Some possible next steps:
1) Isolate the exact conditions under which the problem does or not occur. Can you make it happen without involving the nw extension, or not? Does it still happen if you remove some of the code from your model? What if you keep removing code — when does the problem go away? What is the smallest code that still causes the problem? Almost any bug can be demonstrated with only a small amount of code — and finding that smallest demonstration is exactly what is needed in order to track down the cause and fix it.
2) Use standard memory profiling tools for the JVM to see what kind of objects are using the memory. This might provide some clues to possible causes.
In general, we are not receiving other bug reports from users along these lines. It's routine, and has been for many years now, for people to use BehaviorSpace (both headless and not) and do experiments that last for hours or even for days. So whatever it is you're experiencing almost certainly has a more specific cause -- mostly likely, in the nw extension -- that could be isolated.

How to speed up compilation time in linux

While compiling under linux I use flag -j16 as i have 16 cores. I am just wondering if it makes any sense to use sth like -j32. Actually this is a quesiton about scheduling of processor time and if it is possible to put more pressure on particular process than any other this way (let say i have like to pararell compilations each with -j16 and what if one would be -j32?).
I think it does not make much sense but I am not sure as do not know how kernel solves such things.
Kind regards,
I use a non-recursive build system based on GNU make and I was wondering how well it scales.
I ran benchmarks on a 6-core Intel CPU with hyper-threading. I measured compile times using -j1 to -j20. For each -j option make ran three times and the shortest time was recorded. Using -j9 results in shortest compile time, 11% better than -j6.
In other words, hyper-threading does help a little, and an optimal formula for Intel processors with hyper-threading is number_of_cores * 1.5:
Chart data is here.
The rule of thumb is to use the number of processors+1. Hyper-Thready counts, so a quad core CPU with HT should have -j9
Setting the value too high is counter-productive, if you do want to speed up compile times consider ccache to cache compiled objects that do not change in each compilation, and distcc to distribute the compilation across several machines.
We have a machine in our shop with the following characteristics:
256 core sparc solaris
~64gb RAM
Some of that memory used for a ram drive for /tmp
Back when it was originally setup, before other users discovered its existence, I ran some timing tests to see how far I could push it. The build in question is non-recursive, so all jobs are kicked off from a single make process. I also cloned my repo into /tmp to take advantage of the ram drive.
I saw improvements up to -j56. Beyond that my results flat lined much like Maxim's graph, until somewhere above (roughly) -j75 where performance began to degrade. Running multiple parallel builds I could push it beyond the apparent cap of -j56.
The primary make process is single-threaded; after running some tests I realized the ceiling I was hitting had to do with how many child processes the primary thread could service -- which was further hampered by anything in the makefiles that either required extra time to parse (eg., using = instead of := to avoid unnecessary delayed evaluation, complex user defined macros, etc) or used things like $(shell).
These are the things I've been able to do to speed up builds that have a noticeable impact:
Use := wherever possible
If you assign to a variable once with :=, then later with +=, it'll continue to use immediate evaluation. However, ?= and +=, when a variable hasn't been assigned previously, will always delay evaluation.
Delayed evaluation doesn't seem like a big deal until you have a large enough build. If a variable (like CFLAGS) doesn't change after all the makefiles have been parsed, then you probably don't want to use delayed evaluation on it (and if you do, you probably already know enough about what I'm talking about anyway to ignore my advice).
If you create macros you execute with the $(call) facility, try to do as much of the evaluation ahead of time as possible
I once got it in my head to create macros of the form:
IFLINUX = $(strip $(if $(filter Linux,$(shell uname)),$(1),$(2)))
IFCLANG = $(strip $(if $(filter-out undefined,$(origin CLANG_BUILD)),$(1),$(2)))
# an example of how I might have made the worst use of it
CXXFLAGS = ${whatever flags} $(call IFCLANG,-fsanitize=undefined)
This build produces over 10,000 object files, about 8,000 of which are from C++ code. Had I used CXXFLAGS := (...), it would only need to immediately replace ${CXXFLAGS} in all of the compile steps with the already evaluated text. Instead it must re-evaluate the text of that variable once for each compile step.
An alternative implementation that can at least help mitigate some of the re-evaluation if you have no choice:
ifneq 'undefined' '$(origin CLANG_BUILD)'
IFCLANG = $(strip $(1))
IFCLANG = $(strip $(2))
... though that only helps avoid the repeated $(origin) and $(if) calls; you'd still have to follow the advice about using := wherever possible.
Where possible, avoid using custom macros inside recipes
The reasoning should be pretty obvious here after the above; anything that requires a variable or macro to be repeatedly evaluated for every compile/link step will degrade your build speed. Every macro/variable evaluation occurs in the same thread as what kicks off new jobs, so any time spent parsing is time make delays kicking off another parallel job.
I put some recipes in custom macros whenever it promotes code re-use and/or improves readability, but I try to keep it to a minimum.

Reducing memory usage in an extended Mathematica session

I'm doing some rather long computations, which can easily span a few days. In the course of these computations, sometimes Mathematica will run out of memory. To this end, I've ended up resorting to something along the lines of:
ParallelEvaluate[$KernelID]; (* Force the kernels to launch *)
kernels = Kernels[];
If[Mod[iteration, n] == 0,
(* Complicated stuff here *)
Export[...], (* If a computation ends early I don't want to lose past results *)
{iteration, min, max}]
This is great and all, but over time the main kernel accumulates memory. Currently, my main kernel is eating up roughly 1.4 GB of RAM. Is there any way I can force Mathematica to clear out the memory it's using? I've tried littering Share and Clear throughout the many Modules I'm using in my code, but the memory still seems to build up over time.
I've tried also to make sure I have nothing big and complicated running outside of a Module, so that something doesn't stay in scope too long. But even with this I still have my memory issues.
Is there anything I can do about this? I'm always going to have a large amount of memory being used, since most of my calculations involve several large and dense matrices (usually 1200 x 1200, but it can be more), so I'm wary about using MemoryConstrained.
The problem was exactly what Alexey Popkov stated in his answer. If you use Module, memory will leak slowly over time. It happened to be exacerbated in this case because I had multiple Module[..] statements. The "main" Module was within a ParallelTable where 8 kernels were running at once. Tack on the (relatively) large number of iterations, and this was a breeding ground for lots of memory leaks due to the bug with Module.
Since you are using Module extensively, I think you may be interested in knowing this bug with non-deleting temporary Module variables.
Example (non-deleting unlinked temporary variables with their definitions):
In[1]:= $HistoryLength=0;
Out[3]= 6
In[4]:= lst=Table[a[1],{1000}];
Out[5]= 1007
In[6]:= lst=.
Out[7]= 1007
In[8]:= Definition#d$999
Out[8]= Attributes[d$999]={Temporary}
Note that in the above code I set $HistoryLength = 0; to stress this buggy behavior of Module. If you do not do this, temporary variables can still be linked from history variables (In and Out) and will not be removed with their definitions due to this reason in more broad set of cases (it is not a bug but a feature, as Leonid mentioned).
UPDATE: Just for the record. There is another old bug with non-deleting unreferenced Module variables after Part assignments to them in v.5.2 which is not completely fixed even in version 7.0.1:
In[1]:= $HistoryLength=0;$Version
Out[1]= 7.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (February 18, 2009)
Out[3]= {L$111}
Out[4]= {40000084}
Have you tried to evaluate $HistoryLength=0; in all subkernels and as well as in the master kernel? History tracking is the most common source for going out of memory.
Have you tried do not use slow and memory-consuming Export and use fast and efficient Put instead?
It is not clear from your post where you evaluate ClearSystemCache[] - in the master kernel or in subkernels? It looks like you evaluate it in the master kernel only. Try to evaluate it in all subkernels too before each iteration.

How to test the kernel for kernel panics?

I am testing the Linux Kernel on an embedded device and would like to find situations / scenarios in which Linux Kernel would issue panics.
Can you suggest some test steps (manual or code automated) to create Kernel panics?
There's a variety of tools that you can use to try to crash your machine:
crashme tries to execute random code; this is good for testing process lifecycle code.
fsx is a tool to try to exercise the filesystem code extensively; it's good for testing drivers, block io and filesystem code.
The Linux Test Project aims to create a large repository of kernel test cases; it might not be designed with crashing systems in particular, but it may go a long way towards helping you and your team keep everything working as planned. (Note that the LTP isn't proscriptive -- the kernel community doesn't treat their tests as anything important -- but the LTP team tries very hard to be descriptive about what the kernel does and doesn't do.)
If your device is network-connected, you can run nmap against it, using a variety of scanning options: -sV --version-all will try to find versions of all services running (this can be stressful), -O --osscan-guess will try to determine the operating system by throwing strange network packets at the machine and guessing by responses what the output is.
The nessus scanning tool also does version identification of running services; it may or may not offer any improvements over nmap, though.
You can also hand your device to users; they figure out the craziest things to do with software, they'll spot bugs you'd never even think to look for. :)
You can try following key combination
SysRq + c
echo c >/proc/sysrq-trigger
Crashme has been known to find unknown kernel panic situations, but it must be run in a potent way that creates a variety of signal exceptions handled within the process and a variety of process exit conditions.
The main purpose of the messages generated by Crashme is to determine if sufficiently interesting things are happening to indicate possible potency. For example, if the mprotect call is needed to allow memory allocated with malloc to be executed as instructions, and if you don't have the mprotect enabled in the source code crashme.c for your platform, then Crashme is impotent.
It seems that operating systems on x64 architectures tend to have execution turned off for data segments. Recently I have updated the crashme.c on to use mprotect in case of __APPLE__ and tested it on a MacBook Pro running MAC OS X Lion. This is the first serious update to Crashme since 1994. Expect to see updated Centos and Freebsd support soon.
