Im very new to haskell and would like to know if theres a basic case for not going out of the list when going threw it!
For example in this code im trying to make a list where it compares the number on the right, and it if its bigger it stays on the list, otherwise we remove it, but it keeps giving me Prelude.head:empty list, since its comparing to nothing in the end im assuming. I've tried every base case i could think off... can anyone help me?
maiores:: [Int]->[Int]
maiores [] = []
maiores (x:xs) | x > (head xs) = [x] ++ [maiores xs)
| otherwise = maiores xs
If your function is passed a list with one element, it will match (x:xs), with xs matching []. Then you end up with head [] and thus your error. To avoid this, add an additional base case maiores (x:[]) = ... between your two existing cases, and fill it in appropriately.
Also: you can write [x] ++ maiores xs as x : maiores xs, which is more natural because you deconstruct a : and then immediately reconstruct it with the modified value, as opposed to indirectly using ++.
Never use head or tail in your code, unless you can't avoid it. These are partial functions, which will crash when their input is empty.
Instead, prefer pattern matching: instead of
foo [] = 4
foo (x:xs) = x + head xs + foo (tail xs)
foo [] = 4
foo (x1:x2:xs) = x1 + x2 + foo xs
Now, if we turn on warnings with -Wall, GHC will suggest that the match in not exhaustive: we forgot to handle the [_] case. So, we can fix the program accordingly
foo [] = 4
foo [x] = x
foo (x1:x2:xs) = x1 + x2 + foo xs
Just make pattern matching more specific. Since (:) is right associative:
maiores:: [Int]->[Int]
maiores [] = []
maiores (x : y : xs) | x > y = [x] ++ maiores (y:xs)
maiores (_ : xs) = maiores xs
I am trying to separate elements of a list into to further lists, one for the odd and one for even numbers.
For Example,
input: [1,2,3,4,10]
output: ([2,4,10],[1,3])
sepList :: [Int]->([Int],[Int])
sepList [] = ([],[])
sepList (x:xs) | (x mod 2) ==0 = (([x],[]) ++ sepList xs)
| (x mod 2) /=0 = (([],[x]) ++ sepList xs)
| otherwise = ([],[])
It gives error on ...++ sepList xs
anyone could guide me here?
The operator++ is used to concatenate 2 lists and neither of your arguments to ++ is a list,
([x],[]) ++ sepList xs
both ([x],[]) and sepList xs are pairs of lists. So what you want is to pattern match on sepList xs e.g. using a let binding,
let (ys,zs) = sepList xs in
and then return,
You aren't concatenating two lists; you want to add a single element to a list, selected from the tuple output of the recursive call. Don't use (++); use (:).
sepList (x:xs) = let (evens, odds) = sepList xs
in if even x
then (x:evens, odds)
else (evens, x:odds)
More simply, though, sepList = partition even. (partition can be found in Data.List.)
There are two answers so far which suggest basically doing this by hand (by pattern-matching on the result of the recursive call), but there is actually an operator already defined for the types that you're working with that does exactly what you want! Lists form a monoid with (<>) = (++), but you don't have two lists: you have two pairs of lists. Happily, the type of pairs are also a monoid if each element of the pair is a monoid: (a,b) <> (c,d) = (a <> c, b <> d). So, you can simply replace your ++ call with <>, which will result in concatenating the corresponding lists in your pairs.
For enthusiasts, following one line will also work for separating list in even and odd.
sepList xs = (filter even xs , filter odd xs)
import Data.List
sepList :: [Int]->([Int],[Int])
sepList = partition even
sepList [1,2,3,4,10]
In this case i would use an accumulator to create the tuple containing the two lists.In our case the accumulator is ([],[]).
split ls= go ([],[]) ls where
go accu [] = accu
go (odd,even) (x:xs) | x `mod` 2==0 = go (x:odd,even) xs
| otherwise = go (odd, x:even) xs
As you can see the elements need to be reversed since we are pushing on top of our lists with the : operator.
I do not know if this is optimal but i would write it like this with reverse:
module Split where
split ls=let rev tupl=(reverse . fst $ tupl ,reverse .snd $ tupl) in
rev $ go ([],[]) ls where
go accu [] = accu
go (odd,even) (x:xs) | x `mod` 2==0 = go (x:odd,even) xs
| otherwise = go (odd, x:even) xs
I'm reading Real world haskell book again and it's making more sense. I've come accross this function and wanted to know if my interpretation of what it's doing is correct. The function is
oddList :: [Int] -> [Int]
oddList (x:xs) | odd x = x : oddList xs
| otherwise = oddList xs
oddList _ = []
I've read that as
Define the function oddList which accepts a list of ints and returns a list of ints.
Pattern matching: when the parameter is a list.
Take the first item, binding it to x, leaving the remainder elements in xs.
If x is an odd number prepend x to the result of applying oddList to the remaining elements xs and return that result. Repeat...
When x isn't odd, just return the result of applying oddList to xs
In all other cases return an empty list.
1) Is that a suitable/correct way of reading that?
2) Even though I think I understand it, I'm not convinced I've got the (x:xs) bit down. How should that be read, what's it actually doing?
3) Is the |...| otherwise syntax similar/same as the case expr of syntax
1 I'd make only 2 changes to your description:
when the parameter is a nonempty list.
f x is an odd number prepend x to the result of applying oddList to the remaining elements xs and return that result. [delete "Repeat...""]
Note that for the "_", "In all other cases" actually means "When the argument is an empty list", since that is the only other case.
2 The (x:xs) is a pattern that introduces two variables. The pattern matches non empty lists and binds the x variable to the first item (head) of the list and binds xs to the remainder (tail) of the list.
3 Yes. An equivalent way to write the same function is
oddList :: [Int] -> [Int]
oddList ys = case ys of { (x:xs) | odd x -> x : oddList xs ;
(x:xs) | otherwise -> oddList xs ;
_ -> [] }
Note that otherwise is just the same as True, so | otherwise could be omitted here.
You got it right.
The (x:xs) parts says: If the list contains at least one element, bind the first element to x, and the rest of the list to xs
The code could also be written as
oddList :: [Int] -> [Int]
oddList (x:xs) = case (odd x) of
True -> x : oddList xs
False -> oddList xs
oddList _ = []
In this specific case, the guard (|) is just a prettier way to write that down. Note that otherwise is just a synonym for True , which usually makes the code easier to read.
What #DanielWagner is pointing out, is we in some cases, the use of guards allow for some more complex behavior.
Consider this function (which is only relevant for illustrating the principle)
funnyList :: [Int] -> [Int]
funnyList (x1:x2:xs)
| even x1 && even x2 = x1 : funnyList xs
| odd x1 && odd x2 = x2 : funnyList xs
funnyList (x:xs)
| odd x = x : funnyList xs
funnyList _ = []
This function will go though these clauses until one of them is true:
If there are at least two elements (x1 and x2) and they are both even, then the result is:
adding the first element (x1) to the result of processing the rest of the list (not including x1 or x2)
If there are at least one element in the list (x), and it is odd, then the result is:
adding the first element (x) to the result of processing the rest of the list (not including x)
No matter what the list looks like, the result is:
an empty list []
thus funnyList [1,3,4,5] == [1,3] and funnyList [1,2,4,5,6] == [1,2,5]
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You've correctly understood what it does on the low level.
However, with some experience you should be able to interpret it in the "big picture" right away: when you have two cases (x:xs) and _, and xs only turns up again as an argument to the function again, it means this is a list consumer. In fact, such a function is always equivalent to a foldr. Your function has the form
oddList' (x:xs) = g x $ oddList' xs
oddList' [] = q
g :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
g x qs | odd x = x : qs
| otherwise = qs
q = [] :: [Int]
The definition can thus be compacted to oddList' = foldr g q.
While you may right now not be more comfortable with a fold than with explicit recursion, it's actually much simpler to read once you've seen it a few times.
Actually of course, the example can be done even simpler: oddList'' = filter odd.
Read (x:xs) as: a list that was constructed with an expression of the form (x:xs)
And then, make sure you understand that every non-empty list must have been constructed with the (:) constructor.
This is apparent when you consider that the list type has just 2 constructors: [] construct the empty list, while (a:xs) constructs the list whose head is a and whose tail is xs.
You need also to mentally de-sugar expressions like
[a,b,c] = a : b : c : []
"foo" = 'f' : 'o' : 'o' : []
This syntactic sugar is the only difference between lists and other types like Maybe, Either or your own types. For example, when you write
foo (Just x) = ....
foo Nothing = .....
we are also considering the two base cases for Maybe:
it has been constructed with Just
it has been constructed with Nothing
I just started using Haskell and wanted to write a function that, given a list, returns a list in which every 2nd element has been doubled.
So far I've come up with this:
double_2nd :: [Int] -> [Int]
double_2nd [] = []
double_2nd (x:xs) = x : (2 * head xs) : double_2nd (tail xs)
Which works but I was wondering how you guys would write that function. Is there a more common/better way or does this look about right?
That's not bad, modulo the fixes suggested. Once you get more familiar with the base library you'll likely avoid explicit recursion in favor of some higher level functions, for example, you could create a list of functions where every other one is *2 and apply (zip) that list of functions to your list of numbers:
double = zipWith ($) (cycle [id,(*2)])
You can avoid "empty list" exceptions with some smart pattern matching.
double2nd (x:y:xs) = x : 2 * y : double2nd xs
double2nd a = a
this is simply syntax sugar for the following
double2nd xss = case xss of
x:y:xs -> x : 2 * y : double2nd xs
a -> a
the pattern matching is done in order, so xs will be matched against the pattern x:y:xs first. Then if that fails, the catch-all pattern a will succeed.
A little bit of necromancy, but I think that this method worked out very well for me and want to share:
double2nd n = zipWith (*) n (cycle [1,2])
zipWith takes a function and then applies that function across matching items in two lists (first item to first item, second item to second item, etc). The function is multiplication, and the zipped list is an endless cycle of 1s and 2s. zipWith (and all the zip variants) stops at the end of the shorter list.
Try it on an odd-length list:
Prelude> double_2nd [1]
[1,*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list
And you can see the problem with your code. The 'head' and 'tail' are never a good idea.
For odd-lists or double_2nd [x] you can always add
double_2nd (x:xs) | length xs == 0 = [x]
| otherwise = x : (2 * head xs) : double_2nd (tail xs)
Here's a foldr-based solution.
bar :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
bar xs = foldr (\ x r f g -> f x (r g f))
(\ _ _ -> [])
((:) . (*2))
> bar [1..9]
So, I'm kinda new to Haskell (and programming generally) and I've been trying to solve a problem for a while. I want to make a function, that has as an input 2 alphanumerics (type String) and that returns True ONLY if both alphanumerics have the same length AND have only 1 different char. So, for example, if the inputs were block and black, I would get True, but if the inputs were black and brake, i would get false. I tried to do this with recursion, but i failed miserably. I need this function, because I wanτ to use it for checking some inputs in a program that I'm working on.
Any help is appreciated, thanks for your time.
If I understand you right, the different Chars should occur on the same position?
Then I think a straight-forward definition would be:
oneDifferent xs ys =
length xs == length ys &&
1 == length (filter (==False) (zipWith (==) xs ys))
... or ...
oneDifferent xs ys =
length xs == length ys &&
1 == foldr ((+) . fromEnum) 0 (zipWith (/=) xs ys) where
A recursive solution would be
oneDifferent (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x /= y = xs == ys
| otherwise = oneDifferent xs ys
oneDifferent _ _ = False
i'm trying to create an infinte reverse add then sort list in haskell
r = map head (iterate rlist [2..])
rlist (x:xs) = [x : xs | x <- xs , x quick $ p+x ]
where p = reverse x
quick [] = []
quick (x:xs) = quick [u |u <- xs, u < x] ++ [x] ++ quick [u | u <- xs , u >= x]
but its not working, any suggestions?
I'm not sure how you expect your code to work (perhaps there was a problem when you posted the code). Namely, part of your list comprehension ... x quick $ p + x makes no sense to me - x isn't a function and it isn't a list so reverse x also makes no sense. For that matter you have shadowed x - notice the x in your list comprehension isn't the same as the x in ratslist (x:xs).
A simple solution does exist using read and show to convert the numbers to lists of digits (well, characters, but it works) and back:
import Data.List
myRats = 1 : map ratify myRats
-- Alternatively: myRats = iterate ratify 1
ratify :: Integer -> Integer
ratify n = sortRat (n + rev n)
rev = read . reverse . show
sortRat = read . sort . show
And in GHCi:
*Main Data.List> take 10 myRats
I don't quite get your problem, but according to your example, I'd try
rats x = sort (zipWith (+) x (reverse x))
like in rats [1,4,5] which equals [6,6,8].