Is there any way I can move action buttons from the main form of the page to a sub form on a page as shown in the following screen shot?
All actions will appear on main toolbar by default. You could hide them from there by using a < px: PXDSCallbackCommand Name="YOURACTIONNAME" Visible="False" CommitChanges="true" >< /px:PXDSCallbackCommand >. Then you could add your action to your Tab/Grid ActionBar. On AR303000-Customers you could see an example on Contacts Tab.
When viewing a PXRichTextEdit field in Acumatica, there is a dropdown at the top left of the control to change from Visual to Plain Text. Is there any way to have that control automatically default to the Plain Text option for new records?
I did not find any property to do so.
The only property targeting this menu is AllowSourceMode which can hide the HTML menu item:
<px:PXRichTextEdit ID="edDescription" runat="server" DataField="Description"
I'm creating a new page and the toolbar looks like so:
I want to move the Allocations button to the far right but don't see a way to set the button order. In my graph I tried putting the actions in the order I wanted, but Allocations is a lot/serial button controlled by Acumatica.
public PXSave<AMClockTran> Save;
public PXCancel<AMClockTran> Cancel;
public PXAction<AMClockTran> clockInOut;
public LSAMClock lsselect;
In the ASPX page I also tried putting the callback commands in the order I wanted.
<px:PXDSCallbackCommand CommitChanges="True" Name="ClockInOut" />
<px:PXDSCallbackCommand CommitChanges="True" Name="LSAMClock_generateLotSerial" Visible="False"/>
<px:PXDSCallbackCommand CommitChanges="True" Name="LSAMClock_binLotSerial" Visible="True" />
Is there a property somewhere, or a way to move the lot/serial allocations button to another place on the toolbar?
Add code to the graph constructor
Actions.Move("binLotSerial", "clockInOut");
P.S. Restart IIS to refresh cached layout
Please also note you can use the same approach for built-in actions (such as Cancel, Save, First, Prev, Next, Last, etc) as well.
For example, on the "Bills and Adjustments" screen you can put "Release" action after the "Cancel" action
Actions.Move("Release", "Cancel");
Is there a way to disable the Next and Previous buttons on the Sales Order screen?
I was able to change the Visibility of the First and Last buttons under the DataSource but can't find the Next and Previous button:
Alternative to the other answer is to set the Actions in a graph extension:
// Hide
// Disable but visible
IN the customization project edit the ASPX and add the Next and Previous buttons:
<px:PXDSCallbackCommand Visible="False" Name="Last" PostData="Self" ></px:PXDSCallbackCommand>
<px:PXDSCallbackCommand Visible="False" Name="Previous" PostData="Self" ></px:PXDSCallbackCommand>
I want to add a new button on toolbar of my newly created tab. While I am trying to add a button to my class which is bind to that tab, by default, it goes to the main toolbar at the top instead of on the tab toolbar.
Any suggestion?
By default, all actions will show up in the main toolbar. To hide them, you need to add an entry in the CallbackCommands section of the page. For example, if you look at the customers page, you will find an "Add Contact" button in the Contacts tab. This button is not visible in the main toolbar because of this line in the CallbackCommands section:
<px:PXDSCallbackCommand Name="NewContact" Visible="False" CommitChanges="true" />
Along with above code fix, need to add below under grid also
<px:PXToolBarButton Text="New Contact">
<AutoCallBack Command="NewContact" Target="ds" />
I've got a simple split button in my Ribbon. And under it I have two buttons in the menu.
It works well.
Now I want to extend the first button -button id="rxBtn_CreateDataFiles" - into more options,
and have another submenu extend to the right with two more choices.
What would be the syntax for it? Thanks.
<splitButton id="rxspb_CreateDataFiles" size="normal">
<button id="rxBtn_CreateDataFilesFace" label="Data Files" imageMso="ChartEditDataSource"/>
<menu id="rxmnuCreateDataFiles">
<button id="rxBtn_CreateDataFiles" label="Run EQ" onAction="QRCreateDataFiles_Click" imageMso="ExportExcel"/>
<button id="rxBtn_CreateSpecificDataFiles" label="Run Select EQ" onAction="QRCreateDataFilesForSpecific_Click" imageMso="ExportExcel"/>
</splitButton >
I figured it out. Just need to insert another menu section in the middle. Thanks.
Here is what I would do: Create the buttons in VBA using Ribbon Commander and then export XML to a static Ribbon using .serializeToXML
With rxCustomUI.defaultInstance
With .ribbon.tabs.Add(New rxTab)
.Label = "tab"