Script deleted by antivirus Html.Exploit getorgchart.js - getorgchart

Our server anti virus software is deleting your js file once a day:
{CAV}Html.Exploit.CVE_2014_0283-1 :
/getorgchart.js => /usr/local/maldetect/quarantine/getorgchart.js.251713992
Can you please look into this, I do not want to open doors on my site by adding an exception.
For our domaine
You can contact me:


Importing a ZIP file to Dialogflow Agent gives "Language " not supported by platform" error

I am trying to restore a backup agent to a new agent in Dialogflow. I've gone to my existing agent and exported with no problem.
But when I go to restore it to a new agent I get this error:
DF Error
I've opened up the zip file and looked into the agent.json and it looks like the agent key is set properly:
"description": "Allow your app to engage in small talk about a variety of topics.",
"language": "en",
"shortDescription": "Small talk topics to help make your bot more personable",
"examples": "User: Hello!\nUser: How are you?\nUser: Thank you!\nUser: You\u0027re welcome.\nUser: What\u0027s up?\nUser: I\u0027m bored.\nUser: I\u0027m joking.\nUser: Well done!\nUser: Who are you?\nUser: How old are you?\nUser: You\u0027re clever.\nUser: What do you do for fun?",
Anyone else run into this?
Update: I reached out to support and was able to get this solved. For some reason my agent did not have the "lang" key populated in all the intents, even though it worked just fine in the existing agent.
Dialogflow support fixed the issue in my agent and emailed me the correct zip file.

Redirect Joomla errors on Windows Azure IIS

I have a Joomla! site running on Windows Azure and all is fine.
But, everytime someone try do access something that not exist ( the server returns the error:
jos-Warning: exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'Unknown column 'header' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT new_url,header,published FROM xxx_redirect_links WHERE old_url = '' LIMIT 0, 1' in
How can I redirect the user to the index everytime an error occurs?
This is a bug in Joomla, try to fix this by:
Click on the Fix button in the Extension Manager -> Database page. If
that fails, a clean installation will need to be done.

vbulletin template edit Invalid Page URL

I am creating a forum in vBulletin for the first time.I have created a sub domain for it( when i try to update the top menu links in the template edit,it says "Invalid Page URL. If this is an error and the page should exist, please contact the system administrator and tell them how you got this message".
Also when i try to access the admincp , I have to write
else i can not access it.
I am using vBulletin 5.1.6 Patch Level 1.
How can I make it working.Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I seems you did not install vBulletin properly....
You need to modify config.php file, Write your database name, database username and password in config file, then go to and install the vBulletin, while installing you will be asked to create the admin account.... after you installed the vBulletin then delete the install directory, and you are here.... to edit the navbar you go to the admincp >> style and templates >> >> style manager >> edit template >> Navigation/ Breadcrumb template and edit your links in the template you want to target ... Thanks

pmwiki+ iis+ fastcgi Permissions partially dened

Recently ,I meet a problem ,that deploy pmwiki on our iis server,all things goes well.However,the problem occured,that ,our pmwiki has six group ,as we all know that,wiki must allow people to edit it content,the directory is like this:
![enter image description here][1]
the problem is that,I can change the defualt page ,howerver,can not edit the Group1~Group6 folder.
the iis setting is like this:
IE browser :http://your.domain/Group2/?n=Main.HomePage?action=edit
then the browse occured error:HTTP ERROR 405 POST DID NOT ALLOWED
how can I solve this problem ?
![enter image description here][2]
when i want to change the content of everygroup ,for example:
After F12 chrome debug, I found that it did not support HTTP POST method!

Mac OS app entitlements block internet connection

I have a Mac OS app that needs outgoing connections.
I've followed Apple Code Signing Guide (Xcode 4.6.2) to enable entitlements and my target summary looks like this:
I have a MYAPP.entitlements file in my project that looks like:
Everything seems to be set in the right way, but when I try to run my app, even if
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFinishLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame
are called, nothing is loaded in my webView. Nor Little Snitch asks for connection.
Then, in Console no violation is presented.
If I try to change Entitlements setting, by unchecking "Allow Outgoing Connections", Console shows Sandbox violation this way:
20/05/13 00:44:09,000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(908) deny mach-lookup
20/05/13 00:44:10,593 sandboxd[908]: ([904]) MYAPP(904) deny mach-lookup
20/05/13 00:44:10,601 sandboxd[908]: ([904]) MYAPP(904) deny system-socket
If I remove Enable App Sandboxing, everything works and my webView loads its contents...
I have tried:
to exit Xcode
to reboot my computer
to boot in save mode
to enable any combination of permissions in Entitlements
to create a new MYAPP.entitlements file
to rename my target
Anybody has experienced this behavior?
Any suggestion will be very appreciated... Thank you.
Well, I ended up reinstalling my whole system and now it works...
