Printing multiple document types with different page settings - excel

I have an automation script running whose output is various document types and printing those documents with various printer settings. I am printing to the same printer for all documents, so that's nice. I have three excel worksheets that need to be printed. These I am printing using the built-in "PrintOutEx" method. One onto a letter size paper and two to 11x17. Next, I have the script print a word document, which I am printing using the built-in "PrintOut" method. This is to be printed on an 11x17 paper but scaled so that two pages print side by side. Lastly, I have to print a multi-page tiff document which I am printing using a print handler. I am having a number of issues with this and I apologize if these are silly question and appreciate any help I can gather.
I am trying to keep the default printer the same as when I start the subroutines and that doesn't seem to be working using the PrinterSettings methods.
About the default printer: the default printer changes to the printer I want (doesn't change back at the end). The default printer is set to 11x17. If I change the default settings of the printer to 8.5x11 everything prints to 8.5x11.
The script seems to be ignoring the settings/pagesettings/setups that I am providing it with.
The word document print is not scaled to fit the paper and I have tried setting the paper size to 11x17 as well as 8.5x11 and scaling the print but that just looks really bad.
The first excel worksheet does not print to a letter size paper.
The second and third worksheets work okay (as long as the default printer settings are as desired; see point 2).
The multipage tiff document prints okay as long as the default printer's default settings are correct.
I am not a professional programmer so I apologize if the question has a simple answer or the code looks horrifying. I researched tons on this question and couldn't find a solution that worked. :( I stepped through the code line by line and there are no errors. I am attaching the code I have thus far.
Public Sub PrintSPIDPackage(SPID As String)
On Error GoTo errHandler
Dim printerSettings As New Printing.PrinterSettings
Dim curPrinter As String
Dim engPrinter As String
Dim purPrinter As String
engPrinter = "engBLAH"
purPrinter = "purBLAH"
curPrinter = printerSettings.PrinterName
Dim spidBBPath As String
spidBBPath = ****REDACTED
spidDrawingPackagePath = ***REDACTED***
Dim eAPP As New Excel.Application
Dim wB As Excel.Workbook
Dim wS As Excel.Worksheet
Dim rng As Excel.Range
Dim lRow As Integer
Dim wAPP As New Word.Application
Dim doc As Word.Document
wB = eAPP.Workbooks.Open(spidBBPath)
wS = wB.Worksheets(selectedSheet & " OPs")
wS.PageSetup.PaperSize = Excel.XlPaperSize.xlPaperLetter 'I would think this causes the printer to printout to a letter size paper
wS = wB.Worksheets(selectedSheet)
lRow = wS.Range("A" & wS.Rows.Count).End(Excel.XlDirection.xlUp).Row + 3
rng = wS.Range("A1:I" & lRow)
rng.PrintOutEx(ActivePrinter:=engPrinter) 'PRINT SHOULD BE AN 11x17
wS = wB.Worksheets(selectedSheet & " MLB")
wS.PrintOutEx(ActivePrinter:=engPrinter) 'PRINT SHOULD BE AN 11x17
If InStr(xPath, ".doc") <> 0 Then
doc = wAPP.Documents.Open(xPath)
wAPP.ActivePrinter = engPrinter
doc.PageSetup.PaperSize = Word.WdPaperSize.wdPaperLetter ''''''print out should be 11x17 with two pages side by side
wAPP.PrintOut(PrintZoomColumn:=2, PrintZoomRow:=1) ', PrintZoomPaperHeight:=2 * (11 * 1440), PrintZoomPaperWidth:=2 * (8.5 * 1440)) '''''AS you see I tried scaling...
doc = Nothing
wAPP = Nothing
End If
Dim pDoc As New Printing.PrintDocument
currPage = 0
AddHandler pDoc.PrintPage, AddressOf pDocPage
PrintDialog1.Document = pDoc
pDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = True
pDoc.DocumentName = SPID & "-Drawing Package"
pDoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = engPrinter
pDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = True
pDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left = 50
pDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right = 50
pDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top = 50
pDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = 50
Dim ps As New Printing.PaperSize("Tabloid", 1700, 1100)
ps.PaperName = Printing.PaperKind.Tabloid
pDoc.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = ps
printerSettings.PrinterName = curPrinter 'this should reset the user's default printer to the original setting to before when this routine started??
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub pDocPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Printing.PrintPageEventArgs)
Dim img As Image = Image.FromFile(spidDrawingPackagePath)
Dim pCount = img.GetFrameCount(FrameDimension.Page)
img.SelectActiveFrame(FrameDimension.Page, currPage)
Using stReader As IO.MemoryStream = New IO.MemoryStream
img.Save(stReader, ImageFormat.Bmp)
Dim bmp As Bitmap = CType(Image.FromStream(stReader), Bitmap)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, 0, 0)
End Using
currPage += 1
If currPage < pCount Then
e.HasMorePages = True
End If
End Sub


Word remains in the background despite the "Active" function VBA

I need to make barcode label sheets for items. For this I use Excel with VBA and a "user form" to help the user in entering the number and information of bar codes. Once I have all my information for my barcodes, I transfer its information to a Word in which I format it to make printable labels.
My system works fine, although a bit long when there are a large number of labels to transfer, but once word and excel have been closed once when I want to restart the transfers, Word no longer comes to the fore , which makes me completely miss the transfer. I am using the tab key which is the main source of the problem.
I have tried performing the same actions as the tab key with other commands like "next" so that it is no longer a problem. However this does not work entirely because the tab key allows at the end of a page to continue the layouts on a new page which the "next" function does not do.
So my questions are: How can I force Word to come to the fore? Can we replace the tab key with another parameter that allows me to do the same thing?
I provide you below the code of my loop performing the transfer.
Dim appwd As Word.Application
Dim oDoc As Object
Dim Code As String, SKU As String, Name As String, Size As String
Dim DerLign As Byte
With Sheets("Reference")
DerLign = .Cells(.Cells.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
End With
On Error Resume Next
Set appwd = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err Then
Set appwd = New Word.Application
End If
On Error GoTo 0
With appwd
If .Documents.Count = 0 Then
End If
Set oDoc = .MailingLabel.CreateNewDocument("3474")
.Visible = True
' Colle les données dans Word
For i = 8 To DerLign
Code = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Reference").Range("B" & i)
SKU = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Reference").Range("C" & i)
Name = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Reference").Range("D" & i)
Size = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Reference").Range("E" & i)
appwd.Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 1
appwd.Selection.TypeText Text:=SKU
appwd.Selection.Font.Name = "Code EAN13"
appwd.Selection.Font.Size = 40
appwd.Selection.TypeText Text:=Code
appwd.Selection.Font.Name = "Calibri"
appwd.Selection.Font.Size = 11
appwd.Selection.TypeText Text:=Name + " " + Size
SendKeys "{TAB}", False
Next i
End With
End Sub

Visual Basic - Closing excel still leaves processes

I have created some code to populate combo boxes on my form from a excel file when the form loads.
As part of the code, it is supposed to release the objects associated but it does not
Dim excel As New Excel.Application
Dim w As Excel.Workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open("C:\Email Template\Violations Log\Violations Log.xlsx")
Dim sheet As Excel.Worksheet = w.Worksheets("Individual Data")
Dim r As Excel.Range = sheet.Range("A2:A300")
Dim array(,) As Object = r.Value(excel.XlRangeValueDataType.xlRangeValueDefault)
Dim sheet2 As Excel.Worksheet = w.Worksheets("Category")
Dim s As Excel.Range = sheet2.Range("A2:A20")
Dim array2(,) As Object = s.Value(excel.XlRangeValueDataType.xlRangeValueDefault)
Dim bound0 As Integer = array.GetUpperBound(0)
Dim bound1 As Integer = array.GetUpperBound(1)
Dim j As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim s1 As String
If array IsNot Nothing Then
' Loop over all elements.
For j = 1 To bound0
For x = 1 To bound1
s1 = array(j, x)
If s1 IsNot Nothing Then
If Not ComboBox1.Items.Contains(s1.ToString) Then
End If
End If
End If
If array IsNot Nothing Then
' Loop over all elements.
For j = 1 To bound0
For x = 1 To bound1
s1 = array2(j, x)
If s1 IsNot Nothing Then
If Not ComboBox2.Items.Contains(s1.ToString) Then
End If
End If
End If
Ive tried to release every object that is referenced but it still has a connection to the excel document.
Have I missed an object? or something bigger?
I have another code that copies from the form to that same excel document and that does not leave any processes open. (I have to kill the excel process that is created from loading the form to be able to use the code to copy data)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Figured it out.
The code would stop running and not complete the release object section of the code.
Using debugging I found that I was getting an error message which was muted. I resolved the error message and now it runs fine.
Thanks for trying to help.

Page numbers or Header Info for embedded Excel file in Word Doc?

I'm trying to search an MS Word doc for embedded Excel files and save them to a different location.
1) I want to record the page number and or section name (based on header style) the embedded file was located in the Word Doc. How can I extract this info?
2) Is there anyway to get the original filename of the embedded Excel file?
Here is the code I'm using to search for embedded files. Originally
Working off the code first presented here: Extract Embeded Excel Workseet Data
Sub TestMacro2()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsNone
Dim lNumShapes As Long
Dim lShapeCnt As Long
Dim xlApp As Object
Dim wrdActDoc As Document
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim iCol As Integer
Set wrdActDoc = ActiveDocument
For lShapeCnt = 1 To wrdActDoc.InlineShapes.Count
If wrdActDoc.InlineShapes(lShapeCnt).Type = wdInlineShapeEmbeddedOLEObject Then
If wrdActDoc.InlineShapes(lShapeCnt).OLEFormat.ProgID = "Excel.Sheet.8" Then
Set xlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
cpath = "location of interest"
xlApp.Workbooks(1).SaveAs cpath & " " & lShapeCnt
Set xlApp = Nothing
End If
End If
Next lShapeCnt
End Sub
Note: Your code would be more efficient (and easier to read) if you assign an object that's re-used to a variable:
Dim ils as Word.InlineShape
Set ils = wrdActDoc.InlineShapes(lShapeCnt)
(1) The Range.Information method can return the page number. Something like:
Dim pageNumber as Long
pageNumber = ils.Range.Information(wdwdActiveEndPageNumber)
The other option is not as straight forward... I expect you really mean Heading style, not Header style. There is a built-in bookmark that will get the Heading preceding the current selection. That would be something like:
Dim secName as String
secName = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("\HeadingLevel").Range.Text
(2) If the file is not linked then your chances are slim. There's nothing VBA can get at directly, that's certain. Possibly, something might be stored in the WordOpenXML. You can check that by downloading the Open XML SDK Productivity Tool, opening such a document in it and inspecting that part of the Open XML. If it's in there then you can get at it in VBA using ils.Range.WordOpenXML to get the Open XML for the InlineShape, then parse that.

Excel VBA: How to obtain a reference to a Shape from the ChartObject

I am trying to obtain a reference to a Shape in a Worksheet, corresponding to a ChartObject. I found no certain way of doing this. The only approximation, by trial-and-error and simply tested in a few cases, is assuming that the ZOrder of a ChartObject is the same as the Index of the corresponding Shape:
Function chobj2shape(ByRef cho As ChartObject) As Shape
' It appears that the ZOrder of a ChartObject is the same as the Index of
' the corresponding Shape, which in turn appears to be the same as its ZOrderPosition
Dim zo As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim shc As Shapes
Dim sh As Shape
zo = cho.ZOrder
Set ws = cho.Parent
Set shc = ws.Shapes
Set sh = shc.Item(zo)
Set chobj2shape = sh
'Set sh = Nothing
End Function
(a slight excess of defined variables is used for debugging purposes).
Is there any more certain way of doing this?
Any identifier used for picking the correct Shape should be unique. The name is not necessarily unique (see, so it is not guaranteed to work. The Index/ZOrderPosition is just a guess, at least satisfying the requirement of uniqueness.
Edit: see answer by #Andres in Excel VBA: Index = ZOrderPosition in a Shapes collection?. It is clear that the ZOrder of a ChartObject is not equal to the Index of either the ChartObject or the corresponding Shape (and I have verified this).
But it appears that ZOrder is equal to ZOrderPosition of the corresponding Shape. This was verified with dump_chartobjects:
Sub dump_chartobjects()
' Dump information on all ChartObjects in a Worksheet.
Dim coc As ChartObjects
Set coc = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
Dim cho As ChartObject
Dim ich As Long
For ich = 1 To coc.Count
Dim msg As String
Set cho = coc(ich)
With cho
msg = "ChartObject '" & .name & "'" _
& ", type name: " & TypeName(cho) & ", at: " & .TopLeftCell.Address _
& ", index: " & ich & ", .Index: " & .Index _
& ", ZOrder: " & .ZOrder
'& ", hyperlink: " & .Hyperlink
End With
Debug.Print msg
Dim ish As Long
ish = choidx2shpidx(ich, coc.Parent)
Next ich
End Sub
Function choidx2shpidx(coidx As Long, ws As Worksheet) As Long
Dim cozo As Long
Dim coc As ChartObjects
Dim co As ChartObject
Set coc = ws.ChartObjects
Set co = coc(coidx)
cozo = co.ZOrder
choidx2shpidx = zo2idx_shp(cozo, ws)
Dim con As String, shn As String
Dim sh As Shape
Set sh = ws.Shapes(choidx2shpidx)
con =
shn =
Dim cox As Double, coy As Double
Dim cow As Double, coh As Double
Dim shx As Double, shy As Double
Dim shw As Double, shh As Double
cox = co.Left
coy =
cow = co.Width
coh = co.Height
shx = sh.Left
shy =
shw = sh.Width
shh = sh.Height
If ((con <> shn) Or (cox <> shx) Or (coy <> shy) Or (cow <> shw) Or (coh <> shh)) Then
Dim msg As String
msg = "ChartObject: '" & con & "', Shape: '" & shn & "'"
'Debug.Print msg
MsgBox msg
choidx2shpidx = -1
End If
End Function
Function zo2idx_shp(zo As Long, ws As Worksheet) As Long
Dim ish As Long
Dim shc As Shapes
Dim sh As Shape
Set shc = ws.Shapes
For ish = 1 To shc.Count
Set sh = shc(ish)
If (sh.ZOrderPosition = zo) Then
zo2idx_shp = ish
Exit Function
End If
Next ish
zo2idx_shp = -1
End Function
After losing hours in a similar issue, I found a couple of concepts related to referencing shapes in excel, but none satisfies me 100%. For accessing a shape you have 4 pure methods:
Shape.Name : Is FAST, but NOT RELIABLE. The name of the shape could be used to get a reference of a shape but provided you don't have duplicated names. Code: ActiveSheet.Shapes("Shape1")
Shape.ZOrderPosition : Very FAST, but NOT RELIABLE. The ZOrder of the shape could be used to get a reference of a shape, because is the same as the index of the shape in the shapes collection. But provided you don't have group of shapes that breaks previous rule (See: Code: ActiveSheet.Shapes(ZOrderFromOneShape)
Set shpRef=Shape: FAST, RELIABLE, but NOT PERSISTENT. I try to use this always I can, specially when I create a new shape. Moreover, if I have to iterate on the new shapes later one I try to keep the object reference inside a collection. However not Persistent, that means if you stop and run you VBA code again to will loose all the references and collection. Code: Set shp = NewShape, or you can add it to a collection: coll.add NewShape for loop it later on.
Shape.ID : RELIABLE, PERSISTENT, but not directly supported! The ID of the shape is very reliable (don't change and cannot be duplicates IDs in a Sheet). However, there is no direct VBA function to get a shape back knowing its ID. The only way is to loop thorough all shapes until the ID match the ID you was looking for, but this can be very SLOW!.
Function FindShapeByID(ws as excel.worksheet, ID as long) as Excel.Shape
dim i as long
set FindShapeByID = nothing 'Not found...
for i = 1 to ws.shapes.count
if ws.shapes(i).ID = ID then
set FindShapeByID = ws.shapes(i) 'Return the shape object
exit function
end if
next i
End Function
Note 1: If you want to access this function several times, you can improve it by using a cache of Shape IDs. That way you will make the loop only one time.
Note 2: If you move a shape from one sheet to other, the ID of the shape will change!
By mixing and using above knowledge, I have concluded in two main approaches:
FASTEST BUT VOLATILE: (same as point#3) Try to keep the reference in a object as longer you can. When I have to iterate trough a bunch of shapes later on, I save the references inside a collection and I avoid to use other secondary reference like the name, ZOrder or ID.
For example:
dim col as new Collection
dim shp as Excel.Shape
'' <- Insert the code here, where you create your shape or chart
col.add shp1
'' <- Make other stuffs
for each shp in col
'' <- make something with the shape in this loop!
next shp
The problem of course is that the collection and reference are not permanent. You will loose them when you stop and restart the vba code!
PERSISTENT: My solution is to save the name and the ID of the shape for later reference. Why? Having the name I can access the shape very fast most of the time. Just in case I found a duplicated name I make the slow loop searching the ID. How can I know if there is a name duplicated? Very simple, just check the ID of the first name search, and if they don't match you have to suppose is duplicated.
Here the code:
Function findShapeByNameAndID(ws As Excel.Worksheet, name As String, ID As Long) As Shape
Dim sh As Excel.Shape
Set findShapeByNameAndID = Nothing 'Means not found
On Error GoTo fastexit
Set sh = ws.Shapes(name)
'Now check if the ID matches
If sh.ID = ID Then
'Found! This should be the usual case!
Set findShapeByNameAndID = sh
'Ups, not the right shape. We ha to make a loop!
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To ws.Shapes.Count
If ws.Shapes(i).ID = ID Then
'Found! This should be the usual case!
Set findShapeByNameAndID = ws.Shapes(i)
End If
Next i
End If
Set sh = Nothing
End Function
Hope this helps you!
Note 1: Is you want to search shapes that maybe inside groups, then the function is more complicated.
Note 2: The ZOrder looks nice, but cannot find it useful. When I tried to take advantage of it, there was always a missing part...
#TimWilliams is almost right (in his comment). However, there are some situation where Tim's idea could get confusing results.
I think the following code will be more appropriate and correct.
Sub qTest()
Dim cho As ChartObject
Set cho = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1)
Dim SH As Shape
Set SH = cho.ShapeRange.Item(1)
SH.Select 'here Shape will be selected..
Debug.Print TypeName(SH) '...which we can check here
End Sub

Linking Excel Database to AutoCad for Typical Loop Drawing Generation

I have to know how can i link the excel database of Instrument loop Diagram in AutoCad format. I have AutoCad Template for a loop typical and Excel Database in which i have 100 Loops information for particular typical.I have AutoCad 2006,2007 and 2011 with me. please suggest idea for linking and generating he AutoCAD Drawings automatically.
The easiest way would be to learn a bit of AutoLisp, which is really worth learning if you're into generating drawings or automating your processes within AutoCAD.
Here's a great website for learning AutoLisp:
AutoDesk's Lisp forum is also a great source of help.
As for extracting the data from Excel, here is a library which really facilitates access from AutoLisp:
'General rule: excel and acad have to be same like both 64bit or both 32 bit !!!
' You will need to add a reference to the AutoCAD
' Type Library to run this example book. Use the "Tools -
' References" menu. If you prefere you can switch to late
' binding by changeing the AutoCAD types to generic objects
Public Sub Excel_drives_acadPolyline_import_POINTs()
Dim objApp As AcadApplication
Dim objDoc As AcadDocument
Dim objEnt As AcadEntity
Dim varPnt As Variant
Dim strPrmpt As String
Dim intVCnt As Integer
Dim varCords As Variant
Dim varVert As Variant
Dim varCord As Variant
Dim varNext As Variant
Dim intCrdCnt As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_Control
Set objApp = AINTERFACE.Iapp
Set objDoc = objApp.activedocument
AppActivate objApp.CAPTION
objDoc.Utility.GetEntity objEnt, varPnt
If TypeOf objEnt Is AcadLWPolyline Then
AppActivate ThisDrawing.applicaTION.CAPTION
varCords = objEnt.COORDINATES
For Each varVert In varCords
intVCnt = intVCnt + 1
For intCrdCnt = 0 To intVCnt / 2 - 1
varCord = objEnt.COORDINATE(intCrdCnt)
Excel.applicaTION.Cells(intCrdCnt + 1, 1).value = varCord(0)
Excel.applicaTION.Cells(intCrdCnt + 1, 2).value = varCord(1)
Next intCrdCnt
MsgBox "Selected entity was not a LWPolyline"
End If
If Not objApp Is Nothing Then
Set objApp = Nothing
Set objDoc = Nothing
End If
Exit Sub
'debug.print err.DESCRIPTION
Resume Exit_Here
End Sub
' You will need to add a reference to the Excel
' Type Library to run this.In case of excel excel.exe is the library !
Sub acad-drives_excel()
Dim xAP As Excel.applicaTION
Dim xWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim xWS As Excel.WorkSheet
Set xAP = Excel.applicaTION
Set xWB = xAP.Workbooks.Open(SLOPEDIR.PROJECT & "\A2K2_VBA\IUnknown.xls")
Set xWS = xWB.Worksheets("Sheet1")
MsgBox "Excel says: """ & Cells(1, 1) & """"
Dim A2K As AcadApplication
Dim A2Kdwg As AcadDocument
Set A2Kdwg = A2K.applicaTION.documents.Add
MsgBox A2K.NAME & " version " & A2K.version & _
" is running."
Dim HEIGHT As Double
Dim p(0 To 2) As Double
Dim TxtStr As String
p(0) = 1: p(1) = 1: p(2) = 0
TxtStr = Cells(1, 1)
Set TxtObj = A2Kdwg.modelspace.AddText(TxtStr, _
A2Kdwg.SaveAs SLOPEDIR.PROJECT & "\A2K2_VBA\IUnknown.dwg"
Set A2K = Nothing
Set xAP = Nothing
End Sub
Whatever way you choose now you can draw into the autocad drawing by using VBA.
There is another way for non programmers.
in fact you can create a excel table which creates this things and then you can export them to a text file. For simple task a solution but crap if you hase more complex things to do.
And last but not least you can create dynamic blocks and use vba to insert them and set the values of their parameters according to your excel sheet. But this would explode this tiny post
