Set-AzureRmSqlDatabase takes a long time in Azure Automation - azure

We are using Azure SQL in our development environment and to reduce cost, we have created an Azure Automation runbook to scale down/up the Azure SQL instances. During working hours the databases are running with P2 and outside working hours they fall back to standard. This works fine, but there is a catch...
After a few days the runbook stopped working, because "the quota for the monthly total job run time has been reached". After some investigation it seems that the runbook takes about 30-45 minutes to complete.
I suspect that the runbook waits until the database is actually in the desired state. When I run the Set-AzureRmSqlDatabase from the command-line, then it returns immediately. How can I reproduce this with Azure Automation?
I am using the Scale an Azure SQL DB to a specified edition and tier from the Automation Gallery. Maybe I could create a custom script, but I would rather use standard scripts...


Downgrading Azure Resources during weekends using PowerShell Automation

In order to save expenses in Azure DevOps, I'm trying to scale the resources, which can scale depending on the requirement. Team leads will update the resource requirements in SharePoint, and the runbook needs to be executed with SharePoint datat. Team leads will update the resource requirements in SharePoint, and the runbook needs to be executed with SharePoint data. If such resources are not required on weekends but must be operational on weekdays, they should be stopped or reduced in size. I need to use automation to do it for all of the VMs and App Services at a subscription level every Friday. If there is a method to automate this procedure using PowerShell.
I'm glad to receive input. Thanks in advance.
I'm looking for feedback on Start/Stop VMs and Scaling Azure App Services. On weekends, the same may be said for other relevant resources. How can we accomplish this with Azure PowerShell?
The best way to do is by using 'Azure Automation Runbook' scheduled to run every specified day or date by time. To target the VM's, Azure Tags will be much helpful.
Your script must check:
A VM has a specific Tags (e.g., StopVM:Friday 11:00PM)
Maintenance Enabled in your monitoring solution
VM is stopped already or not.
Backup required?
Confirm the VM is Deallocated (not stopped)
Auto-Shutdown option is also available to do this activity.
Because sometime all you need is a quick and dirty way to save money :
And if you wan't to build something there's an API to shutdown and start VMs

Scheduling a long running task in Azure

I am very new in Azure. I have got a requirement to extract all ADO Workitems for all projects under the domain. I did it using WIQL and personal access token in C#. But the extraction takes around 1 hr to fetch everything for the last few years. Thats fine..
But the trouble is I have no idea how to make it schedule to run early morning every day (Outside business hours). Earlier we have got a dedicated server and thus I made the app a console app and used Task scheduler to run that every morning. But in Azure, please suggest a best and easy solution.
Developed in .NET Core 3.0
Azure webjobs will solve this problem you can enable the trigger to run automatically. Follow below article for step by step:
Micorsoft Document Reference
Using CRON jobs you step the schedule your task early morning
For this requirement, you can create a azure timer trigger function with cron expression which you want. Do your task in function code, the function will be executed according to the cron expression.
When you create the function app, please choose app service plan but not consumption plan because function in consumption plan can just run maximum 10 minutes and you mentioned your task will take about 1 hour. So choose app service plan and set the value of property functionTimeout as -1 in the host.json of your function.
By the way, you'd better also enable "Always on" of your function app because you need the function long running.

How to schedule runbook based on minutes in Azure automation Account

How to schedule automatically execute runbooks based on minutes instead of hours in Microsoft azure automation account?
hm, I thought this was possible, but it appears not. you can create multiple hourly schedules for this (if you want it to start every 10 minutes - create 6 hourly schedules), you can create an azure function timer triggered and just start your runbook with that (more hacky, I guess) or create an external event that would start the runbook using the Azure API or, perhaps, via a webhook

Vertical auto-scaling Azure VM

Recently, i have been introduced to Azure and i have an application that is using high CPU (almost 80%) during morning hours between 9 am to 1 pm. After that the CPU utilization is reduced to a minimal of 10% the whole day. So in order to reduce my cost i was thinking to implement vertical auto-scaling in my application. When i read more on this i could find automation account and RunBook as the only way but my need is that is there any other way to implement Vertical auto-scaling in Azure IaaS VM apart from automation account?
If Yes, please share the approach.
Yes you can use Azure PowerShell and/or the Azure CLI to execute scaling commands on a VM. Here are some PowerShell examples:
You would then just have to schedule the script to run either locally or in an Azure service like Functions, Container Instances or etc.
If you wanted to scale vertically a single VM based on a performance metric (CPU, memory, etc.) you can use the classic metric alerts system to do that. When those alerts fire based on thresholds you set you can invoke a webhook OR Logic App to trigger execution of a script or ARM Template.

Running an azure cloud service after every n days

I have created an azure service which is responsible for below task:
(1) Access the blob containers and download the files from there.
(2) Extract some data from downloaded files
(3) Stored the extracted data to an Azure SQL Server
I want to run this processing after every 7 days. Is there a way to achieve this? or can I use any other option than cloud service to achieve the above goal?
I would recommend you to use Azure Function as its Timer-based processing (Timer trigger) feature is able to fulfill your requirements.
Timer triggers call functions based on a schedule, one time or
Reference: Azure Functions timer trigger, Azure Functions Pricing
Another great advantage of using Azure Function for your scenario is its pricing model.
Azure Functions consumption plan is billed based on resource
consumption and executions.
Consumption plan pricing includes a
monthly free grant of 1 million requests and 400,000 GB-s of resource
consumption per month.
Certainly not natively with the Cloud Service itself. I mean, you can obviously code it so it performs some task(s) and sleeps for 7 days, but you will pay for all of that time, that makes no sense
You can use Azure WebJobs, Functions and Scheduler for this purpose, or you can create a PowerShell\Cli or something else cron task\task scheduler to turn on your Azure Cloud Service, wait for it to finish processing and turn it off. But that seems like a lot of extra effort, I'd rather go with Scheduler or Functions.
