WebStorm Node.Js Interpreter Issue - node.js

I am trying to use the WebStorm IDE for a node.js project. I have read the documentation and I think I have set everything up correctly. However, the IDE is giving me errors that aren't supposed to be errors. The program still perfectly fine event thought the IDE tells me there are errors:
As you can see from the image above, those are fake errors. Any ideas?

If it runs fine but you are seeing alleged errors in the editor, you probably don't have the correct JS version set for the project. You can get there via Help...Find Action and the following images...


Expected Identifier Error when trying to run React App

I used to practice React on an online compiler named Codesandbox; And recently I tried going on a local environment (VS code). I have run my simple react code on it and it compiled well on browser BUT I can't get rid of this 'Identifier Expected' error on my console; It refuse to even let beautify does it's job :/
Here is the screenshot of my environment... I would appreciate it if someone can help me with it...
Code and browser Screenshot

Trying To Test "Webbrowser" And The Site Doesn't Show Up

Okay so I'm trying to test a little module I found called Webbrowser, and I'm using an online IDE called repl.it and it seems to work fine, I don't know if this is the IDE or just me inputting it wrong but when I try to open any website a white screen comes up in place of it. Code >>>
You could just use the webbrowser.open() function instead.
There may be a issue with REPL, as it cannot open new windows on your computer. I would recommend installing Python to your own computer and using a local IDE, which will allow you to run this properly.

Retroarch js emulator not working on webpage

I am trying to develop a simple web page that allows a user to play a retro game (like Mario) using his browser. For this I have decided to use the js emulators that have been compiled from retroarch using emscripten. I have been told that some of the js emulators available on libretro website currently (https://buildbot.libretro.com/stable/1.7.0/emscripten/) do not work properly (example: n64 js emulator). So, I am trying to use the older version available on play-roms.com but I have not been able to make it work even after a lot of work.
The problem
I am trying to just replicate this game page to work locally on my machine: https://play-roms.com/nintendo-64/super-mario-64 Since, it is mostly dependent on HTML, CSS and JS, I simply copied all the HTML,CSS, JS files and also the emulator and .mem files. When I tried to make them work locally, they simply do not work. I get a constant warning in console in infinite loop:
"RetroArch [libretro INFO] :: mupen64plus: Memory initialized"
This warning does not allow the game to load. Please note that I do not get any other warning or errors on the console which are not already happening on the original mario page of play-roms from which I copied the files.
I assume that the problem is happening because of some issue with .mem file. Next, I tried to fetch the mem file from play-roms server itself (just for testing purpose) but that also did not help. (Please note that I am aware of CORS and know how to handle it). I still get the same error even when mem file is fetched from play-roms
I talked to someone who has worked in this area before and he confirmed that he too faced the exact same issue of "Memory initialized" in infinite loop when he tried it. He too could not solve it.
Please note that copying some other website is not my goal. I am just trying to make the retroarch js emulators work for my website.

NodeJs started, working but nothing is displayed

I am working on a NodeJs/Angular application that is based on the article example provided through the MEAN.js stack. I have been spending many hours developing things, and everything worked fine - until just now.
When I start my application using 'npm start' my app is found and everything seems to work as expected, but nothing is shown in my browser, even though it seems like all scripts can be found and the browser receives HTML.
When I inspect the source code in the browser window it shows a complete HTML file with all required CSS and JS files. The files can be found; clicking on a link shows the source.
I did an 'npm update' recently, and I suspect that the problems started there. Maybe there is an updated external module that doesn't interact with some other module, but I have no idea how I can find out which one.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
you are missing JQuery in <script>

Node-webkit works on Mac, crashes and can't load module on Windows

I've created a full node-webkit app that works fine on the Mac OSX version of node-webkit. Everything works, it loads a key external nodeJS module (marked), and the world is good.
However, when I try to run the app on the Windows version of Node-webkit as described in the Wiki, the app crashes immediately (in fact, it crashes immediately when I try all the options: dragging a folder onto nw.exe, dragging an app.nw compressed folder, and running both from the command line).
The only thing that gets me closer is opening nw.exe and then pointing the node-webkit location bar to the index file. Then I get this error:
Uncaught node.js Error
Error: Cannot find module 'marked'
I tried commenting out the code that requires marked:
var marked = require('marked');
That returns the app to crashing immediately. I assumed it was because of context issues between node.js and the node-webkit browser, but those seem to not be at fault since I tried this suggestion to make sure it finds the correct file for the marked module...went right back to immediate crashing.
I'm out of ideas because the crashes don't seem to leave me any way of knowing what the error was.
Could you specific the crashed nw version on Windows platform?
And please provide a sample code, I want to reproduce it because my test code does not crash (I only have one line JS code).
var marked = require('marked');
