I tried to sent this to URI but got 10% wrong. For the input 576.43 it gives 2 cents in the end. I did all the math in calculator exactly as my code and got 3 cents in the end. What is wrong?
total = float(input())
bill100 = int((total) / 100)
total = ((total) - (bill100*100))
bill50 = int((total)/50)
total = (total - (bill50*50))
bill20 = int(total/20)
total = (total - (bill20*20))
bill10 = int(total/10)
total = (total - (bill10*10))
bill5 = int(total/5)
total = (total - (bill5*5))
bill2 = int(total/2)
total = (total - (bill2*2))
coin1dolar = int(total)
total = (total - coin1dolar)
coin50 = int(total/0.50)
total = (total - (coin50*0.50))
coin25 = int(total/0.25)
total = (total - (coin25*0.25))
coin10 = int(total/0.10)
total = (total - (coin10*0.10))
coin5 = int(total/0.05)
total = (total - (coin5*0.05))
coin1cent = int(total/0.01)
print(str(bill100) + " bills of R$ 100.00")
print(str(bill50) + " bills of R$ 50.00")
print(str(bill20) + " bills of R$ 20.00")
print(str(bill10) + " bills of R$ 10.00")
print(str(bill5) + " bills of R$ 5.00")
print(str(bill2) + " bills of R$ 2.00")
print(str(coin1dolar) + " coins of R$ 1.00")
print(str(coin50) + " coins of R$ 0.50")
print(str(coin25) + " coins of R$ 0.25")
print(str(coin10) + " coins of R$ 0.10")
print(str(coin5) + " coins of R$ 0.05")
print(str(coin1cent) + " coins of R$ 0.01")
Your issue is that floating point math isn't exact. You can read about it in the python docs. You are continuously doing division's with floating point values. You can fix this by doing coin1cent = int(round(total/.01)).
On a separate note, I think you should also look into the mod operator, linked here.
I'm a noob trying to learn python 3 and I'm trying to include the half_age as a string without using directly writing the number 9 as a string but I couldn't figure it out.
I've tried:
print = str(18//2)
print = int(18//2)
print = float(18/2)
my_age = 18
half_age = (18//2)
name = "Kenny!"
greeting = "Kia Ora, "
print(greeting + name)
print("Your age is " + my_age + "and half your age is " + str(half_age ))
print("Your age is " + my_age + "and half your age is " + str(half_age ))
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
Try formatting all of your numbers with str ie.
my_age = 18
half_age = (18//2)
name = "Kenny!"
greeting = "Kia Ora, "
print(greeting + name)
print("Your age is " + str(my_age) + " and half your age is " + str(half_age))
Just use modern f-strings:
my_age = 18
half_age = (18//2)
name = "Kenny"
greeting = "Kia Ora"
print(f'{greeting}, {name}!')
print(f"Your age is {my_age} and half your age is {half_age}")
print(f"Your age is {my_age} and half your age is {my_age/2}")
I am making a calculator that displays formulas and answers of a few different things after you enter time, distance, mass, etc. Velocity works fine, but Speed and Acceleration are display apostrophes, commas, and parentheses. Some of them aren't even in the editor.
('Speed = Distance / Time = 1m / 1s', ' = 1m/s')
('Acceleration = Force / Mass = 1N', ' / 1kg = 1.0m/s/s')
Velocity = Speed + Direction = 1m/s + Direction = 1m/s North
The variables in the program:
SpeedFormula = 'Speed = Distance / Time = ' + distanceDisplay + ' / ' + timeDisplay, ' = ' + speedDisplay
AccelerationFormula = 'Acceleration = Force / Mass = ' + forceDisplay, ' / ' + massDisplay + ' = ' + AccelerationDisplay
VelocityFormula = 'Velocity = Speed + Direction = ' + speedDisplay + " + " + 'Direction' + ' = ' + VelocityDisplay
Anyone know why they display differently and how I can fix it?
timeDisplay, ' = ' + speedDisplay
timeDisplay + ' = ' + speedDisplay
When you use comma SpeedFormula becomes a tuple, not a string.
P.S. You should probably use formatting like this:
distanceDisplay = 20
timeDisplay = 2
speedDisplay = 10
SpeedFormula = 'Speed = Distance / Time = %d / %d = %d' % (distanceDisplay,timeDisplay,speedDisplay)
rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT Class1_predicted, Class2_predicted, Class3_predicted, Class_predicted"
+ SUM(PROFIT_LOSS) AS "Total Profit",
+ "FROM xxxxxx "
+ "WHERE CLASS1_PREDICTED = curr_class1_predicted, CLASS2_PREDICTED = curr_class2_predicted, CLASS3_PREDICTED = curr_class3_predicted, CLASS_PREDICTED = curr_class_predicted,"
+ "PROFIT_LOSS >= 0,"
+ "GROUP BY Class1_predicted, Class2_predicted, Class3_predicted,Class_predicted");
int recordCount = rs.getInt(1);
myConsole.getOut().println("Number of records in subset of table xxxxx where P/L >= 0: " + recordCount);
I am getting an error on the AS in the second line ?
Not sure how to correct ?
Bob M
You should put the whole query in a String.
It seems like here you are not actually quoting the expression:
+ SUM(PROFIT_LOSS) AS "Total Profit",
It should be something like this:
+ "SUM(PROFIT_LOSS) AS Total_Profit,"
I am currently developing a game, and I have a small problem.
When a player buys an item from a shop, I set it to be sold at 75% the buying price.
But when the value is checked (before selling the item) it says, for example, "Can be sold for 115.0 gold"
How do I remove the ".0" from the "115"?
I'm still new to coding, any help is appreciated.
(It's also shown with brackets, I would like to remove those as well. In example: "You can sell this for (120.0) gold pieces.")
Edit: This is java.
int ShopValue = (int)Math.floor(getItemShopValue(removeId, 1, removeSlot));
String ShopAdd = "";
if (ShopValue >= 1000000000) {
ShopAdd = " (" + Math.floor(ShopValue*.75 / 1000000000) + " billion)";
} else if (ShopValue >= 1000000) {
ShopAdd = " (" + Math.floor(ShopValue*.75 / 1000000) + " million)";
} else if (ShopValue >= 1000) {
ShopAdd = " (" + Math.floor(ShopValue*.75 / 1000) + "k)";
} else if (ShopValue >= 100) {
ShopAdd = " (" + Math.floor(ShopValue*.75 / 1) + ")";
} else if (ShopValue >= 10) {
ShopAdd = " (" + Math.floor(ShopValue*.75 / 1) + ")";
c.sM(c.getItems().getItemName(removeId)+": shop will buy for <col=255>"+ShopAdd+"</col> coins");
simple way is use a integer type cast
(int)Math.floor(ShopValue*.75 / 1)
Math.floor is returning double parameter so u have to just convert it to int before you give it to ShopAdd string.
I have a group of people who have different expenses during a period. Everybody has a balance after this period. It looks like this in excel:
Person A: 6
Person B: 10
Person C: -7,5
Person D: -8,5
After this period a settlement will take place. I currently do this by manually. This results in:
Person C pays 6 to person A.
Person C pays 1,5 to person B.
Person D pays 8,5 to person B.
Person A gets 6 from person C.
Person B gets 1,5 form person C.
Peron B gets 8,5 from person D.
(There are multiple solutions possible when more persons are involved.)
The problem is that I have to apply this procedure for a big group of people. So my question is: 'How to apply this 'who owes who'-procedure by using an excel spreadsheet algorithm or macro?'.
I made a excel version too but its in Open office. can you download that? The following macro might work on its own. If it does not should be something small. it works fine in OOO and is saved as a Excel 97/2000 workbook document.
'this might not be needed in Microsoft Excel, comment it out
Option VBASupport 1 'OWES
Option Explicit
'Cells(row, col),
Private Sub cmd1_Click()
'data is same sheet, from row 4, column 4
'row 4 has names in columns, so 4,4 has name 1, 4,5 has name 2
'row 5 has amounts spent like 6, -10
'output is in columns 3 and 5
dim i
dim j,s as String, sum1
'get number of cells used in row 4 and check if corresponding row 6 column has a number value too
i = 4
do while(cells(4,i).Value <> "" and i < 500)
j = CDbl(cells(5,i).Value)
sum1 = sum1 + j
if j <> cells(5,i).Value then
MsgBox "Col " & i & " not a number?"
end if
if i > 499 then
Msgbox "too many cols"
end if
If sum1 > 0.3 or sum1 < -0.3 then
Msgbox "Sum is not near 0 :" & sum1
End if
Dim colCnt as Integer
colCnt = i - 4
cells (7,1).Value = "Col count = " & colCnt
Dim spent(colCnt) as Double
Dim owes1(colCnt ) as String
Dim owes2(colCnt ) as String
for i= 4 to colCnt + 3
spent(i - 3) = CDbl(cells(5,i).Value)
Dim cnt,lastNeg, abs1,maxPay ' safety var for never ending loops, only if data bad like many cols and more than .1 diffs
lastNeg = 4
dim lastPay1
lastPay1 = 10
dim ii,jj,c1,c2,toPay
toPay = 0
On Local Error Goto errh
for i= 4 to colCnt + 3
cnt = 0
ii = i - 3
c1 = spent(ii)
'Cells(6,i) = "ok "
if spent(ii) > 0.1 and cnt < colCnt Then '//has to take
cnt = cnt + 1
for j = lastNeg to colCnt + 3 ' ; j < people.length && spent(ii) > 0.1; j++)
jj = j - 3
's = s & Me.Cells(ii,j) & " "
if spent(ii) > 0.1 then
if spent(jj) < -0.1 Then ' //has to give and has balance to give
c1 = spent(ii)
c2 = spent(jj)
lastNeg = j
abs1 = spent(jj) * -1'//can use absolute fn
maxPay = abs1
if(maxPay > spent(ii)) Then
toPay = spent(ii)'
toPay = abs1
End if
spent(ii) = spent(ii) - toPay
spent(jj) = spent(jj) + toPay
Cells(lastPay1, 3).Value = Cells(4 , j) & " pays " & toPay & " to " & Cells(4 , i )
Cells(lastPay1, 5).Value = Cells(4 , i) & " gets " & toPay & " from " & Cells(4 , j)
lastPay1 = lastPay1 + 1
End if
End if
End if
Msgbox "Done"
if err.Number <> 0 Then
dim yy
yy = msgBox("err " & err.Number & " " & err.Description & " Continue", 2)
if yy = vbYes Then
Resume Next
End IF
End IF
End Sub
Book at http://sel2in.com/prjs/vba/profile (owes)
Can see http://www.excel-vba.com/ , http://office.microsoft.com/en-in/training/get-in-the-loop-with-excel-macros-RZ001150634.aspx the help in excel was useful too (f1 inside macro editor, can select a keyword or type and get context sensitive help by pressing f1)
How important is the pairing of who owes what to who? The reason I ask - it's simple to figure out the total cost per person and then determine who owes money and who needs a refund. If one person can be the "banker", he can collect all the money due and disburse all the refunds.
Much simpler question, if you have somebody willing to be the banker.
Trying to pair everything up will quite possibly not result in an exact answer, or may require one or more people making payments to more than one person - as well as one or more people trying to collect from more than one other person.
See http://sel2in.com/pages/prog/html/owes.html
Javascript fn
Paste tab seperated list of people on first line, Second line has blanace - positive means they spent more than others, negative means other spent on them (they owe)
<textarea id=t1 rows=3 cols=70></textarea>
<button onclick=calcOwes() >Calc owes</button>
<div id=result>Will appear here if data is good</div>
<b>Parsed data for debug:</b>
<div id=data1>Will appear here if data is good</div>
function calcOwes(){
2013 Tushar Kapila
If Person A: 6
Person B: 10
Person C: -7,5
Person D: -8,5
Then Person C pays 6 to person A.
Person C pays 1,5 to person B.
Person D pays 8,5 to person B.
s = document.getElementById("t1").value
var line = s.split("\n")
//v = confirm("Your Data looks okay?:\n" + s)
//if(!v){ return;}
if(s.length < 2 || s.indexOf("\n") < 0){
alert("No line sep ")
people = line[0].split("\t")
spent = line[1].split("\t")
spent2 = line[1].split("\t")
if(spent.length < 2){
alert("Bad data, no spent data " + spent.length + "; 0 " + spent[0] + "; 1 " + + spent[1])
if(people.length != spent.length){
alert("People and amounts do not tally. make sure no tabs inside names, spaces are okay")
sum = 0;
data1o = document.getElementById("data1")
data1o.innerHTML = "";
for(i = 0;i < people.length; i++){
spent[i] = spent[i].trim()
spent[i] = parseFloat(spent[i])
sum += spent[i]
s = (1 + i) + " \"" + people[i] + "\" :" + spent[i] + ";<br>"
data1o.innerHTML += s;
if(sum > 0.2 || sum < -0.2){
v = confirm("Sum (" + sum + ")is not zero continue?")
lastNeg = 0;
payDetails = new Array();
getDetails = new Array();
lastPay = 0;
for(i = 0;i < people.length; i++){
cnt = 0;
if(spent[i] > 0.1 && cnt < people.length){//has to take
for(j = lastNeg; j < people.length && spent[i] > 0.1; j++){
if(spent[j] < -0.1){//has to give and has balance to give
lastNeg = j;
abs1 = spent[j] * -1;//can use absolute fn
maxPay = abs1
if(maxPay > spent[i]){
toPay = spent[i];
toPay = abs1
spent[i] -= toPay
spent[j] += toPay
payDetails[lastPay] = people[j] + " pays " + toPay + " to " + people[i]
getDetails[lastPay] = people[i] + " gets " + toPay + " from " + people[j]
s = ""
s2 = ""
for(i = 0;i < lastPay; i++){
s = s + payDetails[i] + "<br>"
s2 = s2 + getDetails[i] + "<br>"
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = s + "<br>" + s2
<br>Sample input 1 (tabs there?)
a b c d
6 10 -7.5 -8.5
<br>Sample input 2
Anna Dan Bobby Scareface Colly Doc Egg face
-6 10 -7.3 -8.33 11.67