magic statics: similar constructs, interesting non-obvious uses? - multithreading

C++11 introduced threadsafe local static initialization, aka "magic statics": Is local static variable initialization thread-safe in C++11?
In particular, the spec says:
If control enters the declaration concurrently while the variable is
being initialized, the concurrent execution shall wait for completion
of the initialization.
So there's an implicit mutex lock here. This is very interesting, and seems like an anomaly-- that is, I don't know of any other implicit mutexes built into c++ (i.e. mutex semantics without any use of things like std::mutex). Are there any others, or is this unique in the spec?
I'm also curious whether magic static's implicit mutex (or other implicit mutexes, if there are any) can be leveraged to implement other synchronization primitives. For example, I see that they can be used to implement std::call_once, since this:
std::call_once(onceflag, some_function);
can be expressed as this:
static int dummy = (some_function(), 0);
Note, however, that the magic static version is more limited than std::call_once, since with std::call_once you could re-initialize onceflag and so use the code multiple times per program execution, whereas with magic statics, you really only get to use it once per program execution.
That's the only somewhat non-obvious use of magic statics that I can think of.
Is it possible to use magic static's implicit mutex to implement other synchronization primitives, e.g. a general std::mutex, or other useful things?

Initialization of block-scope static variables is the only place where the language requires synchronization. Several library functions require synchronization, but aren't directly synchronization functions (e.g. atexit).
Since the synchronization on the initialization of a local static is a one-time affair, it would be hard, if not impossible, to implement a general purpose synchronization mechanism on top of it, since every time you needed a synchronization point you would need to be initializing a different local static object.
Though they can be used in place of call_once in some circumstances, they can't be used as a general replacement for that, since a given once_flag object may be used from many places.


Is there a way in rust to mark a type as non-droppable?

I would like to make it a compiler error to allow a type to be dropped, instead it must be forgotten. My use case is for a type the represents a handle of sorts that must be returned to its source for cleanup. This way a user of the API cannot accidentally leak the handle. They would be required to either return the handle to its source or explicitly forget it. In the source, the associated resources would be cleaned up and the handle explicitly forgotten.
The article The Pain Of Real Linear Types in Rust mentions this. Relevant quote:
One extreme option that I've seen is to implement drop() as
abort("this value must be used"). All "proper" consumers then
mem::forget the value, preventing this "destructor bomb" from going
off. This provides a dynamic version of strict must-use values.
Although it's still vulnerable to the few ways destructors can leak,
this isn't a significant concern in practice. Mostly it just stinks
because it's dynamic and Rust users Want Static Verification.
Ultimately, Rust lacks "proper" support for this kind of type.
So, assuming you want static checks, the answer is no.
You could require the user to pass a function object that returns the handle (FnOnce(Handle) -> Handle), as long as there aren't any other ways to create a handle.

Why does pthread_exit use void*?

I recently started using posix threads and the choice of argument types in the standard made me curious. I haven't been able to asnwer the question of why does pthread_exit use void* instead of int for the returning status of the thread? (the same as exit does).
The only advantage I see is that it lets the programmers define the status how they want (e.g. return a pointer to a complex structure), but I doubt it is widely used like this.
It seems that in most cases this choice has more overhead because of necessary casting.
This isn't just for status, it's the return value of the thread. Using a pointer allows the thread to return a pointer to a dynamically-allocated array or structure.
You can't really compare it with the exit() parameter, because that's for sending status to the operating system. This is intentionally very simple to allow portability with many OSes.
The only advantage I see is that it lets the programmers define the status how they want (e.g. return a pointer to a complex structure), but I doubt it is widely used like this.
Indeed, that's the reason. And it's probably not used that widely (e.g. you can communicate values via other means such as a pointer passed to thread function, global var with synchronisation, etc). But if you were to have a it like void pthread_exit(int);, the it takes away the ability to return pointers. So void pthread_exit(void*); is a more flexible design.
It seems that in most cases this choice has more overhead because of necessary casting.
In most cases, it's not used at all as the common way is to return nothing i.e. pthread_exit(NULL);. So it only matters when returning pointers (to structs and such) and in those cases a conversion to void * isn't necessary as any pointer type can be converted to void * without an explicit cast.

How to implement long-lived variables/state in a library?

I understand that the preferred way to implement something like a global/instance/module variable in Rust is to create said variable in main() or other common entry point and then pass it down to whoever needs it.
It also seems possible to use a lazy_static for an immutable variable, or it can be combined with a mutex to implement a mutable one.
In my case, I am using Rust to create a .so with bindings to Python and I need to have a large amount of mutable state stored within the Rust library (in response to many different function calls invoked by the Python application).
What is the preferred way to store that state?
Is it only via the mutable lazy_static approach since I have no main() (or more generally, any function which does not terminate between function calls from Python), or is there another way to do it?
Bundle it
In general, and absent other requirements, the answer is to bundle your state in some object and hand it over to the client. A popular name is Context.
Then, the client should have to pass the object around in each function call that requires it:
Either by defining the functionality as methods on the object.
Or by requiring the object as parameter of the functions/methods.
This gives full control to the client.
The client may end up creating a global for it, or may actually appreciate the flexibility of being able to juggle multiple instances.
Note: There is no need to provide any access to the inner state of the object; all the client needs is a handle (ref-counted, in Python) to control the lifetime and decide when to use which handle. In C, this would be a void*.
There are cases, such as a cache, where the functionality is not impacted, only the performance.
In this case, while the flexibility could be appreciated, it may be more of a burden than anything. A global, or thread-local, would then make sense.
I'd be tempted to dip into unsafe code here. You cannot use non-static lifetimes, as the lifetime of your state would be determined by the Python code, which Rust can't see. On the other hand, 'static state has other problems:
It necessarily persists until the end of the program, which means there's no way of recovering memory you're no longer using.
'static variables are essentially singletons, making it very difficult to write an application that makes multiple independent usages of your library.
I would go with a solution similar to what #Matthieu M. suggests, but instead of passing the entire data structure back and forth over the interface, allocate it on the heap, unsafely, and then pass some sort of handle (i.e. pointer) back and forth.
You would probably want to write a cleanup function, and document your library to compel users to call the cleanup function when they're done using a particular handle. Effectively, you're explicitly delegating the management of the lifecycle of the data to the calling code.
With this model, if desired, an application could create, use, and cleanup multiple datasets (each represented by their own handle) concurrently and independently. If an application "forgets" to cleanup a handle when finished, you have a memory leak, but that's no worse than storing the data in a 'static variable.
There may be helper crates and libraries to assist with doing this sort of thing. I'm not familiar enough with rust to know.

nonatomic operations on std::atomic

I have a huge array of pointers and I need to use them atomically. C++11 provides std::atomic class and relative functions for these purposes, and it is quite fine for me in general. But at the initialization and cleanup stages I do not need it to be atomic, it is known that only one thread will operate the data. It would be easy if atomic pointers would be implemented as plain volatile variables like it actually was before C++11, but now here is my problem: std::atomic forces me to use only atomic operations.
Is there a way of nonatomic use of std::atomic?

task<...> construction vs create_task

According to Asynchronous programming in C++ (Windows Store apps):
// Explicit construction. (Not recommended)
// Pass the IAsyncOperation to a task constructor.
// task<DeviceInformationCollection^> deviceEnumTask(deviceOp);
// Recommended:
auto deviceEnumTask = create_task(deviceOp);
Why is assignment (create_task) preferred over construction?
I think you're just as bound either way. You're bound to the class you're constructing as well as the factory interface you may be using and subject to maintaining compatibility with whatever changes are made to the public interfaces utilitized in your implementation. Disruptive changes are just as possible in either location. Microsoft's answer to this question comes from the create_task() documentation: create_task() is just a convenience function as it allows the use of the 'auto' keyword while creating tasks.
I think the reason why using factories in general is more desirable rather than calling constructors is that this is less coupled with specific implementation of the interface. If you call constructor then your program is tightly coupled with given implementation.
Object construction with factories is less coupled, and also more flexible and extendable. For example, in the next version of the API providers might decide to deprecate certain implementation or replace it with something else. If you use only factory then they can simply change it's implementation to return instance of another class, or inject some more dependencies internally. But if your program is bound with specific class it would be much diffucult to achieve.
