Creating alias in Linux to a file or directory whose path changes with time - linux

I want to create an alias to a specific log file in Linux. The only issue is the path to the file has a directory with time stamp. Every time this file is created (every time I run a script), its path changes because of time stamp. Here is an example:
Is there a smart way to create an alias to this file?

If this folder with changing name is created by running script in which you want to create those symlink, then simply changing part assign to some variable which will be used during folder creation and symlink creation.

You could try somethink like that :
alias my_alias=$(echo $OUT_HOME/logs/misc/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%4N")-machine_name/commands/logfile.txt)


Want to create a specific script for my Raspberry Pi to watch directory and do some actions

I am a complete newbie in writing scripts, I have just started a few days ago, and was already able to create simple scripts to find files, move them, delete them, etc...
I have a Raspberry Pi 4 with Raspberry Pi OS installed on it.
Now I want to create a better script, using "inotify" to monitor a specific directory and performs some actions if some specific files are found. Aaaaaand, I am a bit lost.
Here is what I have found and tested :
inotifywait -m -r -e create --format '%w%f' "${MONITORDIR}" | while read NEWFILE
With this, I can generate an action whenever any new file appeared in my folder.
What I want :
If a new file with specific name (not the complete name, but just a part of the name of the file) with a specific .pdf extension is detected in the directory,
Then, move this file in another directory
And send an email using postfix, including the name of this new file, without the complete path of the file
Any help with this will be good for me, since I am a beginner, I know have a lot to learn, and I am sure I will.
Thank you !

Python - working with unkown directory name versions

I'm using python to download an application from a content distribution network. The application downloads as self extract file cabinet. When executed it creates a directory using a version naming format. For example app-version2/../app.exe, Thus I cannot rely on the folder name as it may change in the future. I'm trying to find the best way to work with the content inside the folder without depending on the actual folder name.
My idea was to rename the folder using os.listdir() and then os.rename(app-version2, myapp) This would work but is not automated. What would be the best automated method to find a folder name that contains version numbers and change that to something more static?
Assuming you want to find the path of the directory which begins with app, you can accomplish this using pathlib.Path:
from pathlib import Path
app_path = next(Path().glob('app*'))
This will give you the path to the first file or directory in your current directory whose name begins with "app".

Finding and saving present directory of a SAS-Studio-program in a Linux server

I am trying to make a macro variable in SAS Studio which saves the "present working directory" as a macro variable.
The SAS-program is run in a "CPF" process flow file in SAS Studio, and the whole SAS-file and processes are saved and run in a Linux server.
In SAS-Studio, the location of CPF-process flow file seems like in the directory /sasdata/model_v1, and when I run a Linux command like X "pwd" then I expect that the result will give /sasdata/model_v1, but I get another directory instead like /sasinstall/sasconfig/Lev1/SASApp instead, I guess the the process flow file with CPF-suffix is run from this directory.
So the question is how I can find and save the working directory of my cpf-file and save as a macro-variable, or even maybe for my other sas-files too, I may need the solution for both SAS-files and CPF-files.
If I find the directory, then I guess it should be enough to save them as macro-variable by using %let macrovariable = "/directory"
I don't think SAS will show you the path of the process file. It doesn't in SAS/Studio 3.5.
It will set the path for a normal program file (as long as you have saved it) in the _SASPROGRAMFILE macro variable.

How to take backup of file without changing its time-stamp with Ansible playbook

How to take backup of file without changing its time-stamp with Ansible playbook? I tried backup=yes but the problem is like it changes the timestamp os the file.
Code:- dest={{item}} state=absent regexp='TLSv1' backup=yes with_items: ('{{certs_dir.stdout_lines}}')
I'm retracting my initial "It can't be done" response - it should be possible by using a series of plays, but it's not very pretty.
If you really need the backup file to keep the time-stamp, you might want to put in an official request on the developer mailing list.
Use the stat module on the initial file to retrieve the file timestamp
Register the backup file name in the return value backup_file from the file or copy module.
Use the command module to call the touch command to set the time of the backup_file to the original time. (The Ansible stat module does not adjust file timestamps.)

Node.js file rotation

I have a process that periodically gets files from a server and copy them with SFTP to a local directory. It should not overwrite the file if it already exists. I know with something like Winston I can automatically rotate the log file when it fills up, but in this case I need a similar functionality to rotate files if they already exist.
An example:
The routine copies a remote file called testfile.txt to a local directory. The next time it's run the same remote file is found and copied. But now I want to rename the first testfile.txt to testfile.txt.0 so it's not overwritten. And so on - after a while I'd have a directory of files with the name testfile.txt.N and the most recent testfile.txt.
What you can do is you can append date and time on the file name that gives every filename a unique name and also helps you archive it.
For example you text.txt can be either 20170202_181921_test.txt or test_20170202_181921.txt
You can use a JavaScript Date Object to get date and time.
P.S show your code of downloading files so that I can add more to that.
