How do I add lists or ListT to this monad transformer? - haskell

I have a game record that represents the current state of a game.
data Game = Game { score :: Int, turn :: Int }
I want to be able to create a bunch of functions to change the game state, and also use a random number generator as well as keep a log of what happened to get from one state to another. So I created a GameState record that contains the additional information.
type History = [String]
data GameState = GameState Game StdGen History
Now I want to create a data type for the functions that are going to be acting on this GameState. They'll be modeled imperatively as updates to the game as well as rolling dice and logging what's happening. So I created a monad transformer of all the effects I want.
type Effect = WriterT History (RandT StdGen (State Game))
Writing the function to run an Effect on a given GameState is pretty simple.
runEffect :: GameState -> Effect () -> GameState
runEffect (GameState game stdGen history) effect =
let ((((), newHist), newGen), newGame) =
runState (runRandT (runWriterT effect) stdGen) game
in GameState newGame newGen newHist
Perfect. Now I want to model one additional thing. Some Effects can have multiple different resulting GameStates. So my runEffect should actually return a [GameState]. I need to add ListT to this monad transformer, probably. And then all of my Effects will have the option of producing more than one result if need be. But also if they are just a one-to-one mapping then then can act like that too.
I tried to make the following changes:
type Effect2 = ListT (WriterT [String] (RandT StdGen (State Game)))
runEffect2 :: GameState -> Effect2 a -> [GameState]
runEffect2 (GameState game stdGen history) effect =
let l = runListT effect
result = map (\e->runState (runRandT (runWriterT e) stdGen) game) l
in map (\((((), newHist), newGen), newGame)->
GameState newGame newGen newHist)
What I'm trying to do is add ListT to the transformer, outside of the Writer and Random and State because I want for the different branches of the computation to have different histories and independent states and random generators. But this doesn't work. I get the following type error.
Prelude λ: :reload [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( redux.hs, interpreted )
redux.hs:31:73: error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘[WriterT
(RandT StdGen (StateT Game Data.Functor.Identity.Identity))
with actual type ‘WriterT [String] (RandT StdGen (State Game)) [a]’
• In the second argument of ‘map’, namely ‘l’
In the expression:
map (\ e -> runState (runRandT (runWriterT e) stdGen) game) l
In an equation for ‘result’:
= map (\ e -> runState (runRandT (runWriterT e) stdGen) game) l
• Relevant bindings include
result :: [(((a1, w), StdGen), Game)] (bound at redux.hs:31:7)
l :: WriterT [String] (RandT StdGen (State Game)) [a]
(bound at redux.hs:30:7)
effect :: Effect2 a (bound at redux.hs:29:44)
runEffect2 :: GameState -> Effect2 a -> [GameState]
(bound at redux.hs:29:1)
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I effectively want to be able to expand one GameState into multiple GameStates. Each with an independent StdGen and History for that branch. I have done this by putting everything into the Game record and just using non-monadic functions for the effects. This works and it's pretty straight forward. However, composition of these functions is really annoying because they're acting like state and I need to need to handle it myself. This is what monads are great at so I figured reusing that here would be wise. Sadly the list aspect of it has me really confused.

Firstly, the immediate cause of the error is that the type of runListT is...
GHCi> :t runListT
runListT :: ListT m a -> m [a]
... but you are using it as if it produced a [m a], rather than a m [a]. In other words, the map in the definition of result shouldn't be there.
Secondly, in a monadic stack the inner monads rule over the outer ones. Wrapping, for instance, StateT with ListT results in a garden-variety stateful computation that happens to produce multiple results. We can see that by specialising the type of runListT:
GHCi> :set -XTypeApplications
GHCi> :t runListT #(StateT _ _)
runListT #(StateT _ _) :: ListT (StateT t t1) a -> StateT t t1 [a]
Wrapping ListT with StateT, on the other hand, gives us a computation that produces multiple states as well as results:
GHCi> :t runStateT #_ #(ListT _)
runStateT #_ #(ListT _)
:: StateT t (ListT t1) a -> t -> ListT t1 (a, t)
That being so, you want to swap the transformers in your stack. If you want to have multiple effects for everything, as you describe, and you don't need IO as your base monad, you don't need ListT at all -- simply put [] at the bottom of the stack.
Thirdly, on a tangential note, avoid the ListT from transformers. It is known to be unlawful, and it has been deprecated in the latest version of transformers. A simple replacement for it is provided by the list-t package. (If, at some point further down the road, you get to make use of the pipes streaming library, you might also find its own version of ListT useful.)


How to understand `MonadUnliftIO`'s requirement of "no stateful monads"?

I've looked over, though skimming some parts, and I still don't quite understand the core issue "StateT is bad, IO is OK", other than vaguely getting the sense that Haskell allows one to write bad StateT monads (or in the ultimate example in the article, MonadBaseControl instead of StateT, I think).
In the haddocks, the following law must be satisfied:
askUnliftIO >>= (\u -> liftIO (unliftIO u m)) = m
So this appears to be saying that state is not mutated in the monad m when using askUnliftIO. But to my mind, in IO, the entire world can be the state. I could be reading and writing to a text file on disk, for instance.
To quote another article by Michael,
False purity We say WriterT and StateT are pure, and technically they
are. But let's be honest: if you have an application which is entirely
living within a StateT, you're not getting the benefits of restrained
mutation that you want from pure code. May as well call a spade a
spade, and accept that you have a mutable variable.
This makes me think this is indeed the case: with IO we are being honest, with StateT, we are not being honest about mutability ... but that seems another issue than what the law above is trying to show; after all, MonadUnliftIO is assuming IO. I'm having trouble understanding conceptually how IO is more restrictive than something else.
Update 1
After sleeping (some), I am still confused but am gradually getting less so as the day wears on. I worked out the law proof for IO. I realized the presence of id in the README. In particular,
instance MonadUnliftIO IO where
askUnliftIO = return (UnliftIO id)
So askUnliftIO would appear to return an IO (IO a) on an UnliftIO m.
Prelude> fooIO = print 5
Prelude> :t fooIO
fooIO :: IO ()
Prelude> let barIO :: IO(IO ()); barIO = return fooIO
Prelude> :t barIO
barIO :: IO (IO ())
Back to the law, it really appears to be saying that state is not mutated in the monad m when doing a round trip on the transformed monad (askUnliftIO), where the round trip is unLiftIO -> liftIO.
Resuming the example above, barIO :: IO (), so if we do barIO >>= (u -> liftIO (unliftIO u m)), then u :: IO () and unliftIO u == IO (), then liftIO (IO ()) == IO (). **So since everything has basically been applications of id under the hood, we can see that no state was changed, even though we are using IO. Crucially, I think, what is important is that the value in a is never run, nor is any other state modified, as a result of using askUnliftIO. If it did, then like in the case of randomIO :: IO a, we would not be able to get the same value had we not run askUnliftIO on it. (Verification attempt 1 below)
But, it still seems like we could do the same for other Monads, even if they do maintain state. But I also see how, for some monads, we may not be able to do so. Thinking of a contrived example: each time we access the value of type a contained in the stateful monad, some internal state is changed.
Verification attempt 1
> fooIO >> askUnliftIO
> fooIOunlift = fooIO >> askUnliftIO
> :t fooIOunlift
fooIOunlift :: IO (UnliftIO IO)
> fooIOunlift
Good so far, but confused about why the following occurs:
> fooIOunlift >>= (\u -> unliftIO u)
<interactive>:50:24: error:
* Couldn't match expected type `IO b'
with actual type `IO a0 -> IO a0'
* Probable cause: `unliftIO' is applied to too few arguments
In the expression: unliftIO u
In the second argument of `(>>=)', namely `(\ u -> unliftIO u)'
In the expression: fooIOunlift >>= (\ u -> unliftIO u)
* Relevant bindings include
it :: IO b (bound at <interactive>:50:1)
"StateT is bad, IO is OK"
That's not really the point of the article. The idea is that MonadBaseControl permits some confusing (and often undesirable) behaviors with stateful monad transformers in the presence of concurrency and exceptions.
finally :: StateT s IO a -> StateT s IO a -> StateT s IO a is a great example. If you use the "StateT is attaching a mutable variable of type s onto a monad m" metaphor, then you might expect that the finalizer action gets access to the most recent s value when an exception was thrown.
forkState :: StateT s IO a -> StateT s IO ThreadId is another one. You might expect that the state modifications from the input would be reflected in the original thread.
lol :: StateT Int IO [ThreadId]
lol = do
for [1..10] $ \i -> do
forkState $ modify (+i)
You might expect that lol could be rewritten (modulo performance) as modify (+ sum [1..10]). But that's not right. The implementation of forkState just passes the initial state to the forked thread, and then can never retrieve any state modifications. The easy/common understanding of StateT fails you here.
Instead, you have to adopt a more nuanced view of StateT s m a as "a transformer that provides a thread-local immutable variable of type s which is implicitly threaded through a computation, and it is possible to replace that local variable with a new value of the same type for future steps of the computation." (more or less a verbose english retelling of the s -> m (a, s)) With this understanding, the behavior of finally becomes a bit more clear: it's a local variable, so it does not survive exceptions. Likewise, forkState becomes more clear: it's a thread-local variable, so obviously a change to a different thread won't affect any others.
This is sometimes what you want. But it's usually not how people write code IRL and it often confuses people.
For a long time, the default choice in the ecosystem to do this "lowering" operation was MonadBaseControl, and this had a bunch of downsides: hella confusing types, difficult to implement instances, impossible to derive instances, sometimes confusing behavior. Not a great situation.
MonadUnliftIO restricts things to a simpler set of monad transformers, and is able to provide relatively simple types, derivable instances, and always predictable behavior. The cost is that ExceptT, StateT, etc transformers can't use it.
The underlying principle is: by restricting what is possible, we make it easier to understand what might happen. MonadBaseControl is extremely powerful and general, and quite difficult to use and confusing as a result. MonadUnliftIO is less powerful and general, but it's much easier to use.
So this appears to be saying that state is not mutated in the monad m when using askUnliftIO.
This isn't true - the law is stating that unliftIO shouldn't do anything with the monad transformer aside from lowering it into IO. Here's something that breaks that law:
newtype WithInt a = WithInt (ReaderT Int IO a)
deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader Int)
instance MonadUnliftIO WithInt where
askUnliftIO = pure (UnliftIO (\(WithInt readerAction) -> runReaderT 0 readerAction))
Let's verify that this breaks the law given: askUnliftIO >>= (\u -> liftIO (unliftIO u m)) = m.
test :: WithInt Int
test = do
int <- ask
print int
pure int
checkLaw :: WithInt ()
checkLaw = do
first <- test
second <- askUnliftIO >>= (\u -> liftIO (unliftIO u test))
when (first /= second) $
putStrLn "Law violation!!!"
The value returned by test and the askUnliftIO ... lowering/lifting are different, so the law is broken. Furthermore, the observed effects are different, which isn't great either.

How to interact with pure algorithm in IO code

To illustrate the point with a trivial example, say I have implemented filter:
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
And I have a predicate p that interacts with the real world:
p :: a -> IO Bool
How do it make it work with filter without writing a separate implementation:
filterIO :: (a -> IO Bool) -> [a] -> IO [a]
Presumably if I can turn p into p':
p': IO (a -> Bool)
Then I can do
main :: IO ()
main = do
p'' <- p'
print $ filter p'' [1..100]
But I haven't been able to find the conversion.
As people have pointed out in the comment, such a conversion doesn't make sense as it would break the encapsulation of the IO Monad.
Now the question is, can I structure my code so that the pure and IO versions don't completely duplicate the core logic?
How do it make it work with filter without writing a separate implementation
That isn't possible and the fact this sort of thing isn't possible is by design - Haskell places firm limits on its types and you have to obey them. You cannot sprinkle IO all over the place willy-nilly.
Now the question is, can I structure my code so that the pure and IO versions don't completely duplicate the core logic?
You'll be interested in filterM. Then, you can get both the functionality of filterIO by using the IO monad and the pure functionality using the Identity monad. Of course, for the pure case, you now have to pay the extra price of wrapping/unwrapping (or coerceing) the Identity wrapper. (Side remark: since Identity is a newtype this is only a code readability cost, not a runtime one.)
ghci> data Color = Red | Green | Blue deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
Here is a monadic example (note that the lines containing only Red, Blue, and Blue are user-entered at the prompt):
ghci> filterM (\x -> do y<-readLn; pure (x==y)) [Red,Green,Blue]
[Red,Blue] :: IO [Color]
Here is a pure example:
ghci> filterM (\x -> Identity (x /= Green)) [Red,Green,Blue]
Identity [Red,Blue] :: Identity [Color]
As already said, you can use filterM for this specific task. However, it is usually better to keep with Haskell's characteristic strict seperation of IO and calculations. In your case, you can just tick off all necessary IO in one go and then do the interesting filtering in nice, reliable, easily testable pure code (i.e. here, simply with the normal filter):
type A = Int
type Annotated = (A, Bool)
p' :: Annotated -> Bool
p' = snd
main :: IO ()
main = do
candidates <- forM [1..100] $ \n -> do
permitted <- p n
return (n, permitted)
print $ fst <$> filter p' candidates
Here, we first annotate each number with a flag indicating what the environment says. This flag can then simply be read out in the actual filtering step, without requiring any further IO.
In short, this would be written:
main :: IO ()
main = do
candidates <- forM [1..100] $ \n -> (n,) <$> p n
print $ fst <$> filter snd candidates
While it is not feasible for this specific task, I'd also add that you can in principle achieve the IO seperation with something like your p'. This requires that the type A is “small enough” that you can evaluate the predicate with all values that are possible at all. For instance,
import qualified Data.Map as Map
type A = Char
p' :: IO (A -> Bool)
p' = (Map.!) . Map.fromList <$> mapM (\c -> (c,) <$> p c) ['\0'..]
This evaluates the predicate once for all of the 1114112 chars there are and stores the results in a lookup table.

On Haskell, what is the linguistic way to represent a card effect for a card game?

I have a simple one-player Card Game:
data Player = Player {
_hand :: [Card],
_deck :: [Card],
_board :: [Card]}
$(makeLenses ''Player)
Some cards have an effect. For example, "Erk" is a card with the following effect:
Flip a coin. If heads, shuffle your deck.
I've implemented it as such:
shuffleDeck :: (MonadRandom m, Functor m) => Player -> m Player
shuffleDeck = deck shuffleM
randomCoin :: (MonadRandom m) => m Coin
randomCoin = getRandom
flipCoin :: (MonadRandom m) => m a -> m a -> m a
flipCoin head tail = randomCoin >>= branch where
branch Head = head
branch Tail = tail
-- Flip a coin. If heads, shuffle your deck.
erk :: (MonadRandom m, Functor m) => Player -> m Player
erk player = flipCoin (deck shuffleM player) (return player)
While this certainly does the job, I find an issue on the forced coupling to the Random library. What if I later on have a card that depends on another monad? Then I'd have to rewrite the definition of every card defined so far (so they have the same type). I'd prefer a way to describe the logic of my game entirely independent from the Random (and any other). Something like that:
erk :: CardAction
erk = do
coin <- flipCoin
case coin of
Head -> shuffleDeck
Tail -> doNothing
I could, later on, have a runGame function that does the connection.
runGame :: (RandomGen g) => g -> CardAction -> Player -> Player
I'm not sure that would help. What is the correct, linguistic way to deal with this pattern?
This is one of the engineering problems the mtl library was designed to solve. It looks like you're already using it, but don't realize its full potential.
The idea is to make monad transformer stacks easier to work with using typeclasses. A problem with normal monad transformer stacks is that you have to know all of the transformers you're using when you write a function, and changing the stack of transformers changes how lifts work. mtl solves this by defining a typeclass for each transformer it has. This lets you write functions that have a class constraint for each transformer it requires but can work on any stack of transformers that includes at least those.
This means that you can freely write functions with different sets of constraints and then use them with your game monad, as long as you game monad has at least those capabilities.
For example, you could have
erk :: MonadRandom m => ...
incr :: MonadState GameState m => ...
err :: MonadError GameError m => ...
lots :: (MonadRandom m, MonadState GameState m) => ...
and define your Game a type to support all of those:
type Game a = forall g. RandT g (StateT GameState (ErrorT GameError IO)) a
You'd be able to use all of these interchangeably within Game, because Game belongs to all of those typeclasses. Moreover, you wouldn't have to change anything except the definition of Game if you wanted to add more capabilities.
There's one important limitation to keep in mind: you can only access one instance of each transformer. This means that you can only have one StateT and one ErrorT in your whole stack. This is why StateT uses a custom GameState type: you can just put all of the different things you may want to store throughout your game into that one type so that you only need one StateT. (GameError does the same for ErrorT.)
For code like this, you can get away with just using the Game type directly when you define your functions:
flipCoin :: Game a -> Game a -> Game a
flipCoin a b = ...
Since getRandom has a type polymorphic over m itself, it will work with whatever Game happens to be as long as it has at least a RandT (or something equivalent) inside.
So, to answer you question, you can just rely on the existing mtl typeclasses to take care of this. All of the primitive operations like getRandom are polymorphic over their monad, so they will work with whatever stack you end up with in the end. Just wrap all your transformers into a type of your own (Game), and you're all set.
This sounds like a good use-case for the operational package. It lets you define a monad as a set of operations and their return types using a GADT and you can then easily build an interpreter function like the runGame function you suggested. For example:
import Control.Monad.Operational
import System.Random
data Player = Player {
_hand :: [Card],
_deck :: [Card],
_board :: [Card]}
data Coin = Head | Tail
data CardOp a where
FlipCoin :: CardOp Coin
ShuffleDeck :: CardOp ()
type CardAction = Program CardOp
flipCoin :: CardAction Coin
flipCoin = singleton FlipCoin
shuffleDeck :: CardAction ()
shuffleDeck = singleton ShuffleDeck
erk :: CardAction ()
erk = do
coin <- flipCoin
case coin of
Head -> shuffleDeck
Tail -> return ()
runGame :: RandomGen g => g -> CardAction a -> Player -> Player
runGame = step where
step g action player = case view action of
Return _ -> player
FlipCoin :>>= continue ->
let (heads, g') = random g
coin = if heads then Head else Tail
in step g' (continue coin) player
However, you might also want to consider just describing all your card actions as a simple ADT without do-syntax. I.e.
data CardAction
= CoinFlip CardAction CardAction
| ShuffleDeck
| DoNothing
erk :: CardAction
erk = CoinFlip ShuffleDeck DoNothing
You can easily write an interpreter for the ADT and as a bonus you can also e.g. generate the card's rule text automatically.

Making Read-Only functions for a State in Haskell

I often end up in a situation where it's very convenient to be using the State monad, due to having a lot of related functions that need to operate on the same piece of data in a semi-imperative way.
Some of the functions need to read the data in the State monad, but will never need to change it. Using the State monad as usual in these functions works just fine, but I can't help but feel that I've given up Haskell's inherent safety and replicated a language where any function can mutate anything.
Is there some type-level thing that I can do to ensure that these functions can only read from the State, and never write to it?
Current situation:
iWriteData :: Int -> State MyState ()
iWriteData n = do
state <- get
put (doSomething n state)
-- Ideally this type would show that the state can't change.
iReadData :: State MyState Int
iReadData = do
state <- get
return (getPieceOf state)
bigFunction :: State MyState ()
bigFunction = do
iWriteData 5
iWriteData 10
num <- iReadData -- How do we know that the state wasn't modified?
iWRiteData num
Ideally iReadData would probably have the type Reader MyState Int, but then it doesn't play nicely with the State. Having iReadData be a regular function seems to be the best bet, but then I have to go through the gymnastics of explicitly extracting and passing it the state every time it's used. What are my options?
It's not hard to inject the Reader monad into State:
read :: Reader s a -> State s a
read a = gets (runReader a)
then you could say
iReadData :: Reader MyState Int
iReadData = do
state <- ask
return (getPieceOf state)
and call it as
x <- read $ iReadData
this would allow you to build up Readers into larger read-only sub-programs and inject them into State only where you need to combine them with mutators.
It's not hard to extend this to a ReaderT and StateT at the top of your monad transformer stack (in fact, the definition above works exactly for this case, just change the type). Extending it to a ReaderT and StateT in the middle of the stack is harder. You basically need a function
lift1 :: (forall a. m0 a -> m1 a) -> t m0 a -> t m1 a
for every monad transformer t in the stack above the ReaderT/StateT, which isn't part of the standard library.
I would recommend wrapping up the State monad in a newtype and defining a MonadReader instance for it:
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
data MyState = MyState Int deriving Show
newtype App a = App
{ runApp' :: State MyState a
} deriving
( Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadState MyState
runApp :: App a -> MyState -> (a, MyState)
runApp app = runState $ runApp' app
instance MonadReader MyState App where
ask = get
local f m = App $ fmap (fst . runApp m . f) $ get
iWriteData :: MonadState MyState m => Int -> m ()
iWriteData n = do
MyState s <- get
put $ MyState $ s + n
iReadData :: MonadReader MyState m => m Int
iReadData = do
MyState s <- ask
return $ s * 2
bigFunction :: App ()
bigFunction = do
iWriteData 5
iWriteData 10
num <- iReadData
iWriteData num
This is certainly more code that #jcast's solution, but it follows the the tradition of implementing your transformer stack as a newtype wrapper, and by sticking with constraints instead of solidified types you can make strong guarantees about the use of your code while providing maximum flexibility for re-use. Anyone using your code would be able to extend your App with transformers of their own while still using iReadData and iWriteData as intended. You also don't have to wrap every call to a Reader monad with a read function, the MonadReader MyState functions are seamlessly integrated with functions in the App monad.
Excellent answers by jcast and bhelkir, with exactly the first idea I thought of—embedding Reader inside State.
I think it's worthwhile to address this semi-side point of your question:
Using the State monad as usual in these functions works just fine, but I can't help but feel that I've given up Haskell's inherent safety and replicated a language where any function can mutate anything.
That's a potential red flag, indeed. I've always found that State works best for code with "small" states that can be contained within the lifetime of a single, brief application of runState. My go-to example is numbering the elements of a Traversable data structure:
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Traversable (Traversable, traverse)
tag :: (Traversable t, Enum s) => s -> t a -> t (s, a)
tag i ta = evalState (traverse step ta) init
where step a = do s <- postIncrement
return (s, a)
postIncrement :: Enum s => State s s
postIncrement = do result <- get
put (succ result)
return result
You don't directly say so, but you make it sound you may have a big state value, with many different fields being used in many different ways within a long-lived runState call. And perhaps it does need to be that way for your program at this point. But one technique for coping with this might be to write your smaller State actions so that they only use narrower state types than the "big" one and then embed these into the larger State type with a function like this:
-- | Extract a piece of the current state and run an action that reads
-- and modifies only that piece.
substate :: (s -> s') -> (s' -> s -> s) -> State s' a -> State s a
substate extract replace action =
do s <- get
let (s', a) = runState action (extract s)
put (replace s' s)
return a
Schematic example
example :: State (A, B) Whatever
example = do foo <- substate fst (,b) action1
bar <- substate snd (a,) action2
return $ makeWhatever foo bar
-- Can only touch the `A` component of the state
action1 :: State A Foo
action1 = ...
-- Can only touch the `B` component of the state
action2 :: State B Bar
action2 = ...
Note that the extract and replace functions constitute a lens, and there are libraries for that, which may even already include a function like this.

Monad Transformer stacks with MaybeT and RandT

I'm trying to learn how Monad Transformers work by re-factoring something I wrote when I first learned Haskell. It has quite a few components that could be replaced with a (rather large) stack of Monad Transformers.
I started by writing a type alias for my stack:
type SolverT a = MaybeT
(WriterT Leaderboard
(ReaderT Problem
(StateT SolutionState
(Rand StdGen)))) a
A quick rundown:
Rand threads through a StdGen used in various random operations
StateT carries the state of the solution as it gets progressively evaluated
ReaderT has a fixed state Problem space being solved
WriterT has a leaderboard constantly updated by the solution with the best version(s) so far
MaybeT is needed because both the problem and solution state use lookup from Data.Map, and any error in how they are configured would lead to a Nothing
In the original version a Nothing "never" happened because I only used a Map for efficient lookups for known key/value pairs (I suppose I could refactor to use an array). In the original I got around the Maybe problem by making a liberal use of fromJust.
From what I understand having MaybeT at the top means that in the event of a Nothing in any SolverT a I don't lose any of the information in my other transformers, as they are unwrapped from outside-in.
Side question
[EDIT: This was a problem because I didn't use a sandbox, so I had old/conflicting versions of libraries causing an issue]
When I first wrote the stack I had RandT at the top. I decided to avoid using lift everywhere or writing my own instance declarations for all the other transformers for RandT. So I moved it to the bottom.
I did try writing an instance declaration for MonadReader and this was about as much as I could get to compile:
instance (MonadReader r m,RandomGen g) => MonadReader r (RandT g m) where
ask = undefined
local = undefined
reader = undefined
I just couldn't get any combination of lift, liftRand and liftRandT to work in the definition. It's not particularly important but I am curious about what a valid definition might be?
Problem 1
[EDIT: This was a problem because I didn't use a sandbox, so I had old/conflicting versions of libraries causing an issue]
Even though MonadRandom has instances of everything (except MaybeT) I still had to write my own instance declarations for each Transformer:
instance (MonadRandom m) => MonadRandom (MaybeT m) where
getRandom = lift getRandom
getRandomR = lift . getRandomR
getRandoms = lift getRandoms
getRandomRs = lift . getRandomRs
I did this for WriterT, ReaderT and StateT by copying the instances from the MonadRandom source code. Note: for StateT and WriterT they do use qualified imports but not for Reader. If I didn't write my own declarations I got errors like this:
No instance for (MonadRandom (ReaderT Problem (StateT SolutionState (Rand StdGen))))
arising from a use of `getRandomR'
I'm not quite sure why this is happening.
Problem 2
With the above in hand, I re-wrote one of my functions:
randomCity :: SolverT City
randomCity = do
cits <- asks getCities
x <- getRandomR (0,M.size cits -1)
--rc <- M.lookup x cits
return undefined --rc
The above compiles and I think is how transformers are suppose to be used. In-spite of the tedium of having to write repetitive transformer instances, this is pretty handy. You'll notice that in the above I've commented out two parts. If I remove the comments I get:
Couldn't match type `Maybe'
with `MaybeT
(ReaderT Problem (StateT SolutionState (Rand StdGen))))'
Expected type: MaybeT
Leaderboard (ReaderT Problem (StateT SolutionState (Rand StdGen))))
Actual type: Maybe City
At first I thought the problem was about the types of Monads that they are. All of the other Monads in the stack have a constructor for (\s -> (a,s)) while Maybe has Just a | Nothing. But that shouldn't make a difference, the type for ask should return Reader r a, while lookup k m should give a type Maybe a.
I thought I would check my assumption, so I went into GHCI and checked these types:
> :t ask
ask :: MonadReader r m => m r
> :t (Just 5)
(Just 5) :: Num a => Maybe a
> :t MaybeT 5
MaybeT 5 :: Num (m (Maybe a)) => MaybeT m a
I can see that all of my other transformers define a type class that can be lifted through a transformer. MaybeT doesn't seem to have a MonadMaybe typeclass.
I know that with lift I can lift something from my transformer stack into MaybeT, so that I can end up with MaybeT m a. But if I end up with Maybe a I assumed that I could bind it in a do block with <-.
Problem 3
I actually have one more thing to add to my stack and I'm not sure where it should go. The Solver operates on a fixed number of cycles. I need to keep track of the current cycle vs the max cycle. I could add the cycle count to the solution state, but I'm wondering if there is an additional transformer I could add.
Further to that, how many transformers is too many? I know this is incredibly subjective but surely there is a performance cost on these transformers? I imagine some amount of fusion can optimise this at compile time so maybe the performance cost is minimal?
Problem 1
Can't reproduce. There are already these instances for RandT.
Problem 2
lookup returns Maybe, but you have a stack based on MaybeT. The reason why there is no MonadMaybe is that the corresponding type class is MonadPlus (or more general Alternative) - pure/return correspond to Just and empty/mzero correspond to Nothing. I'd suggest to create a helper
lookupA :: (Alternative f, Ord k) => k -> M.Map k v -> f v
lookupA k = maybe empty pure . M.lookup k
and then you can call lookupA wherever you need in your monad stack
As mentioned in the comments, I'd strongly suggest to use RWST, as it's exactly what fits your case, and it's much easier to work with than the stack of StateT/ReaderT/WriterT.
Also think about the difference between
type Solver a = RWST Problem Leaderboard SolutionState (MaybeT (Rand StdGen)) a
type Solver a = MaybeT (RWST Problem Leaderboard SolutionState (Rand StdGen)) a
The difference is what happens in the case of a failure. The former stack doesn't return anything, while the latter allows you to retrieve the state and the Leaderboard computed so far.
Problem 3
The easiest way is to add it into the state part. I'd just include it into SolutionState.
Sample code
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Random
import Control.Monad.Random.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.RWS
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Monoid
import System.Random
-- Dummy data types to satisfy the compiler
data Problem = Problem
data Leaderboard = Leaderboard
data SolutionState = SolutionState
data City = City
instance Monoid Leaderboard where
mempty = Leaderboard
mappend _ _ = Leaderboard
-- dummy function
getCities :: Problem -> M.Map Int City
getCities _ = M.singleton 0 City
-- the actual sample code
type Solver a = RWST Problem Leaderboard SolutionState (MaybeT (Rand StdGen)) a
lookupA :: (Alternative f, Ord k) => k -> M.Map k v -> f v
lookupA k = maybe empty pure . M.lookup k
randomCity :: Solver City
randomCity = do
cits <- asks getCities
x <- getRandomR (0, M.size cits - 1)
lookupA x cits
