fabricjs set boundingrect to the new object after cropping object using clipto method - fabricjs

I have clipped an image using clipto method of fabricjs and this works fine. But the problem is boudingrect is still to the actual image area. Is there any way to reset boundingrect same as new cropped image? I tried setCoords but this does not work.

FabricJS has two methods available to "crop" an object, the one you are using clipTo(), and a toDataURL() method. Using toDataURL() creates a new image with a reset boundingrect same as new cropped image.
fabric.Image.fromURL('data:image/;base64,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', function(origImage) {
var origBoundingRect = origImage.getBoundingRect();
width: origImage.width - 5,
height: origImage.height - 5
}), function(newImage) {
var newBoundingRect = newImage.getBoundingRect();
console.log('origBoundingRect:\r\n' + JSON.stringify(origBoundingRect) + '\r\n\r\n' + 'newBoundingRect:\r\n' + JSON.stringify(newBoundingRect));
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/1.7.7/fabric.min.js"></script>
If you run the code snip-it above it logs to the console a before and after shot of the boundingrect.
Hope this helps, matey. Let me know if you have any further questions.


Can we apply image filters on new fabric.Image()?

I wish to apply an image filter on a fabric.Image object but I am unable to do so.
Here is my code:
(Approach: 1) Create an image and add to canvas
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas');
var img = document.querySelector('.images img.img_dragging');
var newImg = new fabric.Image(img, {
scaleX: .50,
newImg.filters.push(new fabric.Image.filters.RemoveWhite({ threshold:10 ,distance: 100 }));
Html (Image src is just a random image from net, but our project images are somewhat similar)
<img draggable="true" src="http://cdn.homedit.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/blue-small-tufted-sofa.jpg" width="250" height="250"></img>
With above I am able to add the image to the canvas and maneuver the image on the canvas.
My requirement is to remove the extra white spaces from the background of the above image.
As per my reading over net we can implement the above like:
(Approach: 2):
fabric.Image.fromURL('http://cdn.homedit.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/blue-small-tufted-sofa.jpg', function(img){
img.filters.push(new fabric.Image.filters.RemoveWhite({ threshold:10 ,distance: 100 }));
So I wish to seek whether I can use filters with approach 1 and if there is a snippet on how to implement it.
Or filters can only we applied to fromURL approach only.
Any pointers would be a great help.
P.S : Apologies for any typos.

Render Svg to Pdf using jspdf

I am having trouble in rendering svg element to pdf using jspdf . Iam using plugin https://github.com/CBiX/svgToPdf.js/ to do this.
Below is my code
// I recommend to keep the svg visible as a preview
var tmp = document.getElementById("chartContainer");
var svgDoc = tmp.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
var pdf = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'a4');
svgElementToPdf(svgDoc, pdf, {
scale: 72 / 96, // this is the ratio of px to pt units
removeInvalid: false // this removes elements that could not be translated to pdf from the source svg
pdf.output('datauri'); // use output() to get the jsPDF buffer
It is generarting blank pdf. Please help
You can do that using canvg.
Step1: Get "SVG" markup code from DOM
var svg = document.getElementById('svg-container').innerHTML;
if (svg)
svg = svg.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, '').trim();
Step 2:
Use canvg to create canvas from svg.
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvg(canvas, svg);
Step 3:
Create image from canvas using .toDataURL()
var imgData = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
// Generate PDF
var doc = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'a4');
doc.addImage(imgData, 'PNG', 40, 40, 75, 75);
Check the demo here http://jsfiddle.net/Purushoth/hvs91vpq/193/
Canvg Repo: https://github.com/gabelerner/canvg
I've tried both svg2pdf.js and addSvgAsImage using canvg internally.
Both didn't work well for me, the resulting images in the pdf where either incorrectly positioned or displayed.
I've ended up doing the following which works very well:
convert the SVG to PNG without any libraries, see my answer to "Convert SVG to image (JPEG, PNG, etc.) in the browser".
just add the result to the pdf using the normal addImage method
I think the current jspdf version (2.3.1) has an addSvgAsImage method, but it takes the svg as a string. I guess you could use an ajax call to retrieve the SVG content, but I just have the SVG in my code and pass it in that way.

Detect Graphical Regions in an Image on a Web Page

I've been beating around the bush a lot, so I'll explain my problem here and hope with the whole picture, somebody has some ideas. With the following image:
I need to detect a mouseover on the blobs over her eyes and mouth, and solve this problem in a general form. The model and blobs are on two different layers, so I can produce one image with only the blobs, and one with only the model, and somehow synchronise a virtual cursor over the blobs while it actually hovers over the model.
I can also make the blobs polygons, for hit testing, but I think a colour hit test would be much easier. If I hit blue, I am on her mouth and I show lipstick images; if I hit pink, I'm over her eyes, and display eye makeup images.
What are the suggestions and conversation of the learned ones here?
The simpler way to do it would be to load the layer image in a canvas, then get all its pixel data. When the mouse is hovering the model image, find out what color is currently selected and if it is different from a previous one, trigger an event to indicate that the selection has changed.
Here is an example, feel free to toy with it; but be aware that it doesn't handle all cases:
what if the layer and the model image are not the same size
what if the layer and the model image are not the same width/height ratio
what if you want to use some alpha channel (the example doesn't take it into account)
$(function() {
/* we load all the image data first */
var imageData = null;
var layerImage = new Image();
layerImage.onload = function() {
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = this.width;
canvas.height = this.height;
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(this, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height).data;
/* it's easier to set the image data for example as base64 data */
var pColor = null;
/* on mouse over the model image */
$("#model").mousemove(function(event) {
/* we correct the offset */
var offset = $(this).offset();
var relX = event.pageX - offset.left;
var relY = event.pageY - Math.round(offset.top);
/* and get the pixel values at this place (note we are not keeping the alpha channel; it's your decision whether or not it is valuable */
var pixelIndex = relY * layerImage.width + relX;
var dataIndex = pixelIndex * 4;
var color = [imageData[dataIndex], imageData[dataIndex + 1], imageData[dataIndex + 2]];
if (pColor == null) {
/* we trigger when first entering the image */
$(this).trigger("newColor", {
message: "Initial layer color",
data: color
} else if (pColor[0] != color[0] || pColor[1] != color[1] || pColor[2] != color[2]) {
/* we trigger if the new position is a new color in the layer image */
$(this).trigger("newColor", {
message: "Changed layer color",
data: color
pColor = color;
/* some small help to convert rgb to css colors */
function rgb2hex(red, green, blue) {
var rgb = blue | (green << 8) | (red << 16);
return '#' + (0x1000000 + rgb).toString(16).slice(1)
/* there you have the new layer color event management; for the example sake we change the color of some text */
$("#model").on("newColor", function(event, eventData) {
$("#selector").css("color", rgb2hex(eventData.data[0], eventData.data[1], eventData.data[2]));
img {
border: 1px solid silver
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<h4>Model image</h4>
<img id="model" src="data:image/png;base64, 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"
<p>You are pointing at some <strong><span id="selector">color</span></strong>
<h4>Layer image (reference only, not displayed in page)</h4>
If you can have both images (the one with the blob and the one without), I think you can do this using HTML5 canvas.
draw the image normally
draw the blob image beneath the master image so it is invisible
copy the blob to a Canvas
onMouseOver, retrieve pixel data (R,G,B and alpha) for the Canvas at the appropriate coordinates
Twist: you might be able to do this with only one image and its alpha channel, if you don't need it for anything else - give the pixels a full opacity (A=255) everywhere except in blobs 1, 2 and 3, which will have opacity equal to 255-(1,2,3...). You can't have too many different blobs or the transparency will become noticeable. Haven't tried, but it should work. Given the likely compressibility of a "blob-only" image, a pair of images (one without transparency, one also without transparency and with only N+1 colours, PNG compressed) should yield better results.
More-or-less-pseudo code with two images, using jQuery (can be done without):
var image = document.getElementById('mainImage')
var blobs = document.getElementById('blobImage');
// Create a canvas
canvas = $('<canvas/>')[0];
canvas.width = image.width;
canvas.height = image.height;
// IMPORTANT: for this to work, this script and blobImage.src must be both
// in the same security domain, or you'll get "this operation is insecure"
canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(blobs, 0, 0, image.width, image.height);
// Now wait for it.
$('#mainImage').mouseover(function(event) {
// TO DO: offset clientX, clientY by margin on mainImage
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Get one pixel
var pix = ctx.getImageData(event.clientX, event.clientY, 1, 1);
// Retrieve the red component
var red = pix.data[0];
if (red > 128) {
// ... do something for red
You could use SVG graphics to layer over the image.
My example uses an ellipse but you could use a polygons just as easily.
You could use the colour like you stated in your question or add an extra property to the svg element. The example uses onclick but mouseover works as well.
example js:
function svg_clicked(objSVG)
example svg:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1">
<ellipse cx="110" cy="80" rx="100" ry="50" style="fill:red;" onclick="svg_clicked(this);" data-category="lipstick" />
Here's a fiddle (move the mouse over the O's in the picture)
It still works if you make the svg element transparent (using fill:transparent).
You can change the overlay to a colour or outline quickly for testing.
I highly recommend the time tested method.
The easiest way to both create blobs and to detect if the mouse is over them is to use svg graphics on top of the other image. SVG supports mouseover events and allows vector shapes which are going to give you far greater precision than using <map> or <area>.
I found this question that might also shed some light on where I am coming from: Hover only on non-transparent part of image. Read the second answer down because it will likely be prefered in your situation.
The svg elements on your image would be transparent (or whatever you would want), and you could easily detect the mouse over events.
The library from that question is called raphael. Hopefully this proves to be useful.

yui How to make in tag image does not necessarily will been to specify its size?

Good day.
I use script Imagecropper
<img src="http://test.com/img/1362244329.jpg" id="yui_img" height="768" width="1024">
(function() {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
var crop = new YAHOO.widget.ImageCropper('yui_img');
But if i do not specify the image size, then i get next(see image):
<img src="http://test.com/img/1362244329.jpg" id="yui_img">
And if i specify the wrong picture size, the window will increase the portion of the image:
<img src="http://test.com/img/1362244329.jpg" id="yui_img" height="333" width="500">
How to make in tag image does not necessarily will been to specify its size?
First of all I'd like to point you to YUI 3 since YUI 2 is no longer supported. You shouldn't write new code using YUI 2. There's an ImageCropper component I wrote for YUI 3 that works just like the YUI 2 version in the YUI Gallery: http://yuilibrary.com/gallery/show/imagecropper. Since it copies what the YUI 2 ImageCropper did, it shares these issues with the older version.
What to do when the size of the image isn't specified
The reason why you're getting a small ImageCropper is that you're creating the widget before the image has been fetched and so the browser doesn't know its size yet. What you can do is wait for the image's onload event. You can listen to that event and create the ImageCropper after it fires:
(function() {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
var yui_img = Dom.get('yui_img');
Event.addListener(yui_img, 'load', function () {
var crop = new YAHOO.widget.ImageCropper(yui_img);
Why the ImageCropper doesn't work with images with the wrong size
Neither the YUI 2 ImageCropper nor my YUI 3 version work with images when they don't have the right size. The reason is that both use the background: url() CSS style for showing the image inside the crop area (the non-darkened part of the widget). CSS backgrounds don't let you use a resized/zoomed image.
I plan on using another strategy at some point for the YUI 3 version that will fix the issue. However, you need to keep in mind that the ImageCropper component is designed so that you send the crop coordinates to the server for it to actually crop the image. That means that if you have the wrong size set to the image, the coordinates that the image cropper returns with its getCropCoords method wouldn't be the coordinates that match with the full sized image. Instead you'd also have to send the server the size of the image you've been using and do extra math to crop the image correctly.
In conclusion, you shouldn't use the image with the wrong size. You can fix the size of the image in two ways:
Use the HTML5 naturalWidth and naturalHeight attributes of the image. Those return the real size of the image even if it's resized. Unfortunately these attributes are not yet supported by all browsers.
Create a new image with JS, set it the same src as the image you're using, listen to its load event and get that image's size.
Something like this:
(function () {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom;
var yui_img = Dom.get('yui_img'),
new_img = new Image();
new_img.onload = function () {
yui_img.width = new_img.width;
yui_img.height = new_img.height;
// create the ImageCropper
new_img.src = yui_img.src;
A YUI3 version
You can easily do all this with YUI3:
YUI().use('gallery-imagecropper', function (Y) {
var img = Y.one('#yui_img');
img.on('load', function () {
var cropper = new Y.ImageCroper({
srcNode: img,
width: img.get('width'),
height: img.get('height')
Typo in code. Should be
var cropper = new Y.ImageCropper({
You missed a letter "p".

Setting background image by javafx code (not css)

I'm trying to set an image as the background using this code:
root.setStyle("-fx-background-image: url('splash.jpg');
-fx-background-position: center center;
-fx-background-repeat: stretch;");
But it doesn't work. If I set it with CSS, it works perfectly:
and CSS:
-fx-background-image: url('splash.jpg');
-fx-background-repeat: stretch;
-fx-background-position: center center;
All of my files (main class, CSS and image) placed into the same package.
So, how can I set the background image using code? Or, how can I override (replace) lines about background-image of some element in CSS from application code? Thanks!
Try next:
String image = JavaFXApplication9.class.getResource("splash.jpg").toExternalForm();
root.setStyle("-fx-background-image: url('" + image + "'); " +
"-fx-background-position: center center; " +
"-fx-background-repeat: stretch;");
If you really don't want to use CSS or the setStyle() method, you can use the following:
// new Image(url)
Image image = new Image(CurrentClass.class.getResource("/path/to/package/bg.jpg"));
// new BackgroundSize(width, height, widthAsPercentage, heightAsPercentage, contain, cover)
BackgroundSize backgroundSize = new BackgroundSize(100, 100, true, true, true, false);
// new BackgroundImage(image, repeatX, repeatY, position, size)
BackgroundImage backgroundImage = new BackgroundImage(image, BackgroundRepeat.REPEAT, BackgroundRepeat.NO_REPEAT, BackgroundPosition.CENTER, backgroundSize);
// new Background(images...)
Background background = new Background(backgroundImage);
You can find detailed documentation on BackgroundImage here.
(Sorry for replying to this old question.)
