sharepoint website open very slow after change server location? - sharepoint

I am new in share point. I just made some static site and host it on server, its was working fine. due to some reason I change my server location now this site is responding very slow. I did not get any root cause why its happening, even there is 5 more share point sites all are working very slow. May be there is some configuration problem please help me to fix it

Sounds like IIS is rebuilding the cache. This happens whenever the server is rebooted, or sharepoint is loaded in a new/different web server. Typically the speed increases after a few minutes as everything gets cached.

What #marten said is correct.. its takes time for distributed cache service to kick in for new server. also check if there is any app pool/IIS recycling schedule is applied on new server.


iis 10 Static Website: Deleting default site and creating completely new site (how to access new site)

This post needs help from experienced iis administrators, but must be explained in details for EXTREME newbies.
What I am doing:
I have two computers, both running Windows 10. One is a desktop and one is a laptop.
iis is enabled on both computers. Each computer can access the iis web server from the other and pull up a page from the other - using the ip address.
There is no DNS or host files being used (this is by ip address only), nor do I want to use any sort of naming.
Both computers are running an identical website, and the website files are in a different directory than the default. The structure is like this:
Changes I've made - now a few problems.
On both computers I have deleted the DefaultAppPool and the default website that comes installed with iis. This has not stopped the website from completely working, so adding that back seems unlikely to fix my problem.
I have deleted my application pool and website from iis (never deleting the actual files from the file system) several times, and added it several times. Each time I do this, my site comes back, but with the same problem I am having.
I have deleted all of the default documents, and the only default document listed in iis is myIndex.html.
myIndex.html initially displays a graphic image (using the standard tag), and this image comes up. Sort of. See explanation below.
The problem I am having
Before I started this project, I had iis working on the desktop with the default site and app pool and simply added some of my own files with really simple text content and some pics. I had replaced the default iis splash image with my own image, and all that worked with no problem.
the image that comes up is a link to another page that has a list of links to other stuff in my website. It all works no problem there.
Now, with the setup I have now, on the desktop I was originally using (in the paragraph above) if I pull up my website locally, myIndex.html loads in the browser and my image comes up, and everything works fine.
The same is true on the laptop, when I access the site locally.
However, if I attempt to access the desktop site (using its ip address) from the laptop, it pulls up the old splash image from the default site I deleted.( I left those files there even though I deleted the site from within iis). All those files are in the default location C:\inetpub\wwwroot.
If I move those files to another directory, thus leaving C:\inetpub\wwwroot completely empty, then when I access the site on the desktop (via the ip address) from the laptop, my new site comes up without a problem.
While it seems I may have solved my problem by moving the file from the previous project, doing that does not teach me how iis is actually working, and why files from a website that no longer exists in iis are still being accessed from remote computers.
So, please teach me something about the internal workings of iis, and how it chooses to access the different application pools and websites.
Again, please word your answers for complete newbies, because I know a little but not enough to get real technical.
I have been reading posts on and other sites; links to microsoft docs etc. That's not helping as those docs are expecting too much prerequisite knowledge, and speaking in terms that are not really explaining things in a way I can understand.
You have described several different problems. I will try to address each of them (contrary to S/O recommendations).
First, when you make changes, and they don't seem to show up, it is usually because of caching. IIS always wants to cache files/configs. So does your web browser. So, to force an accurate test, you need to dump your browser cache and cycle IIS (to make sure it drops its cache and loads new files and configs). Start there.
Second, IIS is designed for settings inheritance. Which means, each app and each folder will inherit settings and permissions from the parent, unless you override them. Overriding them can be done by files and/or IIS configs (application vs folder). The IIS configs are the stronger of the two.
Also, the IIS config for "default files" might have come into-play for your test. If you didn't set up MyIndex.html as the top-most default file, then IIS would look for other files first. In fact, if you don't have MyIndex.html in the list of default files, IIS would have to depend on your app to choose that as a default page (MVC routing, etc).

Azure Website each page loading slow

I've hosted a website on azure and right now I am deploying on a test slot and I have a problem after each deployment and if I haven't accessed the pages in a long time. Each page loads like 15 seconds and if accessed again loads in normal time. I changed the settings in the portal to keep the site always alive, but that doesn't work as expected. Tried with ping to the website every few minutes, but did not work again.
I thought the build is only once for the whole application, but it looks like that every file is built on-the-go. I am not sure how to fix that, or if it's even what I think it is.
The pages will build and cache the first time you access any given page (not once for the whole site) right after deployment. If you have public pages, you can also look at Application Initialization options in the web.config to do the "warm up" for you.

Pages load issue on local IIS serv

I'm currently developing a web application running locally on IIS 10 with coldfusion 9.
I have a problem right now, caused by SSL I think. Since it's a backoffice, it has to be https, so I used our company certificate to install it locally on my computer and I linked it to the website I'm developing. The problem is whenever I use the https connection, all the pages are loaded twice (it isn't visible, but for instance when I submit a form, the data are inserted twice in the database).
I manage, with luck, to solve this issue by changing the SSL parameters "client certificates" from ignore to accept but when I do that, from time to time (like 1 out of 3) the page that I want to load takes forever (like 30s) and as I can see, uses 100% of the CPU.
It doesn't come from my code (I think) because when I navigate with http, I have none of the problem listed above.
Does anyone have an idea with this is happening and how to solve it ?
Thanks in advance ! If you need any further information, ask and I'll try to give it to you !
I've now installed Coldfusion 11 and with that the issue is not happening anymore. So I'm pretty sure it's a compatibility answer.

Flush cache in iis6

For some magical reason ii6 started to cache pages on the server. Even if I remove the page, it is still displayed. I tried to follow couple suggestions but no luck.
That's what I did so far:
Deleted \WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files
Unchecked 'cache ISAPI extensions' in the IIS configuration.
Added 'Cache-Control no-cache' to HTTP headers in properties.
Tried to create the page that clear the cache
Update: also tried to disable asp cache
IIS ASP Caching
But the files in v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files are still created
If anybody has other suggestions, please share.
Please give the delete permission for IIS user on below folder. these files will be deleted automatically by IIS
For 64 bit OS folder path:
\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files
My classic ASP pages WOULD NOT refresh from any browser. Finally, stopping and starting the IIS service (IIS6) fixed the problem.
You, too, can go bonkers, just like me. Simply have IIS start giving out stale pages! A bargain at half the price!
Did you try restarting the IIS server to see if that stops it from displaying? If it doesn't, then it might not be a caching issue.
I believe restarting the server is supposed to clear the cache.
Maybe the problem isn't the IIS, but a web proxy between your browser and your web server caching the page?
Or a wrong DNS settings pointing to another server which holds a copy of that web/page? You could also look on the same IIS if there is another web configured and host headers got mixed up, making you test on the wrong web.
I might just say the obvious here but have you tried recycling the application pool?
Thanks for replies guys.
I figured out that it wasn't the caching issue. I didn't cleared out Bin folder and the compiled version of the page with extension .compiled was seating there all the time. I don't what changed this time, but I followed the same process like 100 times before and copied files on top without clearing Bin.
I should be more accurate with such things. Reinstalling a DLL into the GAC

I'm trying to re-install a DLL in the GAC, everything seems to work fine but the web application accessing it still seems to be using the old one.
The old DLL is the same version as the new one with only a minor edit, it will be used by 50 different sites so changing the version then changing the reference in the web.config is not a good solution.
Restarting the IIS server or the worker process isn't an option as there are already 50 sites running that must continue to do so.
does anyone know what i'm doing wrong or what i can do to remedy this situation?
AFAIK, you need to restart IIS for it to get a fresh reference to the updated DLL. Your best bet is to perform the reset at a low traffic time. If you are running multiple servers with load balancing, you can prevent new connections from hitting one server until all connections have been closed. Afterwards, update the DLL, restart IIS, and bring the server back into the connection pool. Repeat for each server with no visible downtime to the end users.
Since you don't make a reference to application pools, I'm going to assume you are on the old version of IIS. In that case, what you'll need to do is to "touch" all the DLLs in each site that references the DLL.
The problem is that the code is already loaded and you need to find a non-intrusive way to re-load the application. Recycling app-pools is an effective way to do this. If you are on the old IIS that doesn't have app-pools, then updating the last-modified in the /bin/ folders or web.config files will reload the application without affecting the other sites.
So a script of some kind to do the above is in order. All it needs to do is update the lastmodified on the DLLs in every /bin application directory.
