Invoke node.js from Linux desktop menu - node.js

This may be related to how Linux desktop menu items are invoked.
I have a script like this:
cd ~/mydir/
node server.js
which works fine when I run it inside a terminal shell, but when I put it into the Linux desktop menu, the server was not executed (the process 'node' is not present).
I changed it to:
node ~/mydir/server.js
but it is still not working (but it works in the shell terminal).
Strangely, when I was using other non-Node.js servers, such as http-server, it works even when the script is invoked from the desktop menu.
Any ideas?


How do I create a shortcut for a command line command in Raspbian Stretch?

I am attempting to install RetroPie as an app on Raspbian Stretch and I am done except for creating a desktop shortcut for it. The problem is that the only way to open RetroPie seems to be running a command in the command line. I can’t do it in terminal because it gives me an error saying that it can’t initialize the window. Is there a way to run a command line command as a shortcut or am I going to have to find another way of doing this?
P.S. Here is the tutorial that I followed to install RetroPie:
Probably your shell (on the raspberry) is GNU bash. So read the manual of GNU bash.
You probably want (once) to edit some Bash startup file (such as ~/.bashrc) to define functions and aliases there, and you could add executable shell scripts somewhere in your $PATH. I recommend having a $HOME/bin/ directory containing your scripts and executables, and have $HOME/bin/ early in your $PATH.
I can’t do it in terminal because it gives me an error saying that it can’t initialize the window.
Perhaps you need some display server (such as Xorg or Wayland) running (with a desktop environment or a window manager). You could run Xorg on your PC (on which you could install Linux) and connect to the raspberry using ssh -X then remote applications running on your Raspberry are displayed on your PC. IF your Raspberry is directly connected to a screen (via HDMI) you might run some Xorg server on it.
Is there a way to run a command line command as a shortcut
Yes, by making a shell alias or shell function or shell script. You need to understand how they work and change or create some appropriate file using some source code editor (I recommend GNU emacs, but the choice is yours and you might use any other editor such as vim, gedit, etc...): functions and aliases could be defined in your ~/.bashrc; shell scripts would usually have their own file with a shebang under your $HOME/bin/...

Node wrapper to start a terminal application like vim, emacs, tmux

TLDR; how can I run a node process from the terminal, start a process from node, exit the node process and have the process be attached to the parent terminal?
I am writing a node terminal application which should end by starting a new terminal application (e.g. vim, emacs, tmux). I want this application to run as if is was executed manually in the terminal that started the node application.
My current workaround for tmux is to run the node application, which sets up a new tmux session and echoes a tmux attach-session command just before the application exists. The user can then type this command manually in the terminal and execute it. Now the tmux session runs attached to the terminal.
I would want to move the attach command into the node application, but have the same end results. I.e. the node application terminates and the tmux session runs attached to the terminal. This seems to me to be required to do the same for applications like emacs, vim, etc. Where I cannot decouple the setup and attach. (For all I know vim and emacs can handle this decoupling, and I would be interested in knowing, but the original question asks for a general solution for any terminal application).
By attached, I mean as if the command/program was executed manually in the terminal.
The POSIX exec solves this problem as #Amadan has commented above. This solution does not work on windows.
The following snippet shows an example of how to do this with the kexec module.
const kexec = require("kexec");
kexec("emacs -nw");

Using Gnome-Schedule to run shell script that opens Chromium browser

I have a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian 8.0. I have a shell script that triggers a Chromium Browser to open and go to a specified URL that changes every day. The shell script works when executed from the terminal. How would I get this to work through Gnome Schedule's GUI? I would like this to trigger everyday at a specified time. I've tried setting the command to /home/pi/, sh /home/pi/ I read something about needing to specify the display output since I'm running Gnome Schedule from root which isn't the current user logged in. So for that I tried export DISPLAY=:0 && /home/pi/ Is this going to be possible?
If you put
export DISPLAY=:0.0 at the top of your script rather than export DISPLAY=:0, this should work.

Run a node.js server from Geany

A simple question: Is it possible to configure the Geany IDE so that Node.js servers can be run directly from Geany using the "Run" button?
When inside a JS file, go to Build > Set Build Commands, there should be a section title Execute commands. To use node to execute your files, put: node "%f" in the "Execute" command textbox.
When you change this, any .js files you are editing will run node in the virtual terminal when you hit F5.
If you want to set up an entire project to run the server whenever you're working somewhere within a given directory structure, you'll have to mess with project-level configuration. (something I don't usually bother with) My solution here just gives you a quick way to execute a single JS file without using an external terminal.
UPDATE: node "%f" seems to be legacy, but nodejs "%f" works

Using script to automatically start program when the system boot up (linux, shell)

Here is the situation, I'm planning to use a simple script to start a program call "STAF", when the Suse system is fully booted. I have achieved this by putting it in the "/etc/init.d/", but this script is basically executed at the background, which means that I cannot see its progress.
When the "STAF" is started this way it works but it doesn't show any working progress when its running service (for example ping, or system backup), instead if I start the "STAF" manually by running the same script whit a terminal, the working progress of "STAF" can be seen on the terminal. Its sort of like the program needs to be started with a interactive terminal, but how can I make this starting process automatic and it should imitate human opening a terminal and run the script?
Sorry if I explained it poorly because its a confusing situation. Thanks.
First, go to the KDE Startup and Shutdown options under System Settings. Then add this command as a new startup script:
konsole -e bash
I believe the screen utility can do what you describe. Instead of running STAF on startup, you would run screen STAF. To open that terminal, you would run screen -ls to get the screen ID, and screen -r ... to open it.
(Disclaimer: I have not tried this.)
