CQRS Read models in a NoSql (Mongo DB) - domain-driven-design

Hi its my fist time with DDD/CQRS. I've read multiple sources of knowledge and Im still confused a bit, maybe someone could help :)
Lets assume simple case that we have products and clients (possibly different bounded contexts).
A client can buy a product and he wants to see all products that he purchased.
In this case I realize I need a UserPurchasesView view model with:
purchaseId (which is a mongo primary key)
product: {id, name, image, shortDescription, [maybe some others]}
Now ... the problem is that My domain is producing an event like UserPurchasedProduct(userId, productId). I could enrich an event with a prize, product name or maybe something else but not all fields. Im getting to a point where enriching seems to be wrong.
In this point I realize I need something like ProductDetailsView:
productId (primary key)
This view is maintained by events like: ProductCreated, ProductRenamed, ProductImageChanged
And now we have 2 options ...
Look into the ProductDetailsView when UserPurchasedProduct event comes in, take all needed product details and save it in UserPurchasesView for faster reads. This solution looks not that bad but it introduces some extra coupling and it seems to me these views cannot be scaled well when needed. Also both views must be rebuilt together when replying all events from the event store (rebuilding is also more tricky in that case).
Keep only the productId in the UserPurchasesView and read multiple views when user queries his purchases. This is some extra processing that would have to be done somewhere. In the frontend, in the backend controller or in some read model high level API. UPDATE: I also realized that I would also need to keep at least the prize and maybe name of the product in the UserPurchasesView (in case it changes) but sometimes you need the value from the time of a purchase and sometimes you need the recent value. Scenario depends on a business but we could imagine both.
None of these solutions looks perfect to me. Am I wrong, am I missing something or is it just the way to do it? Thanks!

You understand well.
So you have to choose between coupling between the read models and coupling between UI and individual read models.
One of the main advantages of CQRS/ES is the posibility to create blazing fast read models (views if you like), without any joins, the perfect cache as I saw it called. I personally have chosen every time the first approach, with full data denormalisation. The views are very fast and models very clean and clear. This is the perfect solution if you want to optimize the read side of your application (and I think you should).
By listening to the right events you can keep these read models in sync with the rest of the application.

There is a 3rd option:
The projection responsible for the UserPurchasesView view not only listens to UserPurchasedProduct events, but also to ProductCreated, ProductRenamed, ProductImageChanged - any product related events that affect the UserPurchasesView. Now, as well as the UserPurchasesView collection for the read model that it is responsible for, it also needs a private collection to maintain the bits of products it is interested in: ({id, name, image, shortDescription, [maybe some others]}), so that when a new purchase event comes in, you have somewhere to get the initial state of those product fields from. Since your UserPurchasesView needs to listen to some of those product events anyway in order to keep up to date when a product changes, this isn't really much extra work, and avoids any dependency on another projection (ProductDetailsView). The cross-projection dependency also has a potential problem due to eventual consistency - what if the product isn't even in the product details view yet when the UserPurchasedProduct event comes through?
To avoid any concurrency issues, it's simplest to have each projection managed only by a single process and a single thread. That way, as long as the projection can receive events in-order across streams (so that it is guaranteed to see the product creation before the product purchase), you won't have issues with seeing a purchase before the product exists. If you introduce sharding or any other multi-threading to your projection, it gets more complicated.


Command accros multiple aggregates with CQRS and ES

I'm having an odd case while thinking about a solution for my problem.
A quick recap: I'm using an event store with CQRS, and i have 2 aggregates called 'Group' and 'User'.
Basically a User defines some characteristics like his region, age, and a couple of interests.
He then can choose to 'match' with a Group that is in the same region, around the same age and same interests.
Now here's the case: the 'matchmaking' part should happen completely on the backend, it can be a long running process, but for the client it's just 1 call to the endpoint and the end result should be him matching with a group.
So for this case, I have to query the groups which have the same region, the same age slice, the interests don't really matter in my query. I know have a list of groups, and the match maker is going to give each group a rating based on the common interests between the group and the user. The group with the best rating will be joined.
So again, using CQRS and ES, and my problem is that this case seems a mix between queries and a command, and mixing queries into a match command seems to go against the purpose of CQRS.
Querying multiple groups and filtering them against my write side, the event store, also is a bad idea as the aggregates have to be rebuilt and loaded in memory before being able to filter them out.
So I:m kind of stuck here, something is telling me that a long running process / saga could be an answer to my problem, but I don't see how I would still not break the mix of query and commands in my saga, as a saga is basically a chain of commands/events.
How do I tackle this specific case ? No real code is needed, a conceptual solution to get me going is perfect.
Hi this is actually a case where CQRS can shine.
Creating a dedicated matching model seems to be ideal for this case to allow answering what might be a rather non-trivial query in other forms.
create a dedicated (possibly ephemeral, possibly checkpointed/persisted) query model as derived store.
Upon request run a query to get the top matches.
based on the results of the query send a command to update the event store with the new links.
The query model will not need to manage commands and could be updated on a push basis from the event store. This will keep it rather simple to build and keep up to date and further can be optimized to only have the data needed for for this particular query.
An in-memory graph might do well.
On the command side: the commands here would each only update a single aggregate instance.
Further using the write ahead pattern would allow for not needing any sort of process manager or "saga."
For each new membership 1 command to add the new membership to the user stream, then 1 command to the group to add the new member information. Then a simple audit process can scan for incomplete membership assignments both on start up/recovery and as a periodic data quality check.

How to structure relationships in Azure Cosmos DB?

I have two sets of data in the same collection in cosmos, one are 'posts' and the other are 'users', they are linked by the posts users create.
Currently my structure is as follows;
// user document
id: 123,
postIds: ['id1','id2']
// post document
id: 'id1',
ownerId: 123
id: 'id2',
ownerId: 123
My main issue with this setup is the fungible nature of it, code has to enforce the link and if there's a bug data will very easily be lost with no clear way to recover it.
I'm also concerned about performance, if a user has 10,000 posts that's 10,000 lookups I'll have to do to resolve all the posts..
Is this the correct method for modelling entity relationships?
As said by David, it's a long discussion but it is a very common one so, since I have on hour or so of "free" time, I'm more than glad to try to answer it, once for all, hopefully.
First thing I notice in your post: you are looking for some level of referential integrity (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Referential_integrity) which is something that is needed when you decompose a bigger object into its constituent pieces. Also called normalization.
While this is normally done in a relational database, it is now also becoming popular in non-relational database since it helps a lot to avoid data duplication which usually creates more problem than what it solves.
But do you really need it? Since you have chosen to use JSON document database, you should leverage the fact that it's able to store the entire document and then just store the document ALONG WITH all the owner data: name, surname, or all the other data you have about the user who created the document. Yes, I’m saying that you may want to evaluate not to have post and user, but just posts, with user info inside it.This may be actually very correct, as you will be sure to get the EXACT data for the user existing at the moment of post creation. Say for example I create a post and I have biography "X". I then update my biography to "Y" and create a new post. The two post will have different author biographies and this is just right, as they have exactly captured reality.
Of course you may want to also display a biography in an author page. In this case you'll have a problem. Which one you'll use? Probably the last one.
If all authors, in order to exist in your system, MUST have blog post published, that may well be enough. But maybe you want to have an author write its biography and being listed in your system, even before he writes a blog post.
In such case you need to NORMALIZE the model and create a new document type, just for authors. If this is your case, then, you also need to figure out how to handler the situation described before. When the author will update its own biography, will you just update the author document, or create a new one? If you create a new one, so that you can keep track of all changes, will you also update all the previous post so that they will reference the new document, or not?
As you can see the answer is complex, and REALLY depends on what kind of information you want to capture from the real world.
So, first of all, figure out if you really need to keep posts and users separated.
Let’s assume that you really want to have posts and users kept in separate documents, and thus you normalize your model. In this case, keep in mind that Cosmos DB (but NoSQL in general) databases DO NOT OFFER any kind of native support to enforce referential integrity, so you are pretty much on your own. Indexes can help, of course, so you may want to index the ownerId property, so that before deleting an author, for example, you can efficiently check if there are any blog post done by him/her that will remain orphans otherwise.
Another option is to manually create and keep updated ANOTHER document that, for each author, keeps track of the blog posts he/she has written. With this approach you can just look at this document to understand which blog posts belong to an author. You can try to keep this document automatically updated using triggers, or do it in your application. Just keep in mind, that when you normalize, in a NoSQL database, keep data consistent is YOUR responsibility. This is exactly the opposite of a relational database, where your responsibility is to keep data consistent when you de-normalize it.
Performance COULD be an issue, but you don't usually model in order to support performances in first place. You model in order to make sure your model can represent and store the information you need from the real world and then you optimize it in order to have decent performance with the database you have chose to use. As different database will have different constraints, the model will then be adapted to deal with that constraints. This is nothing more and nothing less that the good old “logical” vs “physical” modeling discussion.
In Cosmos DB case, you should not have queries that go cross-partition as they are more expensive.
Unfortunately partitioning is something you chose once and for all, so you really need to have clear in your mind what are the most common use case you want to support at best. If the majority of your queries are done on per author basis, I would partition per author.
Now, while this may seems a clever choice, it will be only if you have A LOT of authors. If you have only one, for example, all data and queries will go into just one partition, limiting A LOT your performance. Remember, in fact, that Cosmos DB RU are split among all the available partitions: with 10.000 RU, for example, you usually get 5 partitions, which means that all your values will be spread across 5 partitions. Each partition will have a top limit of 2000 RU. If all your queries use just one partition, your real maximum performance is that 2000 and not 10000 RUs.
I really hope this help you to start to figure out the answer. And I really hope this help to foster and grow a discussion (how to model for a document database) that I think it is really due and mature now.

DDD (Domain-Driven-Design) - large aggregates

I'm currently studying Eric Evans'es Domain-Driven-Design. The idea of aggregates is clear to me and I find it very interesting. Now I'm thinking of an example of aggregate like :
BankAccount (1) ----> (*) Transaction.
BigDecimal calculateTurnover();
BankAccount is an aggregate. To calculate turnover I should traverse all transactions and sum up all amounts. Evans assumes that I should use repositories to only load aggreagates. In the above case there could be a few tousands of transactions which I don't want load at once in memory.
In the context of the repository pattern, aggregate roots are the only objects > your client code loads from the repository.
The repository encapsulates access to child objects - from a caller's perspective it automatically loads them, either at the same time the root is loaded or when they're actually needed (as with lazy loading).
What would be your suggestion to implement calulcateTurnover in a DDD aggregate ?
As you have pointed out, to load 1000s of entities in an aggregate is not a scalable solution. Not only will you run into performance problems but you will likely also experience concurrency issues, as emphasised by Vaughn Vernon in his Effective Aggregate Design series.
Do you want every transaction to be available in the BankAccount aggregate or are you only concerned with turnover?
If it is only the turnover that you need, then you should establish this value when instantiating your BankAccount aggregate. This could likely be effectively calculated by your data store technology (indexed JOINs, for example, if you are using SQL). Perhaps you also need to consider having this this as a precalculated value in your data store (what happens when you start dealing with millions of transactions per bank account)?
But perhaps you still require the transactions available in your domain? Then you should consider having a separate Transaction repository.
I would highly recommend reading Vaughn Vernon's series on aggregate design, as linked above.
You have managed to pick a very interesting example :)
I actually use Account1->*Transaction when explaining event sourcing (ES) to anyone not familiar with it.
As a developer I was taught (way back) to use what we can now refer to as entity interaction. So we have a Customer record and it has a current state. We change the state of the record in some way (address, tax details, discount, etc.) and store the result. We never quite know what happened but we have the latest state and, since that is the current state of our business, it is just fine. Of course one of the first issues we needed to deal with was concurrency but we had ways of handling that and even though not fantastic it "worked".
For some reason the accounting discipline didn't quite buy into this. Why do we not simply have the latest state of an Account. We will load the related record, change the balance, and save the state. Oddly enough most people would probably cringe at the thought yet it seems to be OK for the rest of our data.
The accounting domain got around this by registering the change events as a series of Transaction entries. So should you lose you account record and the latest balance you can always run though all the transactions to obtain the latest balance. That is event sourcing.
In ES one typically loads an entire list of events for an aggregate root (AR) to obtain its latest state. There is also, typically, a mechanism to deal with a huge number of events when loading all would cause performance issues: snapshots. Usually only the latest snapshot is stored. The snapshot contains the full latest state of the aggregate and only event after the snapshot version are applied.
One of the huge advantages of ES is that one could come up with new queries and then simply apply all the events to the query handler and determine the outcome. Perhaps something like: "How many customer do I have that have moved twice in the last year". Quite arbitrary but using the "traditional" approach the answer would quite likely be that we'll start gathering that information from today and have it available next year as we have not been saving the CustomerMoved events. With ES we can search for the CustomerMoved events and get a result at any point.
So this brings me back to your example. You probably do not want to be loading all the transactions. Instead store the "Turnover" and calculate it on the go. Should the "Turnover" be a new requirement then a once off processing of all the ARs should get it up to speed. You can still have a calculateTurnover() method somewhere but that would be something you wouldn't run all too often. And in those cases you would need to load all the transactions for an AR.

DDD/CQRS Querying Events

I was looking at post's on querying in application designed with approach Event Sourcing/DDD/CQRS.
As I understand events are changes to the state of a domain object. The changes to state will be maintained as history/events in DB(any of sql/no sql).
If user wants to query to get current state for a particular aggregate root, it will involve fetching history of events.
When user will query especially business specific queries he/she will be interested in current state not the history of events.
How querying or 'Q' part in CQRS works with event sourcing?
Consider I have a domain object "Account" as aggregate root. The account AR will go through lots of changes i.e. credits debits. event store will have credit and debit events.
Consider user is required to get current balance of an account, how stream of history of events will suite here? How will user fetch current balance for given account?
I am unable to understand, How for business specific querying history of events will be useful?
-Prakhyat M M
I would recommend you to read more articles from Greg Young (He is like the father of CQRS and Event Sourcing), like this: CQRS, Task Based UIs, Event Sourcing... agh.
Sorry for my bad English, I am from Paraguay. But I really like DDD - CQRS - ES and I would like to try to make a point.
The use of "Projections" (also known as Materialized Views) and the concept of "Eventual Consistency" are the fundamentals that every practitioner of CQRS should understand very well. The Event Store is for query. Is in the Command side of CQRS, not the in the Query side. You may use a bus to send the events stored in the Event Store to the query side in order to process and generate a read model, or view models, from which you can query. In any case a eventstore per se is a query model.
Looks like you are a Java guy, but, still, you may want to check the CQRS Journey from Microsoft.
Hope this helps a little bit and motivates you to do more research on DDD / CQRS / ES, the New Trio of Line of Business Applications.
You'll use a projection of the event stream into the read model, that contains exactly those information that the Query-side (Q) needs. For example, you could have an "account balance" projection that follows all events that change the account balance, but possibly ignores other events in the account's stream (such as owner changes). The projection then saves that info in a way that it can be queried very quickly, e.g., in memory or in a small read-model database table (accountId, balance) with the accountId as the key (database can be a key-value store, for example).
I suggest further reading on the CQRS concept such as this one or this one.
Interesting enough, recently more people discover using event store as the read model, leaving projections and "proper" read models until absolutely necessary.
We all know that dealing with projections increases the complexity. At minimum you have to create new models, establish the DAL for the read model and create projections to translate event to the read model changes, and bind those projections to the stream of events from your store. It requires more code, more moving parts and some of them are not easy to test. Schema changes at the read side also require migrations.
It appears that for many scenarios reading all events (properly partitioned) might be enough to have your "read model". It takes not much time until the system really grows large so you need to read tens of thousands of events to create one UI screen. But before you reach this point, you can just read events. May be use the file system to store events although tools like EventStore are free and quite easy to use. May be add some indexing.
This approach let you stabilise the domain significantly, you get more knowledge about how the system works, tune the events and be really prepared to bring the "proper" read model into the system, but you might not have to.
Adam Dymitruk has wrote a blog post about it, you might find it worth reading even if you don't want to take this approach. Greg Young also gave a talk EventStore as read model back in 2012.

Paging among multiple aggregate root

I'm new to DDD so please executes me if some term/understanding are bit off. But please correct me and any advice are appreciated.
Let's say I'm doing a social job board site, and I've identified my aggregate roots: Candidates, Jobs, and Companies. Very different things/contexts so each has own database table, repository, and service. But now I have to build a Pinterest style homepage where data blocks show data for either a Candidate, a Job, or a Company.
Now the tricky part is the data blocks have to be ordered by the last time something happened to the aggregate it represents (a company is liked/commented, or a job was update, etc), and paging occurs in form of infinite scrolling, again just like Pinterest. Since things occur to these aggregates independently I do not have a way to know how many of what aggregate is on any particular page. (but if I did btw, say a table that tracks aggregates' last update time, have I no choice but to promote this to be another aggregate root, with it's own repository?)
Where would I implement the paging logic? I read somewhere that there should be one service per repository per aggregate root, so should I sort and page in controller (I'm using MVC by the way)? Or should there be a independent Application Service that does cross boundary stuff like this? Either case I have to fetch ALL entities for ALL aggregates from db?
That's too many questions already but I'm basically asking:
Is paging presentation, business, or persistence logic? Which horizontal layer?
Where should cross boundary code reside in DDD? Which vertical stack?
Several things come to mind.
How fresh does this aggregated data need to be? I doubt realtime is going to add much value. Talk to a business person and bargain for some latency. This will allow you to build a simpler solution to the problem.
Why not have some process do the scanning, aggregation, sorting and store the result of that asynchronously? Doesn't even need to be in a database (Redis). The bargained latency could be the interval at which to run your process.
Paging is hardly a business decision concern in your example. You just need to provide infinite scrolling and some ajax calls that fetch the cached, aggregated, sorted information. This has little to do with DDD.
Your UI artifacts and the aggregation, sorting process seem to be very much a thing on their own, working together with the data or - better yet - a datacomponent of each context that provides the data in the desired format.
