Testing Promises with multiple thens using testdoublejs - node.js

I am using testdouble for stubbing calls within my node.js project. This particular function is wrapping a promise and has multiple then calls within the function itself.
function getUser (rethink, username) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let r = database.connect();
r.then(conn => database.table(tablename).filter({username}))
.then(data => resolve(data))
.error(err => reject(err));
So I am wanting to determine if the resolve and reject are handled correctly based on error conditions. Assume there is some custom logic in there that I need to validate.
For my test
import getUser from './user';
import td from 'testdouble';
test(t => {
const db = td.object();
const connect = td.function();
const result = getUser(db, 'testuser');
The issue is that the result of connect needs to be a promise, so I use then resolve with a value which needs to be another promise that resolves or rejects.
The line it is relating to is the result of database.connect() is not a promise.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined
Anyone have success with stubbing this type of call with Test Double?

So figured out the resolution. There are a few things to note in the solution and that we encountered. In short the resolution ended up being this...
td.when(database.connect()).thenResolve({then: (resolve) => resolve('ok')});
This resolves a thenable that is returned when test double sees database connect. Then subsequent calls can also be added.
There is also a part to note if you send in an object to database.connect() you have to be aware that it is doing === equality checking and you will need to have a reference to that object for it to correctly use td.when.

Test double provides stubs for unit testing. And in your case 'db' is the object we need to mock. Creating the mocking db through
td.object(Database) // Database is the class or constructor of your db
will be the right choice, but to simply mock those methods you need in this case, I wouldn't pick that way.
Here's the tested module, 'some.js':
function getUser (database, username) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let r = database.connect();
r.then(conn => database.table('table').filter({username:username}))
.then(data => resolve(data))
.catch(err => reject(err));
module.exports = getUser;
And the test file, using mocha and chai.expect, which is could also be any other unit test module here:
let td = require('testdouble');
let expect = require('chai').expect;
const getUser = require('./some');
const db = {};
const name = 'name';
db.connect = td.function();
db.table = td.function('table');
db.filter = td.function('filter');
td.when(db.filter({username: name})).thenResolve('some user data');
return getUser(db, name)
expect(user).to.equal('some user data')
So please let me know if any of these confuse you.


Why does my async code not work properly unless I log the promise?

I have some async code that makes calls to a mongo database and inserts/fetches items. When I am developing locally, the code below works fine. However, when I make the mongoose instance connect to MongoDb Atlas, issues arise. In particular, it seems that my code does not work properly unless I console.log the promise, which makes no sense to me. For example, with the console.log statement, all my tests pass as expected. Without it, 35 tests fail... This is because the promise I am expecting returns null, when it should return some JSON object from the database. Is my code not blocking properly?
It feels like I'm dealing with Schrodinger's cat... Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Below is an example promise/function call. I then pass it into _executeQuery. I have await on relevant functions, so I don't think it's because I'm missing the word await somewhere.
async _inSomeAsyncFunction = () => {
const dbQueryPromise = this._dbModel.findById(_id, modelView).lean();
await this._executeQuery({ dbQueryPromise, isAccessPermitted: true })
_executeQuery basically gets the result of the promise if the user has access.
private _executeQuery = async (props: {
isAccessPermitted: boolean;
dbQueryPromise: Promise<any>;
}): Promise<any> => {
const { isAccessPermitted, dbQueryPromise } = props;
if (!isAccessPermitted) {
throw new Error('Access denied.');
console.log(dbQueryPromise, 'promise'); // without this line, dbQueryResult would be null...
const dbQueryResult = await dbQueryPromise;
return dbQueryResult;
After some more testing, I found out that the first API call works but any calls after that returns null...
this._dbModel is some mongoose schema. For example,
const dbSchema= new Schema({
name: String,
const dbModel = mongoose.model('DbSchema', dbSchema);
Try replacing your dbQueryPromise as follows:
const dbQueryPromise = this._dbModel.findById(_id, modelView).lean().exec();
Mongoose queries do not get executed unless you pass a callBack function or use exec()
For anyone else having similar problems, here's how I solved it:
I changed
const dbQueryResult = await dbQueryPromise;
const dbQueryResult = await dbQueryPromise.then((doc) => {
return doc;

Angular, extract the value from a promise

I have a function that returns a Promise and inside that Promise I get an object in the resolve.
Here it is the function of my service that works good.
buscarUsuario(email: string){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.http.post(`${URL}/user/email`, {email})
.subscribe(resp => {
And then I get the value from the promise in this var:
const getDatos = this.usuarioService.buscarUsuario(this.correoUsuario.value.toString());
And then I call the var to get the value from the resolve and I can't extract that value from there:
var usuario: Usuario;
getDatos.then(usu => {
usuario = usu;
//Here I can see the value
//But here I can't see the value
//And it's where I really need to get the value
So, how do I get that value outside the Promise?
Using Promises in Angular is NOT recommended. Angular recommends use of Observable to handle asynchronous operations
Lets Try and change your code to return Observables only
buscarUsuario = (email: string) =>
this.http.post<any>(`${URL}/user/email`, {email}).pipe(
map(resp => resp.usuario as Usuario)
Basically the above code returns an Observable<any>(Observable of type any). I have type casted using <any> to transform the result to an Obserable<any>. Next I have use piping to extract the usuario from response
Now we can actually assign this value to a variable...
const getDatos$ = this.usuarioService.buscarUsuario(this.correoUsuario.value.toString());
NOTE: This is an Observable and you will need to subscribe to it
Observable can be assigned like any other property
const usuario: Observable<Usuario> = getDatos$
You cannot get the value outside that function, reason because since you use promise, you need to wait until the promise returns the value, so best possible way is you have do rest of your functionality within promise.then.
getDatos.then(usu => {
//implement your other functionality

Mock function without callback as parameter

I have dh.js
const checkDExistsCallback = (err, dResp) => {
if (err)
if (dResp.length > 0)
cbResp.error('Not found.');
const checkDCollectionExists = () =>
let query = `select sid from tablename where sid = '${objRequestData.dName}' limit 1;`;
genericQueryCall(query, checkDCollCallback);
module.exports = {checkDExistsCallback , checkDCollectionExists }
In my dh.test.ts
const dhExport = require("./DensityHookReceive");
dhExport.checkDCollectionExists = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {});
test('check req dh is exists', () => {
dhExport.checkDExistsCallback(false, '[{}]');
In dh.js checkDExistsCallback function is invoked the checkDCollectionExists after satisfied the 'if' condition. When you look into the dh.test.ts file I mocked the checkDCollectionExists function in the beginning, but while running the test it did not invoke the mocked function it invokes the actual function. Can you help me to figure it out?
A function that is used in the same module it was defined cannot be mocked, unless it's consistently used as a method on an object that could be mocked, e.g.
if (dResp.length > 0)
instead of
if (dResp.length > 0)
checkDCollectionExists needs to be either moved to another module, or two functions need to be tested as a single unit. It's database call that needs to be mocked.

Dialogflow - Reading from database using async/await

it's the first time for me using async/await. I've got problems to use it in the context of a database request inside a dialogflow intent. How can I fix my code?
What happens?
When I try to run use my backend - this is what I get: "Webhook call failed. Error: Request timeout."
What do I suspect?
My helper function getTextResponse() waits for a return value of airtable, but never get's one.
What do I want to do?
"GetDatabaseField-Intent" gets triggered
Inside it sends a request to my airtable database via getTextResponse()
Because I use"await" the function will wait for the result before continuing
getTextResponse() will return the "returnData"; so the var result will be filled with "returnData"
getTextResponse() has finished; so the response will be created with it's return value
'use strict';
const {
} = require('actions-on-google');
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const app = dialogflow({debug: true});
const Airtable = require('airtable');
const base = new Airtable({apiKey: 'MyKey'}).base('MyBaseID');
/// Helper function - reading Airtable fields.
const getTextResponse = (mySheet, myRecord) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Function for airtable
base(mySheet).find(myRecord, (err, returnData) => {
if (err) {
return returnData;
// Handle the Dialogflow intent.
app.intent('GetDatabaseField-Intent', async (conv) => {
const sheetTrans = "NameOfSheet";
const recordFirst = "ID_OF_RECORD";
var result = await getTextResponse(sheetTrans, recordFirst, (callback) => {
// parse the record => here in the callback
myResponse = callback.fields.en;
// Set the DialogflowApp object to handle the HTTPS POST request.
exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest(app);
As #Kolban pointed out, you are not accepting or rejecting the Promise you create in getTextResponse().
It also looks like the var result = await getTextResponse(...) call is incorrect. You have defined getTextResponse() to accept two parameters, but you are passing it three (the first two, plus an anonymous arrow function). But this extra function is never used/referenced.
I would generally avoid mixing explicit promises with async/await and definitely avoid mixing async/await with passing callbacks.
I don't know the details of the API you are using, but if the API already supports promises, then you should be able to do something like this:
const getTextResponse = async (mySheet, myRecord) => {
try {
return await base(mySheet).find(myRecord)
catch(err) {
app.intent('GetDatabaseField-Intent', async (conv) => {
const sheetTrans = "NameOfSheet";
const recordFirst = "ID_OF_RECORD";
var result = await getTextResponse(sheetTrans, recordFirst)
myResponse = result.fields.en;
Almost all promised based libraries or APIs can be used with async/await, as they simply use Promises under the hood. Everything after the await becomes a callback that is called when the awaitted method resolves successfully. Any unsuccessful resolution throws a PromiseRejected error, which you handle by use of a try/catch block.
Looking at the code, it appears that you may have a misunderstanding of JavaScript Promises. When you create a Promise, you are passed two functions called resolve and reject. Within the body of your promise code (i.e. the code that will complete sometime in the future). You must invoke either resolve(returnData) or reject(returnData). If you don't invoke either, your Promise will never be fulfilled. Looking at your logic, you appear to be performing simple returns without invoking resolve or reject.
Let me ask you to Google again on JavaScript Promises and study them again with respect to the previous comments just made and see if that clears up the puzzle.

Sinon not mocking method

I want inject into constructor database client, but when I run tests, mocha throw exception, that method whitch is called is not a function.
export class CustomService {
constructor(database: any) {
describe('CRUD service', ()=>{
it('when i decide save item', ()=>{
let db = sinon.mock(new DatabaseService);
let instance = new CustomService(db);
In console:
TypeError: database.init is not a function
What is wrong?
Don't pass the return value of sinon.mock to the code you are testing but instead pass the original object you passed to sinon.mock. The return value of sinon.mock is only for setting assertions and checking them. You also need to set the order of the statements in your tests so that the expectations are set before the code that must satisfy them is run. Something like this:
describe('CRUD service', ()=>{
it('when i decide save item', ()=>{
const db = new DatabaseService();
let mock = sinon.mock(db);
let instance = new CustomService(db);
