I have the working code below.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib_venn import venn3, venn3_circles
Gastric_tumor_promoters = set(['DPEP1', 'CDC42BPA', 'GNG4', 'RAPGEFL1', 'MYH7B', 'SLC13A3', 'PHACTR3', 'SMPX', 'NELL2', 'PNMAL1', 'KRT23', 'PCP4', 'LOX', 'CDC42BPA'])
Ovarian_tumor_promoters = set(['ABLIM1','CDC42BPA','VSNL1','LOX','PCP4','SLC13A3'])
Gastric_tumor_suppressors = set(['PLCB4', 'VSNL1', 'TOX3', 'VAV3'])
#Ovarian_tumor_suppressors = set(['VAV3', 'FREM2', 'MYH7B', 'RAPGEFL1', 'SMPX', 'TOX3'])
venn3([Gastric_tumor_promoters,Ovarian_tumor_promoters, Gastric_tumor_suppressors], ('GCPromoters', 'OCPromoters', 'GCSuppressors'))
venn3([Gastric_tumor_promoters,Ovarian_tumor_promoters, Gastric_tumor_suppressors], ('GCPromoters', 'OCPromoters', 'GCSuppressors'))
How can I show the contents of each of the set in these 3 circles? With the color alpha being 0.6. Circles must be bigger to accommodate all the symbols.
I'm not sure there is a simple way to do this automatically for any possible combination of sets. If you're ready to do some manual tuning in your particular example, start with something like that:
A = set(['DPEP1', 'CDC42BPA', 'GNG4', 'RAPGEFL1', 'MYH7B', 'SLC13A3', 'PHACTR3', 'SMPX', 'NELL2', 'PNMAL1', 'KRT23', 'PCP4', 'LOX', 'CDC42BPA'])
B = set(['ABLIM1','CDC42BPA','VSNL1','LOX','PCP4','SLC13A3'])
C = set(['PLCB4', 'VSNL1', 'TOX3', 'VAV3'])
v = venn3([A,B,C], ('GCPromoters', 'OCPromoters', 'GCSuppressors'))
plt.annotate(',\n'.join(B-A-C), xy=v.get_label_by_id('010').get_position() +
np.array([0, 0.2]), xytext=(-20,40), ha='center',
textcoords='offset points',
bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.5', fc='gray', alpha=0.1),
Note that methods like v.get_label_by_id('001') return the matplotlib Text objects, and you are free to configure them to your liking (e.g. you can change font size by calling set_fontsize(8), etc).
Here is an example which automates the whole thing. It creates a temporary dictionary which contains the id's needed by venn as keys and the intersections of all participating sets for this very id.
If you don't want the labels sorted remove the sorted() call in the second last line.
import math
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib_venn import venn2, venn3
import numpy as np
# Convert number to indices into binary
# e.g. 5 -> '101' > [2, 0]
def bits2indices(b):
l = []
if b == 0:
return l
for i in reversed(range(0, int(math.log(b, 2)) + 1)):
if b & (1 << i):
return l
# Make dictionary containing venn id's and set intersections
# e.g. d = {'100': {'c', 'b', 'a'}, '010': {'c', 'd', 'e'}, ... }
def set2dict(s):
d = {}
for i in range(1, 2**len(s)):
# Make venn id strings
key = bin(i)[2:].zfill(len(s))
key = key[::-1]
ind = bits2indices(i)
# Get the participating sets for this id
participating_sets = [s[x] for x in ind]
# Get the intersections of those sets
inter = set.intersection(*participating_sets)
d[key] = inter
return d
# Define some sets
a = set(['a', 'b', 'c'])
b = set(['c', 'd', 'e'])
c = set(['e', 'f', 'a'])
s = [a, b, c]
# Create dictionary from sets
d = set2dict(s)
# Plot it
h = venn3(s, ('A', 'B', 'C'))
for k, v in d.items():
l = h.get_label_by_id(k)
if l:
I'm sorry I just figured out that the above code does not remove duplicate labels and is therefor wrong. The number of elements shown by venn and the number of labels was different. Here is a new version which removes wrong duplicates from other intersections. I guess there is a smarter and more functional way to do that instead of iterating over all intersections twice...
import math, itertools
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib_venn import venn2, venn3
import numpy as np
# Generate list index for itertools combinations
def gen_index(n):
x = -1
while True:
while True:
x = x + 1
if bin(x).count('1') == n:
yield x
# Generate all combinations of intersections
def make_intersections(sets):
l = [None] * 2**len(sets)
for i in range(1, len(sets) + 1):
ind = gen_index(i)
for subset in itertools.combinations(sets, i):
inter = set.intersection(*subset)
l[next(ind)] = inter
return l
# Get weird reversed binary string id for venn
def number2venn_id(x, n_fill):
id = bin(x)[2:].zfill(n_fill)
id = id[::-1]
return id
# Iterate over all combinations and remove duplicates from intersections with
# more sets
def sets2dict(sets):
l = make_intersections(sets)
d = {}
for i in range(1, len(l)):
d[number2venn_id(i, len(sets))] = l[i]
for j in range(1, len(l)):
if bin(j).count('1') < bin(i).count('1'):
l[j] = l[j] - l[i]
d[number2venn_id(j, len(sets))] = l[j] - l[i]
return d
# Define some sets
a = set(['a', 'b', 'c', 'f'])
b = set(['c', 'd', 'e'])
c = set(['e', 'f', 'a'])
sets = [a, b, c]
d = sets2dict(sets)
# Plot it
h = venn3(sets, ('A', 'B', 'C'))
for k, v in d.items():
l = h.get_label_by_id(k)
if l:
# Original for comparison
f = plt.figure(2)
venn3(sets, ('A', 'B', 'C'))
Thanks for the automation, #Vinci! I wonder if you (or somebody else) has written a version that rearranges the content so that the elements stay within the bubble(s) in a random fashion instead of a long list? ... bonus track: re-dimensioning the bubbles if the elements do not fit? ;)
Initial question
I want to calculate the Levenshtein distance between multiple strings, one in a series, the other in a list. I tried my hands on map, zip, etc., but I only got the desired result using a for loop and apply. Is there a way to improve style and especially speed?
Here is what I tried and it does what it is supposed to do, but lacks of speed given a large series.
import stringdist
strings = ['Hello', 'my', 'Friend', 'I', 'am']
s = pd.Series(data=strings, index=strings)
c = ['me', 'mine', 'Friend']
df = pd.DataFrame()
for w in c:
df[w] = s.apply(lambda x: stringdist.levenshtein(x, w))
## Result: ##
me mine Friend
Hello 4 5 6
my 1 3 6
Friend 5 4 0
I 2 4 6
am 2 4 6
Thanks to #Dames and #molybdenum42, I can provide the solution I used, directly beneath the question. For more insights, please check their great answers below.
import stringdist
from itertools import product
strings = ['Hello', 'my', 'Friend', 'I', 'am']
s = pd.Series(data=strings, index=strings)
c = ['me', 'mine', 'Friend']
word_combinations = np.array(list(product(s.values, c)))
vectorized_levenshtein = np.vectorize(stringdist.levenshtein)
result = vectorized_levenshtein(word_combinations[:, 0],
word_combinations[:, 1])
result = result.reshape((len(s), len(c)))
df = pd.DataFrame(result, columns=c, index=s)
This results in the desired data frame.
import stringdist
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import itertools
s = pd.Series(data=['Hello', 'my', 'Friend'],
index=['Hello', 'my', 'Friend'])
c = ['me', 'mine', 'Friend']
option: an easy one-liner
df = pd.DataFrame([s.apply(lambda x: stringdist.levenshtein(x, w)) for w in c])
option: np.fromfunction (thanks to #baccandr)
def lavdist(a, b):
return stringdist.levenshtein(c[a], s[b])
df = pd.DataFrame(np.fromfunction(lavdist, (len(c), len(s)), dtype = int),
columns=c, index=s)
option: see #molybdenum42
word_combinations = np.array(list(itertools.product(s.values, c)))
vectorized_levenshtein = np.vectorize(stringdist.levenshtein)
result = vectorized_levenshtein(word_combinations[:,0], word_combinations[:,1])
df = pd.DataFrame([word_combinations[:,1], word_combinations[:,1], result])
df = df.set_index([0,1])[2].unstack()
(the best) option: modified option 3
word_combinations = np.array(list(itertools.product(s.values, c)))
vectorized_levenshtein = np.vectorize(distance)
result = vectorized_levenshtein(word_combinations[:,0], word_combinations[:,1])
result = result.reshape((len(s), len(c)))
df = pd.DataFrame(result, columns=c, index=s)
Performance testing:
import timeit
from Levenshtein import distance
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import itertools
s = pd.Series(data=['Hello', 'my', 'Friend'],
index=['Hello', 'my', 'Friend'])
c = ['me', 'mine', 'Friend']
test_code0 = """
df = pd.DataFrame()
for w in c:
df[w] = s.apply(lambda x: distance(x, w))
test_code1 = """
df = pd.DataFrame({w:s.apply(lambda x: distance(x, w)) for w in c})
test_code2 = """
def lavdist(a, b):
return distance(c[a], s[b])
df = pd.DataFrame(np.fromfunction(lavdist, (len(c), len(s)), dtype = int),
columns=c, index=s)
test_code3 = """
word_combinations = np.array(list(itertools.product(s.values, c)))
vectorized_levenshtein = np.vectorize(distance)
result = vectorized_levenshtein(word_combinations[:,0], word_combinations[:,1])
df = pd.DataFrame([word_combinations[:,1], word_combinations[:,1], result])
df = df.set_index([0,1])[2] #.unstack() produces error
test_code4 = """
word_combinations = np.array(list(itertools.product(s.values, c)))
vectorized_levenshtein = np.vectorize(distance)
result = vectorized_levenshtein(word_combinations[:,0], word_combinations[:,1])
result = result.reshape((len(s), len(c)))
df = pd.DataFrame(result, columns=c, index=s)
test_setup = "from __main__ import distance, s, c, pd, np, itertools"
print("test0", timeit.timeit(test_code0, number = 1000, setup = test_setup))
print("test1", timeit.timeit(test_code1, number = 1000, setup = test_setup))
print("test2", timeit.timeit(test_code2, number = 1000, setup = test_setup))
print("test3", timeit.timeit(test_code3, number = 1000, setup = test_setup))
print("test4", timeit.timeit(test_code4, number = 1000, setup = test_setup))
# results
# test0 1.3671939949999796
# test1 0.5982696900009614
# test2 0.3246431229999871
# test3 2.0100400850005826
# test4 0.23796007100099814
Using itertools, you can at least get all the required combinations. Using a vectorized version of stringcount.levenshtein (made using numpy.vectorize()) you can then get your desired result without looping at all, though I haven't tested the performance of the vectorized levenshtein function.
The code could look something like this:
import stringdist
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import itertools
s = pd.Series(["Hello", "my","Friend"])
c = ['me', 'mine', 'Friend']
word_combinations = np.array(list(itertools.product(s.values, c)))
vectorized_levenshtein = np.vectorize(stringdist.levenshtein)
result = vectorized_levenshtein(word_combinations[:,0], word_combinations[:,1])
At this point you have the results in a numpy array, each corresponding to one of all the possible combinations of your two intial arrays. If you want to get it into the shape you have in your example, there's some pandas trickery to be done:
df = pd.DataFrame([word_combinations[:,0], word_combinations[:,1], result]).T
### initially looks like: ###
# 0 1 2
# 0 Hello me 4
# 1 Hello mine 5
# 2 Hello Friend 6
# 3 my me 1
# 4 my mine 3
# 5 my Friend 6
# 6 Friend me 5
# 7 Friend mine 4
# 8 Friend Friend 0
df = df.set_index([0,1])[2].unstack()
### Now looks like: ###
# Friend Hello my
# Friend 0 6 6
# me 5 4 1
# mine 4 5 3
Again, I haven't tested the performance of this method, so I recommend checking that out - it should be faster than iteration though.
User #Dames has a better suggestion for making the result all pretty-like:
result = result.reshape(len(c), len(s))
df = pd.DataFrame(result, columns=c, index=s)
def bibek():
x=int(input("Enter the length of String elements using enter -: "))
for i in range(0,x):
def filt(b):
if b in d:
return True
return False
for t in test_list:
for i in x:
suppose test_list=[['b','i','b'],['s','i','b'],['r','i','b']]
output should be ib since ib is common among all
an option is to use set and its methods:
common = set(test_list[0])
for item in test_list[1:]:
print(common) # {'i', 'b'}
UPDATE: now that you have clarified your question i would to this:
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
# convert the list to simple strings
strgs = [''.join(item) for item in test_list]
common = strgs[0]
for item in strgs[1:]:
sm = SequenceMatcher(isjunk=None, a=item, b=common)
match = sm.find_longest_match(0, len(item), 0, len(common))
common = common[match.b:match.b+match.size]
print(common) # 'ibb'
the trick here is to use difflib.SequenceMatcher in order to get the longest string.
one more update after clarification of your question this time using collections.Counter:
from collections import Counter
strgs='app','bapp','sardipp', 'ppa'
common = Counter(strgs[0])
for item in strgs[1:]:
c = Counter(item)
for key, number in common.items():
common[key] = min(number, c.get(key, 0))
print(common) # Counter({'p': 2, 'a': 1})
print(sorted(common.elements())) # ['a', 'p', 'p']
I am trying to understand how Kalman Filter for non-linear system works. While searching for an example, I cam across this good basic example.
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import pandas as pd
from pykalman import UnscentedKalmanFilter
# initialize parameters
def transition_function(state, noise):
a = np.sin(state[0]) + state[1] * noise[0]
b = state[1] + noise[1]
return np.array([a, b])
def observation_function(state, noise):
C = np.array([[-1, 0.5], [0.2, 0.1]])
return np.dot(C, state) + noise
transition_covariance = np.eye(2)
random_state = np.random.RandomState(0)
observation_covariance = np.eye(2) + random_state.randn(2, 2) * 0.1
initial_state_mean = [0, 0]
initial_state_covariance = [[1, 0.1], [-0.1, 1]]
# sample from model
kf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(
transition_function, observation_function,
transition_covariance, observation_covariance,
initial_state_mean, initial_state_covariance,
states, observations = kf.sample(50, initial_state_mean)
# estimate state with filtering and smoothing
filtered_state_estimates = kf.filter(observations)[0]
smoothed_state_estimates = kf.smooth(observations)[0]
# draw estimates
lines_true = pl.plot(states, color='b')
lines_filt = pl.plot(filtered_state_estimates, color='r', ls='-')
lines_smooth = pl.plot(smoothed_state_estimates, color='g', ls='-.')
pl.legend((lines_true[0], lines_filt[0], lines_smooth[0]),
('true', 'filt', 'smooth'),
loc='lower left'
This code produces the following graph.
However,for my experiment - I have created a very small time series data ready with three columns formatted as follows. The full dataset is attached here for reproduciability.
time X Y
0.040662 1.041667 1
0.139757 1.760417 2
0.144357 1.190104 1
0.145341 1.047526 1
0.145401 1.011882 1
0.148465 1.002970 1
.... ..... .
Instead of using the random values as shown in the code, how can we input from the CSV file I attached? Here is my approach, but it doesn't seem to workout for me and I would appreciate for any help.
df = pd.read_csv('testdata.csv')
pd.set_option('use_inf_as_null', True)
X = df.drop('Y', axis=1)
y = df['Y']
d1= np.array(X)
d2 = np.array(y)
From the link I shared, here is how you get the CSV data into Numpy Arrays.
import numpy as np
import csv
with open('testdata.csv','r') as csvfile:
r = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
data = [i for i in r]
headings = data.pop(0)
data = np.array([[np.float(j) for j in i] for i in data])
T = data.T[0] #Time
X = data.T[1] #X
Y = data.T[2] #Y
I have tried an available K-shortest path algorithm. But it gives an error and i cannot figure out what it is. I want to find two shortest paths between two network nodes.
It gives an error saying that int type is not iterable and i do not know how to solve it.
import sys
import simpy
import random
import math
#import run_parameters
from heapq import heappush, heappop
from itertools import count
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
A NetworkX based implementation of Yen's algorithm for computing K-shortest paths.
Yen's algorithm computes single-source K-shortest loopless paths for a
graph with non-negative edge cost. For more details, see:
__author__ = 'Guilherme Maia <guilhermemm#gmail.com>'
__all__ = ['k_shortest_paths']
from heapq import heappush, heappop
from itertools import count
import networkx as nx
def k_shortest_paths(G, source, target, k=2, weight='weight'):
"""Returns the k-shortest paths from source to target in a weighted graph G.
G : NetworkX graph
source : node
Starting node
target : node
Ending node
k : integer, optional (default=1)
The number of shortest paths to find
weight: string, optional (default='weight')
Edge data key corresponding to the edge weight
lengths, paths : lists
Returns a tuple with two lists.
The first list stores the length of each k-shortest path.
The second list stores each k-shortest path.
If no path exists between source and target.
>>> G=nx.complete_graph(5)
>>> print(k_shortest_paths(G, 0, 4, 4))
([1, 2, 2, 2], [[0, 4], [0, 1, 4], [0, 2, 4], [0, 3, 4]])
Edge weight attributes must be numerical and non-negative.
Distances are calculated as sums of weighted edges traversed.
if source == target:
return ([0], [[source]])
length, path = nx.single_source_dijkstra(G, source, target, weight=weight)
if target not in length:
raise nx.NetworkXNoPath("node %s not reachable from %s" % (source, target))
lengths = [length[target]]
paths = [path[target]]
c = count()
B = []
G_original = G.copy()
for i in range(1, k):
for j in range(len(paths[-1]) - 1):
spur_node = paths[-1][j]
root_path = paths[-1][:j + 1]
edges_removed = []
for c_path in paths:
if len(c_path) > j and root_path == c_path[:j + 1]:
u = c_path[j]
v = c_path[j + 1]
if G.has_edge(u, v):
edge_attr = G.edge[u][v]
G.remove_edge(u, v)
edges_removed.append((u, v, edge_attr))
for n in range(len(root_path) - 1):
node = root_path[n]
# out-edges
for u, v, edge_attr in G.edges_iter(node, data=True):
G.remove_edge(u, v)
edges_removed.append((u, v, edge_attr))
if G.is_directed():
# in-edges
for u, v, edge_attr in G.in_edges_iter(node, data=True):
G.remove_edge(u, v)
edges_removed.append((u, v, edge_attr))
spur_path_length, spur_path = nx.single_source_dijkstra(G, spur_node, target, weight=weight)
if target in spur_path and spur_path[target]:
total_path = root_path[:-1] + spur_path[target]
total_path_length = get_path_length(G_original, root_path, weight) + spur_path_length[target]
heappush(B, (total_path_length, next(c), total_path))
for e in edges_removed:
u, v, edge_attr = e
G.add_edge(u, v, edge_attr)
if B:
(l, _, p) = heappop(B)
return (lengths, paths)
def get_path_length(G, path, weight='weight'):
length = 0
if len(path) > 1:
for i in range(len(path) - 1):
u = path[i]
v = path[i + 1]
length += G.edge[u][v].get(weight, 1)
return length
print(k_shortest_paths(G, 0, 4, 4))
Why it gives this error? In some cases it works for k=1, but when i increase k to 2, the error comes.
I have two lists of numpy vectors and wish to determine whether they represent approximately the same points (but possibly in a different order).
I've found methods such as numpy.testing.assert_allclose but it doesn't allow for possibly different orders. I have also found unittest.TestCase.assertCountEqual but that doesn't work with numpy arrays!
What is my best approach?
import unittest
import numpy as np
first = [np.array([20, 40]), np.array([20, 60])]
second = [np.array([19.8, 59.7]), np.array([20.1, 40.5])]
np.testing.assert_all_close(first, second, atol=2) # Fails because the orders are different
unittest.TestCase.assertCountEqual(None, first, second) # Fails because numpy comparisons evaluate element-wise; and because it doesn't allow a tolerance
A nice list iteration approach
In [1047]: res = []
In [1048]: for i in first:
...: for j in second:
...: diff = np.abs(i-j)
...: if np.all(diff<2):
...: res.append((i,j))
In [1049]: res
[(array([20, 40]), array([ 20.1, 40.5])),
(array([20, 60]), array([ 19.8, 59.7]))]
Length of res is the number of matches.
Or as list comprehension:
def match(i,j):
diff = np.abs(i-j)
return np.all(diff<2)
In [1051]: [(i,j) for i in first for j in second if match(i,j)]
[(array([20, 40]), array([ 20.1, 40.5])),
(array([20, 60]), array([ 19.8, 59.7]))]
or with the existing array test:
[(i,j) for i in first for j in second if np.allclose(i,j, atol=2)]
Here you are :)
( idea based on
Euclidean distance between points in two different Numpy arrays, not within )
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial
first = [np.array([20 , 60 ]), np.array([ 20, 40])]
second = [np.array([19.8, 59.7]), np.array([20.1, 40.5])]
def pointsProximityCheck(firstListOfPoints, secondListOfPoints, distanceTolerance):
pointIndex = 0
maxDistance = 0
lstIndices = []
for item in scipy.spatial.distance.cdist( firstListOfPoints, secondListOfPoints ):
currMinDist = min(item)
if currMinDist > maxDistance:
maxDistance = currMinDist
if currMinDist < distanceTolerance :
# print("point with pointIndex [", pointIndex, "] in the first list outside of Tolerance")
return (maxDistance, lstIndices)
maxDistance, lstIndicesOfPointsOutOfTolerance = pointsProximityCheck(first, second, distanceTolerance=0.5)
print("maxDistance:", maxDistance, "indicesOfOutOfTolerancePoints", lstIndicesOfPointsOutOfTolerance )
gives on output with distanceTolerance=0.5 :
maxDistance: 0.509901951359 indicesOfOutOfTolerancePoints [1]
but possibly in a different order
This is the key requirement. This problem can be treat as a classic problem in graph theory - finding perfect matching in unweighted bipartite graph. Hungarian Algorithm is a classic algo to solve this problem.
Here I implemented one.
import numpy as np
def is_matched(first, second):
checked = np.empty((len(first),), dtype=bool)
first_matching = [-1] * len(first)
second_matching = [-1] * len(second)
def find(i):
for j, point in enumerate(second):
if np.allclose(first[i], point, atol=2):
if not checked[j]:
checked[j] = True
if second_matching[j] == -1 or find(second_matching[j]):
second_matching[j] = i
first_matching[i] = j
return True
def get_max_matching():
count = 0
for i in range(len(first)):
if first_matching[i] == -1:
if find(i):
count += 1
return count
return len(first) == len(second) and get_max_matching() == len(first)
first = [np.array([20, 40]), np.array([20, 60])]
second = [np.array([19.8, 59.7]), np.array([20.1, 40.5])]
print(is_matched(first, second))
# True
first = [np.array([20, 40]), np.array([20, 60])]
second = [np.array([19.8, 59.7]), np.array([20.1, 43.5])]
print(is_matched(first, second))
# False