Loading a js file valid throughout project Node.js - node.js

So, currently I am working on a project in Reactjs that displays a customised modal.
The configuration of the modal is fetched through a configurationLoader.js file.
Since, it is developed in React, my components are divided across different files.
Currently, what I am doing is, loading the full configuration file and extracting the relevant information when required.
What I find redundant is, I have to require the configuration file at the start of every .js file.
Is there a way, where I export my module once, and its valid globally? .i.e. I don't have to require it again and again?

Globals are registered in the window object for the browser and in the global object in node. So you could do:
window.myConfiguration = require('configurationLoader')
global.myConfiguration = require('configurationLoader')
depending on where your code will run. Then you should be able to access myConfiguration anywhere in your code without needing to require it.


React dynamic image importing in development

I am building a React application which needs to display images dynamically which are stored, by the thousands, on a server-side file system. All of my attempts to successfully implement this have failed, including many which were taken from responses to similar questions.
Some details:
I used create-react-app to initialize my application. I am running in development mode (have not run npm-build). I'm using Express.js (Node.js) as a web-server, which I interact with through a proxy (only '/api' http requests use the proxy). My js code which attempts to 'require' the images is in the 'src' folder. The images are located in an 'images' folder in the default 'public' folder.
I thought I had found the solution when reading this page from create-react-app, as it states to use the public folder when 'You have thousands of images and need to dynamically reference their paths'. The page further instructs to use '%PUBLIC_URL%' or 'process.env.PUBLIC_URL' to access the 'public' folder. When using either of these I receive an 'Error: Cannot find module' message. Upon checking I notice that 'process.env.PUBLIC_URL' contains an empty string, and quickly notice that PUBLIC_URL is ignored in development mode.
I find this to be tremendously confusing, given that the 'Using the Public Folder' page is apparently describing the development phase of production, and yet it advises the use of something which is meaningless during development. Adding to my confusion, it appears as if the contents of that page resolved the issue for nearly all of those who have encountered a similar requirement in the past (example: 1, example: 2; both fail for me). Likewise, all attempts to to construct relative paths to the 'public' folder from the 'src' folder have yielded error messages. Failed code example:
let img = process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/images/Team.jpg';
<img src={require(`${img}`)} alt="X" />
Error: Cannot find module '/images/Team.jpg'
I never imagined showing images in React would be so difficult. Any help is truly very much appreciated.
I think you are correct, you just don't need the require, return <img src={process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/img/logo.png'} />; as you can see their docs
If you open in your browser http://localhost:PORT/images/Team.jpg that should open.
That's the reason process.env.PUBLIC_URL is empty in development, because they resolve everything inside this folder directly.

Sharing TypeScript classes between client and server

I have a Node.js project written in TypeScript. In my project, I have a folder named "public" which contains the client side code & HTML and also a file named classes.ts which is supposed to be shared to the server side.
The problem is that I need to add "export" before the classes declaration in order to make them accessible in the server, but then in the browser I get this Error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined
I found these questions:
Setup a Typescript project with classes shared between client and server apps?,
Share module between client and server with TypeScript,
which suggests using commonjs in the server but amd in the client. The problem with this solution is that they have 3 different projects (server, client and shared) whereas I only have one project in which I use commonjs.
Another suggestion is:
the other option, which is more convoluted and will require a post
build step to massage the code; if you can not use module loaders in
your client code, is to isolate all module dependencies in your server
code, then in the shared, they are just classes. Build the shared
files without --module, and no exports or imports, but all inside a
single namespace, say namespace MyApp { ... }; in your client code,
you include them directly, and emit using --out. in your server code,
you first emit the shared code to a single file, shared.js, and a
single .d.ts shared.d.ts, augment these with some code to export them
as a module, e.g. append exports = MyApp at the end of your shared.js
and shared.d.ts, then import them from your server code.
But I don't want to deal with updating .d.ts files all the time, and I'm also not sure it will work in one project.
Any suggestion how to make a TypeScript class accessible both in browser and server?
Any help will be profoundly appreciated!
This is absolutely possible.
I have a project containing both SPA client application that runs in browser and server running in node.js that both share common typescript classes. For all of this I have just one tsconfig.json file (I am still not sure that this is the best approach but for now it works just fine)
Here are parts of my setup:
Use modules (previously called external modules). No need for namespaces and d.ts files for your own modules.
module = "commonjs" in tsconfig.
On client side use System.js as module loader (this will solve your 'Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined'). You can use angular2 5 min quickstart as reference how to setup system.js.
It works like a charm.

What happens to modules required in exported modules Node?

I've been trying to modularize my server and web apps. i've read about exports and module.exports in Node here and here.
I get how it makes the functions available to other files / scripts, but what happens to the modules required within the exported file? If I require websockets in some file, export it and require it within another file, does the other file inherit the websockets from the exported file? Is it similar to a header file in C and just pastes that module into your file?
When you require() a module in node, it gets executed inside a closure and the value exported by the module is cached. So any additional require()s for the same module (located at the same absolute path) will always get the same object/value/whatever.
So in your websockets example, the require('websockets') that you do in your module is not automagically available to anyone requiring your module. Everything in a module is done within a separate, local scope (you can read/write the global scope accessible by all modules, but you really should not do that). This is why you need to explicitly export values for them to be seen by outsiders.

Meteor.js: How do you require or link one javascript file in another on the client and the server?

1) In node on the backend to link one javascript file to another we use the require statement and module.exports.
This allows us to create modules of code and link them together.
How do the same thing in Meteor?
2) On the front end, in Meteor is I want to access a code from another front end javascript file, I have to use globals. Is there a better way to do this, so I can require one javascript file in another file? I think something like browserify does this but I am not sure how to integrate this with Meteor.
Basically if on the client I have one file
test = () ->
alert 'Hello'
I want to be able to access this test function in another file
Template.profileEdit.rendered = ->
$ ->
How can I do this in Meteor without using globals?
Meteor wraps all the code in a module (function(){...your code...})() for every file we create. If you want to export something out of your js file (module), make it a global. i.e don't use var with the variable name you want to export and it'll be accessible in all files which get included after this module. Keep in mind the order in which meteor includes js files http://docs.meteor.com/#structuringyourapp
I don't think you can do this without using globals. Meteor wraps code in js files in SEF (self executing function) expressions, and exports api is available for packages only. What problem do you exactly have with globals? I've worked with fairly large Meteor projects and while using a global object to keep my global helpers namespaces, I never had any issues with this approach of accessing functions/data from one file in other files.
You can use a local package, which is just like a normal Meteor package but used only in your app.
If the package proves to be useful in other apps, you may even publish it on atmosphere.
I suggest you read the WIP section "Writing Packages" of the Meteor docs, but expect breaking changes in coming weeks as Meteor 0.9 will include the final Package API, which is going to be slightly different.
Basically, you need to create a package directory (my-package) and put it under /packages.
Then you need a package description file which needs to be named package.js at the root of your package.
summary:"Provides test"
// api.export is what you've been looking for all along !
Usually I try to mimic the Meteor application structure in my package so that's why I'd put test.js under my-package/client/lib/test.js : it's a utility function residing in the client.
alert("Hello !");
Another package convention is to declare a package-global object containing everything public and then exporting this single object so the app can access it.
The variables you export NEED to be package-global so don't forget to remove the var keyword when declaring them : package scope is just like regular meteor app scope.
Last but not least, don't forget to meteor add your package :
meteor add my-package
And you will be able to use Test.test in the client without polluting the global namespace.
EDIT due to second question posted in the comments.
Suppose now you want to use NPM modules in your package.
I'll use momentjs as an example because it's simple yet interesting enough.
First you need to call Npm.depends in package.js, we'll depend on the latest version of momentjs :
summary:"Yet another moment packaged for Meteor"
Then you can use Npm.require in your server side code just like this :
A real moment package would also export moment in the client by loading the client side version of momentjs.
You can use the atmosphere npm package http://atmospherejs.com/package/npm which lets you use directly NPM packages in your server code without the need of wrapping them in a Meteor package first.
Of course if a specific NPM package has been converted to Meteor and is well supported on atmosphere you should use it.

Change configuration in runtime by changing environment variables using the module node-config

I'm trying to use the node-config module to change some parameters of my configuration (basically logging level) during runtime.
In the official documentation says:
Environment variables can be used to override file configurations. Any environment variable that starts with $CONFIG_ is set into the CONFIG object.
I've checked that this is true when the server starts but it does not seem to work once it's up. (The handler of the watch function is never called when an environment variable is changed unlike a change in the runtime.json file or directly changing a config variable).
I'm currently watching the whole CONFIG object like this:
var CONFIG = require('config');
CONFIG.watch( CONFIG , null , function(object, propertyName, priorValue, newValue){
console.log("Configuration change detected");
Does anyone know if this is possible?
The environment is available during startup of a process.
If the process is running, you won't be able to change the environment anymore, the process is in.
The only option is to restart the process or use other mechanisms to communicate with it.
Say for example having a rest or tcp listener inside, where you can transfer your variable inside.
Best regards
As you must knowing, React is a single page application which is eventually when it is complied is a static page app that means all the files of the react application is complied into vanilla JS and CSS file bundle in a Tarball. Now that Tarball is eventually deployed on a web server. It could be Apache web server, nginx web server or anything which you are using it but an important point is the static app is running in someone else browser and someone access to website CSS and JS are downloaded in a browser and it is running in the browser runtime environment so technically you cannot have a runtime environment variable for someone else browser but may be there would be a way to access them during runtime.
I have achieved this goal with the package called runtime-cra.
follow the steps on this official documentation: https://blog.risingstack.com/create-react-app-runtime-env-cra/
