How to update bean in database on a RequestScoped view? - jsf

First of all, sorry for my english. I have a RequestScoped ManagedBean in order to send parameters to other views, without getting the The scope of the object referenced by expression is shorter than the referring managed beans error. I also have in the same RequestScoped view a p:dataTable showing these beans objects, with an update button for each row, that retrieves this bean to another form in the same view to be update with new values.
The problem is, when I hit the submit button to record the new values, another record is created, instead of the older one being updated. Of course, because the bean is killed when the submit button is pressed (RequestScoped), creating a new bean and another record in the DB. How can I fix it in this scope?
I've seen some alternatives using #PostConstruct here, however I'm not entirely sure it would solve my specific problem.
After researching a bit more into this topic, I came to another doubt: I am using the same Bean in both views (in my case, ProjectBean), should I create a new Bean with RequestScoped annotation (something like ProjectIdBean), set the older one to ViewScoped (so I can reproduce updates naturally on my Database), and let this new Bean handle the requests for other views?
Submit button:
<p:commandButton value="Gravar" action="#{projetoBean.gravar}"
process="#form" update="#form :formTabelaProjetos:tabelaProjetos" />
'Gravar' method:
public void gravar() {
System.out.println("Gravando projeto " + this.projeto.getNome());
ProjetoDAO dao = new ProjetoDAO();
if (this.projeto.getId() == null) {
projetosAtivos = this.getProjetosAtivos();
} else {
this.projeto = new Projeto();

You can use request scoped backing bean for updating entities. The problem is, that the request life cycle ends when your page is rendered. So anything you loaded will get discarded. The submit creates another request, that will try to reload resources, but it is a different request than the previous one and for example request parameters often do not contain what the programmer expects. But this is what you found out already. There are two ways how to deal with the problem:
1) use simple getters and setters to set "String, Integer" and similar variables in your request scoped bean, that you use to reconstruct and modify the entity you want to update. It is not convenient for the programmer but request scoped beans save resources of your server.
2) change the scope of your backing bean. Session scope is not ideal, because it can stay in memory for a really long time. And you might realize you need to clean it up manually. Much better is ViewScoped bean as it allows you to work with the entities you loaded over several steps. It gets wiped out when the user leaves the page.
public class SomethingBean {


Primefaces: <p:dataTable>'s data source change or concurrency operation will cause the inconsistent parameter passing from jsf-el to backing bean [duplicate]

I've a data table as below:
<h:dataTable value="#{bean.items}" var="item">
I'd like to populate it with a collection from the database obtained from a service method so that it is immediately presented when the page is opened during an initial (GET) request. When should I call the service method? And why?
Call it before page is loaded. But how?
Call it during page load. How?
Call it in the getter method. But it is called multiple times.
Something else?
Do it in bean's #PostConstruct method.
public class Bean {
private List<Item> items;
private ItemService itemService;
public void init() {
items = itemService.list();
public List<Item> getItems() {
return items;
And let the value reference the property (not method!).
<h:dataTable value="#{bean.items}" var="item">
In the #PostConstruct you have the advantage that it's executed after construction and dependency injection. So in case that you're using an EJB to do the DB interaction task, a #PostConstruct would definitely be the right place as injected dependencies would not be available inside a normal constructor yet. Moreover, when using a bean management framework which uses proxies, such as CDI #Named, the constructor may or may not be called the way you expect. It may be called multiple times during inspecting the class, generating the proxy, and/or creating the proxy.
At least do not perform the DB interaction job in the getter, unless it's lazy loading and you really can't do anything else. Namely, it would be invoked during every iteration round. Calling the service method during every iteration round is plain inefficient and may end up in "weird" side effects during presentation and postbacks, such as old values from DB seemingly still sticking around in the model instead of new submitted values.
If you rely on GET request parameters, then use <f:viewParam> and <f:viewAction> instead. See also Creating master-detail pages for entities, how to link them and which bean scope to choose.
If you want to preserve the model (the items property) across postbacks on the same view (e.g. CRUD table/dialog), then make the bean #ViewScoped, else the model won't be in sync with the view when the same model is concurrently edited elsewhere. See also Creating master-detail table and dialog, how to reuse same dialog for create and edit.
If you utilize JPA's #Version feature on the model, then you can catch OptimisticLockException to deal with it and show a message like "The data has been edited by someone else, please refresh/review if the desired changes are as intended". See also Letting the presentation layer (JSF) handle business exceptions from service layer (EJB).
See also:
Why JSF calls getters multiple times
What can <f:metadata>, <f:viewParam> and <f:viewAction> be used for?
How to choose the right bean scope?
JSF Controller, Service and DAO

Doing something whenever user exits particular page

I have a internet shop application. I wanted to improve "removing from the cart" feature. I don't want to ask an user if he wants to "really remove" the position from the cart, instead I'd like to allow him cancel the operation.
Currently when user clicks "X" button at the product in the cart, row of table changes to "removed, click to cancel". In the back there is a list of CartPosition objects every with flag removed. Removed product is still on list, but the flag is set to true. It makes product still visible in proper position on the list, but on the view side I can render it another way. When user clicks another "X", previous one is premamently removed from the list and new one is marked as removed.
Shopping cart is session scoped CDI bean. It means, when I mark some position removed and go somewhere else, then go back to the cart, I'll still have one row marked as removed. I just don't want this.
I thought about changing the bean to JSF one, then create another view scoped which could keep record marked as removed and check if it's empty, if so I could remove the one from list. I have no idea if it's going to work. I'll try this approach, but I'd rather keep my beans managed by CDI.
Is there a way to handle this without implementing my above idea?
EDIT: #BalusC, your assumptions are wrong. You should rather suppose, that I don't exactly know how can I mix CDI and JSF. I actually use JSF 2.2, what means that javax.faces.view.ViewScoped annotation is available for me. Anyway I still don't understand the idea. I understood, that I have to rely on some ViewScoped bean. It's clear, but how it has to be composed. Can you explain your idea? I tried few things, but it looked it didn't work correctly. For example my #PreDestroy method of ViewScoped bean was never called and it's constructed lazily only when I try to use it.
Do the actual remove job in #PreDestroy annotated method of the session or view scoped bean.
public void destroy() {
// Do the actual remove job here.
Given that your question implies that you don't have CDI based javax.faces.view.ViewScoped available, which is new since JSF 2.2, this in turn suggests that you're still on JSF 2.0/2.1 and thus only have JSF based javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped at hands, then it should be noted that its #PreDestroy is broken in several circumstances. You'd then best do the #PreDestroy in the CDI based #SessionScoped bean. Alternatively, you could use OmniFaces #ViewScoped which has fixed and improved the #PreDestroy of a #ViewScoped bean in several ways. It even gets invoked on window unload.
As far as I understood your problem is the session. One way to solve the problem is to set the list of removed products in a request attribute and remove it from the session bean so that on the next request they will disappear.
Hope that helps

preRenderView not working during a method call [duplicate]

I've a data table as below:
<h:dataTable value="#{bean.items}" var="item">
I'd like to populate it with a collection from the database obtained from a service method so that it is immediately presented when the page is opened during an initial (GET) request. When should I call the service method? And why?
Call it before page is loaded. But how?
Call it during page load. How?
Call it in the getter method. But it is called multiple times.
Something else?
Do it in bean's #PostConstruct method.
public class Bean {
private List<Item> items;
private ItemService itemService;
public void init() {
items = itemService.list();
public List<Item> getItems() {
return items;
And let the value reference the property (not method!).
<h:dataTable value="#{bean.items}" var="item">
In the #PostConstruct you have the advantage that it's executed after construction and dependency injection. So in case that you're using an EJB to do the DB interaction task, a #PostConstruct would definitely be the right place as injected dependencies would not be available inside a normal constructor yet. Moreover, when using a bean management framework which uses proxies, such as CDI #Named, the constructor may or may not be called the way you expect. It may be called multiple times during inspecting the class, generating the proxy, and/or creating the proxy.
At least do not perform the DB interaction job in the getter, unless it's lazy loading and you really can't do anything else. Namely, it would be invoked during every iteration round. Calling the service method during every iteration round is plain inefficient and may end up in "weird" side effects during presentation and postbacks, such as old values from DB seemingly still sticking around in the model instead of new submitted values.
If you rely on GET request parameters, then use <f:viewParam> and <f:viewAction> instead. See also Creating master-detail pages for entities, how to link them and which bean scope to choose.
If you want to preserve the model (the items property) across postbacks on the same view (e.g. CRUD table/dialog), then make the bean #ViewScoped, else the model won't be in sync with the view when the same model is concurrently edited elsewhere. See also Creating master-detail table and dialog, how to reuse same dialog for create and edit.
If you utilize JPA's #Version feature on the model, then you can catch OptimisticLockException to deal with it and show a message like "The data has been edited by someone else, please refresh/review if the desired changes are as intended". See also Letting the presentation layer (JSF) handle business exceptions from service layer (EJB).
See also:
Why JSF calls getters multiple times
What can <f:metadata>, <f:viewParam> and <f:viewAction> be used for?
How to choose the right bean scope?
JSF Controller, Service and DAO

ActionListener is called multiple times (Bug?) - Mojarra 2.1.3

I have the following button:
value="Search" />
When I debug I see that the actionListener is called twice first, then three times, next click four times and so on.
It seems like on every reload the actionListener is registered one more time.
I'm using Mojarra 2.1.3 (also tried 2.0.6) and Tomcat 7 with IceFaces.
The binding is done that way:
private javax.faces.component.UICommand searchButton;
public void setSearchButton(UICommand searchButton) {
this.searchButton = searchButton;
public UICommand getSearchButton() {
return searchButton;
That can happen if you've bound the component to a session or application scoped bean instead of a request scoped bean. This is simply a bad design. The very same component would be reused among multiple requests/views. You need to put the bean in the request scope, or to get rid of the component binding altogether.
Note that binding the component directly to a bean is often a sign of poor design somewhere in the code. What is it, the functional requirement and/or problem for which you thought that this is the solution? If you elaborate on that, we may be able to propose the right approach.
Also note that using an action listener alone is also a design smell. I'd expect "searchForLicenses" to be a normal action method. See also Differences between action and actionListener.
The similar issue takes place when component is using binding and validator or valueChangListener and backing bean is of View, Session or Application scope. Then corresponding listeners are called many times but not once during request (+1 time with every new request).
One possible solution is to override jsf class AttachedObjectListHolder which is used for storing component listeners. Current implementation simply add new listener to component even though the same listener is already there. So the proposed fix is to check that listener does not exist before adding it.
Details of the fix you can see here

Separate Managed bean for a popup dialog

I have three screens(views) associated with separate managed beans for each view.
And, I have a common pop-up dialog which can be opened in all the views.
Can I define a managedbean separately for the pop-up with state #NoneScoped; and maintain an instance of it in each parent bean?? or
Do I need to maintain pop-up data in all three parent views?
Please, suggest me the best practice.
I think this is what you are looking for (check out the answer by BalusC) -
Whats the correct way to create multiple instances of managed beans in JSF 2.0
And since you are using #NoneScoped (unlike #RequestScoped in the above question), I also recommend you to look at this answer by BalusC (about #NoneScoped) -
what is none scope bean and when to use it?
And according to this answer, you can't maintain any instances of a managedbean that is none-scoped, as they are garbaged as soon as they are used.
So, in your case since you have three separate views, for each view, the bean is constructed and used to build the view and garbaged. (Looks like it does not even last for a request cycle). When you request another view, it will be a separate instance.
To have multiple intances of a bean, you can have three properties in a Session-Scoped been (to make them survive across multiple views).
public class Parent {
private Child child1;
private Child child2;
private Child child3;
// ...
