Take mean of feature set using openSMILE audio feature extractor - audio

My problem is taking mean of all features from different frames in one sample .wav file. I am trying cFunctionals in "chroma_fft.conf" file which belongs to latest OpenEar framework. For best explanation, i am writing these essential codes which i wrote in "chroma_fft.conf" and it is shown below;
instance[functL1].type = cFunctionals
reader.dmLevel = chroma
writer.dmLevel = func
frameMode = full
functionalsEnabled = Means
Means.amean = 1
reader.dmLevel = func
However, when i run from command prompt in windows, i got error;
"(ERROR) [1] in configManager : base instance of field 'functL1.reader.dmInstance' not found in configmanager!"
Very similar code is running succesfully from "emo_large.conf" but this code got error. If any body knows how to use OpenSmile audio feature extractor, can give advice or answer why it has error and how to use "cFunctionals" properly to take mean, variance, moments etc. of large feature sets.

In this case you have a typo in
which should be
I admit the error message
"(ERROR) [1] in configManager : base instance of field 'functL1.reader.dmInstance' not found in configmanager!"
is not intutive, but it refers to the fact that openSMILE expects a configuration section functL1 of type cFunctionals in the config to read the mandatory (sub-)field functL1.reader.dmInstance, which it then cannot find, because the section (due to the typo) is not defined.


pgfopts: arguments with spaces don't play well with babel

If I define a new package like this
\ProvidesClass{myPlanning}[2022/07/16 my Planning class]
lang/.initial = english , lang/.store in = \myOrg#lang,
title/.initial = title , title/.store in = \myOrg#title,
and I try to compile this document
\documentclass[lang=french,title={truc bidul}]{myPlanning}
some text here
I get the following error:
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.22 (TeX Live 2022/dev/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2021-11-15> patch level 1
L3 programming layer <2022-01-21>
Document Class: myPlanning 2022/07/16 my Planning class
Document Class: article 2021/10/04 v1.4n Standard LaTeX document class
ex))))) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/babel/babel.sty
! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.4261 \ifin#\edef\bbl#tempc{\bbl#tempb}\fi}
However, if I compile this (No spaces in the title argument):
some text here
It compiles fine with no errors.
What's more, the first document with spaces in the title argument compiles fine if I remove the \RequirePackage[\myOrg#lang]{babel} line from the package definition.
Is this a known problem and is there a solution ?
Thanks for your help,
Update: The underlying issue was fixed in upstream babel on 2022-11-24 and should be resolved in the next release.
The issue is not the key=value parser but a code block of babel that tries to detect whether the wrong language is loaded if it got both options from the \documentclass and options when the package was called. That being said, pgfopts isn't up-to-date with current LaTeX (there were substantial changes to the option-system about a year ago that pgfopts has not yet followed suit), the only solutions to key=value options that are compatible to my knowledge are the builtin mechanism and expkv-opt.
But as I said, neither will solve your issue. Using main=\myOrg#lang in the options of babel however will, as if you used the main-option the problematic code of babel will not be used. So if you change your class to the following the only (admittedly strange) warning regarding your options you'll get will be
LaTeX Warning: Unused global option(s):
(but that stems from your strange usage of \LoadClass, in which article will add french to the unused options list though it isn't in the global options list, hence babel will not pick it up and remove it from said list).
\ProvidesClass{myPlanning}[2022/07/16 my Planning class]
,lang/.initial = english
,lang/.store in = \myOrg#lang
,title/.initial = title
,title/.store in = \myOrg#title,

How to merge nodes and relationships using py2neo v4 and Neo4j

I am trying to perform a basic merge operation to add nonexistent nodes and relationships to my graph by going through a csv file row by row. I'm using py2neo v4, and because there is basically no documentation or examples of how to use py2neo, I can't figure out how to actually get it done. This isn't my real code (it's very complicated to handle many different cases) but its structure is basically like this:
import py2neo as pn
graph = pn.Graph("bolt://localhost:###/", user="neo4j", password="py2neoSux")
matcher = pn.NodeMatcher(graph)
tx = graph.begin()
if (matcher.match("Prefecture", name="foo").first()) == None):
previousNode = pn.Node("Type1", name="fo0", yc=1)
previousNode = matcher.match("Prefecture", name="foo").first())
thisNode = pn.Node("Type2", name="bar", yc=1)
theLink = pn.Relationship(thisNode, "PARTOF", previousNode)
Currently this throws the error
ValueError: Primary label and primary key are required for MERGE operation
the first time it needs to merge a node that it hasn't found (i.e., when creating a node). So then I change the line to:
tx.merge(thisNode,primary_label=list(thisNode.labels)[0], primary_key="name")
Which gives me the error IndexError: list index out of range from somewhere deep in the py2neo source code (....site-packages\py2neo\internal\operations.py", line 168, in merge_subgraph at node = nodes[i]). I tried to figure out what was going wrong there, but I couldn't decipher where the nodes list come from through various connections to other commands.
So, it currently matches and creates a few nodes without problem, but at some point it will match until it needs to create and then fails in trying to create that node (even though it is using the same code and doing the same thing under the same circumstances in a loop). It made it through all 20 rows in my sample once, but usually stops on the row 3-5.
I thought it had something to do with the transactions (see comments), but I get the same problem when I merge directly on the graph. Maybe it has to do with the py2neo merge function finding more identities for nodes than nodes. Maybe there is something wrong with how I specified my primarily label and/or key.
Because this error and code are opaque I have no idea how to move forward.
Anybody have any advice or instructions on merging nodes with py2neo?
Of course I'd like to know how to fix my current problem, but more generally I'd like to learn how to use this package. Examples, instructions, real documentation?
I am having a similar problem and just got done ripping my hair out to figure out what was wrong! SO! What I learned was that at least in my case.. and maybe yours too since we got similar error messages and were doing similar things. The problem lied for me in that I was trying to create a Node with a __primarykey__ field that had a different field name than the others.
# in some for loop or complex code
node = Node("Example", name="Test",something="else")
node.__primarykey__ = "name"
<code merging or otherwise creating the node>
# later on in the loop you might have done something like this cause the field was null
node = Node("Example", something="new")
node.__primarykey__ = "something"
I hope this helps and was clear I'm still recovering from wrapping my head around things. If its not clear let me know and I'll revise.
Good luck.

2 Sequential Transactions, setting Detail Number (Revit API / Python)

Currently, I made a tool to rename view numbers (“Detail Number”) on a sheet based on their location on the sheet. Where this is breaking is the transactions. Im trying to do two transactions sequentially in Revit Python Shell. I also did this originally in dynamo, and that had a similar fail , so I know its something to do with transactions.
Transaction #1: Add a suffix (“-x”) to each detail number to ensure the new numbers won’t conflict (1 will be 1-x, 4 will be 4-x, etc)
Transaction #2: Change detail numbers with calculated new number based on viewport location (1-x will be 3, 4-x will be 2, etc)
Better visual explanation here: https://www.docdroid.net/EP1K9Di/161115-viewport-diagram-.pdf.html
Py File here: http://pastebin.com/7PyWA0gV
Attached is the python file, but essentially what im trying to do is:
# <---- Make unique numbers
t = Transaction(doc, 'Rename Detail Numbers')
for i, viewport in enumerate(viewports):
setParam(viewport, "Detail Number",getParam(viewport,"Detail Number")+"x")
# <---- Do the thang
t2 = Transaction(doc, 'Rename Detail Numbers')
for i, viewport in enumerate(viewports):
setParam(viewport, "Detail Number",detailViewNumberData[i])
Attached is py file
As I explained in my answer to your comment in the Revit API discussion forum, the behaviour you describe may well be caused by a need to regenerate between the transactions. The first modification does something, and the model needs to be regenerated before the modifications take full effect and are reflected in the parameter values that you query in the second transaction. You are accessing stale data. The Building Coder provides all the nitty gritty details and numerous examples on the need to regenerate.
Summary of this entire thread including both problems addressed:
So this issue actually had nothing to do with transactions or doc regeneration. I discovered (with some help :) ), that the problem lied in how I was setting/getting the parameter. "Detail Number", like a lot of parameters, has duplicate versions that share the same descriptive param Name in a viewport element.
Apparently the reason for this might be legacy issues, though im not sure. Thus, when I was trying to get/set detail number, it was somehow grabbing the incorrect read-only parameter occasionally, one that is called "VIEWER_DETAIL_NUMBER" as its builtIn Enumeration. The correct one is called "VIEWPORT_DETAIL_NUMBER". This was happening because I was trying to get the param just by passing the descriptive param name "Detail Number".Revising how i get/set parameters via builtIn enum resolved this issue. See images below.
Please see pdf for visual explanation: https://www.docdroid.net/WbAHBGj/161206-detail-number.pdf.html

Allocating matrix / structure data instead of string name to variable

I have a script that opens a folder and does some processing on the data present. Say, there's a file "XYZ.tif".
Inside this tif file, there are two groups of datasets, which show up in the workspace as
If I want to continue with the 2nd set, I can use
However, XYZ usually is much longer and varies per file, whereas data.ch3e is consistent.
Therefore I tried
where origfilename of course is XYZ, which has (automatically) been extracted before.
However, that gives me a string A (since I practically typed
instead of the matrix that data.ch3eXYZ actually is.
I think it's just a problem with ()'s, []'s, or {}'s but Ican't seem to figure it out.
Thanks in advance!
If you know the string, dynamic field references should help you here and are far better than eval
Slightly modified example from the linked blog post:
fldnm = 'fred';
s.fred = 18;
y = s.(fldnm)
y =
So for your case:
test = data.(['ch3e' origfilename]);
Should be sufficient
Edit: Link to the documentation

Using indexed types for ElasticSearch in Titan

I currently have a VM running Titan over a local Cassandra backend and would like the ability to use ElasticSearch to index strings using CONTAINS matches and regular expressions. Here's what I have so far:
After titan.sh is run, a Groovy script is used to load in the data from separate vertex and edge files. The first stage of this script loads the graph from Titan and sets up the ES properties:
The second part of the script sets up the indexed types:
The third part loads in the data from the CSV files, this has been tested and works fine.
My problem is, I don't seem to be able to use the ElasticSearch functions when I do a Gremlin query. For example:
returns 0 results, even though I know this field contains the string "test" for that property at least once. Weirder still, when I change CONTAINS to something that isn't recognised by ElasticSearch I get a "no such property" error. I can also perform exact string matches and any numerical comparisons including greater or less than, however I expect the default indexing method is being used over ElasticSearch in these instances.
Due to the lack of errors when I try to run a more advanced ES query, I am at a loss on what is causing the problem here. Is there anything I may have missed?
I'm not quite sure what's going wrong in your code. From your description everything looks fine. Can you try the follwing script (just paste it into your Gremlin REPL):
config = new BaseConfiguration()
g = TitanFactory.open(config)
alice = g.addVertex(["name":"alice"])
bob = g.addVertex(["name":"bob"])
alice.addEdge("knows", bob, ["property":"foo test bar"])
// test queries
The last 2 lines should return something like e[1t-4-1w][4-knows-8]. If that works and you still can't figure out what's wrong in your code, it would be good if you can share your full code (e.g. in Github or in a Gist).
