git pull doesn't apply deletions in kubuntu /var/www/html folder - linux

It fails with warning: unable to unlink ... Permission denied
Order of operations:
Deleted some files, added the deleted files to staged files.
# On 1st local remote repository:*
git commit -m "deletion of folder with files"
# pushed to remote repository
git push origin branchName
# On local repository
git pull
gives the error: warning: unable to unlink ... Permission denied
I see that the files were not deleted.
Maybe it's related to the fact that repository is in /var/wwww/html ?
Usually i make changes with sudo there.
It seems also that change was applied in index after running:
git log -1
How to correctly apply this deletion by git pull ?
Running git pull now returns
Already up-to-date.

Your issue here is operating system permissions. It has nothing to do with git. If you look at your git status for that repo, you will likely see the files in /var/www/html as new untracked files as git thinks you've already deleted them. I would recommend finding a user that has the appropriate permissions and deleting them manually, or running something like the following:
sudo git reset --hard && git clean -fdx .
WARNING: This command will delete any non-tracked files and reset any tracked changes.


pushing and pulling from remote git repo works but it is empty on remote server [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What's the -practical- difference between a Bare and non-Bare repository?
(11 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a linux server with ssh and git installed.
I created a folder on the root directory and changed its owner to mike to avoid giving out root passwords to anyone.
sudo mkdir /GitRepos
sudo chown mike:mike /GitRepos
Then I created an empty repo, and set it to bare, otherwise pushing to this repo does not work (I tried!!)
mkdir test.git
cd test.git
git init
git config core.bare true
I then used another machine (Windows) to clone the newly created repo:
git clone ssh://mike#myLinuxServer/GitRepos/test.git
and that worked fine, I got an empty repo as expected.
I added some files and committed the change.
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push origin master
Pushing works fine. I even deleted the entire repo from the local machine, and tried to clone it again.
cd ..
rd test /s
git clone ssh://mike#myLinuxServer/GitRepos/test.git
It worked fine and I got all of the files.
When I went to the remote Linux machine, I listed the files inside test.git and found it empty.
Where did the files go?
How can the repo receive pushes and give out files for pulls without storing the files in the repo?
The files are stored in the remote repository's database. You cannot expect that the files themselves appear in the remote repository, in particular not when you declare it as bare.
The way you initialized the bare remote repository is very unusual. You should have done it simply like this:
cd /GitRepos
git init --bare test.git
The repository on the server is considered as a bare repo as you ran git config core.bare true. A more common way to initialize a bare repo is git init --bare test.git or mkdir test.git;cd test.git;git init --bare. The difference between git init test.git;cd test.git;git config core.bare true and git init --bare test.git lies in the directory structure. The former creates the worktree(test.git) and the database(test.git/.git) but forbids the worktree then. The latter creates only the database(test.git), without the worktree from the beginning.
A bare repository does not have an active worktree by default, which means you can't check out files from any revision in a bare repository. Although you can create extra worktrees with git worktree add, it's quite rare and may behave not so well as a non-bare repository with extra worktrees. All the revisions are stored as compressed data in the database. You can use commands to read the data, like git show master or git ls-tree -r master.
otherwise pushing to this repo does not work (I tried!!)
It's partially true. You can't push to a non-bare repository when you try to update a branch which has been checked out in the remote repository. If the branch you try to update is not checked out or does not exist yet, you can push to update or create it. With git config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore or git config receive.denyCurrentBranch warn, you can even update such branch. But in practice, we always use bare repositories to preserve revision data.

Git tracking to wrong local directory

I created a new directory 438-healthme and cloned a repo into it.
When I index into that directory on the master branch and run a git status it lists all of my computer's files as untracked (see screenshot).
It seems like I set up git wrong a few years ago--is there a way to fix this?
You must have run git init in a folder. You need to find it and run rm -r .git.
Try again, removing that folder, and recreating it with:
git clone https://url/remote/repo 438-healthme
Then, in 438-healthme, there should be a .git subfolder, which means a git status (in the newly created 438-healthme folder) will show you files only from 438-healthme.

How to add java code from eclipse to git repository

I am on a windows machine and my .java files are stored on my disk (C:\Users\myname\workspace..etc)
I have a git repository set up in a cloud and I SSH to it using putty.
My question is, how do I add the files in my workspace to the repository?
When I do git add the linux terminal says it cannot find specified file.
So do I some how bring the the copies of the java files into this terminal directory?
Btw I'm using an Atlassian Stash on Amazon Web Services.
Go to current working directory to your local project and run following commands:
Step 1 : Initializes a new Git repository. Until you run this command inside a repository or directory, it’s just a regular folder. Only after you input this does it accept further Git commands.
git init
Step 2 : This does not add new files to your repository. Instead, it brings new files to Git’s attention. After you add files, they’re included in Git’s “snapshots” of the repository.
git add .
Step 3: Check the status of your repository. See which files are inside it, which changes still need to be committed, and which branch of the repository you’re currently working on.
git status
Step 4: Git’s most important command. After you make any sort of change, you input this in order to take a “snapshot” of the repository. Usually it goes git commit -m “Message here.” The -m indicates that the following section of the command should be read as a message.
git commit -m "Committing Files - Message"
Step 5: Add origin to the .gitconfig file.
git remote add origin <url to your git repo.git>
Step 6: Push the changes from your local repository.
git push -u origin master

What is wrong with my git

I have an old Synology DS-106j server where I tried to install git using ipkg command. The installation went smoothly, but git failed to work correctly. I am currently learning how to use git, so I don't know if it is a bug from git with the version I am using or something else is wrong.
What I did was create a new local repository with a specified name, add a new file, commit it, and got an error:
NAS_SERVER> git init Test
Initialized empty Git repository in /root/Test/.git/
Packages.gz git_1.8.4.2-1_powerpc.ipk
NAS_SERVER> git status
# On branch master
# Initial commit
nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)
NAS_SERVER> touch Test.cs
NAS_SERVER> git add *
NAS_SERVER> git status
# On branch master
# Initial commit
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
# new file: Test.cs
NAS_SERVER> git commit -m "Test"
fatal: 57e2b8c52efba71d84c56bf6f37581686b9061a3 is not a valid object
I thought...maybe I did something wrong, so I used git on Windows OS and try a push. Still an error. Transfer the whole repository to the server and check the status. It seems fine. Try a commit. Still the same result. What worse is that I can't update git version without having to compile it, which I don't even know how to do so. Any suggestion to what might be wrong?
If your goal is to push into a git repo located on the synology disk(s) for backup purposes I'd recommend a different approach which would avoid having to install a rather old git version on the synology box itself (which could lead to problems if/when using a newer git version on the windows machine).
Export a samba share from synology, mount it on windows and use the windows git to create the backup repo (maybe even a bare repo, eventually group shared if you plan to share work with other people). Then push from your working repo into this backup repo - all on the windows box. In this scenario the synology box doesn't need git installed, it just serves files (i.e. its original job).
I'm using such setup but with a linux machine instead of a windows one and with the bare repo on the synology disks exported via NFS instead of Samba.

can git be run with less file permissions than the files it tracks?

here is the situation: i want to use git to track a directory of preference files that are owned by root.
it would be nice if git commands that don't modify the files (like git status and git diff) can be run as the user (without sudo).
through the following steps, i've created a repo that seems to function in a reasonable manner:
sudo mkdir .git
sudo chmod <user>:<group> .git
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
i can run git status and git diff as the user. git checkout ... and git reset ... fail as the user, but seem to run fine when prefixed with sudo.
this seems perfect: no sudo needed to get into the repo and take a look at what's gone on, but to change the tracked files requires an extra level of effort, as it should for system files.
the question is: will this cause me any problems with how git is reading and writing files inside the .git directory? will any commands i need sudo to run end up creating things inside .git with root permission that will then cause problems trying to run commands that don't modify the tracked files as the user?
thanks and advance for any answers.
