Excel MATCH with Criteria - excel

I wonder if someone could help me with this issue?
I have a ranking table and want to MATCH the 5 lowest ratio items (as per below).
It is possible that the 5 lowest values are all 0%, in which case I would the MATCH position of all 5.
But because of the 0 value the returned MATCH position for all 5 of the above is the same.
Is it possible to MATCH but ignore previous results? IE the third formula is returns result that is not equal to the first and second?
(RankMthRat is a single column of percentages).
Many thanks

A standard way of doing this, although you might not consider it to be very elegant, is to add a small amount to each row based on the row number
entered in (say) C2.


how I can divide a sum number into 50 column in ecxel?

I would like to tell, with a smaller number of columns.
Let's say we have a sum of 24 and we want to distribute it randomly into 10 separate columns. we should get such a result as below I wrote.
Is there a formula in Excel like this?
Thanks in advance.
Ok. Here is what I would do...
For each required split, select a random number between zero and the remainder of the distribution qty, multiplied by the percentage of how many splits have already been calculated. This prevents the first few splits being very high, and the rest being zero.
I would also add a check for the very last split to make sure that it equals whatever is left of the original distribution qty.
Here is an image for illustration and the formula that I have used:
Hopefully, this isn't too complex to understand. If you need further explanation, please let me know.
You can simply change the distribution qty in the yellow box, and if you want more splits, all you need to do is drag down columns A & B to the required number.

Lookup Value based on multiple criteria

Good day everyone - I am trying to create a grade sheet for my swimming classes at school. It needs to be based on a few criteria - 1. boys/girls, 2. What stroke, 3. Time swum
I have a column for Time swum and a column with a dropdown of boys freestyle, girls freestyle etc to choose from. Then a criteria table where you get 30 point for swim x time less for each stroke for boys and girls. I was trying to use index match - but that will only return one of the strokes. As seen in the image - I need Column X to return the Points from column AB based on Column T dropdown selection, based on the range of the table with all the stroke times.
I've gotten this far : =index(AB2:AB6,MATCH(S2,AG2:AG6,1)), but that assumes all are swimming backstroke and all are girls.
I am hoping I am explaining this effectively enough.
Thanks in advance for the help.
You can use OFFSET to move the column you are matchin to the right. Also my understanding is that is for example in column "Freestyle Girls" someone reaches time 50 she should be put into line 55 - Grade A, 25 Points. If so you will need to do this:
1) reverse order of your data lines - if you want to use MATCH with last parameter "-1" (returns lowest value greater or equal to lookup value) for time (when you reach 50, you are worse then 40 so you will go to line with 55) you will need to have the values in descending order so the grades will go D to A* instead of A* to D.
2) use formula
Basically what it does is this:
this moves the search column for the final MATCH to match the style you select
this is standard search like you tried, only the OFFSET is inside so it looks in correct column.
As there is no value above Grade D it would cause error if somone nearly drowned and took 100 to finish so you need IFERROR to make sure it correct that.
Note: this assumes that value in T matches the values in the column names AC-AH. It your example the word order seems flipped. Also I put into my formula only 4 different styles so you will need to change the part stating AC1:AF1 to contain all the styles

Excel Sumif, Sumifs with partial strings in multiple columns?

So this is the simplified question I broke down from a former question I had here: Excel help on combination of Index - match and sumifs? .
For this one, I have Table1 (the black-gray one) with two or more columns for adjustments for various order numbers. See this image below:
What I want to achieve is to have total adjustments for those order numbers that contain the numbers in Total Adjustment column in the blue table, each of which will depend on the cell beside it.
Example: Order number 17051 has two products: 17051A (Apple) and 17051B (Orange).
Now what I want to achieve in cell C10 is the sum of adjustment for both 17051A and 17051B, which will be: Apple Adjustment (5000) + Orange Adjustment (4500) = 9500.
The formula I used below (and in the image) kept giving me error messages, and this happens even before I add the adjustment for Orange.
=SUMIF(Text(LEFT(Table1[Order Number],5),"00000"),text(B10,"00000"),Table1[Apple Adjustment])
I have spent the whole day looking for a solution for this and didn’t even come close to find any. Any suggestion is appreciated.
Assuming your headers always have the text "adjustment" in them, you could use:
In C10 you could add two sumproducts. This assumes that products are always 5 numbers long at the start. If not swop the 5 to use the length of the product reference part you are matching on.
Which with table syntax is:
=SUMPRODUCT(--(1*LEFT(Table1[Order Number],5)=$B10),Table1[Apple Adjustment])+SUMPRODUCT(--(1*LEFT(Table1[Order Number],5)=$B10),Table1[Orange Adjustment])
Using LEN
=SUMPRODUCT(--(1*LEFT(Table1[Order Number],LEN($B10))=$B10),Table1[Apple Adjustment])+SUMPRODUCT(--(1*LEFT(Table1[Order Number],LEN($B10))=$B10),Table1[Orange Adjustment])
I am multiplying by 1 to ensure Left, 5 becomes numeric.

Excel AVERAGEIFS else statement

I'm trying to perform an AVERAGEIFS formula on some data, but there are 2 possible results and as far as I can tell AVERAGEIFS doesn't deal with that situation.
I basically want to have an ELSE inside it.
At the moment I have 2 ranges of data:
The first column only contains values 'M-T' and 'F' (Mon-Thurs and Fri).
The second column contains a time.
The times on the rows with an 'F' value in column 1 are an hour behind the rest.
I want to take an average of all the times, adjusting for the hour delay on Fridays.
So for example I want it to take an average of all the times, but subtract 1 hour from the values which are in a row with an 'F' value in it.
The way I've been doing it so far is by having 2 separate results for each day, then averaging them again for a final one:
=AVERAGEIFS(G3:G172, B3:B172, "M-T")
=AVERAGEIFS(G3:G172, B3:B172, "F")
I want to combine this into just one result.
The closest I can get is the following:
But this doesn't produce the correct result.
Any advice?
Try this
Explaining various steps in the formula as per sample data in the snapshot.
SUMPRODUCT(G3:G17) sums up all the value from G3 to G17. It gives a
value of 4.635416667. This after formatting to [h]:mm gives a value
of 111.15
OP desires that Friday time be one hour less. So I have kept one hour less for Friday's in the sample data. Similar SUMPRODUCT on H3:H17 leads to a value of 4.510416667. This after formatting to [h]:mm gives a value
of 108.15. Which is exactly three hours less for three occurrences of Fridays in the sample data.
=COUNTIF(B3:B17,"=F") counts the occurrences of Friday's in the B3:B17 range which are 3 occurrences.Hence 3 hours have to less. These hours are to be represented in terms of 24 hours hence the Function COUNTIF() value is divided by 24. This gives 0.125. Same is the difference of 4.635416667 and 4.510416667 i.e. 0.125
Demonstration column H is for illustrative purposes only. Infact Friday accounted values that is 108.15 in sample data has to be divided by total data points to get the AVERAGE. The occurrences of data points are calculated by =COUNTIF(B3:B17,"<>""""") with a check for empty columns.
Thus 108:15 divided by 15 data points give 7:13 in the answer.
Revised EDIT Based upon suggestions by #Tom Sharpe
#TomSharpe has been kind enough to point the shortcomings in the method proposed by me. COUNTIF(B3:B172,"<>""""") gives too many values and is not advised. Instead of it COUNTA(B3:B172) or COUNT(G3:G172) are preferable. Better Formula to get AVERAGE as per his suggestion gives very accurate results and is revised to:
This is an Array Formula. It has to be entered with CSE and further cell to be formatted as time.
If your column of M-T and F is named Day and your column of times is named TIME then:
=SUMPRODUCT(((Day="M-T")*TIME + (Day="F")*(TIME-1/24)))/COUNT(TIME)
One simple solution would be to create a separate column that maps the time column and performs the adjustment there. Then average this new column.
Is that an option?
Ended up just combining the two averageifs. No idea why I didn't just do that from the start:
=((AVERAGEIFS(G$3:G171, $B$3:$B171, "F")-1/24)+AVERAGEIFS(G$3:G171, $B$3:$B171, "M-T"))/2

Picking top 5 scores from a range

I run a small golf eclectic with excel. One of the things we have is a points system. I would like to get the 5 highest points scored over the season and have them ranked from 1 (being the highest points scored) to 5.
My knowledge of excel "sums" goes only a wee bit further than add and subtract.
If you don't want to change the order that they are presently in you can use the LARGE function. It returns the kth largest value.
Below is a great formula, if you drag it down it will automatically get the second, third and nth largest value from a table of data (in this example the data is between A1 to A10).
You can then match the values with names or corresponding data from the tables using the MATCH and INDEX functions. The example below would fetch the name for each value from the second column.
=INDEX($A$1:$B$10,MATCH(cell reference with score or value,$A$1:$B$10,2))
Play around with these formulas, they are very convenient for data m
If you have a column containing the scores, you could add a filter (Data->Filter I think) and sort descending.
Though, if you just have rows that are something like [Date][Person][Score] you'll need to go to another sheet and SUM the scores for each person then sort that... Unfortunately my Excel skills aren't up to par to pull a score for each person like that.
Given a list of numbers in A1 to A10, you can work out their 'Rank' relative to each other by using 'RANK'.
RANK(cell, list of cells to check against, order)
For order, 0 = descending.
From there you can work out which one is first pragmatically.
If you have Excel 2007,
Check that your data is continuous, with no blank rows or columns. Click on your scores and then select 'Data - Filter'
Using the dropdown that the filter creates at the top of your scores column and select 'Number filters - Top ten'
A 'Top ten Autofilter' dialog will be displayed, reduce the show 10 to 5 and then click on OK.
For earlier versions of Excel add a RANK formula in a new column. Be careful as the scores need to be sorted, usually into descending order. If there are any ties, they will be given the same ranking number and the subsequent rank number will be incremented by the number of ties. (E.g. If there are two scores of 2, ranked as 5. The next score will be ranked as 7, not 6)
If you want to use the LARGE Function as described above, make sure you put the same range in the list for each of the LARGE functions. That is, change =LARGE(A1:A10,ROW(A1)-ROW($A$1)+1) to =LARGE(A$1:A$10,ROW(A1)-ROW($A$1)+1) or you will get some strange incorrect results
