When was drag and drop first possible in browsers? [closed] - browser

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Well that's it... I can't seem to find it anywhere, and I'd really like to add that to my PhD thesis, as it pretty much relies on it (and the whole idea for it dates back to 2005 od 2006). I googled around but to no avail, so I hope someone remembers... tnx in advance!
EDIT: possible solution - browser support chart. Check buttons "Show all" and "Date relative". Seems like Safari 3.1 (03.2008.) was the first one to fully support, but I'm still not sure, will keep searching.

Drag and drop itself has been around as a concept for much longer than it has been used in JavaScript. JavaScript itself does not have a "drag and drop module".
You might want to look at when events got added into JavaScript, i.e. onMouseDown and onMouseMove - which is what drag and drop scripts are based around. Next you might want to research when mousedown & mousemove actually got used together, to fulfil the drag and drop purpose.

The answer you're probably looking for is to another question: "When was Drag-and-drop possible on the web, using javascript?" and I think that there could be considerable debate, depending on what elements you want to drag, and what exactly you mean by "drag".
Since most people would consider "drag" to mean "move with the cursor", my answer would be that it was possible at latest in 1998 when css was introduced, and absolute positioning of elements was possible. (It may have been possible to absolute position before css, but I can't remember back that far).

Have you tried google search trends? https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2004-01-01%202017-03-25&q=%22javascript%20drag%20and%20drop%22
On a side note: here's a patent filed in 1997 that mentions drag and drop as an established term https://www.google.com/patents/US6008811


how to secure monitoring screen (transparent screen lock) [closed]

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Closed yesterday.
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I know it's generally considered as insecure, but it really depends on situation. I don't want to replace valid screen lock, I want to have possibility to choose based on situation. 2 sample usecases:
kids: I want to enable her to watch show, but I would like to block 'work cooperation' on any of mine projects, and I need not to have spare hw available
at secure work site: any college need not to poke at my screen, he can trivially clone/get whatever he wants, because he has same access. So I would like to lock screen against jokers who would like to write something under my name, but while helping someone I'd like progress of some process going on my screen. Ie. ANY monitoring screen, where we want to show status 24*7, but disallow unauthorized input.
I don't expect even naive hacking attempts in these usecases, so not 100% bulletproof lock is fine.
Some time ago, there was project named pyxtrlock, but it was deprecated. Is there some replacement? Or is there better way how to secure monitoring systems?

Vim is a pain to use - I'm just not getting it [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm really frustrated with vim (I'm using macvim). The frustration comes when I want to enter the insert mode. I click in an area and sometimes it goes into another mode, visual insert or something like that.
Sometimes when I click to select text and I try to go into insert mode to start rewriting over the selected text, this doesn't work or the entire line gets deleted.
And when it does go into insert mode, the cursor moves to the left instead of the right, so I always have to readjust it. That means if I start the cursor at the end of the line: System.out.print(); because I want to add let's say a comment, the cursor will end up between the ); instead of to the right of it and I always have to move it first.
These are some of the frustrations. Everyone said that vim is so wonderful, but I'm starting to feel like it's more of a pain than it's worth.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I must not be getting it or understanding something about it. Any thoughts?
I agree with the commenters that you should learn vim first before mucking it up with a GUI. At least this way you will have an idea of what it should be doing if the GUI screws something up, which they sometimes do.
Vim is a powerful tool, but it does have a learning curve. It is not intuitive enough to just jump in and start using it. Some specific effort to learn it is required to use it even at a basic level.
2 great places to start is the vimtutor terminal program or the online game VimAdventures.
I found another one that also looks good at first glance: VimTutor+.
I would really recommend going through the not-so-much-fun, but all-so-useful vimtutor. I felt the same way as you did when starting, but once you know how to use it, you can't stop using it.
Also, forget the mouse. vim was designed entirely at a time where mice were not around, and it's with a keyboard that you can use it as it was intended to in the first place.

Is there any way to force Excel 2013 to open files within the same window instance? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there any way to force Excel 2013 to open files within the same window instance?
I am extremely disappointed that Microsoft is forcing it's users to open multiple instances for every workbook they open. Why on earth would they take away this feature?
This is not making us more productive. Why don't we just start opening a new browser instance every time we visit another website?
I'm constantly opening CSV files throughout the day. I would prefer to have this consolidated to a single instance of excel and the option to drag a tab away from the window when I need a new instance. Microsoft please fix this!
Anyhow, if anyone knows of a hack to work around this I'd like to know.
Thanks in advance!
Apparently, according to Microsoft, this is done by design. They are so excited by this feature that they have even created this blog article to show it off and explain why it's so great.
Unfortunately, there's no way easy or free way to achieve what you want, at least I'm not aware of one.
However, there's a website called "Extend Office" (I have no affiliation with them what-so-ever) that sells various Excel add-ins. One of the add-ins is called Office Tab, which seems to be able to do what you want. There's a trial version for 30 days after which you need to buy. Up to you if you want to go for it or not, I merely point out its existence and I'm in no way endorsing or discouraging it (I've not even tried it!).

YouTrack 4.x - How do you sort all task by priority in their swimlanes in the agile board? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Like the title says, is there a way to sort all tasks within swimlanes by priority?
I thought you could do this via the search box up top by putting something like:
order by: priority
however it didn't seem to do anything (I used the auto complete bits so it seemed right)?
As currently we have critical bugs down the bottom and minor cosmetics at the top and we dont want to have to keep manually sorting them for developers to pick up.
This is not quite what you are looking for, but may serve a similar purpose:
Create a board specifically for dealing with priorities -- I call mine "Priority Board".
Set the swimlane type to 'attribute'
Set the "Field to identify swimlane" to "Priority"
Checkmark all values in the "Field Values To Identify Swimlane" drop box, and click 'apply'
VoilĂ  - Drag tasks between swimlanes to set their priority, and you have a nice clear view of the priorities and current state of various tasks -- unfortunately, their swimlanes in the normal view may not be so obvious.
Alternatively, you can set the field for color-coded cards to the 'priority' field. Not quite the same as sorting, but still visually obvious.
It's impossible to sort tasks by priority inside swimlane.
So you can only sort thru all swimlanes.
Also, I would like to recommend you to use following query another time, if you need to sort by priority:
sort by: Priority

Is there a limitation of how much code can be inserted into Excel or is it a bug? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have an excel spreadsheet that is indefinitely code heavy, but only in Excel coding, not VBA, 90% of all text has code one form or another wrapped in it, around it or is created by it.
Is there a limitation of how much code can be written into a page before it starts to show itself as "normal text" even though it has a "=" before it?
=IF(ROW($AI1)>$AJ$2, "", INDEX(AB$4:AB$23, SMALL(IF(AA$4:AA$23=Criteria, ROW($AA$4:$AA$23), ""), ROW($AI1))))
That is the code, it shows up as text even though the field is shown as "General" for it's formatting, now mind you I have over 400 fields integrated with code itself. It is pretty much a calendar, and soon to be one that updates specific fields on a daily basis upon starting the sheet up. Or so it my hope.
But when I enter the code above, the sheet doesn't accept it as code, but as text so the entire script is shown, instead of the field with the data it is meant to show instead.
Is this a bug in Microsoft Excel, or is there an actual limitation of what Excel can handle per sheet for code? I can't imagine I found it, because this sheet is far from complete, and I've seen more complex ones out there...
Try pressing Control+Accent Grave (Cntl+`). If you're in formula view mode, you'll see formulas instead of values.
