Using promises to control flow is not working properly - node.js

I am trying to control the flow of the execution in my code below, meaning I want it to be serial.
I am reading and updating data from and to my DB, and ofc I want that to happen in the correct order. Below is the function I am calling my DB from, the queries functions are wrapped in callbacks.
I am pretty new to promises so perhaps the error might be something silly I am overlooking. If you need anything to ask please do so.
function my_function(array, array2)
var array3 = [];
return Promise.resolve(true)
for(var i=0; i< array.length; i++)
get(array[i], function(results){
return array3;
for(var i=0; i< array2.length; i+=2)
get(array2[i], function(results){
return array3.push(...);
return array3;
for(var i=0; i<array3.length; i++)
get(array3[i], function(results){
update(.., function(callb_result){
And here is the way I am calling the queries.
function get(array, callback)
db.get(`SELECT .. FROM .. WHERE ..;`, function(error, row) {
return callback(something);
function update(.., callback)
{`UPDATE .. SET ...`);
return callback("updated"); //I dont want to return anything
Whats printed in the log
I was thinking perhaps the way I ma calling the queries is async and that's messing up everything.

You're using for loops to run asynchronous tasks and return an array that is modified by them. But because they are asynchronous the return happens before they are finished. Instead you can create an array of promises where each promise is one of the asynchronous tasks that resolves once the task is done. To wait until every task is done you can call Promise.all with the array of promises, which returns a promise that resolves with an array of the resolved results.
For the first .then you can use to easily create an array of promises. Each item in the array needs to return a new Promise that resolves with the result from the callback of get.
.then(function() {
const promiseArray = {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
get(item, function(result) {
return Promise.all(promiseArray);
As you return Promise.all the next .then call be executed once all the promises in the promiseArray are fulfilled. It will receive the array of results as the first parameter to the function. That means you can use them there. The second .then is similar to the first one, except that you don't want to call get on every item. In this case map is not applicable, so the for loop will just create a promise and add it to the array of promises. Before you have used array3 to store the results that you want to update, but with promises you don't really need that. In this case you can simply concat the results of both arrays.
.then(function(resultsArray) {
const promiseArray2 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < array2.length; i += 2) {
const promise = new Promise(function(resolve) {
get(array2[i], function(results) {
// Wait for all promises to be resolved
// Then concatenate both arrays of results
return Promise.all(promiseArray2).then(function(resultsArray2) {
return resultsArray.concat(resultsArray2);
This returns a promise that resolves with the concatenated array, so you will have all the results (from both .then calls) as an array, which is passed to the next .then function. In the third and final .then you simply call update on each element of the array. You don't need to call get again, as you've already done this and you passed on the results.
.then(function(finalResults) {
for (var i = 0; i < finalResults.length; i++) {
update(finalResults[i], function(result) {
Full runnable code (get uses a timeout to simulate asynchronous calls)
function myFunction(array, array2) {
return Promise.resolve(true)
.then(function() {
const promiseArray = {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
get(item, function(results) {
return Promise.all(promiseArray);
.then(function(resultsArray) {
const promiseArray2 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < array2.length; i += 2) {
const promise = new Promise(function(resolve) {
get(array2[i], function(results) {
return Promise.all(promiseArray2).then(function(resultsArray2) {
return resultsArray.concat(resultsArray2);
.then(function(finalResults) {
for (var i = 0; i < finalResults.length; i++) {
function get(item, cb) {
// Simply call the callback with the item after 1 second
setTimeout(() => cb(item), 1000);
function update(item) {
// Log what item is being updated
console.log(`Updated ${item}`);
// Test data
const array = ["arr1item1", "arr1item2", "arr1item3"];
const array2 = ["arr2item1", "arr2item2", "arr2item3"];
myFunction(array, array2);
Improving the code
The code now works as expected, but there are many improvements that make it a lot easier to understand and conveniently also shorter.
To simplify the code you can change your get function to return a promise. This makes it a lot easier, since you don't need to create a promise in every step. And update doesn't need to be a promise, neither does it need a callback as it's synchronous.
function get(array) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
db.get(`SELECT .. FROM .. WHERE ..;`, function(error, row) {
if (err) {
return reject(error);
Now you can use get everywhere you used to create a new promise. Note: I added the reject case when there is an error, and you'll have to take care of them with a .catch on the promise.
There are still too many unnecessary .then calls. First of all Promise.resolve(true) is useless since you can just return the promise of the first .then call directly. All it did in your example was to automatically wrap the result of it in a promise.
You're also using two .then calls to create an array of the results. Not only that, but they perform exactly the same call, namely get. Currently you also wait until the first set has finished until you execute the second set, but they can be all executed at the same time. Instead you can create an array of all the get promises and then wait for all of them to finish.
function myFunction(array, array2) {
// is equivalent to => get(item))
// which in turn is equivalent to:
// {
// return get(item);
// })
const promiseArray =;
for (let i = 0; i < array2.length; i += 2) {
return Promise.all(promiseArray).then(results => results.forEach(update));
The myFunction body has been reduced from 32 lines of code (not counting the console.log("1") etc.) to 5.
Runnable Snippet
function myFunction(array, array2) {
const promiseArray =;
for (let i = 0; i < array2.length; i += 2) {
return Promise.all(promiseArray).then(results => results.forEach(update));
function get(item) {
console.log(`Starting get of ${item}`);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Simply call the callback with the item after 1 second
setTimeout(() => resolve(item), 1000);
function update(item) {
// Log what item is being updated
console.log(`Updated ${item}`);
// Test data
const testArr1 = ["arr1item1", "arr1item2", "arr1item3"];
const testArr2 = ["arr2item1", "arr2item2", "arr2item3"];
myFunction(testArr1, testArr2).then(() => console.log("Updated all items"));


NodeJS constructing array from asynchronious callbacks before returning

I'm writing a function that's returning and array of values. Some of the values are calculated in a callback. But I don't know how to make the program asynchronious so all of my results are in the array, and not added after they're returned.
let array = []
for (stuff : stuffs) {
if (condition) {
} else {
api.compute(stuff, callback(resp) {
res.json({ "stuff": array })
In this example the array is written to the response before the async calls have finished.
How can I make this work asynchronously?
You have to use one of the approaches:
async library
The most cool yet, I think, is async/await. First we modify your function, so it returns a promise:
const compute = function(stuff) {
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
api.compute(stuff, callback(resp){
Then we modify your route with async handler:
app.get('/', async function(req, res, next) {
const array = [];
for (const stuff of stuffs) {
if (condition) {
} else {
const stuff = await compute(stuff);
res.json({ stuff: array });
Note: You might need to update node version to latest.
Those who are not awared, how event loop works, execute this snippet, and finish with that:
const sleep = async function(ms) {
console.log(`Sleeping ${ms}ms`);
return new Promise( resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function job() {
for (let t = 0; t < 10; t++) {
await sleep(100);
console.log('oops did not expect that oO');
You will be surprised.
Here is an answer without package using callbacks
Create a function that's gonna recursively treat all your stuffs.
getArray(stuffs, callback, index = 0, array = []) {
// Did we treat all stuffs?
if (stuffs.length >= index) {
return callback(array);
// Treat one stuff
if (condition) {
// Call next
return getArray(stuffs, callback, index + 1, array);
// Get a stuff asynchronously
return api.compute(stuffs[index], (resp) => {
// Call next
return getArray(stuffs, callback, index + 1, array);
How to call it?
getArray(stuffs, (array) => {
// Here you have your array
// ...
EDIT: more explanation
What we want to do to transform the loop you had into a loop that handle asynchronous function call.
The purpose is that one getArray call gonna treat one index of your stuffs array.
After treating one index, the function will call itself again to treat the next index, until all get treated.
-> Treat index 0 -> Treat index 1 -> Treat index 2 -> Return all result
We are using parameters to pass the infos through the process. Index to know which array part we have to treat, and array to keep a tract of what we did calculate.
EDIT: Improvement to 100% asynchronous soluce
What we have done here it's a simple transposition of your initial for loop into an asynchronous code. it can be improved so by making it totally asynchronous, which make it better but slightly more difficult.
For example :
// Where we store the results
const array = [];
const calculationIsDone = (array) => {
// Here our calculation is done
// ---
// Function that's gonna aggregate the results coming asynchronously
// When we did gather all results, we call a function
const gatherCalculResult = (newResult) => {
if (array.length === stuffs.length) {
// Function that makes the calculation for one stuff
const makeCalculation = (oneStuff) => {
if (condition) {
return gatherCalculResult(oneStuff);
// Get a stuff asynchronously
return api.compute(oneStuff, (resp) => {
// We trigger all calculation
stuffs.forEach(x => x.makeCalculation(x));

Heavy task not blocking nodejs

I have to loop an array, and compute to every element a very heavy task, within several functions, but I need the whole array finished before return the callback. The problem, is that node is not blocking there, is like treating this block of code like asynchronous, cause before it gets done, the callback is returned. What am I missing?
function one(data, callback){
for(var i=0; i < data.length; i++){
result = two(data[i]);
function two(data){
return three(data);
function three(data){
//heavy task
return data;
callback(result) is called immediately and I need it blocked in order to have the array processed. This was already moved to child process, so it is pretended to work that way.
'use strict';
function makePromise(data) {
return Promise(resolve, reject) {
//here handle data
if ( // success ) {
} else {
} => makePromise(element))
.all(restuts => {
//here results is a array
.catch(error => {
You can use Promise in ES6.

NodeJs Mongoose How can I get out a data from "find().then" in a "find().then"?

Sorry for my Title, I don't know what can I put.
Can you help me please, I would like to print data from a "then" in a "then" ?
Thank you
.then( function (content) {
var i = 0;
while (content[i]) {{"_id": content[i].author_id}, function(err, data) {
console.log(data); //here, it' good
content[i] = data;
MY_DATA = content;
return MY_DATA;
.then(function (result) {
console.log(result); // here I would like to print MY_DATA
There are a number of problems with your code, and I don't think it's behaving as you're expecting it to.
Chaining Promises
In order to effectively chain promises how you're expecting, each promise callback needs to return another promise. Here's an example with yours changed around a bit.
var promise =; // This returns a promise
// Let's hook into the promise returned from
var promise2 = promise.then( function (books) {
// Let's only get the author for the first book for simplicity sake
return{ "_id": books[0].author_id }).exec();
promise2.then( function (author) {
// Do something with the author
In your example, you're not returning anything with your callback (return MY_DATA is returning within the callback, so nothing happens), so it's not behaving as you're expecting it to. is asynchronous is asynchronous, so you can't expect to call it multiple times in the callback without handling them asynchronously.
// This code will return an empty array function (err, books) {
var i = 0, results = [];
while (books[i]) {{ "_id": books[i].author_id}, function (err, data) {
// This will get called long after results is returned
return results; // Returns an empty array
Handling multiple promises
Mongoose uses mpromise, and I don't see a method to handle multiple promises together, but here's a way your case could be done.
var Promise = require('mpromise');
.then( function (books) {
var i = 0,
count = 0,
promise = new Promise(),
results = [];
while (books[i]) {{ "_id": books[i].author_id }, function (err, author) {
// Keep doing this until you get to the last one
if (count === books.length) {
// Fulfill the promise to get to the next then
return promise.fulfill(results);
return promise;
.then( function (results) {
// Do something with results
I don't know if this will work exactly like it is, but it should give you an idea of what needs to be done.

Pushing to an array inside of a loop inside of a callback function

I have a loop that I need to run inside of a callback, unfortunately accessing the array outside of the callback leaves me with a blank array. I know why this happens, but I want to know the best solution to tackle this.
Gallery.prototype.getGallery = function(cb) {
self = this;
var cos = new pb.CustomObjectService();
var ms = new pb.MediaService();
var s = [];
cos.loadTypeByName('Gallery Image', function(err, gallery){
cos.findByType(gallery._id.toString(), function(err, rpy){
for(var i = 0; i < rpy.length; i++){
ms.loadById(rpy[i].Image, function(e,r){
console.log(r.location); /* <-- logs expected data */
console.log(s[0]); /* <-- this is undefined */
Replace your for loop with a call to async.*; in this case seems right. Pass a callback to; it will be invoked when all the individual calls to ms.loadById are done, with the array of results.
function(elt, callback) {
ms.loadById(elt.Image, callback);
function(err, data) {
// comes here after all individual async calls have completed
// check errors; array of results is in data
If you want to go into the promises world, then wrap the calls to ms.loadById in a promise. Here's a roll-your-own version, but various versions of what is usually called promisify are also out there.
function loadByIdPromise(elt) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
ms.loadById(elt.image, function(err, data) {
if (err) return reject(err);
Then do a Promise.all on the resulting promises:
.then(function(data) {
// comes here when all individual async calls complete successfully
// data is your array of results
Using the promises style, your entire code would look like:
loadTypeByNamePromise('Gallery Image') .
then(function(gallery) { return findByTypePromise(gallery._id.toString(); }) .
then(function(rpy) { return Promise.all(; }) .
then(function(results) { /* do something with [results] */ });

While loop with promises

What would be the idiomatic way to do something like a while loop with promises. So:
do something
if the condition still stands do it again
then do something else.
I've done it this way I was wondering if there were any better/more idomatic ways?
var q = require('q');
var index = 1;
var useless = function(){
var currentIndex = index;
var deferred = q.defer();
if(currentIndex > 10)
else deferred.resolve(true);
return deferred.promise;
var control = function(cont){
var deferred = q.defer();
index = index + 1;
else deferred.resolve();
return deferred.promise;
var chain = useless().then(control).then(function(){console.log('done')});
Here's a reusable function that I think is pretty clear.
var Q = require("q");
// `condition` is a function that returns a boolean
// `body` is a function that returns a promise
// returns a promise for the completion of the loop
function promiseWhile(condition, body) {
var done = Q.defer();
function loop() {
// When the result of calling `condition` is no longer true, we are
// done.
if (!condition()) return done.resolve();
// Use `when`, in case `body` does not return a promise.
// When it completes loop again otherwise, if it fails, reject the
// done promise
Q.when(body(), loop, done.reject);
// Start running the loop in the next tick so that this function is
// completely async. It would be unexpected if `body` was called
// synchronously the first time.
// The promise
return done.promise;
// Usage
var index = 1;
promiseWhile(function () { return index <= 11; }, function () {
return Q.delay(500); // arbitrary async
}).then(function () {
This is the simplest way I've found to express the basic pattern: you define a function that calls the promise, checks its result, and then either calls itself again or terminates.
const doSomething = value =>
new Promise(resolve =>
setTimeout(() => resolve(value >= 5 ? 'ok': 'no'), 1000))
const loop = value =>
doSomething(value).then(result => {
if (result === 'ok') {
} else {
return loop(value + 1)
loop(1).then(() => console.log('all done!'))
See it in action on JSBin
If you were using a promise that resolves or rejects, you would define then and catch instead of using an if-clause.
If you had an array of promises, you would just change loop to shift or pop the next one each time.
EDIT: Here's a version that uses async/await, because it's 2018:
const loop = async value => {
let result = null
while (result != 'ok') {
result = await doSomething(value)
value = value + 1
See it in action on CodePen
As you can see, it uses a normal while loop and no recursion.
I'd use an object to wrap the value. That way you can have a done property to let the loop know you're done.
// fn should return an object like
// {
// done: false,
// value: foo
// }
function loop(promise, fn) {
return promise.then(fn).then(function (wrapper) {
return !wrapper.done ? loop(Q(wrapper.value), fn) : wrapper.value;
loop(Q.resolve(1), function (i) {
return {
done: i > 10,
value: i++
}).done(function () {
This is for bluebird not q but since you didn't mention q specifically.. in the bluebird api doc the author mentions returning a promise-generating function would be more idiomatic than using deferreds.
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var i = 0;
var counter = Promise.method(function(){
return i++;
function getAll(max, results){
var results = results || [];
return counter().then(function(result){
return (result < max) ? getAll(max, results) : results
Since I can't comment on Stuart K's answer I'll add a little bit here. Based on Stuart K's answer you can boil it down to a surprisingly simple concept: Reuse an unfulfilled promise. What he has is essentially:
Create a new instance of a deferred promise
Define your function that you want to call in a loop
Inside that function:
Check to see if you're done; and when you are resolve the promise created in #1 and return it.
If you are not done then tell Q to use the existing promise and run the unfullfilled function that is the "recursive" function, or fail if it died. Q.when(promise, yourFunction, failFunction)
After defining your function use Q to trigger the function for the first time using Q.nextTick(yourFunction)
Finally return your new promise to the caller (which will trigger the whole thing to start).
Stuart's answer is for a more generic solution, but the basics are awesome (once you realize how it works).
This pattern is now more easily called by using q-flow. An example, for the above problem:
var q = require('q');
var index = 1;
q.until(function() {
return q.delay(500).then(function() {
return index > 10;
}).done(function() {
return console.log('done');
Here is an extensions to the Promise prototype to mimic the behavior of a for loop. It supports promises or immediate values for the initialization, condition, loop body, and increment sections. It also has full support for exceptions, and it does not have memory leaks. An example is given below on how to use it.
var Promise = require('promise');
// Promise.loop([properties: object]): Promise()
// Execute a loop based on promises. Object 'properties' is an optional
// argument with the following fields:
// initialization: function(): Promise() | any, optional
// Function executed as part of the initialization of the loop. If
// it returns a promise, the loop will not begin to execute until
// it is resolved.
// Any exception occurring in this function will finish the loop
// with a rejected promise. Similarly, if this function returns a
// promise, and this promise is reject, the loop finishes right
// away with a rejected promise.
// condition: function(): Promise(result: bool) | bool, optional
// Condition evaluated in the beginning of each iteration of the
// loop. The function should return a boolean value, or a promise
// object that resolves with a boolean data value.
// Any exception occurring during the evaluation of the condition
// will finish the loop with a rejected promise. Similarly, it this
// function returns a promise, and this promise is rejected, the
// loop finishes right away with a rejected promise.
// If no condition function is provided, an infinite loop is
// executed.
// body: function(): Promise() | any, optional
// Function acting as the body of the loop. If it returns a
// promise, the loop will not proceed until this promise is
// resolved.
// Any exception occurring in this function will finish the loop
// with a rejected promise. Similarly, if this function returns a
// promise, and this promise is reject, the loop finishes right
// away with a rejected promise.
// increment: function(): Promise() | any, optional
// Function executed at the end of each iteration of the loop. If
// it returns a promise, the condition of the loop will not be
// evaluated again until this promise is resolved.
// Any exception occurring in this function will finish the loop
// with a rejected promise. Similarly, if this function returns a
// promise, and this promise is reject, the loop finishes right
// away with a rejected promise.
Promise.loop = function(properties)
// Default values
properties = properties || {};
properties.initialization = properties.initialization || function() { };
properties.condition = properties.condition || function() { return true; };
properties.body = properties.body || function() { };
properties.increment = properties.increment || function() { };
// Start
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject)
var runInitialization = function()
return properties.initialization();
var runCondition = function()
return properties.condition();
if (result)
var runBody = function()
return properties.body();
var runIncrement = function()
return properties.increment();
// Start running initialization
// Promise.delay(time: double): Promise()
// Returns a promise that resolves after the given delay in seconds.
Promise.delay = function(time)
return new Promise(function(resolve)
setTimeout(resolve, time * 1000);
// Example
var i;
initialization: function()
i = 2;
condition: function()
return i < 6;
body: function()
// Print "i"
// Exception when 5 is reached
if (i == 5)
throw Error('Value of "i" reached 5');
// Wait 1 second
return Promise.delay(1);
increment: function()
console.log('LOOP FINISHED');
console.log('EXPECTED ERROR:', error.message);
Here is a generic solution that uses ES6 promises:
* Simulates a while loop where the condition is determined by the result of a Promise.
* #param {Function} condition
* #param {Function} action
* #returns {Promise}
function promiseWhile (condition, action) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const loop = function () {
if (!condition()) {
} else {
* Simulates a do-while loop where the condition is determined by the result of a Promise.
* #param {Function} condition
* #param {Function} action
* #returns {Promise}
function promiseDoWhile (condition, action) {
return Promise.resolve(action())
.then(() => promiseWhile(condition, action));
export default promiseWhile;
export {promiseWhile, promiseDoWhile};
And you can use it like this:
let myCounter = 0;
function myAsyncFunction () {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
promiseWhile(() => myCounter < 5, myAsyncFunction).then(() => console.log(`Timer completed: ${myCounter}`));
var Q = require('q')
var vetor = ['a','b','c']
function imprimeValor(elements,initValue,defer){
console.log( elements[initValue++] )
return defer.promise
function Qloop(initValue, elements,defer){
Q.when( imprimeValor(elements, initValue, Q.defer()), function(initValue){
defer.resolve( Qloop(initValue,elements, Q.defer()) )
}, function(err){
return defer.promise
Qloop(0, vetor,Q.defer())
I am now using this:
function each(arr, work) {
function loop(arr, i) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (i >= arr.length) {resolve();}
else try {
Promise.resolve(work(arr[i], i)).then(function() {
resolve(loop(arr, i+1))
} catch(e) {reject(e);}
return loop(arr, 0);
This accepts an array arr and a function work and returns a Promise. The supplied function gets called once for each element in the array and gets passed the current element and it's index in the array. It may be sync or async, in which case it must return a Promise.
You can use it like this:
var items = ['Hello', 'cool', 'world'];
each(items, function(item, idx) {
// this could simply be sync, but can also be async
// in which case it must return a Promise
return new Promise(function(resolve){
// use setTimeout to make this async
setTimeout(function(){, idx);
}, 1000);
console.error('Failed', error);
Each item in the array will be handled in turn. Once all are handled, the code given to .then() will run, or, if some error occurred, the code given to .catch(). Inside the work function, you can throw an Error (in case of synchronous functions) or reject the Promise (in case of async functions) to abort the loop.
function each(arr, work) {
function loop(arr, i) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (i >= arr.length) {resolve();}
else try {
Promise.resolve(work(arr[i], i)).then(function() {
resolve(loop(arr, i+1))
} catch(e) {reject(e);}
return loop(arr, 0);
var items = ['Hello', 'cool', 'world'];
each(items, function(item, idx) {
// this could simply be sync, but can also be async
// in which case it must return a Promise
return new Promise(function(resolve){
// use setTimeout to make this async
setTimeout(function(){, idx);
}, 1000);
console.error('Failed', error);
Using the ES6 Promise, I came up with this. It chains the promises and returns a promise. It's not technically a while loop, but does show how to iterate over promises synchronously.
function chain_promises(list, fun) {
return list.reduce(
function (promise, element) {
return promise.then(function () {
// I only needed to kick off some side-effects. If you need to get
// a list back, you would append to it here. Or maybe use
// instead of Array.reduce.
// An initial promise just starts things off.
// To test it...
function test_function (element) {
return new Promise(function (pass, _fail) {
console.log('Processing ' + element);
chain_promises([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], test_function).then(function () {
Here's my fiddle.
I thought I might as well throw my hat in the ring, using ES6 Promises...
function until_success(executor){
var before_retry = undefined;
var outer_executor = function(succeed, reject){
var rejection_handler = function(err){
try {
var pre_retry_result = before_retry(err);
return succeed(pre_retry_result);
} catch (pre_retry_error){
return reject(pre_retry_error);
return new Promise(executor).then(succeed, rejection_handler);
return new Promise(executor).then(succeed, rejection_handler);
var outer_promise = new Promise(outer_executor);
outer_promise.before_retry = function(func){
before_retry = func;
return outer_promise;
return outer_promise;
The executor argument is the same as that passed to a Promise constructor, but will be called repeatedly until it triggers the success callback. The before_retry function allows for custom error handling on the failed attempts. If it returns a truthy value it will be considered a form of success and the "loop" will end, with that truthy as the result. If no before_retry function is registered, or it returns a falsey value, then the loop will run for another iteration. The third option is that the before_retry function throws an error itself. If this happens, then the "loop" will end, passing that error as an error.
Here is an example:
var counter = 0;
function task(succ, reject){
if(++counter < 5)
reject(counter + " is too small!!");
succ(counter + " is just right");
}, 500); // simulated async task
console.log("failed attempt: " + err);
// Option 0: return falsey value and move on to next attempt
// return
// Option 1: uncomment to get early success..
//if(err === "3 is too small!!")
// return "3 is sort of ok";
// Option 2: uncomment to get complete failure..
//if(err === "3 is too small!!")
// throw "3rd time, very unlucky";
console.log("finally, success: " + val);
console.log("it didn't end well: " + err);
Output for option 0:
failed attempt: 1 is too small!!
failed attempt: 2 is too small!!
failed attempt: 3 is too small!!
failed attempt: 4 is too small!!
finally, success: 5 is just right
Output for option 1:
failed attempt: 1 is too small!!
failed attempt: 2 is too small!!
failed attempt: 3 is too small!!
finally, success: 3 is sort of ok
Output for option 2:
failed attempt: 1 is too small!!
failed attempt: 2 is too small!!
failed attempt: 3 is too small!!
it didn't end well: 3rd time, very unlucky
Lots of answers here and what you are trying to achieve is not very practical. but this should work. This was implemented in an aws lambda function, with Node.js 10 it will go until function timeout. It may also consume a decent amount of memory.
exports.handler = async (event) => {
let res = null;
while (true) {
res = await dopromise();
res = err;
}//infinite will time out
function dopromise(){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//do some logic
//if error reject
Tested on lambda and running fine for over 5 min. But as stated by others this is not a good thing to do.
I wrote a module which helps you do chained loops of asynchronous tasks with promises, it is based on the answer above provided by juandopazo
* Should loop over a task function which returns a "wrapper" object
* until wrapper.done is true. A seed value wrapper.seed is propagated to the
* next run of the loop.
* todo/maybe? Reject if wrapper is not an object with done and seed keys.
* #param {Promise|*} seed
* #param {Function} taskFn
* #returns {Promise.<*>}
function seedLoop(seed, taskFn) {
const seedPromise = Promise.resolve(seed);
return seedPromise
.then((wrapper) => {
if (wrapper.done) {
return wrapper.seed;
return seedLoop(wrapper.seed, taskFn);
// A super simple example of counting to ten, which doesn't even
// do anything asynchronous, but if it did, it should resolve to
// a promise that returns the { done, seed } wrapper object for the
// next call of the countToTen task function.
function countToTen(count) {
const done = count > 10;
const seed = done ? count : count + 1;
return {done, seed};
seedLoop(1, countToTen).then((result) => {
console.log(result); // 11, the first value which was over 10.
