Excel - how to hide value in a chart's datalebel - excel

I have embedded an image to a chart's datalabel. I want to only keep the image and not the value which appears on top of the image.
However I'm not sure how i can get rid of the value to only show the image?
I thought could've set the font colour to transparent but that's not available. I also played around with the number formatter but had no luck?
I'm using Windows/Excel 2010

Clicking on one of the data labels once will select all of them, clicking a second time will select only the one you clicked on. Then just hit the delete button. (You should also be able to edit the font/colour in the Home tab.)


Change color of data label placed, using the 'best fit' option, outside a pie chart - Excel 2010

I am working with a pie chart whose data labels are added using the best fit property. Most of those labels are placed by Excel inside the pie, but some of them are placed outside.
Because of some series colors are so strong, the data labels had to be defined as white. Of course, the labels placed outside the pie wont be visible if I don't manually change their color (to black, for instance)
What I am trying to do is to conditionally change the label's color according to where Excel placed it (white inside the pie, black outside it), as in the following image:
I have been searching for a solution, but it seems that nobody had a similar problem.
Does anyone know if Excel allows this or does someone know a trick to bypass it?
There is a way to do this in Excel.
When you click on the chart, and go to Layout under Chart Tools.
Once there, go to Data Labels.
When you click on that, it will display a drop-down menu. At the bottom of the menu, click on More Data Label Options.
It will pull up a new window. On the sidebar of the new window, click on Number.
Then, under Category click on Custom.
In the textbox shown under Format Code, type in [Black][<0.05]0%;[White][>=0.05]0%
Click Add.
It should format the numbers outside the pie chart in your example black, and the numbers inside the pie white. If you had different data, you could format it the same, but you would have to change the number in the brackets after the color to the number one higher than number outside of the pie. It would be like this: [Black][<(number one higher than number outside of the pie)]0%;[White][>=(number one higher than number outside of the pie)]0%
Screenshot of Pie Chart Formatting

Change format of all data labels of a single series at once

I have an Excel 2010 chart, with several series. I have added data labels to one of the series. I want to change the font size of all labels of that series at once. Can it be done?
Note that if the contents of data labels are combinations of the three standard options in the Format Data Labels dialog ("Series Name", "X Value", or "Y Value"), I simply change the font size in the ribbon and it works.
But if data labels contain cell references (i.e., formulas), I could only change the font size of one label at a time.
I guess a macro would help. I tried something a while ago, and faced a sequence of problems (do not remember exactly which).
Anyone knows of a shorter/alternative solution?
It appears I found the cause.
Referring to the figure, whenever any of the cells referred to by the data labels is empty (e.g., deleting the contents of D4), I cannot change the font size.
If I reinstate D4, I can change the font size again. This is reproducible for the simple worksheet/chart of the figure.
According to this,
Workaround 1: Fill up all empty cells referred to. Change the format of labels. Remove added contents.
Workaround 2: Change to a dummy range for the data labels, which has no empty cells. Change the format of labels. Switch back to your intended range.
This might require The XY Chart Labeler, an excellent add-in by Rob Bovey.
This does not always work (there are cases where one cannot change font even with all non-empty cells), so there should be another possible cause for the problem (besides the one reported).
A workaround:
For the workbook, Save As... (you can even use the same workbook name). The problem goes away.
But if you close the file and open it again, the problem reappears.
Most of the times it works.
A workaround (found prior to #1):
A very poor solution, but which possibly saves quite a few keystrokes/mouse clicks in many cases. Select the whole chart, and change the font size in the ribbon. It will change all text. Then recover the font size of all other text but the data labels.
It won't work in charts with more than one series with such data labels, if you want them to have different sizes!
A quick way to solve this is to:
Go to the chart and left mouse click on the 'data series' you want to edit.
Click anywhere in formula bar above. Don't change anything.
Click the 'tick icon' just to the left of the formula bar.
Go straight back to the same data series and right mouse click, and choose add data labels
This has worked in Excel 2016. Purely by luck I worked this out saving a great deal of time and frustration.

CKEditor: Tabletools doesnt remember my properties

ive installed CKEditor on my website with the tabletools Plugins from here: http://ckeditor.com/addon/tabletools. Everything but the tabletool dialog works well.
For example: I have edited my table cell width to 33.333% and hit ok. A few minutes later I wanted to set a background color on that table cell, but unfortunatly the width (and all the other changes ive made in that dialog) was empty. That means that i cant make any further changes to that cell if i dont want to fill all the other again. Does anyone knows if this is intended and if their are any solutions to get the fields filled again?
I'm pretty certain that next time you (unconsciously) select different table cells than previously. Unfortunately it's not visible, because browsers render selections in tables poorly. For example selection may be extended to contain beginning of next cell and in such case you will see only selection in the first cell.
To make sure that on right click selection won't overflow current cell make sure to click in the middle of the text. Or, if you mistakenly opened dialog for two table cells (then width of first cell won't be loaded into the dialog), just set the values you want to change and editor won't reset those values which you haven't filled.

Dynamically change chart after clicking an icon in Excel

I am doing a dashboard. To resolve the problem with the space, I would like to show a chart which changes depending of which icon an user clicks (see image in following link: http://screencast.com/t/IvzllhxCi).
Charts are already done and ranges defined. The chart showed in the dashboard was inserted using the "Paste picture link" function (sorry if this is not the correct name, but I use Excel in spanish). I assume, that the best way to do it is creating different macros which define the data of a chart and are fired which every icon click, but... is there a more efficient way to do it?
How about just creating all the charts, putting them on top of each other and then showing / hidding the appropriate chart when a user clicks the icons via:
chart.Visible = xlSheetHidden;
chart.Visible = xlSheetVisible;

I wish to apply a background color to ONLY the cells in a specific dataGrid column?

I asked this question on the LiveCode email list. No response, so I figure it must not be possible. I know about editing the template graphic that enables alternating row colors. That doesn't help me.
This lesson is the closest to what I have found, but it only sets the overlay color to empty cells. It also had an unwanted affect, where any data that was present in the grid no longer shows up.
As a little experiment, since the data became invisible (note that I'm on WinXP), I tried placing an opaque graphic over the column I wish to colorize. I set the ink of the graphic to AddMax or AddOver, and it looked nice, but the text in the cells disappeared. Then I tried setting the ink to AddMin, and it still looks good, but the test shows through!!!!
So, I think this will work fine visually, but how can I pass a double-click through this graphic to the cell underneath (to allow cell editing only within this column)?
Yes, you can do this.
This suggestion comes from Trevor DeVore at http://www.bluemangolearning.com/
Create a custom column template using the property inspector. From there you can edit the behavior of the column to colorize the background color of the field for that column or just edit the field in the template group to change the color.
The background color will only show up in rows that have data, however.
