botframework node.js bot does not connect to chatconnector - node.js

So when I tried to connect my microsoft bot written in node.js (using LUIS as the intent recognizer) to azure bot, it doesn't connect. But it runs fine locally using the emulator and the version written in .NET connects fine as well. What could be the problem?


Upgrade to WebSocket is required. Error when browse to folder api messages for bot deployed in azure

I have created a LivePerson Bot for handoff as per sample code. It works fine when I run it locally from emulator but. When I deploy it in azure, My messages from Liveperson agent to Azure Bot are not reaching to bot. At the same time I also get the error "Upgrade to WebSocket is required" when I browse URL api/messages of a deployed bot. Can anybody help me here. What can be probalble reasons?
Live Person proxy bot sample can be found here.
Best Regards
Check this setting in the WebApp configuration:

Microsoft Bot working in emulator but not in azure web chat

I have a bot developed in Bot Framework SDK 4.0, .Net Core 2.1 . I have deployed this in local IIS and when tested with emulator locally it works well. I have configured it in Azure, set message end point as below:
when I tried to test with Test "Test in Web chat" in Azure I can see
and 404 not found in ngrok in IIS server(local). I have configured Microsoft App Id & Password in appsettings.json same as Azure. Is there any thing which I am missing here? Thanks for Help.

IBM ID in local develommet

There is any way to test a local development with IBM App ID? It works fine when you upload the app to bluemix, but I don't found how to make it work in local. Any advice or recommendation?
PS.I use Node for development
You can configure your local environment to use the App ID service. Specifically, you can develop code locally by using the App ID server SDK to send requests to the development server.

Hosting Microsoft BOT on Enterprise Cloud?

We are trying to host the BOT on the Enterprise server IIS server which is an internet server visible to Microsoft and other outside public domains.
So, after hosting the BOT on the enterprise cloud server we would get an endpoint ex:
Can I use the above endpoint to register the bot in the microsoft's
Please help, as we are planning for a large scale implementation of the BOT.
As long as the server has a SSL Certificate it should work assuming you deploy the bot correctly. Test it out first by using the Bot Emulator to see if you can send a receive messages from a computer in your system's network. Next try registering the bot on Microsoft's Bot Framework and seeing whether Microsoft's Bot Connector service can connect to the bot successfully.
Your system/intranet may block outside messages from Microsoft in which case you will have to change some settings, etc. with your firewall. This GitHub Issue follows an issue with white-listing Microsoft's Bot Connector service.

WP8 app with large signalr component only works on Emulator

I have a SignalR enabled Web API server on Azure, and I have created a Windows Phone 8 client app that works perfectly well with the server on my WP8 Emulator.
After deploying to my Nokia Lumia 925 device, none of the components that demonstrate Server - Client push work.
Like, literally, nothing Signal R works on the app, but when I run it again on my Emulator everything works.
I just don't get what is going on.
I need help, please.
The REST API and the SignalR powered streaming API are live on Azure.
Basically, I can make posts to the rest API, but then the Streaming API which is meant to broadcast that post to all connected clients including the originating client fails on the deployed device, but not on the emulator.
Could be proxy/connection related.
On the emulator you could be using a debug/emulated version of your Azure Service in which case the WP8 client app can see it fine. You may want to make sure the WCF Service has actually been deployed to Azure it is accessible over the web and its not actually pointing to locahost.
Then once your sure of all that just make sure your phone's browser can see the services end-points on azure and the client app should see it fine.
Maybe also try using Fiddler to see what network traffic is coming from your emulator and also the app once on-device. Also check you're not trying to hit "localhost" once deployed to your device. See here for how to use Fiddler with WP8 emulator and devices:
