Why does this UPDATE result in a deadlock? - multithreading

I have a table called unprocessed that gets filled with rows around the clock. It looks something like this
CREATE TABLE unprocessed (
name VARCHAR2(10),
qty INT,
thread_id VARCHAR2(30)
-- This indexes NULL values in thread_id
CREATE INDEX unprocessed_thread_id ON unprocessed (thread_id, 1);
I have a multi threaded application whose job is to process a small portion of the rows in parallel. My current strategy is to launch a thread, find 1000 rows with a NULL thread_id, update those rows with the thread's uuid, process those rows and then delete those rows.
Here is the query that I'm using to find rows with null thread_id and then "lock" them with the thread's uuid. This query is failing with deadlocks.
UPDATE unprocessed
SET thread_id = :thread_id
AND id IN (
FROM unprocessed
WHERE thread_id IS NULL
LIMIT 1000
-- I've tried FOR UPDATE with no success
I have isolated it to this query by disabling everything else except this query and launching a high number of threads in a short amount of time.
I would have thought that this particular DML would block all other instances of this DML as it runs, but that isn't the case.
My question is simply why does this DML cause a dead lock against other instances of this query? Why doesn't it block other instances of the same DML until it completes?
Incidentally, I would also be curious to know if there is a better way to go about this problem.


How to use synchronous messages on rabbit queue?

I have a node.js function that needs to be executed for each order on my application. In this function my app gets an order number from a oracle database, process the order and then adds + 1 to that number on the database (needs to be the last thing on the function because order can fail and therefore the number will not be used).
If all recieved orders at time T are processed at the same time (asynchronously) then the same order number will be used for multiple orders and I don't want that.
So I used rabbit to try to remedy this situation since it was a queue. It seems that the processes finishes in the order they should, but a second process does NOT wait for the first one to finish (ack) to begin, so in the end I'm having the same problem of using the same order number multiple times.
Is there anyway I can configure my queue to process one message at a time? To only start process n+1 when process n has been acknowledged?
This would be a life saver to me!
If the problem is to avoid duplicate order numbers, then use an Oracle sequence, or use an identity column when you insert into a table to generate the order number:
data VARCHAR2(20));
INSERT INTO mytab (data) VALUES ('abc');
INSERT INTO mytab (data) VALUES ('def');
SELECT * FROM mytab;
This will give:
---------- --------------------
1 abc
2 def
If the problem is that you want orders to be processed sequentially, then don't pull an order from the queue until the previous one is finished. This will limit your throughput, so you need to understand your requirements and make some architectural decisions.
Overall, it sounds Oracle Advanced Queuing would be a good fit. See the node-oracledb documentation on AQ.

Task server on ML

I have a query that may return up to 2000 documents.
Within these documents I need six pcdata items return as string values.
There is a possiblity, since the documents size range from small to very large,
exp tree cache error.
I am looking at spawn-function to break up my result set.
I will pass wildcard values, based on known "unique key structure", and will know the max number of results possible;each wildcard values will return 100 documents max.
Note: The pcdata for the unique key structure does have a range index on it.
Am I on the right track with below?
The task server will create three tasks.
The task server will allow multiple queries to run, but what stops them all running simultaneously and blowing out the exp tree cache?
i.e. What, if anything, forces one thread to wait for another? Or one task to wait for another so they all do not blow out the exp tree cache together?
xquery version "1.0-ml";
let $messages :=
(:each wildcard values will return 100 documents max:)
let $_ := xdmp:log("Starting")
xdmp:spawn-function(function() {
let $_ := xdmp:sleep(5000)
let $_ := xdmp:log(concat("Searching on wildcard val=", $message))
return concat("100 pcdata items from the matched documents for ", $message) },
<options xmlns="xdmp:eval">
return $messages
The Task Server configuration listed in the Admin UI defines the maximum number of simultaneous threads. If more tasks are spawned than there are threads, they are queued (FIFO I think, although ML9 has task priority options that modify that behavior), and the first queued task takes the next available thread.
The <result>true</result> option will force the spawning query to block until the tasks return. The tasks themselves are run independently and in parallel, and they don't wait on each other to finish. You may still run into problems with the expanded tree cache, but by splitting up the query into smaller ones, it could be less likely.
For a better understanding of why you are blowing out the cache, take a look at the functions xdmp:query-trace() and xdmp:query-meters(). Using the Task Server is more of a brute force solution, and you will probably get better results by optimizing your queries using information from those functions.
If you can't make your query more selective than 2000 documents, but you only need a few string values, consider creating range indexes on those values and using cts:values to select only those values directly from the index, filtered by the query. That method would avoid forcing the database to load documents into the cache.
It might be more efficient to use MarkLogic's capability to return co-occurrences, or even 3+ tuples of value combinations from within documents using functions like cts:values. You can blend in a (cts:uri-reference](http://docs.marklogic.com/cts:uri-reference) to get the document uri returned as part of the tuples.
It requires having range indexes on all those values though..

Cassandra - IN or TOKEN query for querying an entire partition?

I want to query a complete partition of my table.
My compound partition key consists of (id, date, hour_of_timestamp). id and date are strings, hour_of_timestamp is an integer.
I needed to add the hour_of_timestamp field to my partition key because of hotspots while ingesting the data.
Now I'm wondering what's the most efficient way to query a complete partition of my data?
According to this blog, using SELECT * from mytable WHERE id = 'x' AND date = '10-10-2016' AND hour_of_timestamp IN (0,1,...23); is causing a lot of overhead on the coordinator node.
Is it better to use the TOKEN function and query the partition with two tokens? Such as SELECT * from mytable WHERE TOKEN(id,date,hour_of_timestamp) >= TOKEN('x','10-10-2016',0) AND TOKEN(id,date,hour_of_timestamp) <= TOKEN('x','10-10-2016',23);
So my question is:
Should I use the IN or TOKEN query for querying an entire partition of my data? Or should I use 23 queries (one for each value of hour_of_timestamp) and let the driver do the rest?
I am using Cassandra 3.0.8 and the latest Datastax Java Driver to connect to a 6 node cluster.
You say:
Now I'm wondering what's the most efficient way to query a complete
partition of my data? According to this blog, using SELECT * from
mytable WHERE id = 'x' AND date = '10-10-2016' AND hour_of_timestamp
IN (0,1,...23); is causing a lot of overhead on the coordinator node.
but actually you'd query 24 partitions.
What you probably meant is that you had a design where a single partition was what now consists of 24 partitions, because you add the hour to avoid an hotspot during data ingestion. Noting that in both models (the old one with hotspots and this new one) data is still ordered by timestamp, you have two choices:
Run 1 query at time.
Run 2 queries the first time, and then one at time to "prefetch" results.
Run 24 queries in parallel.
If you process data sequentially, the first choice is to run the query for the hour 0, process the data and, when finished, run the query for the hour 1 and so on... This is a straightforward implementation, and I don't think it deserves more than this.
If your queries take more time than your data processing, you could "prefetch" some data. So, the first time you could run 2 queries in parallel to get the data of both the hours 0 and 1, and start processing data for hour 0. In the meantime, data for hour 1 arrives, so when you finish to process data for hour 0 you could prefetch data for hour 2 and start processing data for hour 1. And so on.... In this way you could speed up data processing. Of course, depending on your timings (data processing and query times) you should optimize the number of "prefetch" queries.
Also note that the Java Driver does pagination for you automatically, and depending on the size of the retrieved partition, you may want to disable that feature to avoid blocking the data processing, or may want to fetch more data preemptively with something like this:
ResultSet rs = session.execute("your query");
for (Row row : rs) {
if (rs.getAvailableWithoutFetching() == 100 && !rs.isFullyFetched())
rs.fetchMoreResults(); // this is asynchronous
// Process the row ...
where you could tune that rs.getAvailableWithoutFetching() == 100 to better suit your prefetch requirements.
You may also want to prefetch more than one partition the first time, so that you ensure your processing won't wait on any data fetching part.
If you need to process data from different partitions together, eg you need both data for hour 3 and 6, then you could try to group data by "dependency" (eg query both hour 3 and 6 in parallel).
If you need all of them then should run 24 queries in parallel and then join them at application level (you already know why you should avoid the IN for multiple partitions). Remember that your data is already ordered, so your application level efforts would be very small.

How to find out active members during a specific period (month) in cassandra?

In the following real-world scenario:
Users come to a club (e.g. : gym) and purchase a membership for an indefinite amount of time and after a specified amount of time the membership is cancelled.
After the membership cancelled, the same user at a later time can purchase another membership for a one or more months.
I have an event table in which the event of starting and stoping a membership is being logged.
member_id : int
event_type_id: int
event_time: timeuuid
PK (member_id, event_type_id, event_time)
One thing which can happen is that a member can have multiple memberships:
2015.1 - 2015.5
2016.1 - 2016.3
2016.5 - ?
How can i find out the via cassandra which is the number of active memberships within a specified month?
Sample data
2015.4 - 2015.6
2016.1 - 2016.3
User 2
2015.7 - 2015.8
2015.9 - 2016.3
User 3
2015.8 - 2015.12
2016.5 - ?
Active memberships for the month 2016.1:
User 1
User 2
The simple fact that your PK consists of
PK (member_id, event_type_id, event_time)
makes your question hard to solve, and at least inefficient because you need to query all partitions without being able to filter any record at database level (basically you must perform a SELECT without a WHERE clausole).
Just to alleviate this problem, I would transform your model in something like:
dummy int,
event_start timestamp,
event_stop timestamp,
member_id int,
PRIMARY KEY (dummy_partition, event_start, event_stop)
This table makes use of a dummy partition (this is an HOTSPOT!!! Don't try this at home... and in production...) that would allow to specify something like WHERE dummy = 0 AND ... which you can exploit by writing something like
SELECT member_id FROM events WHERE dummy = 0 AND event_start <= '2016-01-01' AND event_stop > '2016-01-01';
to get the records for the 2016.1 period, assuming that an indefinite membership is stored with a far timestamp (2100-01-01 should be far enough).
With this, you'll extract the member_ids that are active in the 2016.1 month, and the results will eventually contain some member_id duplicates. You'll need to filter them manually at application level.
The truth is that you should rethink you model, and something like creating a new table that holds membership month by month should be the best option you have, and probably it is the best way to solve that specific problem in the C* way.
Hope that helps.

Cassandra Counters Double Counting

I am new to Cassandra and am having an issue with counters double counting sometimes. I am trying to keep track of daily event counts for certain events. Here is my table structure:
create table pipes.pipe_event_counts (
count counter,
pipe_id text,
event_type text,
date text,
PRIMARY KEY ((pipe_id, event_type, date))
The driver I am using is the Datastax Java driver, and I am compiling and binding parameters to the following prepared statement:
incrementPipeEventCountStatement = CassandraClient.getInstance().getSession().prepare(
QueryBuilder.update("pipes", PIPE_EVENT_COUNT_TABLE_NAME).with(incr("count")).
where(eq("pipe_id", "?")).and(eq("date", "?")).and(eq("event_type", "?")).
event.getAttrubution(Meta.PIPE_ID), dateString, event.getType().toString()
The problem is very weird. Sometimes when I process a single event, the counter increments properly by 1. However, the majority of the time, it double increments. I've been looking at my code for some time now and can't find any issues that would cause a second increment.
Is my implementation of counters in Cassandra correct for my use case? I think it is, but I could be losing my mind. I'm hoping someone can help me confirm so I can focus in the right area to find my problem.
Important edit: This is the query I'm running to check the count after the event:
select count from pipes.pipe_event_counts where pipe_id = 'homepage' and event_type = 'click' and date = '2015-04-07';
The thing with counters is that they are not idempotent operations so when you retry (and don't know if your original write was successful) you may end up over-counting.
You can also never re-try and undercount.
As Chris chared, there are some issues with the counter implementation pre-2.1 that make the overcounting issue much more severe. There are also performance issues associated with counters so you want to make sure you look into these in detail before you push a counter deployment to production.
Here are the related Jiras to help you make informed decisions:
Counters ++ (major improvement - fixed 2.1) -- https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-6504
Memory / GC issues from large counter workloads, Counter Column (major improvement - fixed 2.1)--https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-6405
Counters into separate cells (final solution - eta 3.1)- https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-6506
