Stream Analytics -not seeing the output - azure

I use Stream Analytic to save the EventHub data into an SQL DataBase.
Even though I can see that I have both input and output requests, when I write a query to see the data from the output table I can see just 200 empty rows!! So I send data to this table, but are just NULL values
I think the problem may bethe query between input and output because my output table is empty :(. This is how I wrote it:
SELECT id,sensor,val FROM EventHubInput
Could there be another problem?
I have to mention that my EventHub is the link between a Meshlium and Azure.This is why I think my problem can be also from the frame I send from Meshlium.
I really don't know what to do. HELP ?!

You haven't specified any output.
SELECT id,sensor,val
FROM EventHubInput

Stream Analytics queries' default output is output.
So if your SQL DB alias is SQLDbOutput, it won't work. You should specify it yourself:
SELECT id,sensor,val
FROM EventHubInput
The editor in Azure should tell you the names of your inputs and outputs on the left.
Also make sure your events in Event Hub contain those properties (id, sensor, val), and that the SQL DB contains columns with the same names.


Azure Data Factory - Azure SQL Managed Services incorrect Output column type

I have decided to try and use Azure Data Factory to replicate data from one SQL Managed Instance Database to another with some trimming of the data in the process.
I have set up two Datasets to each Database / Table imported the schema ok (these are duplicated so identical) created a dataflow with one as the source and updated the schema in the projection, added a simple AlterRow (column != 201) gave it the PK then I add the second dataset as the sink and for some reason in the mapping all the output columns are showing as 'string' but the input columns show correctly.
because of this the mapping fails as it thinks the input and output are not matching? I cant understand why both Schema's in the dataset show correctly and the projection in the dataflow for the source shows correctly but it thinks i am outputting to all string columns?
Here is an easy way to map a set of unknown incoming fields to a defined database table schema ... Add a Select transformation before your Sink. Paste this into the Script behind for the Select:
skipDuplicateMapInputs: true,
skipDuplicateMapOutputs: true) ~> automap
Now, in your Sink, just leave schema drift and automapping on.

Stream Analytics UDF works in Test but not in Job

I need to parse a JSON data in Stream Analytics,
Below is the sample is am using,
UDF.parseData(GetRecordPropertyValue(GetArrayElement(A.message,0), 'raw')).intent as 'rawData'
AppInsightMessages A
I can able to parse the intent from the field. This is a custom logging required.
However it is not working in Stream analytics job.
I am getting error like
Stream Analytics job has validation errors: Query compilation error: Expression is not supported: 'udf . parseData
Tried with CAST ing to string to record also. no luck.
What I am doing wrong ?
thanks in advance ..
Usually, this is due to trying to merge multiple stages into a single expression.
Please try splitting the processing to several steps:
With UDFStep AS (
UDF.parseData(GetRecordPropertyValue(GetArrayElement(A.message,0), 'raw'))
AppInsightMessages A
SELECT intent as rawData
BTW, you don't need to quote the 'rawData'.

How to troubleshoot - Azure DataFactory - Copy Data Destination tables have not been properly configured

I'm setting up a SQL Azure Copy Data job using Data Factory. For my source I'm selecting the exact data that I want. For my destination I'm selecting use stored procedure. I cannot move forward from the table mapping page as it reports 'one or more destination tables have been been properly configured'. From what I can tell. Everything looks good as I can manually run the stored procedure from SQL without an issue.
I'm looking for troubleshooting advice on how to solve this problem as the portal doesn't appear to provide any more data then the error itself.
Additional but unrelated question: What is the benefit from me doing a copy job in data factory vs just having data factory call a stored procedure?
I've tried executing the stored procedure on via SQL. I discovered one problem with that as I had LastUpdatedDate in the TypeTable but it isnt actually an input value. After fixing that I'm able to execute the SP without issue.
Select Data from Source
FROM PersonFeed AS p
Create table Type
CREATE TYPE [person].[PersonSummaryType] AS TABLE(
[EmployeeNumber] [int] NOT NULL,
[EmailName] [nvarchar](30) NULL
Create UserDefined Stored procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE spOverwritePersonSummary #PersonSummary [person].[PersonSummaryType] READONLY
MERGE [person].[PersonSummary] [target]
USING #PersonSummary [source]
ON [target].EmployeeNumber = [source].EmployeeNumber
[target].EmployeeNumber = [source].EmployeeNumber,
[target].EmailName = [source].EmailName,
[target].LastUpdatedDate = GETUTCDATE()
Datafactory UI when setting destination on the stored procedure reports "one or more destination tables have been been properly configured"
I believe the UI is broken when using the Copy Data. I was able to map directly to a table to get the copy job created then manually edit the JSON and everything worked fine. Perhaps the UI is new and that explains why all the support docs only refer only to the json? After playing with this more it looks like the UI sees the table type as schema.type, but it drops the schema for some reason. A simple edit in the JSON file corrects it.

Azure stream analytics output headers case sensitivity?

I have query in my job
INTO [OutCsv]
FROM [InCsv]
The output goes to a Azure blob storage. My CSV output displays the column header as
somechar, someint
But I need,
SomeChar, SomeInt
Which is what is in input csv as well.
I even tried outputting it to JSON event serialization format but it doesn't preserve the case sensitivity of the field names. I want to preserve the case sensitivity throughout my application. Is there a way in Azure stream analytics to force this?
This is a know limitation currently - ASA will lowercase column names (except SELECT * queries). ASA will be exposing configuration option to preserve case sensitivity in the future.

Logstash to output events in Elasticsearch bulk API data format

Is is possible to have Logstash to output events in Elasticsearch bulk API data format?
The idea is to do some heavy parsing on many machines (without direct connectivity to the ES node) and then feed the data manually into ES.
Thank for the help.
Maybe if you need change the flush_size in Logstash with your value:
Or send metadata in file using json codec and afterload directly on elasticsearch
Logstash is a single-line type of system, and the bulk format is a multi-line format. Here are two ideas:
1) see if the file{} output message_format can contain a newline. This would allow you to output the meta data line and then the data line.
2) use logstash's clone{} to make a copy of each event. In the "original" event, use the file{} output with a message_format that looks like the first line of the bulk output (index, type, id). In the cloned copy, the default file{} output might work (or use the message_format with the exact format you need).
