How to customize GNOME Shell Search bar? - gnome

I would like to include stackoverflow, duckduckgo and some other search results in GNOME Shell Search result. So, I think a GNOME Shell Extension will be the solution. Is it possible?


How do i Integrate vi editor with google docs

Is there a way to integrate vi editor with Google documents? Basically it should work like this:
Open vi editor on one machine and type the contents.
The contents typed on the vi editor should be displayed on the Google docs [which can be viewed on another computer]
Is there a way to do this?
Can you install googlecl? You can edit a google doc using Vi with a command like this:
$ google docs edit --title "Document Title" --editor vi
You can find more information on this here.

Editing e-mails in your browser using (g)vim

Long ago, I was using the hack given in . This hack allowed me to edit any active window frame using gvim. For instance, I was able to edit my gmail replies using gvim.
Unfortunately, the hack does not work to me any more. Is there any other way to achieve the same? Or at least to achieve the same using some concrete browser (for example, firefox)?
Google Chrome
you can use GhostText with running server vim-ghost. Its not ideal, but allow to interactively use external editor (text is automatically copied to a web textarea element each return to normal mode).
Vim-ghost is written in tcl so you need install tcl.
In my case I have tcl installed but without standard library tcllib. So I found lacking packages in tcllib (tcllib/module/sha1 and tcllib/module/json) and copy them to a folder listed in tcl path (the first result of echo $tcl_pkgPath). More info: man pkg_mkIndex or here.
Of course vim-ghost server must be run (eg. in autorun script):
~/.ghost-text-server.tcl &
You can also like Vimium to navigate through web using links, tabs, j, gg and many vim-like features.
You should check vimperator( pentadactyl, which is a fork of vimperator). They offer the ability to edit text boxes, but also offers several additional functions that allow you to control firefox in a similar way to Vim.
If you prefer Vim only for edit text boxes you could try the firefox plugin "It's all text", as mentioned by Kent.
I'd recommend It's All Text plugin for Firefox.

I want to use VI-like commands in Web Browser?

I love VI and I'm looking for a plugin of some sort that would allow me to input text in my browser (preferably Firefox or Chrome) using VI commands. It would save me an immense amount of time and at the same time when writing long emails. Can anyone think of any plugins that would allow me to do this? I was hopeful with Vimperator ( but after installing it, I realized that it didn't do the one VI think I wanted to do: create or edit a text box with VI commands. It just allowed me to do Browser commands and scrolling in VI-style.
since you have installed Vimperator , you can try this :
Press Ctrl + i to call gvim to deal with the text you want to edit.
I've had great luck with itsAllText firefox extension. Probably not as smooth as your dream, but it works very well in practice.
I've been using the Mozex extension for Firefox for years.
Once installed, on the "Textarea" tab, assign a hot-key and enter the command to run. For example:
gnome-terminal -e "/usr/bin/vim %t"
When the hot-key is pressed, Mozex will create a temporary file and replace the "%t" above with its name.
If there's more than one text area on a page it will allow you to pick which one you want to edit.
Mozex provides a lot more functionality than just text area editing. If you want to "view source" with Vim, you can do that too.
I've used jV for a while on firefox. It works even with newer versions that the extension doesn't officially claim to support. The dev says they are working on a chrome version.
Currently the Chrome Extensions API is fairly simple; I simply don't think that there are currently enough API hooks into the browser to be able to support something like this.
You might want to check out the confusingly-named Conkeror browser (not the same as Konqueror in Linux), which is best described as the love child of VI and Firefox. It's like VI with the Gecko rendering engine (I think).

GUI Using Shell Batch File

I'm now going to develop a program that will generate Shell Batch Files(*.sh), but I want to know some things:
It's possible to show GUIs using they?
How to do this?
This has been asked before:
How to make a GUI for bash scripts?
Summary of options:
use a different scripting language like Perl, Python, Ruby, etc...
Gnome dialog may be of use Gnome Dialog Util
KDE has Kdialog Shell Scripting with KDE Dialogs

Creating a ctrl+tab keybinding in PuTTY

I'd like to be able to map the vim commands :tabnext and :tabprev to CTRL+TAB and CTRL+SHIFT+TAB respectively. Unfortunately, I seem to be running into the problem where PuTTY eats these character combinations.
I've tried searching for information, but to no avail. I'm pretty sure this is a PuTTY thing but there doesn't seem to be any sort of help/reference area for the application.
I am curious if anyone here has any experience or suggestions for figuring this out.
#rmeador: try mapping the key combo within vim.
I have attempted to do this, but it doesn't appear like vim is getting the combo. I'm not certain if this is related to the term settings or an issue with PuTTY.
PuTTY doesn't send anything when you press Ctrl+Tab.
You can patch PuTTY as it is described here: Using Ctrl+Tab in GNU Screen over PuTTY
I believe that at this time, using Ctrl+Tab is not possible with PuTTY, because PuTTY does not allow you to configure specific translations for keys. Here is a decent article that shows how you would set this up if PuTTY did support this feature:
If you use (or would consider using) a hotkey/macro program like Autohotkey, you could emulate this behavior yourself. For example, this Autohotkey config script would do exactly what you want:
#IfWinActive PuTTY
^Tab::Send :tabnext
^+Tab::Send :tabprev
(Note that this example is just looking for any window title starting with PuTTY, so you'd have to adjust based on your title configuration.)
